Book1♡Hello, there Lady Caven...

By miss_lover_girl

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You were moving to West England witches is located there. So you were Moving school there too. Gladly your Pa... More

All about your personal in this story.
Your family faces looks like.
Chapter 1 Moving to a another country.
Chapter 2 packing some stuff
Chapter 3 Airport
Chapter 4 Landing on a new Country
Chapter 5 moving to our new lovely home
Chapter 6 Exploring the big town
Chapter 7 the girl I met from the town
Chapter 8 Unexpected guest
Chapter 9 Welcome to Luna Nova Academy
Chapter 10 first Lesson
Chapter 11 Learning to ride a broom
Chapter 12 Broom relay.
Chapter 13 The book.
Chapter 14 Night Fall.
Chapter 15 I lost my wand.
Chapter 16 Pact of the Dragon.
Chapter 17 Hair.
Chapter 18 The big cut.
Chapter 20 Stormy night.
Chapter 21 Review.
Chapter 22 Exam.
Chapter 23 Laboratory partner.
Chapter 24 School trip.
Chapter 25 Party.
Signing off for a while.
Chapter 26 The mushroom monster.
Chapter 27 The blue Moon.
Chapter 28 History.
Chapter 29 Prepared for the Festival.
Chapter 30 The Samhain Festival.

Chapter 19 The Fountain.

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By miss_lover_girl

No one POVs

Y/N and the others were doing metamorphosis magic.

They were practicing casting a different animal at The small rat.

Many students take turns casting a spell on The small rat.

Gladly they passed the test of Professor Badcock.

It was Lotte's turn to cast a magic spell at The small rat.

Lotte points her wand at The small rat.

Lotte fixes her voice. "Metamorphie Faciesse!" Lotte cast a spell on The small rat.

The small rat turned into a Capybara.

Lotte felt happy she didn't mess up the spell.

It was Sucy's turn to cast a spell at The small rat.

Sucy points her wand and casts a spell. "Metamorphie Faciesse." Sucy cast a spell on The rat.

The rat turned into a big bat. Sucy walked away and it was Y/N's turn.

Y/N Pov

Sucy was done with her spell it was my turn I felt nervous a little.

I stepped into the middle and take out my wand and points the wand at The rat.

I sighed a little. "Metamorphie Faciesse!" I said I cast a spell at The rat.

The rat turns into an Arctic Fox. I felt relief that the spell didn't mess up.

I walked away and it was My younger sister's turn.

She looked at me with nervous eyes.

I gave her a thumbs up and mouthed her 'You can do it.'

She smiled a little and looked at The rat.

She points her wand at The rat and casts a spell.

"Metamorphie Faciesse!" Aurora cast a spell on The rat.

The rat turned into an Owl Aurora felt happy that she passed metamorphosis magic.

Aurora walked towards me I gave her a high-five. "See you did it I'm very proud of you Aurora," I said.

Aurora looked at me. "Thanks, you did it great too Y/N," Aurora replied to me.

I smiled at Aurora and continue to watch the other students cast a spell on The rat.

It was Diana's turn to cast a spell at The rat.

She points her wand at The rat and casts a spell on it.

"Metamorphie Faciesse!" Diana cast a spell on The rat.

The rat turned into a big beautiful Unicorn.

Everyone applauded Diana.

"That's good. Well done everyone." Professor Badcock said.

"Now that everybody has mastered metamorphosis magic..." Professor Badcock said.

I felt that Professor Badcock forgot someone. I think deeply about who it is until Barbara said something to Professor Badcock.

"Professor," Barbara said.

"Miss Kagari hasn't tried metamorphosis magic," Barbara said.

Professor Badcock looked at her papers and completely forgot Akko.

"Oh! That's right Miss Kagari please step in the middle and cast the spell." Professor Badcock said.

Akko steps into the middle and points her wand at The rat.

"Metamorphie Farciesse!" Akko cast a spell on The rat.

Akko cast a spell at The rat but it didn't work.

I notice that Akko's head has the color green magic flying around.

Suddenly, I noticed some other students trying not to laugh at Akko.

"Akko! Akko!" Lotte whispered to Akko.

Akko heard Lotte calling her.

Akko turns around and sees Lotte pointing her head.

Akko looked up and see the green magic flying around at top of her head.

Suddenly Akko got donkey ears.

