Possibly Forever (Will Byers...

By PAnicattheupsidedown

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Just a message about the hate
!!!One extra thing!!!
Dear, Y/N...
Dear, Will...
My Volume ll thoughts...


2.4K 67 129
By PAnicattheupsidedown

Hi! Enjoy the chapter my dear readers :)

《《 YOUR POV 》》

My eyes opened slightly as I heard the door creak open, I was very close to falling asleep but the sound of the creaking floorboards and then the door had woken me up.

I watched as a bit of light filled the room, causing me to squint as I had been used to the darkness. So I didn't notice when a figure walked into the room.

"El?" I heard a voice ask in the darkness, and even through a whisper I could recognize it anywhere.

"Will?" El sent back, voice low and groggy as she had been in the midst of a deep sleep.

"Um, is Y/N in here?" I rolled over to my other side at the question, having been previously facing the bed.

"On the floor." She answered him, and I let out a sigh at her honesty.

"On the floor?" He asked, sounding confused..

"Yes. Y/N is sleeping on the floor." El responded, not awake enough yet to make a lot of sense.

"Y/N?" I heard Will ask as he stepped further into the room, no longer interrogating El as he was on the hunt for me.

I didn't answer, finding it odd that he all the sudden wanted to talk to me after having zero interest before.

"Y/N can we please just talk?" I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping he would think I was asleep and leave, but my efforts were in vain when I heard the floors squeak under him, signaling that he was getting closer.

"C'mon, Y/N, please. I just want to talk about things, can we?" He asked again, as I let my eyes shoot open as I sat up, looking up at him in the darkness of the room, the only light coming from the slightly opened door.

"No! And about what?" I questioned him, a little annoyed about his abrupt entrance.

"About...what happend." He said quietly, not allowing El to hear him as he flinched at his own words.

"Can't it wait till tommorow?" I asked
"I'd rather talk now." He responded.

"No, Will. Just leave me alone, we'll talk tommorow." I laid back down, grabbing at the covers and pulling them up above my head, hoping he would take the hint and leave before I got upset.

He sighed, but didn't fight as he muttered an 'okay..' before exiting Els room.

Once I heard the door shut and silence fill the room once again, many thoughts flew into my mind, and it wasn't but about thirty seconds and I was out of my pile and opening the door to find Will.

Because how the hell am I not going to talk with him after he was so upset over my reaction? I felt really bad and I at least owed him a small explanation, and then the rest can wait till morning.

"Will?" I said as I closed the door to Els room behind me, and I was worried he had already rushed off to his room before a head poked out of the bathroom.

"We can talk, okay? I'm sorry about being upset, you don't des-"
"Don't apologize. I understand, we just really need to talk, Y/N." He said, cutting me off as he walked out of the bathroom, and my eyes widened as I realized he was shirtless and only in his plaid pajama pants.

He had his shirt in his hand and slipped it back over his head, and I assumed he was most likely about to get a shower.

"Okay. So, what did you want to talk about?" I started, allowing him to state his thoughts in a calm manner.

"I just wanted to talk about what happened earlier." He told me, and it was no shock as that was pretty much the exact answer I was expecting to hear.

"What about it?" I questioned, calmly as to not start a fight, but I guess I just wasn't ready for the next bold and blunt question that fell from his lips.

"Why did you do it?"

I almost gasped, but I knew that was more than dramatic. It was an honest question and there was no laugh or smile that came with it, no apology for the bluntness or any sort of sugar coating to help it go down better.
Nothing. Just the curiosity about why I broke that girls jaw.

I didn't really have an answer, no matter how long I stood there trying to come up with a reason, there was nothing. Absolutely no explanation about why I did what I did. But I couldn't exactly say that, could I?

"I...I don't know. I just got...mad, I guess?" I replied, my eyes on everything that wasn't him.

"You just...got mad? And did all that?" He responded, and once again that tiny angry flame inside was ready to ignite.

