Secret Alpha *COMPLETED*

By XxxSkittles_lovexxX

422K 12.6K 890

While teens her age had by now experienced their first kiss, lost their v-card, the exchange of juicy gossip... More

Secret Alpha
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Epilogue!!! THE END
Little Luna
My Beginning

Chapter 20

8.1K 297 19
By XxxSkittles_lovexxX

so wanted to say sorry for the wait havent had wifi for three ive been writing which is good because the story is coming out as i plannned...though i added my notebook of notes for this story is getting bigger...hmmm idk how long this will actualy long should this book go? 30 pgs? or is that to short...or 40? which gives me time to write more...jw***************************$kittle$******************************************************************

Chapter 20


The snow is cold as it fell down on me sprinkling the ground. Her hand slid into mine holding tight making  me give a content little sigh as I glanced down at her. She was shivering her lips almost blue and her cheeks a rosy red. Shrugging out of my coat I wrapped mine around her shoulders and zipped it up without a word.

Her warmth and safety was all I cared about me I could care less about. ‘Ary you’ll get cold’ she muttered in protest as she went to unzip the coat.

Stopping her I stilled her hands. ‘no I’m fine’ I answered to her as I gave her a kiss on the forehead making her smile.

‘one day we’ll be like mom and dad right?’

I nodded as I slid my arm around her. ‘ya one day when we’re older.’

‘but we are older. I’m five now and your 11’ she pouted sticking out her bottom lip making me grin at her.

‘I know we are but we have to be older, the right age for us is when you turn 10 you have a while’ I pointed out, our kind married young and now all we had to do was wait to turn out like mom and dad. She wanted to be close like them she wanted us to be like that. And I agreed totally.

My wolf Tallon told me everything, after I was taken from home by uncle I changed when he first bit me. He had changed me well I thought he did mom said it was because of the stress that my wolf was under that made him come out to early. But I think it was his bit.

‘Big brother?’ I grunted as I looked into her eyes those big orbs made my heart quench and Tallon didn’t seem to mind how close we were like  the rest. Though he was intently looking for my mate. ‘what happens if you find your mate?’

‘we’ll be together’


Blinking I looked up at the ceiling panting. That dream, I hadn’t had that dream in over 5 years… rolling over in bed I gave a huff. I had seen Sophia today and it made Tallon happy to see her. Though I hadn’t been able to say anything to her worth while I was able to see her.

I knew she hadn’t liked seeing me at her school and I knew her friend Lex hated me. Though I couldn’t figure out why she did I mean I hadn’t done anything to her. But I made an acquaintance at the school someone they wouldn’t likely expect to be someone to help me get Sophia back.

Sighing heavily I closed my eyes again and tried to sleep  I had to wake up early tomorrow for school I planed on getting closer to Sophia even though I hated to see how so many of our class mates took an interest in her.

‘Zachary’ grunting I opened my eyes and sat up straight.


She nodded as she took a step closer her eyes trailing over the room then back to me. ‘yes’

‘what are you doing here?’ I asked in alarm I knew I had locked the door…and how had she slipped past my many guards.

‘I thought this was my home’ she said sarcastically with a puff. ‘I came to tell you that you need to leave’ blinking I looked at her with wide eyes. ‘I don’t need you at my school you’ve done enough your complicating things’ she whispered.

Growling I clenched my hands. ‘I’m complicating things? You’re the one who doesn’t know when to stop trying to get away you’re my mate for the love of god!’

‘sometimes I wish I wasn’t your mate Zachary’

‘you mean all the time sense your with that thing?’ I sneered through clenched teeth. ‘yes quiet an upgrade bet he has everything I don’t’

‘he does’ she bit out through clenched teeth as well her hands were in tight fists and her chest rose and fell quickly as she glared at me. ‘he’s never forced himself on me, or tried to take advantage of me’

‘and I have?!’

‘yes-you have’ she shivered the smell of fear mate Tallon howl out in pain. ‘you forced me to do things I didn’t want to do with you even when I pleaded with you’ she whispered in a raw voice that cut deep making me flinch away.

‘you never fought back’

‘I shouldn’t of had to! My simple pleas should of made you back off, Tanner is a gentlemen he’s never forced me into anything I’ve always done it willingly and without any objections’ she answered coldly her words slicing through me making me clutch my chest in pain.

‘Sophia-I’m your mate you have to understand how it enrages us both to see and hear you talk of Tanner we lost control. Mates aren’t meant to be separated like we have, this is only worst between us because I’m an alpha wolf. I need you by my side to help me watch over our pack’ I pleaded with her as I extended my hand out to her.

I hoped she would come back to me. She had came into my house into my room without me having to come get her. Hope bloomed in my heart maybe there could be a chance that she would come back to me without having to do anything.

