Her and Them

By icyypear

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a fluffy love story black leads. agere (all sfw. if you sexualize agere you're fucking weird.) slow updates... More



414 25 6
By icyypear

Daryns POV

I woke up with Kiari sprawled out on their bed. They had their left arm across my chest and their right leg was bent. I checked my phone, it was 10:03. I listened to Kiaris little snores for a bit longer before I got up. I brushed my teeth, used the bathroom, and rinsed my face. I made my way to the kitchen to find something to eat for them. I couldn't go out and risk Kiari waking up and I wasn't there. I got a plate and added three mini bagels, then spread some cream cheese on them. I grabbed some napkins. Kiari can get messy... really fast. As I headed back towards their room I heard movement.

"Mornin mama!!" Kiari greeted me with a big smile. I set their plate down on the table in their room. I went to greet my baby and give them some love.
"Good morning angel! Did you already brush your teeth and use the potty?"
"Mm yes teeth. Forgot to potty. Bing me pease?"
"Did you make a mess on yourself?"
"Not yet." Kiari giggled. I extended my arms to them. They jumped up and poked my cheeks with their pointer fingers while blowing raspberries. I sat Ki on the toilet and stood outside the door so they could have a bit of privacy. Once they finished they opened the door smiling at me.

"Mommy I finish, food now?"
"Good job baby and yes, food now." Kiari raced back to their room and sat on their bed.
"Gimme gimme gimme!!"
"Oh princess please sit on your rug or in the main room. I don't want crumbs on your bed." Kiari pouted but slid onto the floor.
"Food pease."
"Here you go babydoll, remember to eat slow so you don't choke okay? What would you like to drink?"
"JUICE!!" Kiari screamed. I let out a small laugh.

"Remember our manners? How do we ask for things?" Ki tilted their head as they thought about the answer.
"OO OO pease juice pease!" They asked.
"Of course my love." I said as I cut on the tv. "I'll be right back, keep eating." Kiari nodded and ate happily. I went to the kitchen to grab some juice and find a cup with a seal on it so that they wouldn't spill. As I made my way back I heard Ki talking.

"Doggie look what mama bring us, food! It just for me sorry. Mama always bringing me nice stuff, maybe one day she bring you treats! I gonna gib her kissie when she get back." Ki said. My heart was instantly warmed, I pretended like I wasn't listening and walked inside their room.

"Here's your juice baby."
"Tank you mommy. Come sit pease." Kiari said. I sat next to them and occasionally wiped their face. Once they finished eating and drank their juice, Kiari looked at me.
"Kissiesssss pease?"
"Of course angel, where do you want em?"
"Nooooo I gib you kissies mama!"
"Oh oh sorry love, go ahead doll." Kiari planted a big kiss on my cheek and giggled. They kept giggling until it turned into rolling laughter. I didn't really understand but I was very glad they were so happy.

"Can we pease play outside today? Kiari asked with a hopeful tone.
"Well baby it is very hot outside, how about we wait until later in the day and I'll bring you to the park. How does that s-"
"YES YES LETS GO TO THE PARK!!!" Kiari yelled over me. What the hell was in them bagels? I smiled at them.

"Come bring your stuff to the kitchen."
"I gotta?"
"Fine fine, I coming." Kiari said while huffing at me. We chatted as I washed the dishes. When I finished, we sat on the couch and cuddled. Kiaris hands played with my chains.

"Yes princess?"
"How come you no wanna make new friend at Lemmys?" Lemmys was the ice cream place we went to. I sighed before answering.
"Well mommy was a bit grumpy, cause I didn't want our ice cream to melt."
"Hmm. Okay!" Kiari said, satisfied with my answer.

Truly I just didn't want anyone accidentally hurting Ki while they were small. Not everyone can handle being a caregiver, let alone having a little. I watched Kiari punch the pillows and make explosion sounds. They started giggling when they caught me staring. Kiari made a worried face and quickly got up. They ran out the room, instantly making me concerned. I got up to follow them.