"No-Well yes, but not exactly. I was angry, but it doesn't excuse what I've done. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer, I just...don't know what to say." I told him, but it didn't really seem to register to him that I felt remorse.

"So, that's it? You can just go on with what you did, no apology, no explanation? You just got mad and broke a girls jaw out of anger...and you don't know what to say?" I let my lips part at his words, now really having no idea how to respond.

"I mean I- wait a second. Can we just talk about how all day you've had no interest in anything that has to do with me and now all the sudden you're so diligent on my explanation?" I said to him, not even trying to reply to his words as I had my own accusations to make.

"This has nothing to do with me-"
"Well, you're the one asking me all these questions aren't you?" I threw back at him, earning a frustrated expression.

"Yes, but that doesn't matter." He inisited.
"Yes it does!" I stated back to him.

"No it really just doesn't."
"And I really don't give a fuck. Just tell me why you're so set on getting answers out of me but not returning any." I told him, the flame flaring inside me as we both spoke angrily towards eachother.

"Because this isn't about me? Why do you care so much anyway?" He's asked.

"Because all day-all day you've ignored me, stayed away from me, acted like you hated me, and now all the sudden we're buddy buddy again and you can just interview me?"

Now he was the one who didn't know what to say, standing there, his mouth slightly agape as he stared into my eyes, not a single word coming from his mouth.

"So please explain to me, Will, how any of this makes any sense? How any of this means anything if you don't even care about how I feel?" I asked him again, tears threatening to spill as I poked him in the chest.

"It doesn't! I just wanted you to tell me why because I haven't known what to think about that all day. I have replayed that moment over and over and each and every time it just makes me feel sick to my stomach, it's not everyday you watch your girlfriend break someone's jaw!" He told me, his eyes also now teary.

"And how do you think I feel?! I have no explanation or reason for what I did! I did that solely because I was angry! Because they were bullying El and I wasn't going to stand around while no one else even tried to help! But the damage was already done, El had already defended herself in the only way she knew how. And yet here I came, angry and upset and fuming, and I broke her jaw! And here I am, with no reason, no explanation, no answer to any of the questions you plan to ask. All I have is the memory of me hurting someone for no reason."

My eyes flooded over, mascara I had applied before getting on that 6:30 flight spilling down my cheeks, my eyes red and my voice croaky from the sobs.

And Will only stood there, a couple of tears also falling from his eyes, and neither of us spoke as we stared for a moment.

But then finally I found something to say, something I had been wondering since it happened earlier.

"You're scared of me."

It wasn't a question, it was a simple statement, something I hadn't said much of lately. It was mostly questions and curious wonders, guesses and childish unsure daydreaming.
But now, here I was, stating, merely saying what I knew was true.

And it was.
I knew it as I looked him in the eyes, flooded and distant, the hazel reflecting in the dim light of the dark hall coming from different rooms.

I didn't need to guess or wonder anymore as I knew deep down things would never be the same, it was always going to be me messing up and him trying to convince the both of us things would be okay.

This was the turning point.
He was scared of me and I had no choice but to live with that.

"No. I'm not scared of you...I'm-I'm not." He tried to assure me but I didn't let him.

"No, Will, it's okay. It's fine, you don't have to try and lie to me. I already know." I gave him the smallest of smiles, because even if we were at a crossroads, there was one thing we could agree on.

"No, I'm not. I just didn't understand, because the Y/N I know doesn't just go around hurting people for her own enjoyment." He said to me, his voice firm as he wiped his eyes.

"What? Is that what you think I'm doing? Hurting people because I find pleasure in it?" I asked him, my eyes finding him through the blur.

"I...I don't know." He admitted, and suddenly my sadness and anger molted, and I no longer cared about the previous thoughts racking my mind.

"So, what? You just believe I'm some kind of monster who preys on people to hurt?" I questioned him, tears still coming down from my eyes.

"I, I mean no but..I don't know, that's why I was asking you about all this." He told me, sparking another wave of mixed feelings through me.

"I can't believe you, Will. You know how I feel, and yet after all that, you find it fine to be this way." I said, wiping my eyes as I looked back towards Els room.