Shaking her head she took a deep breath. ‘I cant, Tanner needs me by his side’

‘I need you by my side! We’ll die without each other’

Flinching she looked away. The raw emotion in my voice was getting to her Tallon protested in my staying were I was he wanted me to go to her. And I suddenly found myself out of my bed walking towards her taking small steps trying not to scare her.

Pulling her into my arms I held her tight to my chest her body stiff as I kissed the side of her neck my teeth extended as the need to mark her became to strong to ignore. Pulling back I pressed my lips to her making her whimper out when I cupped her face in my hands.

‘Sophia please’

‘No, Jordan now’ something appeared next to her like a glowing figure as I seen it settle what looked like a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly she was gone in a puff of smoke. My skin burned and tingled. I hadn’t been close to Sophia without her screaming at me and it had come to a shock when she hadn’t pushed me away. But she didn’t. She stood there slightly trembling maybe stiff but she had stayed. Something in her was fighting back, something in her was trying to bring her back to me.


Looking down at my empty arms that fell to my side as I made my way back to bed. Grabbing her pillow I drew it to my chest with a little pout as I gave  a deep sigh. 


Glancing around I looked at the house. Glancing at Jordan I gave a weak smile. ‘thanks’

Nodding he shoved his hands into his jean pockets as he glanced back at the house. ‘why do you stay with Tanner when your mate has changed so much?’ he asked curiously.

‘because-because Tanner needs me and, he’s different then Zachary I didn’t have to wait for him to change to the better. Tanner was how he was but Zachary he’s just changed and he could quickly change back to how he originally was’ I gave a deep huff.

Walking towards the road as Dustin pulled up. Glancing back to look at Jordan I found him gone. Walking to the car I slid in and buckled up. ‘what you did was risky’ he muttered with a frown.

‘I know but I had to’

‘I hope you didn’t do anything to hurt Tanner, my brother really likes you’ he warned with another frown.

‘I know I like him to, but I had to confront Zachary’

‘did you get anywhere with him?’ Dustin drove slowly barley going any faster than needed.

‘not really, he still wants me to come back to him’ I answered with a frown. ‘he says the reason he hadn’t stopped when he had me, was because he’s an Alpha wolf. Something about it being because his wolf is more protective’

‘Male Alpha wolfs do have a Jealous and Protective side to them but that still doesn’t justify him almost raping you because that’s what it would have been because you weren’t willing to do it he was going to force you.’ He bit out through clenched teeth. ‘mind closing your eyes?’ nodding I did as he asked as we took a sudden sharp turn bumping into the door I gave a little grunt as he gave a curse. ‘you can open them if you don’t mind the speed’ he warned.

Keeping my eyes shut I held tight to the seat as we increased in speed.


Sophia was in that car, Drake had called and said he was in hot pursuit the idiot hadn’t listened to me when I had told them to leave her alone.

Growling as I pulled up to the car I felt my blood run cold as I pulled up to the site. The car I could only assume that it was Sophia’s car which the front of the car was wrapped around the tree. Hopping out leaving the car running I let out a breath of relief as someone was helping Sophia out of the car blood trickling down her forehead as she gave a cough looking for Drake I looked back.

‘You ok?’ walking up to them I couldn’t help by me relieved that she was alive, hurt but alive.

‘she has glass in her arm,’ the man answered as he kept his arm around her.

‘what happened?’

‘Zachy?’ looking up at me the blood trickled down her eye as she gave a cough the smell of blood heavy in the air. Going limp the man caught her cradling her.

‘flipped over the ditch when I hit the brakes.’  He answered as his eyes trailed over me.

My hands clenched. ‘the bastard.’

‘safe to say you didn’t order this to happen?’ he challenged with a rough growl, half bred. Who shared the same similar scent as Tanner.

‘no I would never risk Sophia’s life in the matter, I couldn’t do that to her. Let me take her to the hospital let me take care of the both of you’ I knew this simple little gesture would make her doubt how she feels about me maybe even assist in helping me get her back.

Glancing down at Sophia in his arms he nodded slowly.

‘some things wrong with her arm.’ he frowned.


Pacing in the hall the echoing sound of Sophia’s screams tore at me. The pack doctor was popping her shoulder back into place and resting broken arm. After they were done with that they would begin to remove the glass from her arm.

Walking into the other mans room whom I found out was Dustin Tanner’s younger brother I stopped at the foot of his bed. ‘she had a seat belt on?’

He nodded.

‘what exactly happened?’

