Out of Touch (Rschvania x Kru...

By FNF4ever

376 2 2

A Rschvania x Krusveto songfic I decided to make because WE NEED MORE CONTENT WITH THEM and also because I ha... More

Out of Touch

376 2 2
By FNF4ever

!Spoiler Alert! (This has spoilers of Chapters 10 and 11 of FNF: Many years later. Make sure to read those chapters first before reading this)

Trigger Warning: Mentions of t*4um4, d*4th and loneliness.

Woke up on the wrong side of you this morning

When Rschvania or Rsch for short, woke up, she felt her lover's arms around her. "Morning, Krusy." Rsch said as she turned to her lover, Krusveto or Krus for short, who was smiling at her.

"Good morning, love." Krusveto said, kissing her forehead.

Said some things last night in the heat of the moment

You always forgive

How could I forget?

You've been in my bed when I need somebody

"You don't have to wait for me to wake up, Krusy." Rsch said. "You know how much of a heavy sleeper I am."

"I know." Krus said. "But I want to."

"Why?" Rsch asked.

"I like watching you sleep." Krus said.

"That's a bit creepy, but okay." Rsch said. Krus chuckled and pulled her in for a kiss, which she returned.

Yeah, I put you through some things

But at least it ain't boring

"Я тебя люблю. (I love you)" Krusveto said as he and Rsch pulled away from the kiss. "Я люблю тебя всем сердцем. (I love you with all my heart)"

"Gushy romantic." Rsch chuckled.

"I can't help it." Krus said. Rsch rolled her eyes and pecked him on the lips before getting out of bed to take a shower. Just as her hand had reached the knob, Rsch had gotten dizzy and leaned on the wall for support.

Who's gonna tell me I'm out of touch

When the lights come on and I'm still messed up?

"Are you okay, Rsch?" Krus asked.

"I'm fine." Rsch said, shaking off the dizziness and walking inside the bathroom. Krus sighed. Rsch was VERY stubborn and it was hard to get her to let him help her. Not wanting to leave his lover in case she would get dizzy again and collapse and he wouldn't be there, he sat there and waited for her to finish her shower.

It's true

I hope it's you


"Seriously?" Rsch asked once she had come out of the bathroom and saw that Krus was sitting on the bed and wasn't outside. Her hair was wet and a dark gray towel was wrapped around her.

"I won't look at you when you're changing." Krus said. "I just want to be sure that you're going to be okay."

"I'll be fine, Krusy." Rsch said. "You worry too much."

Who's gonna call me on all my crap

When I go too far and you're sick of it?

Rsch got dizzy again after getting her clothes in the closet and collapsed on her way to the bed. Krus immediately went over to her, picked her up bridal style and put her down on the bed.

It's true

I hope it's you

He got her clothes that fell on the floor, put it on the bed and turned away from her. Rsch dried her hair with the towel and changed, silently reprimanding herself for being too stubborn and scared to accept help from Krus as she did so.

Baby I hope that it's

You, ooh, ooh

"You can look now." Rsch said. Krus turned to her.

"Are you okay?" Krus asked.

Baby I hope that it's

You, ooh, ooh

"I'm fine, Krusy." Rsch said.

"Are you sure?" Krus asked.

"I'm sure." Rsch said. "Don't worry about me."

Baby I hope that it's you


You love me when I'm low

When I'm down in the basement

Later that week, Rsch had gotten sick with a fever and was currently curled up in the bed. Krus was beside her, a tablet on one hand and a glass of water in the other.

And don't give me up when I test your patience

"Rsch, love, please." Krus said. "Just take the medicine. It's not going to hurt you."

"[Funk] off." Rsch said. It wasn't that she didn't want his help. She did. She was just...scared.

Scared that everyone would leave her. That she'd be alone again. That loneliness would find it's way back into her life.

That fear was the reason she was so stubborn. Why it was so hard for her to accept help from others. What if she gets attached to someone and they leave her again? Like the homeless man that took her in and died of hypothermia?

You always forgive

How could I forget?