"Y/N, I'm sorry, I just don't-"
"Save it, Will. I'm going back to bed." I told him as I turned on my heel to go back to Els room.

I didn't wait around to hear any more pleas from him before entering the dark room and falling back into my pile of blankets.

I sobbed into the pillow as quietly as I could as I trembled myself to sleep, hoping I didn't still feel this way in the morning...


I paced around Wills room, not having any clue what to think about what I had just found.

I planned to talk to him, maybe apologize for being so rash last night. I thought maybe I could do something nice for him before I went down for breakfast this morning as a peace offering.

But I didn't know that trying to pick up his room for him wasn't going to go as planned.

All I did was pick up a pair of jeans, I could tell they were dirty and had been worn, only discarded on the floor instead of his laundry basket.

I turned the pockets out, making sure nothing was inside of them before they went to wash.

But I didn't expect the small piece of paper that fell into my hands as I did.

- Angie :)

Who's Angie?
And why does Will have her number?

Thoughts raced through my mind, wondering what innocent possibilities there could've been where Will ended up with a girls number and then didn't feel the need to throw it away.

Suddenly the name caught my eye again.

Angie? Like...Angela?

What was the probability there was an Angie and an Angela who went to Wills school?

It was probably just a shortened version of Angela's name...and Will had received her number.

But why?
Angela's a bully, she vile and cruel and mean, what drew him to her so much that he had her number in his pocket?

Did he...like her?

It was an incredibly crazy thought, that Will, the most loyal and honest boy I've ever known, fell out of love with me and into it with the cruelest most heinous person.

But the longer I thought on it, the more logical thinking left my mind, and now all of his behaviors and actions of the day previous began to make sense.

He asked me 'What would violence do?' As if he didn't want me to hurt Angela.

And sure, he's precious and isn't one to turn to aggression easily, but it still didn't make sense that he stopped me from defending El when he saw with his own eyes what was happening.

And then he was so upset after he had seen what I did.
He dropped me to the floor, unable to even touch me after seeing what I'd done.

"Y/N, I can't...I can't believe you just did that."

He was mortified, not able to fathom my actions. And it hurt to hear the way he sounded towards me, but when I thought of the possibility he could like Angela, it started to make more sense.

But honestly, why would he like her? Things between us have been so good, we've been doing great even with long distance and he seemed so happy when I got here.

So why would he all the sudden have an attraction to that villainous blonde minx?

I didn't have time to question anything as my feet carried me to my suitcase, and anything of mine that sat around it, I started to stuff back into it.

I guess I'll be heading home...


I sat at our kitchen table, stirring the pieces of cheerios around in my bowl. I hasn't had much of an appetite since what happened yesterday, so it made it pretty hard to try and eat.

But my stomach was also churning as I anticipated Y/Ns arrival.

Though, it never came.

She hadn't said anything to me after the incident, didn't talk to me after last night, didn't eat dinner, and isn't eating breakfast.
But then again, neither was El.

I was worried, but there was apart of me that was slightly relieved.
Its a horrible thing to think, that I'm relieved my girlfriend isn't around, but- I don't know, it was just so tense since yesterday and for some reason things feel...different?

No I don't think that's the right word.
That word feels dense, empty. It would just mean the situation between me and Y/N was bad, and that we weren't on good terms. And that's not true...


My eyes wandered up to find Mike not in a much better state in front of me, eyes staring at the now cold Eggos topped with syrup that was also getting cold and beginning to dry up.

I didn't know what he was thinking, but maybe it was similar to what I thought. Maybe he believed him and El were on bad terms too, that the fact she refused to even mention what happened was incredibly strange and frustrating..

I didn't get to think on it too long as Mike pushed himself from his seat, grabbing the plate of Eggos and heading for the staircase without so much as a word.

I looked over to the open seat, the empty bowl in front of the spot and the untouched box of her favorite cereal.

I couldn't take it anymore as I lifted myself from my chair and headed towards the stairs.