Coughing he sat up. ‘I was parked outside your house after she got out, she got in buckled in and I droved down the road we were talking when I noticed a car chasing after us, it was going past the speed limit and I told her to closer her eyes as I took a sharp turn we got ahead till they hit the tail gate we jolted forward swerved a little after that Sophia told me of this road that was always muddy  and told me of a ditch that was deep and that if we turned in time the person chasing us wouldn’t see it coming’ he whispered.

‘how does she know this?’

‘I don’t know Tanner found her in a ditch there once when she had gotten away from you.’ He answered softly. ‘she kept her eyes closed the whole time I followed her direction but I don’t know what happened’ he whispered in a shaky voice. ‘ I didn’t see the tree when I turned I didn’t see it, Tanner’s gonna kill me for getting her hurt’

‘Tanner’ I scoffed.

Looking up at me he gave a little smile. ‘ya Tanner, he’s been celibate for a long time, then Sophia came along and changed  he’s not the same person he use to be he’s more warm now he needs her to keep him sane. He’s not crazy he just cares about her that much.’

Flinching I pulled out my phone and tossed it to him. I knew I would hate myself to it but I knew I would be the last person Sophia would want to see when she woke up.

‘calm him, tell him were we are. But’ I held up my finger. ‘he’s to come alone I cant have any more of your kind on my land’

‘Sophia doesn’t deserve this’ he whispered as he quickly dialed in the number. Hitting a button he gave a growl. ‘Tanner’

‘Do you know were Sophia is? I cant find her anywhere’ Tanner demanded.

‘Ya about that’ he paused and took a deep breath. ‘we’re in Oak Hotel in her old pack’s land’

‘You took her there didn’t you?! Do you know how unsafe that is she could get hurt-she could-could get taken’ his voice snarled through the room making Dustin flinch.

‘Tanner I couldn’t tell her no, things went wrong’ Dustin muttered.

‘what happened to her?’

‘Look Sophia needs you right now, you don’t want her to wake up and not find you here right?’ he asked him soberly making Tanner suck in a shaky breath.

‘I’ll be there, but Dustin anything that’s happened to her. Be expecting it ten fold.’ Tanner Hung up and Dustin gave a groan.

‘I think I would of preferred being killed…I’m fucked.’


Packing I clenched and unclenched my hands as I walked into the room. Finding Sophia half awake her eyes dazed. ‘Hey’  I whispered as I took a seat next to her.

‘Tanner?’ flinching I took her hand.

 ‘he’s on his way’  I muttered forcing back a frown. I knew she wouldn’t want to see me but I had to see how she was.

‘everything hurts-is Dustin alright?’ I nodded. ‘good, how about Drake? He went over the ditch right?’

‘Dustin is alright in the room next to you and we don’t know with Drake he’s still in iffy ground’

Licking her lips she gave a little whimper. ‘hurts’

‘Sophia?’ looking up a wide smile slid over her face.


‘I’ll leave you two alone’ I muttered as I stood up and left the room.


Looking down at Sophia I felt my heart jerk. Sliding my hand into hers I gave her a soft kiss. ‘hey’

Smiling at me she gave a little groan. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t listen’ she whispered to me in a weak voice.

‘you did what you thought was right, but the one who did this to you will not be treated so lightly.’

Frowning she squeezed my hand. ‘please don’t be so mean Tanner’ she whispered as she scooted over. ‘please?’

Groaning I shrugged as I slid in beside her. Sliding my arm under her head she gave a little whine when I didn’t move closer. ‘I don’t wanna hurt you’

‘just hold me its cold in here’ she answered in a whiney voice. ‘and this bed is lumpy and hard, and your so warm and-’

‘Ok I understand’ rubbing her back I held tight as I gave her a soft squeeze. ‘I’m just glad your safe.’


Groaning I shifted around noticing that Sophia had worked herself on top of me with a stifled yawn. She was fast asleep snoring softly with a content smile on her lips. Combing my fingers through her hair I glanced up as Dustin walked in with a cast on his left arm.

‘You have a lot to explain Dustin’

‘I know, I didn’t mean to get her hurt’ he whispered as he looked at Sophia. ‘ we were getting chased and she told me were to go and I listened when I turned I didn’t see the tree. I’m sorry she got hurt’

Rolling Sophia off of me I got out of bed and walked to my brother. Pulling him into a hug I gave a soft huff. ‘you moron you could have gotten yourself killed’ I hissed as I pulled back. ‘you’re my little brother Dustin you had me worried about the both of you’


Leaning against the door I listened to them

‘You moron you could have gotten yourself killed’ he hissed to his brother. ‘you’re my little brother Dustin you had me worried about the both of you’

The compassion in his voice was something that had me flinching and hating how he was showing his emotions about Sophia.

‘but I –I got her hurt you gave us all strict  orders to not hurt her, and to not lay a finger on her’ Dustin demanded.