The students laughed at Akko's ear.

I put my fingers at my nostrils. "Oh Akko," I mumbled.

Akko was completely shocked by her ears turning into donkey ears.

"No way! What's this? "What happened?" Akko said with a confused tone.

Professor Badcock glared at Akko. "I can't believe you still cannot master the basics of metamorphosis magic." Professor Badcock spoke to Akko.

"You must master it by the end of the day!" Professor Badcock said.

"By the end of the day?" Akko replied to Professor Badcock.

"There's supposed to be a party tonight," Akko spoke to Professor Badcock.

I put my finger on my chin. "Party?" I mumbled to myself in a confused tone.

"That's right." Professor Badcock said.

"The famous Earl of Hanbridge is coming to Luna Nova." Professor Badcock explained to Akko.

"So we are having a welcome party." Professor Badcock said.

"And his son is also coming," Hannah added.

"Yes, the Viscount of Appleton Andrew!" Barbara said.

"Andrew huh? Isn't that guy who is a friend of Ezra?" Aurora whispered to me.

"Yep that's him Ezra's friend," I whispered back to Aurora.

"I hear he's smart and handsome!" Barbara said.

Aurora was having an uninterested expression at what Barbara said.

Akko heard Hannah and Barbara's conversation about Andrew. "What? Handsome?" Akko spoke to them.

Professor Badcock glared at Akko. "Miss Kagari!" Professor Badcock said.

"You are not allowed to go. You must stay in your room and master the basics of metamorphosis." Professor Badcock explained to Akko.

"Understood?" Professor Badcock.

Akko was shocked by what Professor Badcock said to her.

I felt bad for Akko. "Poor Akko," I whispered to myself.


Y/N Pov

I and Aurora were on the bridge of the Academy teaching Aurora some new magic.

"Today I will teach you to, lift someone into the air.," I said.

"It sounds cool but dangerous at the same time," Aurora replied to me.

I looked at Aurora. "Don't worry you will be okay besides I can cast a healing spell if one of us gets hurt. I spoke to Aurora.

"Okay if you say so," Aurora respond to me.

"Alright! Aurora please stand properly.'' I said.

Aurora stand up properly and was completely nervous about what I'm gonna do to her.

I sighed and points my wand at Aurora. "Ascendio!" I said.

I cast a spell at Aurora and she starts to glow I lift my wand and Aurora was flying in thin air.

Aurora looked surprised she was floating in thin air without using a broom.

I land Aurora on the ground safely and the magic spell disappeared when Aurora landed on the ground.

"See it's not that bad," I spoke to Aurora.

Aurora looked at me. "Yea it's not that bad but I felt strange when you lift me in thin air. Aurora replied to me.

"You will get used to it. I said.

"Anyway, you're ready to try that spell I cast you?" I replied to Aurora.

"Sure I will try my best," Aurora spoke to me.

I walked away a little and stand properly.

Aurora points her wand at me.

"Focus before you cast a spell on me," I said.

Aurora closed her eyes. "Alright focus," Aurora said.

Aurora opened her eyes and cast a spell at me. "Ascendio!" Aurora said.

Aurora cast a spell at me and I notice myself I'm glowing.

I glance at Aurora. "Good you did the first step try to lift your wand, slowly," I spoke to Aurora.

Aurora slowly lifts her wand and I felt that I was floating.

I was proud of Aurora who was learning some magic so fast.

Aurora lands me down on the ground and the magic disappears when I landed on the ground.

I run toward Aurora and hugged her. "You did it!" I said.

Aurora chuckled. "Yea I did it I can't believe it I made a person fly in thin air just using my wand!" Aurora said.  

Suddenly, we heard someone clapping for us.

I turned around and saw Professor Ursula clapping for us beside the tree.

I pulled the hug gently and looked at Professor Ursula.

"Professor Ursula! You were hiding behind the tree all the time?" I said.

Professor walked closer to us. "Well yes, I saw you were teaching your sister a new spell." Professor Ursula said.

I put my hand back on my head. "Hehe, yea I'm teaching my sister a few new spells if we have free time together," I replied to Professor Ursula.

Professor Ursula looked surprised by what I said. "Ooh, really why don't you join her in your training?" Professor Ursula said.

Aurora glared at me confused. "Training?" Aurora spoke to me.