"Ki??? You okay angel?"
"I COMING BACK I JUST FORGET MY FRENDS!!" Kiari screamed. They came waddling out their room carrying, at least attempting to, about 12 stuffed animals.
"Babybear you want some help?"
"NO NO, I GOT IT, SCUSE SCUSE!!" I sidestepped out of their way. Ki flopped on the floor with all their stuffed animals.
"Seefwends." They said with their mouth all in the pile. I picked up Kiari, claw machine style, and placed them on the couch.

"Okay sweets, what would you like to do now that all your friends are here?" Kiari sat up and picked up a dog from the pile.
"Dis is doggie. They my bestest frend. Say hi."
"Hi doggie, nice to meet you!" I said. Kiari proceeded to introduce me to their pile of soft friends. It was a bit past 3 and Kiari kept toppling over on the couch. They needed a nap badly. After toppling over four times, Kiari started snoring on the couch. I slowly got up and started bringing their stuffed animals to their room. I picked up doggie and placed them under Kiaris arms, careful not to wake my baby.

I stared at the main room and realized how messy it got. There was various coloring books, drawing apparatuses, toys, and yes... more stuffed animals. I quietly cleaned up as Kiari napped on the couch. I moved along to the kitchen, wiping out the counters and stove. When I finished I sat back down to rest.

Kiari has a tendency to act on their own accord. How am I supposed keep track of them at the park? I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Around 4 I picked Kiari up. Then walked them to their room. When I tell you they had a death grip on my shirt. I rubbed Kiaris ears and cheeks.

"Hi my baby, wake up." Kiari groaned and tugged at my shirt. I tried to set them down on their bed. That only made Kiari whine louder.
"Oh bun you have to get dressed so we can go to the store."
"Sto?" Kiari said with their face in my neck.
"Mhm, we're gonna pick up some things then go to the park." Kiaris eyes shot open
"PARKKKKK" They jumped down and went to look for an outfit.

"Do you need help showering?"
"Nope I big kid!"
"Okay angel, if you find yourself needing help just call for me okay?"
"Mhm. I gonna wear this!" Kiari said, holding up a soft green shirt that had a frog on it along with bright pink shorts. I laughed in my head, as long as they're happy.

"Okay sweetie, go get cleaned up."
"Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok..." Kiari continued with the "ok" train until they got to the bathroom. I picked up their room a bit and hummed. The water shut off after about 15 minutes. Kiari ran back in their room getting water everywhere.

"All clean!!"
"Princess please dry off before putting on your clothes. When you're dressed come in the main room and I'll fix your hair okay?"
"OKAY!! Go go go go go." I left Kiari to get dressed while I grabbed their hair stuff. I sat in the main room & turned on the tv. Kiari came out in 10 mins, their hair soaking wet. How that happened I don't know... I suppose I should've made sure they had on a shower cap, oops. Anyways, they sat on the floor in between my legs peacefully.

I gave Ki the remote and started on their hair. I moisturized it and put two ponytails at the top, leaving the rest out.
"You want bubbles baby?"
"Pink pease." I grabbed two pink bubbles and wrapped one around each of the ponytails.
"All done angel. Please stay here and watch tv while I get ready. I'll get you a snack and some water, knock on the door if you need help. You all good?"
"Yep yep!" Kiari replied. I set down a bowl of Cheerios and a bottle of water.

I went into Kiaris big kid room and went through their clothes, I didn't expect to be here for this long so I didn't pack enough outfits. We wore about the same size, I was a bit taller so the pants were a tiny issue. I picked light green loose fitting shorts with a paisley pattern on them and a plain pink shirt. I laughed realizing I matched Kiari. I showered and rewashed my face. After I got dressed, I went back to the main room. Like the perfect angel they are, Kiari was just where I left them.

"Mommy let's leave come onnnnnn!"
"Okay doll, put up your bowl."
"Kk." I put on my dunks then grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys. Along with Kiaris phone, keys, a hoodie for them, and some small snacks.
"Baby your shoes."
"Oh oh oh oh oh!" Kiari put on their pink crocs. I held their hand as we walked to the car, then we were off to the store.
these keep getting longer nd longer🧍🏾 hope y'all enjoy.
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