Jealousy- S.H. x Fem! reader

By FranticRomance

27.6K 446 63

(please understand that this is not edited and is my first book that I wrote a long time ago) Y/n Henderson i... More

Information you should know
🌗S1- Chapter 1
🌗S1- Chapter 2
🌗S1- Chapter 3
🌗S1- Chapter 4
🌗S1- Chapter 5
🌗S1- Chapter 6
🌗S1- Chapter 7
🌗S1- Chapter 8
❄️S2- Chapter 2
❄️S2- Chapter 3
❄️S2- Chapter 4
❄️S2- Chapter 5
❄️S2- Chapter 6
❄️S2- Chapter 7
❄️S2- Chapter 8
🎆S3- Chapter 1
🎆S3- Chapter 2
🎆S3- Chapter 3
🎆S3- Chapter 4
🍃S4- Chapter 1
🍃S4- Chapter 2
🍃S4- Chapter 3
🍃S4- Chapter 4
🍃S4- Chapter 5
🍃S4- Chapter 6
🍃S4- Chapter 7
🍃S4- Chapter 8
🍃S4- Chapter 9

❄️S2- Chapter 1

1K 19 2
By FranticRomance

(POV change second person...sorry)

"Son of a bitch, Son of a bitch" you can hear Dustin say through the walls "Another stupid penny"

"Dusty, watch it! You almost hit Mews" You can hear your mom say, so you walk out of your and into the living room

"Dustin what are you doing" you say looking straight at him

"Looking for quarters for the arcade" he says to you "can I please check under your cushions" he turns to your guys mom as you walk back into your room and grab a jar or quarters and walk back out to see Dustin running to his room

"Hey Dustin" you say in your door way holding up your jar or quarters he looks at you and smiles widely and then try's to grab it but instead you raise it above his head "nuh uh uh, not so fast, your not getting all of them, you can have some" you say and then you open the jar and give him 10 "there but no more and be ready to go in 5" you yell Dustin as he runs into his room. You then turn around and walk into your room "ok you gotta leave now, I've gotta take Dustin to the arcade...sorry" y/n tells Steve that is sitting at her desk

"Fine...see ya later I guess" Steve says and gets his book bag and leaves the house, Steve was only over for you to help him with his homework but it felt nice to have him hang out at your place once in a while, you then go to Dustin's room to see him getting his bag

"Let's go, Dustin" you yell at him while you exit his room and go to the front door "love you, mom, we'll be back soon"

"Love you, sweetheart" your mom says as you and Dustin exit the house and get in the car

Once you park outside of the arcade the two boys pull up in their bikes, so you and Dustin get out and walk over to them, then you all hear a honk so you look over to see Will pull up "hey" Dustin calls to Will as you walk over

"Hey will, go ahead and go inside ok" you say to Will as he gets out of the car

"Ok" Will says

You then walk over to Joyce "hey, I'll be with them the whole night" you tell her

"Ok thank you, please make sure he's safe" Joyce says

"Trust me I will" you tell Joyce then walk into the arcade to see Dustin playing "Dragon's lair" and the boys telling him what to do

"No, No, No I hate this overpriced bullshit" Dustin saids "son of a bitch! Piece of shit" he saids kicking it

"You're just not nimble enough. But you'll get there one day" Lucas says "but until then, Princess Daphne is still mine"

"Whatever, I mean you're still top on Centipede and Dig Dug" you say trying to cheer up your brother

"You sure about that" Keith says to the right of you guys eating Cheetos

"Sure about what" Dustin says "no, no" he then runs over to Dig Dug with you on his right "No, No" Dustin yells as he sees he's not the top anymore

"751,300 points" Will exclaims

"That's impossible" Mike says

"Who is Mad Max" Dustin says looking at Keith

"Better than you" Keith says to which Dustin gives him the finger

"Is it you" Will asks to which Keith scoffs

"You know I despise Dig Dug" Keith says

"Then who is it" Lucas says

Yeah, spill it, Keith" Dustin saids

"You want information, I need something in return." Keith says looking you up and down

"Hell No, ew, in your dreams" you tell him

"Yeah never ever happening Keith" Dustin adds to which he then looks at Mike

"No, No, No, No way. Your not getting a date with her" Mike says

"Mike, Y/n, come on. Just get him a date" Lucas says

"I'm not prostituting my sister" Mike says

"I will never go out with him even if he was the last man on earth" you say looking at Lucas not wanting this to be a conversation now