"Well, I've never told you before about the training because it was only a secret for me and Professor Ursula. I explained to Aurora.

"Why you didn't tell me in the first place you have training with Professor Ursula?" Aurora asked me.

"Because you might tell it, The Academy that I'm using different magic.," I explained to Aurora.

"Me telling to The Academy? I will never gonna tell it because I'm your younger sister Y/N, I will keep it a secret until they discover it." Aurora replied to me with a soft tone.

I smiled a little. "That's true kind of you Aurora," I said.

Aurora smirked at me. "Well, not all secrets will be secret always you know? Especially when you tell me who's your crush~" Aurora teased me.

I blushed a little. "Who said I'm gonna tell you who's my crush huh?" I replied to Aurora.

Professor Ursula smirked a little. "Oh Y/N you have a crush who is it?" Professor Ursula asked me.

I felt my cheeks heating up I looked away to not make eye contact with them. "I-I don't have any crush Professor Ursula Aurora was just joking with me," I spoke to Professor Ursula.

Aurora walks closer to me. "Ooh, really then why your cheeks, are turning red then?" Aurora teased me.

I covered my face using my hand. "Can you stop talking about crushes it makes me feel sick," I replied to Aurora.

Aurora and Professor Ursula giggle at what I said.


No one POVs

It was evening everyone was at the party waiting for Andrew and his Father arrive to at the Luna Nova.

While they're waiting for Andrew and the others to arrive. Principal Holbrooke announced something.

"The Earl of Hanbridge is a royal minister in this country," Principal Holbrooke announced.

"Please make sure you're polite to him." Principal Holbrooke said.

"He's coming soon!" Barbara said.

"I wonder if he's as handsome as they say," Hannah replied to Barbara.

"You two need some self-control," Diana spoke to them with a serious tone.

Hannah and Barbara were quickly silent about what Diana said to them.

Suddenly, someone shouted.

"Principal Holbrooke!" Professor Badcock shouted.

"They're here!" Professor Badcock said.

Y/N Pov

The intro instruments begin when the door opened.

Everyone looked polite suddenly when Andrew was getting downstairs a few students noticed him.

Andrew and his father walked on the red carpet getting the other students' attention to Andrew's handsome face.

I didn't get satisfied with Andrew's looks but I noticed that my brother is with Andrew while walking on the red carpet.

My eyes got widened when I saw my brother's face."Holy sh*t it's Ezra." I mumbled to myself.

The students looked surprised at how handsome Andrew is.

Barbara and Hannah gazed at Andrew. "Wow, !" Barbara and Hannah said.

While Diana's reaction looked likes she was done with her life.

I noticed Diana's reaction I chuckled a little. 'She looks so done with her life.' I said in my mind.

After the speech and the talking, we can eat now.

While I'm getting some food I noticed Ezra was staring at me far away.

I gave him a little wave gladly he waved back quickly.

Aurora notice that Ezra was here at the party. "I didn't know our brother will come here to the party," Aurora whispered to me.

I glanced at Aurora. "Yea I was really surprised that he notice us," I spoke to Aurora.

"Wanna come with me to get a little chat with our brother?" Aurora asked me.

"Hm okay sounds like a great idea," I said.

We walked toward Ezra suddenly Andrew's bodyguard blocked our way.

Aurora groaned. "Come on," Aurora said.

I sighed and looked at Andrew's bodyguard. "Hi, Mr.Bodyguard would you like to step aside so that I can speak to our dearest brother Ezra?" I asked The bodyguard in a polite tone.

The bodyguard looked surprised that he didn't know Ezra has two siblings.

The bodyguard bowed at us. "My apologies I didn't know that Mr.Ezra has siblings." The bodyguard replied to me.

I chuckled. "No, it's fine no need to apologize for us we just want to talk to our brother that's all," I said with a calm tone.

The bodyguard steps aside. "Oh ok, you can speak at Mr.Ezra." The bodyguard said.

I and Aurora were gonna walk away but I turned around glanced at The bodyguard and gave him a thanked smile.

The bodyguard noticed the smile I gave him gladly he smiled back.

Diana Pov

We were on the second floor of the party doing our thing. Suddenly, I saw Y/N and Aurora talking to Andrew's bodyguard.

Hannah and Barbara noticed it too.

"They will not pass at Andrew's bodyguard trust me," Hannah said.

Until The bodyguard bowed at Y/N and Aurora.