‘I know that but you couldn’t stop what had happened, I’m just glad you two made it out ok I don’t know what I  would of done if I’d lost either one of you’ Tanner muttered softly.

‘if Sophia had made it you’d of been alright she’s good for you brother, she makes you smile we haven’t seen that smile for a while sense you stopped touching anything one sexually.’ Dustin answered softly. ‘we all see how you two look at each other she feels the same way about you’

‘I know call me horrible but I’m blessed to have her giving me the attention she’s been giving.’

‘Tanner?’ Sophia muttered in a shaky voice. There was a shuffle and creaking of the bed. ‘o I thought you left me’

‘I would never leave you’ Tanner muttered that was when I chose to push away from the wall and walk down the hall rubbing my chest.


Walking into my hotel room I threw the keys to the door down on the table and tore off my coat and shoes. Rolling my shoulders I cracked my knuckles and stumbled to my bed. Falling into it the soft warmth of the bed the pillows gave out like nothing as I reached for the phone. These pillows fuck air pillows that’s what I’d call them cuz they give nothing.

‘Yes room 3209 I need ten pillows two sheets and coffee with cream and sugar.’  Hanging up I cracked my knuckles again as I looked up at the palm pink ceiling.

Minutes later the bell rang and I sprang up to answer finding a young female with armfuls of pillows. ‘You wanted pillows?’ nodding I stepped aside letting her come in organizing the pillows she handed me coffee. ‘I get off at 12 if your up for a cup of tea’

Rolling my eyes I snorted. ‘I already have someone go on now’ I answered as I slammed the door on her as she left with a pout.

Skanky. Going back to bed I laid back down, stretching out I gave a little groan as I unbuckled my pants and slid them off.


‘He had Dustin call me’ Tanner muttered as he pushed the blinds aside and glanced back at me. ‘why?’

‘I don’t know why, but I’m glad he did’ I answered softly. ‘because you’re the one I wanted to see the most’ I added after a second as I licked my lips. He had been pacing and muttering to himself for a while now. I was starting to get worried. ‘babe come here’ I whispered to him as I offered my hand to him.

Mumbling he walked towards me and crawled in beside me. Pressing his lips to mine I wrapped an arm around his neck. My other was still sore from the stitches that the dock had given me. Flicking my tongue over his lips he gave a little groan. ‘sweetheart I don’t want to hurt you’

‘I’m fine’ I answered as I gave him another kiss.

‘we could reopen the stitches I don’t want you to get hurt’ he pulled away making me give a frustrated little groan.

‘SOPHIA!’ looking at the door I felt my jaw drop as Lex, Melody and Evan came in Lex well stomped up to me and pushed Tanner away. ‘you get hurt and you dont even bother to tell us your friends?!’

‘I um-I didn’t know if you’d c-’ I stammered out in shock

‘if you say care I will slap the hell out of you!’ she wrapped her arms around me.

‘Dustin gave us a call and we rushed over’ Evan smiled. Linley was by his side smiling at me warmly with pink flowers in her arms. Walking forward she put them on the dresser.

‘I thought it would make this room feel more homey’ she whispered softly.

‘thanks’ letting me go Lex gently swatted the side of my head with a scowl.

‘we were worried about you’ tears filled my eyes as I looked at them all.

They cared, they came when they didn’t have to they came and they care. I’d never felt loved until I met Zachary even though he hurt me in the end then Tanner constantly makes me feel loved and wanted. But these people I just met not that long ago cared abut me like we were childhood friends.

‘awe shit, don’t cry please’ Lex pleaded as her hands fluttered around me helplessly as I gave another sniffle. ‘awe shit don’t cry don’t cry’

‘what the hell is going on?!’ looking towards the door I looked at Zach as he walked in his eyes worried as he walked towards me. ‘you ok? Are you in pain need any medicine I can get the doc here for you’ he whispered to me.

‘you’ Lex shoved him away from me with enough force to make him stumble back. ‘you stay away from her, your kind don’t belong here!’ she hissed through clenched teeth as Evan reached out and pulled Lex back.

‘you’ve said to much Lex we should all go let Sophia get some rest and more strength’ Evan whispered.

‘She knows’ Lex whispered. ‘she knows about him, so she can know about us’

‘know what?’ I glanced at Tanner for help.

Taking a deep breath he slid his hand into mine. ‘she’s a vampire and Melody is a witch, Evan is also a vampire as well’


‘Ya “o” I told you she she’d know and accept us for us, she accepted Tanner’ Lex whispered as she looked at me. ‘don’t you?’ she tensed.

Nodding I gave a weak smile. ‘I feel left out now I’m the only human here’

‘Not really we can form a human club’ Linley joked with a blush.

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