You don't run away when I'm acting ugly


"NO." Rsch said. 'He's just trying to help, Rsch.' She told herself. 'Stop letting fear hold you down and just accept it.'

No, you never sugarcoat

And that's what you're the greatest


Krus put the tablet and the glass on the nightstand, took Rsch into his arms and directed the tablet to her lips.

Who's gonna tell me I'm out of touch

When the lights come on and I'm still messed up?

Rsch finally relented and allowed Krus to give her the medicine. Krus smiled and gave her the glass to wash down the tablets.

It's true

I hope it's you


After she had drunk the water, Krus took the cup and put it back in the nightstand before laying her back down on the bed.

Who's gonna call me on all my crap

When I go too far and you're sick of it?

He laid down with her and ran his hands through her hair. He stayed with her for a few minutes before getting up and going out of the room.

It's true

I hope it's you

A few days later, she had gotten better and had asked her grandchildren to teach her how to bake cookies. She and her grandchildren were currently in her grandson's room.

"Sure." Bell said. "But...why? You're not very fond of sweets."

"I feel bad for all the times I didn't accept Krusy's help." Rsch said. "I decided that I should do something nice for him to make up for it."

"That's so sweet." Rasazy said. Just then, a "ping!" could be heard from Selever's phone. He took out his phone.

"Roachy's visiting her ex and their dad tomorrow." Selever said. "She's asking if me, Ras and Bell would like to come as well. I'm down for it. Do y'all mother[funkers] wanna come along as well?"

"First of all, Selever Lucifer, PLEASE WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE." Bell said. "Second of all, sure. I'll come. It's been a while since I last saw Charlie and I DO love seeing and teasing Sel for simping over Sweetheart."

"Sis!" Selever yelled, his face red as a tomato.

"I'll come as well." Rasazy said.

"Charlie and their dad are good at baking, so maybe you should come along as well, babushka." Bell said, "If you want to, of course. We're not forcing you."

"If it means I get to learn how to bake, then sure." Rsch said. "I'll come."

"Cool." Selever said. "I'll tell Roachy that we're all gonna come." Just then, Sarv burst through the room, her horns bigger than normal and her eyes glowing a hot pink.


"Uh...." Selever said.

"Who said it?!" Sarv asked. Selever nervously raised his hand. Sarv went over to him and dragged him out of the room by his ear.

"Ow!" Selever yelled. "Mom! That hurts-"

"You're repenting right now young man." Sarv said.

"Don't worry lil bro." Bell said. "I'll text Sweetheart for you."

Baby I hope that it's

You, ooh, ooh

The next day, Sweetheart and Partner's grandmother, Mommy Mearest or MM for short, picked them up and drove her, her grandchildren, Sweetheart and Partner to Charlie and Hex's house. During the drive, she had gotten to know MM and they ended up exchanging numbers.

After she had been introduced to Sweetheart's ex, Charlie, she, her grandchildren, Sweetheart and Partner followed Charlie to the kitchen, where Charlie put out everything needed for baking the cookies and taught Rsch how to bake them.

While waiting for the cookies to bake, Sweetheart and Charlie had a rap battle, which wasn't surprising, considering that that's how everyone in this generation solved everything. When the cookies were done baking, it turned out amazing! Which made Rsch happy.

After putting 2 cookies in a zip lock bag, she was introduced to Charlie's dad, Hex, and ended up going with Selever, Rasazy, Bell, Sweetheart and Partner to a basketball court to see Charlie and Hex play basketball.

Baby I hope that it's

You, ooh, ooh


"Beep bo bap! (Charlie wins!)" Sweetheart beeped. Rsch got dizzy and her vision was blurry. She felt like she was suffocating and there was a pain in her chest. She put a hand on her head and gripped her chest with the other as memories of her past and everything else that happened during her and Krus' first life flashed in her head.

"Are you okay, babushka?" Bell asked. That was the last thing Rsch heard before her world went black. When she woke up, she was immediately embraced by Bell and Rasazy.