"Did that Bodyguard bow at Y/N and Aurora?" Barbara said.

"Possibly Y/N said something to the bodyguard that make him bow," I spoke to them.

The bodyguard steps aside to make a way to Y/N and Aurora.

Hannah and Barbara their jaw dropped when The bodyguard step aside and made their way to Y/N and Aurora.

"How the heck do Y/N and Aurora get passed through at Andrew's bodyguard?" Hannah said.

"Maybe Y/N and Aurora are close friends with Andrew?" Barbara replied to Hannah.

I looked at Y/N and Aurora closely. 'It seems they're not gonna talk to Andrew.' I said in my mind.

Y/N and Aurora walk closer to Andrew's friend.

I looked at Hannah and Barbara. "I think Y/N and Aurora were not going to talk to Andrew," I said.

"What do you mean by that Diana?" Hannah said.

"I mean they barely got passed to Andrew's bodyguard because they want to talk to Andrew's friend, not Andrew," I explained to Hannah.

"Diana is right Y/N and Aurora want to talk to Andrew's friend," Barbara said.

Barbara points at Y/N and Aurora who were talking to Andrew's friend.

Suddenly, Y/N hugged Andrew's friend tightly.

"They seem very close friends," Hannah said.

"What if that's Y/N's boyfriend, ?" Barbara spoke to Hannah.

When Barbara said that Y/N has a boyfriend it make me feel strange.

I stared at Y/N. 'Boyfriend?' I said in my mind.

When Y/N smiled at Andrew's friend I looked away and felt my heart break a little.


Ezra Pov

I and Andrew were watching a welcoming dance to Luna Nova.

It was interesting to watch but Andrew seemed didn't like watching the welcoming dance.

"What do you think? It's a wonderful dance isn't it?" Principal Holbrooke said.

"It is spectacular. I'm impressed, Principal Holbrooke." Andrew's Father replied to Principal Holbrooke.

"Witches are awesome don't you think?" Frank said.

I looked at Frank. "Yea it's incredible how about you Andrew don't you think the witches are cool?" I said.

"It's fine I guess," Andrew replied to me.

"Especially that one from the distinguished Cavendish Family, Miss Diana," Frank said.

I looked at Diana. 'So that's Diana Y/N's friend she looked interesting.' I said in my mind.

"Look at that beauty! She exuded elegance!" Frank said.

"Is she really that famous?" Andrew spoke to Frank with a cold tone.

"Hey, I know you're not that interested in magic," Frank replied to Andrew.

"But don't tell me you don't know Diana Cavendish," Frank said.

"I think I heard about that name from my two sisters," I replied to Frank.

Frank looked surprised. "Wait you have siblings who studied in Luna Nova?" Frank said.

"Yea I remembered that my two sisters were classmates with Diana," I respond to Frank.

Frank was amazed by what I said. "You are so lucky to have two sisters learning how to be a witch!" Frank said.

I smiled. "Yea I'm so lucky to have the best sisters in the world," I said.

Suddenly, Principal Holbrooke said something to us.

"After the show, please stay for dinner." Principal Holbrooke announced.

"We will be having sea dragon steak." Principal Holbrooke said.

Andrew's Father glance at The Principal. "Principal Holbrooke." Andrew's Father said.

"Yes?" Principal Holbrooke said.

"Andrew doesn't seem to be interested in the dance." Andrew's father spoke to Principal Holbrooke.

"Can you please show him around the campus?" Andrew's Father asked The Principal.

"I see. Diana!" Principal Holbrooke called Diana.

Diana walked beside Principal Holbrooke.

"Yes, Principal Holbrooke," Diana said.

"Please give Andrew and his friends a tour of the campus." Principal Holbrooke said.

"Of course," Diana spoke to Principal Holbrooke.

'This is my chance to get to know Diana.' I said in my mind.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Frank a friend of Andrew." Frank introduced himself to Diana.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Diana." Diana replied to Frank.

Diana looked at me I gave her a little wave. Gladly she waved back at me.

Andrew glared at Diana. "Long time no see," Andrew said.

We were following Diana to tour the campus.

I was admiring the campus suddenly Frank said something.

"What a surprise!" Frank said.

"I had no idea you and Andrew were childhood friends," Frank spoke to Diana.

I was listening to Diana and Andrew's conversation. 'Childhood friends?' I said in my mind.