"But, it's for a good cause" Lucas says

"No he will never date my sister and don't give him a date mike. Know what? He's gonna spread his nasty-ass rash to our whole family's"

"Acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious, you prepubescent wastoid" Keith saids

"Oh, I'm a wastoid? She wouldn't go on a date with you" Dustin says

"You make, like, what? $2:50 an hour?" You ask

"Nice perm" Keith says

"Gonna make fun of my hair?" Dustin says

"Keith your hair looks like a rats nest that just got shitted on" you tell him and then hear rumbling outside and see will walk outside so you follow him and when you walk outside, your in the upside down "will" you say

"Y/n?" he runs and hugs you "how- why are you here" he asks you

"I don't know" you say and look up at the sky "I mean I've had episodes like this before, for some reason"

"I have too" he tells you looking up at the sky also to see red lightning and then you both hear mike behind you

"Guys! Are you ok" Mike asks you both look back at the sky and then back at mike

"Yeah, we're fine, let's go back inside" you tell them

"Ok, Will you're up on Dig Dug" mike says putting an arm around Will going back inside. You look at the sky one more time and then go inside

—time skip—
Once you get to school, you walk over to Steve's car, to which you knock on the window while are "talking" Steve and Nancy then open their doors and get out

"Kissing in the schools parking lot is so not cool man" you say to both of them while doing your little handshake with Steve

"Yeah, yeah nice to see you too y/n" Steve says, then you all hear a rev of an engine. You guys look over to see a navy blue car drive in the parking lot, with very loud music, mind you, then the blonde guy and redhead that looked like Dustin's age got out of the car, but the skated off to the middle school, the blonde new guy then makes eye contact with her and winks, then just walks away "oo~ looks like the new guy already has the hots for you" Steve says

"Yeah...definitely not my type" you say looking at him

In your first class that you now have with Steve this year, to which Steve you say sat beside each other like always

"Ok class, we have a new student, all the way from California, welcome Billy" Your teacher said as Billy walked in the room "You can go sit behind y/n, y/n raise your hand" your teacher said to which you obeyed and raised you hand, you just wanted this class to over and you obviously didn't like that guy one bit,

as you and Steve walked out of class you both were handed a party invite "Come and get sheet faced" you read "are you going" you ask Steve

"Yeah, only if you are though" he says "I can't go without my best friend" to which you smile

"I guess, I can go, but I'm not dressing up" you tell him

"Ok that's fine, as long as you go, now...where is Nancy" Steve says looking back over all the teenagers and young adults " ok... come on" Steve says walking around the corner while putting in his glasses and standing there, waiting for Nancy to walk by

"You are so stupid" y/n said quietly

Once Nancy passed she squealed to the sudden pair of arms that wrapped around her waist and picked her up, instant jealously hit your heart, you didn't want to admit it, but it was true, you then walk over to Jonathan and grab his wrist and lead him away to your locker that was right beside his ironically

" ok" Jonathan asks you as he opens his locker "or is it....your little crush on Steve" Jonathan whispers so no one hears to which your face gets super red

"Is it that obvious..." you say as you put your stuff away to which he nods "okay, and what about... your crush on Nancy" you say with a devious smile on your face as you close your locker

"Shut up..." Jonathan says as his face gets red to which you just laugh

After school you go to pick up Dustin "Hey Dust, you ready" you yell at your brother

"Um, I'm going to the arcade with Lucas for the day" Dustin says

"Oh...ok we'll be safe and be home by 9 at least" you say. "Actually do you want a ride there" you say to which Dustin and Lucas look at each other then back at you and nods

Once you guys get to the arcade, Dustin and Lucas hide behind a car, and Dustin gets his binoculars out "what are you two doing" you ask walking up to them

"Uh...ok so we think we know who Mad Max is, we think it's this new girl from California" Dustin saids

"So, what your spying on her" you say trying to make sense out of what your brother is saying

"Uh, no, no- not...ok yeah we are totally spying" Dustin saids, You guys have been standing their for at least 20 minutes now "still no sign" Dustin asks Lucas

"Jack shit" Lucas saids

"Oh, Damn it. Our mom is gonna murder us" Dustin says looking at his watch

"So go home. I'll radio if she comes" Lucas says looking between Dustin and you

" oh, yeah, nice try. You just want me out of here so you can make your move." Dustin says

"Oh, 'cause you're such a threat" Lucas says

"That's right, she will not be able to resist these pearls" Dustin says then purrs sort of to which you laugh at your idiot brother "Ten o'clock. Ten o'clock." To which they all look at the Navy blue car you saw at school speed up in the parking lot, then Max gets out while arguing with Billy