"Wha- What happened?" Rsch asked.

"You got possessed by some [arse]hole organization from [funking] [heck]." Selever said. Once they went home, she gave her lover a hug and he kissed her head.

"Hey, Krusy."

"Hello, Rsch." She took out the ziplock bag and gave it to him.

"I made it for you." Krus took it and took a bite of the cookie. "So? What do you think?"

"This is good." He replied. "Really good. You should bake more often." Rsch smiled.

Baby I hope that it's

You, ooh, ooh

A week after that, Selever and his family had gotten invited by Sweetheart and her family to the 20th Funky Awards, which was where they were right now.

"And for the opening number, we have Dearest's granddaughter, Sweetheart Hatsune and her friend, Charlie." The announcer said as Sweetheart, Charlie and Selever walked on stage. Selever sat on the speakers and connected them to Sweetheart's phone.

"I hope Sweetheart will be okay." Rsch said. As much as she HATED to admit it, she had gotten fond of Sweetheart and her siblings and was concerned that she'd suffer a sensory overload on stage.

"Hopefully, she'll be okay." Krus said, having the same concerns as Rsch.

Baby I hope that it's

You, ooh, ooh

Their concerns weren't unfounded. Sweetheart had suffered a sensory overload mid-song, but fought through it and continued singing. After the song, the crowd went wild. The crowd's cheers drowned out as Rsch started to feel dizzy and her vision became blurry. Her chest hurt and it was getting hard for her to breath. Tears formed in her eyes as she started to have visions of Krus breaking up with her and Sarv kicking her out of the church.

Ruv noticed that something was wrong with his mother and turned to her. "Ma?" Ruv asked. "Are you okay?" Krus turned to her and Ruv.

"Rsch?" Krus asked. After that, her world went black.

Baby I hope that it's you

Rsch woke up to a bright, white light. She sat up and looked at her surroundings. The room she was in was (mostly) white and smelled like antiseptic. Where was she? Just then, a woman with long, wavy, pink hair, pale skin and purple eyes with green heart-shaped pupils wearing a long, white coat walked in.

"Oh." The woman said. "You're awake. Hello ma'am."

"Hey." Rsch said.

"How are you feeling?" The woman asked.

"How I'm feeling is none of your business." Rsch said coldly.


The woman walked out of Rsch's patient room, where Krus, Ruv, Sarv, Bell, Selever and Rasazy could be seen sitting on chairs that were beside the door.

"How is she, doctor?" Krus asked, noticing the doctor's presence.

"It took her a while to answer my questions, but she's doing fine." The doctor said.

"Can we see her?" Ruv asked.

"Yes." The doctor said. "But we only allow 2 visitors in the room."

"I'll go." Krus said. Sarv turned to her husband.

"You can go with your dad, Ruv." Sarv said. "I'll stay with our children." Ruv nodded and walked in his mom's hospital room with his dad.

And I'm trying not to push you too much

"Hey Krusy, hey Ruvvy." Rsch said as Krus and Ruv walked in the hospital room.

"Hey Rsch/ma." Krus and Ruv said.

"I'm glad you're alright." Krus said.

"If you're wondering where you are, you're in the hospital." Ruv said.

Yeah, I'm trying

But it's not good enough

A few days later, Rsch was discharged from the hospital and the doctor advised her to drink lots of water and sleep well. She was currently sitting on her and Krus' shared bed, reading a book while waiting for Krus to finish washing up and brushing his teeth so that they can sleep together. A knock on the door was heard.

"Come in." Rsch said. The door opened and she saw her daughter-in-law, Sarvente.

"Hey Rsch." Sarv said.

"Hey." Rsch said. Sarv sat beside her on the bed.

"Are you ever gonna tell Krus about your fear of loneliness?" Sarv asked. She, Bell, Rasazy, Sweetheart, Bestie and GF knew about Rsch's fear of loneliness due to her getting drunk and telling them about it during a sleepover they had at the church while Ruv, Selever, Krus, Partner and BF were out on a boy's night.