"We met at my family's vacation home where we summered when I was a child," Diana explained.

"I don't remember us being friends," Diana spoke to Andrew.

I was having a worried expression. 'Jeez, how did Y/N and Aurora become friends with Diana when she was so cold.' I said in my mind.

"You were obsessed with weird magic the entire summer," Andrew replied to Diana.

"Everyone was creeped out and didn't want to get close to you," Andrew said.

"Well actually, it was very popular back then," Diana spoke to Andrew.

"You just didn't notice because you were surrounded by so many girls," Diana said.

"That's true. I didn't notice." Andrew responds to Diana.

"But that was because I didn't find that old, outdated magic interesting," Andrew said.

"As I remember we've had this meaningless conversation before," Diana said.

Andrew stopped talking he didn't want to start a fight. It was a very quiet tour so I walked toward Diana and talked to her for a while.

"Your name is Diana, right?" I asked Diana.

"Yes is there something I can help you with?" Diana said.

"Nothing. I just wanna get to know about you." I spoke to Diana.

Diana glanced at me. "Alright," Diana said.

"By the way, I'm Y/N's-" I didn't finish my sentence.

"Boyfriend?" Diana spoke to me.

My expression quickly change. "No brother," I said.

Diana was shocked that Y/N has another sibling.

She looked at me. "Oh, my apologies I thought You and Y/N are in a relationship because you seem very close to her earlier," Diana explained.

I chuckled at what Diana said. "It's fine that's how siblings do always close to each other," I replied to Diana.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm Ezra L/N, it was fancy to meet you in personal Diana," I said.

"It was nice to meet you too Ezra," Diana spoke to me.

"So Diana how are Aurora and Y/N in class?" I asked Diana.

"Y/N and Aurora are very generous in class often," Diana replied to me.

"They were fast learners they mastered different spells," Diana said.

"Ooh, really that's quite amazing to hear about my two best sisters. I replied to Diana.

"By the way, I heard that Y/N let you win at the Broom relay last week," I said.

"Yeah, she let me win. Y/N is reasonably one of the nicest and most caring people I met." Diana said.

While I'm listening to Diana's conversation I noticed she stopped walking.

She looked at Andrew and Frank.

"It's off-limits beyond this point. Please come this way." Diana said.

We followed Diana and I continue to talk to her.

Andrew Pov

While Diana was touring us on the campus. I noticed a bunny girl was sneaking into the off-limits.

Frank was busy listening to Ezra and Diana's conversation so I escape.

I walked into the off-limit to get closer to the bunny girl.

The bunny girl notices me and hides in a corner I can see her ears moving I hold them tightly.

Suddenly, The bunny girl whined.

"What are you doing?" The bunny girl spoke to me.

"My apologies," I respond to The bunny girl.

The bunny girl glared at me. "Yes, you should be..." The bunny girl lost her words when she saw me.

I looked closely at her ears and grabbed her ears tightly.

Until The bunny girl screams.

While Diana and the others heard the scream.

"What was that?" Frank said.

"Frank where the heck is Andrew?!" Ezra spoke to Frank.

The bunny girl whined again.

The bunny girl glared at me. "What do you think you're doing?!" The bunny girl spoke to me.

"What? I'm sorry." I apologize for The bunny girl.

I put my index and thumb on my chin and looked closely at the bunny's ears. "Are these ears real?" I asked The bunny girl.

"Of course, they're not real. But they are mine." The bunny girl replied to me.

"Which is it?" I respond to The bunny girl.

"They're mine." The bunny girl said.

"It's just that they're rabbit ears because of magic." The bunny girl explained to me.

I felt uninterested in what The bunny girl said.

"Magic. I see." I said.

"I guess I'll excuse myself, Miss..." I spoke to The bunny girl.

The bunny girl felt speechless by what I said. We started at each other for a while.

The bunny girl snapped back to reality remember I was waiting for her name.

"I'm Akko. Miss Akko." Akko replied to me.

She blushed a little. "Kagari Atsuko. No, I mean Atsuko Kagari." Akko said with a panicked tone.

Akko put her hand back on her head. "You can just call me Akko," Akko responds to me.

I bowed to Akko. "Well then, farewell, Miss Kagari," I replied to her.

Akko looked at me. "Farewell..." Akko said.