"They're arguing. They're arguing." Lucas says

" oh my God, I see that. I don't even know why you need those." Dustin says " God. You're so stupid." Dustin says as the Red head girl closes the door of the car as it speeds away and she flips off Billy and you start to walk towards the arcade, as you walk in you see her playing Pac-Man and not doing very well

"Do you want some help" you ask as you walk next to her "sorry, my names... y/n, what's yours" you say putting out your hand for her to shake

"I'm Max..." she then shakes your hand and then says "wait are you top person on Pac-Man"

"Yeah actually I am and are you the top person on Dig Dug that some how beat my brother" you ask

"Yeah, I'm Mad Max, wait is your brother that weird stalker with curly hair" Max asks

"Yep that's Dustin, sorry about that, he just doesn't like it when other people beat him at games" you say to which makes her laugh

"Do you wanna play some games with me" She asks you

"Sure" and then the both of you play some games while the boys sit at the entrance waiting for you "ok well I gotta go, I have this dinner but I'll see ya later ok" you say as you leave

"So?" Dustin says as you get in the car

"So what" you ask

"What did you learn about her" Lucas asks as you guys left

"All you need to know is that she is one awesome and two she is Mad Max" you say, once you get home after dropping off Lucas, you rush to your room to get changed in to nicer clothes

(This with a simple black jacket, you can obviously change it if you want but this is what the story is going off of)

You then put them adjust the bracelet on your wrist and put your shoes on, after that you walk outside to see Steve pull up with Nancy in the passenger seat, so you go ahead and get in and buckle up

"You ready Henderson?" Steve asks

"No, totally not, I mean it's not like I just got in the car because I wasn't ready" you say sarcastically to which Steve rolls his eyes and Nancy laughs

Once you got to Barbara's parents house, you got out of the car and walked to the door

"Okay ready" Steve asks looking between you and Nancy

"Yeah" Nancy and you say in sync

"Okay" Steve says then rings the doorbell

Once everyone is in the dining room Barbs mom starts talking "l'm so sorry I didn't get to cook. I was going to make that big ziti you guys like so much, but I just forgot about the time, and before you knew it, oh, my God, it's 5 o'clock" she says

"It's fine" Nancy says

"It's great" you say  looking between barbs mom and dad

"I love KFC" Steve says

" so, I noticed a for sale sign out in your yard. Is that the neighbors, or..." You ask starting a conversation

"You wanna tell them" Mrs. Holland asks Mr. Holland

"Go ahead" Mr. Holland says to which Mrs. Holland looks at between the three young adults

" we hired a man named Murray Bauman. Have one of you heard of him?" Mrs. Holland asks

"No" Nancy says

"Nope" you say looking at Steve to which he says "No, I don't think so"

" he was an investigator journalist for the Chicago sun – times."

"Pretty well known" Mr. Holland chimes in giving Steve a card with Murray name and information

" anyway, he's freelance now, and he agreed to take the case." Mrs. Holland says as Steve hands you and Nancy the card

"That's....that's great" Steve says looking at them " no, that's really... that's great, right?" Steve asks looking at you and Nancy

"Um, what exactly does that mean?" Nancy asks

" means he's gonna do what the lazy son of a bitch Jim hop—" Mr. Holland starts "sorry, what the Hawkins police haven't been capable of doing, means we have a real detective on the case" he finishes

"It means, we're going to find our Barb" Mrs. Holland saids

" if anyone can find her, it's this man"
Mr. Holland saids " he already has leads. By God, he's worth every last penny"

" is that why you're selling the house?" You ask

" don't worry about us, sweetie. We're fine. more than fine. For the first time in a long time, we're hopeful." Mrs. Holland says

"Um...Excuse me. I'll be right back" Nancy says as she walks to the bathroom

"Uhm...I'll be back" you say as you follow Nancy, you knock on the bathroom door "Nancy, it's y/n" to which she opens the door with tears in her eyes, once you walk in you close the door, "Come here" you say holding your arms out, you hug Nancy and cry with her, as you two hug, your sobs are the only sound in the room

Once Steve drops you off home, you go to your room, and everything just turns into the upside down, you stop in your tracks confused on why your having another episode, but then you think about the fact that Will does too, so Will is having an episode right now, look out your window to see the red lightning that you saw yesterday but also something else, something big, and it wasn't near you, no, it was near Will's house, and then everything goes back to normal

2682 words

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