"I've tried to tell him, but every time I do, I lose my nerve at the last minute." Rsch said.

"Tell you what." Sarv said. "How about you tell him once he comes out of the bathroom. I'll stay with you for emotional support."

"Okay." Rsch said.

"Tell me what?" They turned and saw Krus by the doorway. His hair was wet and a towel was wrapped around his waist.

"Change first." Rsch said, blushing as she looked away from Krus. "I'll tell you after."

"Okay." Krus said before walking over to the closet as Sarv turned to Rsch.

I been on one

And I can't keep on lying to myself

"I don't know about this." Rsch said.

"It's okay, Rsch." Sarv said, putting her hand on her mother-in-law's shoulder. "Just take a deep breath."

"I'm done changing now." Krus said. "What is it that you wanted to tell me, Rsch?" Sarv got up.

"You said you were going to stay for emotional support!" Rsch said.

"I'm not leaving." Sarv said. "I'm standing up so that Krus has space."

"Okay." Rsch said as Krus sat beside her. Rsch took a deep breath. "I actually have this fear of loneliness and abandonment."

"I know." Krus said.

"You do?" Rsch asked.

"When IRIS possessed you at the Funky Awards, I asked them why they decided to possess you." Krus said. "They said that trauma and fear in a human makes it easy for demons to possess them and said that they picked you due to the trauma you endured and because of your fear."

"Okay." Rsch said. "But there's another thing that I want to tell you."

"What is it?" Krus asked.

Who's gonna tell me I'm out of touch

When the lights come on and I'm still messed up?

"That fear is why I don't accept help from you whenever you offer to help me." Rsch said. "It's not that I don't want your help, I do. I'm just...scared." Rsch teared up. "And I hate it."

"Rsch..." Krus said in sympathy.

"I hate pushing you away because of some stupid fear I have." Rsch said, tears rolling down her cheeks. Krus hugged her.

"Being scared of something isn't stupid." Krus said. "Everyone has some kind of fear, and that's okay. You should've told me, though."

"I know." Rsch said, her words muffled a bit, as her face was buried in Krus' chest. "I've tried telling you so much times before, but I always lost my nerve at the last minute."

It's true

I hope it's you

It was silent for a few minutes before Rsch broke it. "I don't get it."

"Don't get what?" Krus asked as he pulled away from the hug.

"Why you still love me." Rsch said. "Why you didn't end things once we got out of the Nothing World."

"First of all, we have a son." Krus said. "Sure, he's an adult, but he's spent a majority of his life without us and we need to make up for that. Second of all, I love you too much to even think about leaving you."

"Why?" Rsch asked as more tears formed in her eyes.

Baby I hope that it's

You, ooh, ooh (hey!)

"I'll admit, I DO get frustrated when you don't accept my help." Krus said. "But I focus on the good things about you, not the bad. You may be a bit cold and VERY stubborn, but you have a good-heart and a soft spot for children. That's what made me fall for you in the first place." Rsch started sobbing, which was very rare for her.

Baby I hope that it's you

You, ooh, ooh

Krus took her in his arms, whispering Russian sayings of comfort in her ear and stroking her hair as she cried. Sarv smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Good night." Sarv said, not caring if her parents-in-law heard her or not. She wiped her tears and walked out of the room.

Baby I hope that it's you

You, ooh, ooh (baby I, baby I)

Krus held Rsch close until she calmed down. Rsch pulled away from the hug, sniffling and wiping her tears. "I always have this thought at the back of my mind that you and everyone else I've gotten close to are going to leave me, even if I know that you won't." Rsch said. Krus cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. Rsch's eyes fluttered shut as the kiss was returned.

Baby I hope that it's you

You, ooh, ooh (baby I)

Rsch loved it when Krus kissed her. It made her feel like everything would be okay. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She had no idea what that feeling was called, but she liked it. They kissed for a few minutes before pulling away.

"Feeling better?" Krus asked.

"Yes." Rsch answered with a smile on her face. Krus smiled.

Baby I hope that it's you

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