I noticed Akko's expression. "I'm Andrew Hanbridge," I respond to Akko.

Akko bowed to me. "Farewell, Andrew..." Akko replied to me.

Akko realized the familiar name.

Akko glanced at me. "Andrew? Are you the handsome Andrew?" Akko asked me.

Akko felt embarrassed by what she said earlier to me.

I smiled a little. "Are you a student here?" I asked her.

"Yes," Akko responds to me.

"I always thought witches were a little different," I said.

I looked closely at Akko. "But I don't think I've met one as unique as you," I spoke to Akko.

Akko looked happy at me. "Really? You love magic too?" Akko asked me.

"That's why you came to see Luna Nova, right?" Akko said.

I sighed. "Wrong. I have no interest in magic." I respond to Akko.

Akko looked confused at me. "What?" Akko replied to me.

"I don't understand why you learn such outdated and useless magic," I said.

I glare at Akko. "Don't you realize it will soon disappear?" I replied to her.

Akko was shocked by what I said.

"No, it won't disappear!" Akko spoke to me.

"Magic won't disappear! We won't let it happen!" Akko said.

"Magic is not outdated, or useless!" Akko said.

"Magic is very, very, very, wonderful!" Akko replied to me.

I looked at Akko with interested eyes. "Really? Magic is still useful, you say?" I spoke to Akko.

"Of course!" Akko replied to me.

Akko Pov

"Give me an example," Andrew spoke to me.

I felt nervous about what Andrew said to me I looked around if there was something I can cast a spell on it.

"An example," I mumbled to myself.

I saw a squirrel far away I quickly point my wand at the squirrel and cast a spell.

"Metamorpie Faciesse!" I said.

Suddenly, the magic didn't work on the squirrel Andrew's ears become donkey ears.

I felt scared that I messed up the magic I slowly turned around and see Andrew's disappointed face at me.

"How is this useful," Andrew spoke to me with a bitter tone.

I panicked. "It's just a small mistake! I'll fix it, right away!" I replied to Andrew.

I point my wand at Andrew's ears and cast the spell at him.

"Metamorphie Faciesses!" I said.

Suddenly Andrew got a donkey tail.

Andrew was trying not to trigger Akko.

"I'm starting to wonder if you actually know how to fix this," Andrew respond to me.

Suddenly, someone called Andrew's name.

"Andrew! Where are you?" Frank shouted.

"Oh no!" I whispered to myself.

"Where did he go?" Ezra said.

"He shouldn't walk around by himself," Diana said.

Diana and the others walked away.

Andrew and I were hiding behind the wall.

"I'm going to be in huge trouble if they find us," I said.

Andrew was holding his donkey ears. "I'd rather they didn't see me like this either," Andrew said.

I stand up and grabbed Andrew's hand and started to walk.

"There's only one thing to do now and that finds the Fountain of Polaris," I explained to Andrew.

"I need the magic power of the stars from the fountain," I said.

I looked at Andrew. "Then we should be able to go back to our normal selves," I said.

Ezra Pov

We were finding Andrew but no sign of him.

I sighed and took out my phone and started to call Andrew.

Frank noticed I was calling someone. "Hey Ezra you cannot use high-tech in this Academy it's against the rules," Frank spoke to me.

I looked at him. "It's the only way we can contact Andrew," I replied to Frank.

Frank sighed and continue to find Andrew.

Diana walked toward me. "Any clues of where Andrew is?" Diana asked me.

I looked at Diana. "No clues. Andrew picks up, please." I replied to Diana while calling Andrew.

Diana notices my phone. "You can't use high-tech in this Academy Ezra it's against the rules," Diana replied to me.

"You want to get punished by missing Andrew middle of the tour? Or let me call Andrew where is he right now?" I respond to Diana.

She looked at me with dissatisfied eyes and scoff. "Fine, you can use high-tech, here just once to call Andrew," Diana replied with a serious tone.

I smiled at Diana. "Alright thanks, Cavendish," I respond to her.

Suddenly, Andrew didn't pick up.

I take off my phone at my ear and swear."F*ck!" I shouted.

Frank and Diana got frightened of me.

"Language Ezra!" Frank spoke to me.

"You sound like your older sister when you shouted," Diana said.

I looked at Diana. "Does she always shout at you?" I asked Diana.

"Well actually no she always shouts or yelled when she is angry or something bad is gonna happen," Diana explained to me.

"Ohhh okay," I respond to Diana.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed I looked at my phone and Aurora send me a video of Y/N.

I played the video and saw that Y/N was in a room and Y/N arms were covered in bandages.

Y/N was making a tower of cards and suddenly the tower of cards got out of balance.

Y/N looked at the camera and had a grumpy expression.

Aurora laughed at Y/N.

"I gave up!" Y/N yelled to herself.

When Y/N yelled the video ended.

I laughed out loud and made Diana and Frank look at me.

"Is there something funny Ezra?" Diana asked me.

I showed the video with Y/N on it to Diana and Frank.

Diana and Frank were watching the video seriously.

When the scene where the tower of the cards falls Frank was trying not to laugh.

Diana smiled and chuckles at Y/N's expression.

The video ended and Frank laughed so hard. I put my phone in my pocket.

"It's funny right?" I spoke to them.

"Truly, indeed," Diana replied to me.

"It's really funny but what happened to Y/N's arms?" Frank ask me.

"I don't know?" I replied to Frank.

"Y/N your oldest sister is gotten a fight with a black creature in the forest last Wednesday," Diana explained to me.

"Gladly she recovers fast," Diana added.

"Ohh I thought she was trying to suicide," I replied to Diana.

Diana was terrified by what I said. "Oh, bloody hell! Please don't say that again!" Diana responds to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I apologize to Diana.

Akko Pov

We were inside The Northern campus trying to find The fountain.

"It's supposed to be in the north building," I said.

"The Fountain of Polaris," I said.

I and Andrew walked around to find The Fountain of Polaris.

I saw a big door I run towards the door Andrew was behind me.

"This could be it!" I said.

"Did you find it?" Andrew spoke to me.

We stopped running and looked at the big door.

I saw a sign at the side of the big door I looked closely. "Is this French? I can't read it all.'' I said.

Andrew looked at the sign closely. "No, it's Latin," Andrew spoke to me.

"Do not wake the sleeping Arcas," Andrew said.

"Arcas, the guard of Polaris, will attack anyone who gets close to the fountain," Andrew said.

"I think it's best not to get close to the fountain," Andrew spoke to me.

I didn't listen to what Andrew said and run toward the door and barged in.

"Ouch, that's hurt," I said.

Suddenly, I heard growling in front of me I looked up and saw a big Polar bear.

"H-hey big guy," I said.

Suddenly, The polar bear roared at me and was ready to bite me.

Until Andrew pulled my hand and run away to The polar bear.

"Keep running!" Andrew yelled at me.

The polar bear was chasing us.

"Who would have guessed such a beast was there!" I yelled.

"What a great school this is!" Andrew shouted to me.

While we were running I saw a ladder beside the broken staircase,

"Look!" I said.

We were in front of the ladder Andrew help me to climb up the ladder.

Andrew looked behind him and saw The Polaris getting closer to him.

Andrew looked at me. "Hurry up!" Andrew yelled at me.

I was done climbing I looked at Andrew.

"Come on give me your hand!" I said.

Suddenly, The polar bear barged onto the ladder gladly Andrew Dodge it.

Andrew walked backward and waited The polar bear looked at him.

When The polar bear looked at him. He quickly runs up the broken staircase.

Unexpectedly, Andrew jumped high, and The polar bear. Andrew steps at The polar bear's nose and quickly jumps again at the broken staircase.

Andrew landed safely in front of me we smiled at each other.

Until The polar bear jumped in front of us. We quickly run to the stairs we were on the rooftop.

We didn't notice that the edge of the floor was falling behind us while we were running.

Suddenly, we fall Andrew was holding at the edge of the rooftop meanwhile I was holding Andrew's pants.

Until Andrew's pants were slipping slowly I was seeing his brief.

I was so embarrassed to see his brief. "I swear I'm not doing this on purpose, !" I yelled to Andrew.

"I know," Andrew replied to me with a weak voice.

"I know you think I'm doing this on purpose!" I yelled to Andrew.

"I don't," Andrew replied to me.

Andrew heard The polar bear growling at us.

"Liar! I know you do!" I respond to Andrew.

The polar bear jumped at the edge of the rooftop and made Andrew and Akko fall.

Suddenly someone cast a spell on us.

"Paleis Capama!" Professor Ursula yelled.

Andrew and I were in a big bubble.

"It has been a while, Arcas." Professor Ursula said.

I didn't see who cast a spell on us suddenly my vision got blurry.

I woke up I was on the ground I was zoning out. "What happened?" I asked myself.

Suddenly, I lost my rod. "Oh no! My Shiny Rod!", I said.

"Sorry to bother you while you're busy but can you get off me?" Andrew spoke to me.

I was sitting at Andrew's back.

"I can't breathe," Andrew replied to me.

I quickly got up and saw The entrance of The Big Dipper Arch.

"It's The Big Dipper Arch," I said.

I walked inside The Big Dipper Arch.

"Hey," Andrew spoke to me.

I didn't stop walking up the stairs Andrew followed me.

We were walking up the stairs the atmosphere was filled with many stars and it was like we were in space.

I noticed I was getting close to the top I run to the top and saw The Fountain of Polaris.

"Fountain of Polaris..." I said.

I walked closer to the fountain and closed my eyes and said a wish.

"Please give me the magic power of the stars," I said.

It was filled with silence, I opened my eyes carefully and saw Chariot in a teenager version.

"Chariot?" I said.

Chariot walked away from the fountain suddenly she stopped walking and looked back at the fountain she starts running away and I was seeing brightness in her background.

Until we saw Chariot's memory. I saw Chariot walking away from the old lady.

Chariot noticed the old lady can't cross the road. Chariot cast a spell at the old lady.

Suddenly, the cars stopped and saw the old lady floating in the air while going to the side of the road.

Everyone looked shocked at the old lady while the old lady looked confused about how she did get to the side of the road.

Abruptly, The car was honking at Chariot. Chariot quickly apologize to the people who were in the car.

The Fountain of Polaris was showing a few memories of Chariot.

Chariot points her shiny rod at the sky and made fireworks.

I was very amazed at Chariot's memories.

Suddenly, I saw a Chariot illusion. Chariot lift her shiny rod and her stars start to glow.

The stars in the sky start to go down at Chariot's shiny rod and absorbed the star's magic.

Suddenly, Chariot's back appears as big white wings.

The chariot spins around and becomes a big bird.

My vision got blurred when The big bird shines its wings at me.

I opened my eyes and saw I was outside.

I looked at The Big dipper arch. "It's gone," I said.

"The Fountain of Polaris gives the magic power of the stars," Professor Ursula spoke to me.

"To a witch who possesses hidden radiance." Professor Ursula said.

"But if a young who does not deserve the magic comes to visit," Professor Ursula said.

"The fountain will disappear immediately." Professor Ursula explained to me.

Professor Ursula looked at me. "Looks like you came here too soon." Professor Ursula said.

I looked down. "Yes," I replied to Professor Ursula.

"I was just hoping that I could find The Fountain of Polaris," I said.

"I could be recognized as a witch who possesses hidden radiance," I said.

"But I realized it's not something for somebody else to recognize," I said.

"Instead, I should become a great which through my effort," I said.

"That's right." Professor Ursula spoke to me.

"But I think you knew that from the beginning." Professor Ursula replied to me.

I cried tears of joy. "I do want to be like Chariot," I respond to Professor Ursula.

"I really want to somebody," I said.

Professor Ursula gave me the Shiny rod. "Here." Professor Ursula replied to me.

I grabbed the shiny rod from Professor Ursula's hand.

"Come back again when you are more mature. Professor Ursula advised me.

"Yes!" I replied to Professor Ursula.

Andrew was smiling at us Professor Ursula walked forward to Andrew.

"Excuse me." Professor Ursula spoke to Andrew.

"By Akko did to your ears and tail I will take care of it." Professor Ursula said.

"Please don't tell anybody about this incident." Professor Ursula begged Andrew.

Professor Ursula put her hand behind my head and pushed my head down to pretend I was bowing at Andrew.

Andrew smiled at Professor Ursula. "Understood we will keep this a secret between us," Andrew replied to Professor Ursula.

No one POVs

Andrew got back at Ezra and Frank. They were completely worried about where he had been.

Except for Diana who's been disappointed with Andrew that getting lost on campus.

Akko got back to her dorm and continue to study Metamorphosis magic.

Principal Holbrooke thankfulness Andrew's father to come at the academy.

Does magic gonna be disappeared soon?

To be continued.

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