I arrived at the top soon enough to see Mike closing the door, having revealed no one but him and El inside, meaning Y/N wasn't in there.

I pushed my door open, noticing the light on and the door cracked.

My eyed watched at the girl in front of me walked around the room quickly, picking things up from the room and stuffing them into the open suitcase on my bed.

Was she packing...?

"Y/N?" I asked, stopping her in her tracks as her head darted back to me, eyes meeting mine and I could see they were as red as they had been last night.

"What're you doing?"

She stood up straight, setting the folded shorts into her suitcase before turning back to me, eyes staring straight into mine.

"I'm packing up my stuff. I think it's pretty clear you don't want me here." She stated, and my heart rate picked up and my mouth almost screamed out for her to stay, but I stayed calm.

"I don't want you go. Why would you think I wanted you to leave?" I asked her, not moving from my spot in front of the door.

"If last night's argument told me anything, I think I just need to get on the next flight home." She said, turning back around to put the clothes she had spent over an hour getting out yesterday in her suitcase.

"Thats what you took from that? Y/N, I want you to stay." I told her, but she only shook her head.

"No, you're scared of me. I'm only a monster to you. And I don't think you love me either."

I almost laughed at the things she was listing off, finding them ridiculous and not understanding how she could believe any of them. But then I suddenly realized there was no joke in her voice and that there had to be a reason she believed these things.

"What are you talking about? I definitely still love you, you aren't a monster, and I'm not scared of you, I told you that last night." I explained to her, but all she did was turn around to me and sigh.

"If you weren't scared of me you wouldn't be on the complete other side of the room." She stated solumly, sounding tired.

It dawned on me that instead of comforting her, I had strayed away, giving into my subconscious crave of distance and proved myself to be fearful of the girl I should be most safe with.

"I-...I'm sorry." Is all I could stammer out, just forcing myself to get a sentence out as silence would've been worse.

"Don't be. You have every right to be afraid, but that just means I don't need to be around anymore." She mumbled, zipping up her suitcase as she had put everything away.

"But what about us?"
My own question stopped me in my tracks as I realized how I said it, not the same way I said to Mike the day previous, or the way I'd say it if I was in a group, or even if I was talking about myself and someone else.
Instead I said it as me and her, the way it always should've been. And I could sense the air around her growing tense.

"Well, Will, I'm pretty sure there is no more us." She spoke coldly, lifting the suitcase off the bed and setting it on the ground. Her words stung and they stung hard, and I felt everything we had built up shatter.

"What do you mean, 'no more us'?" I questioned her, hoping I misunderstood.

"I know now why you were so upset with me. You don't still love me, and you are afraid of me. You don't want me here. And it's all because I'm just not the one for you anymore." She confessed and I raised an eyebrow in confusion as I didn't understand what she meant.

She sensed my confusion and walked over to a part of my room, pulling up a dirty pair of my jeans and reaching her hand down into the pocket.

She pulled out that familiar small piece of paper, and my breath caught in my throat.

She crumbled it a bit before throwing it at me, and when I unfurled the piece of paper I was met with exactly what I expected.

- Angie :)

"You were so upset with me because you liked Angela. Will, instead of doing all this, you could've just told me!" She shouted to me, shaking her head before taking a seat on the bed and laying her head in her hands.

"Oh, this-this isn't what you think. Angela...she gave me this litterly a day before you guys got here. She was trying to recruit me for her stupid posse. I still don't know how she'd ever think I'd be friends with her." I explained to Y/N as I took a seat on the bed beside her, hoping she would believe me.

"Really?" She asked, lifting her head from her hands to question my answer.

"Well, yeah. I'd never ever be with anyone else, I'd never cheat on you or fall in love with anyone else. You're the only one for me, and I'll be damned if you ever catch me with Angela of all people." I told her, a small chuckle coming from my lips as I looked at her.

She smiled back at me, unfolding herself to scoot closer to me.

"God, I can't believe I actually thought you'd be with Angela. I'm such an idiot." She said with a laugh as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"No, you aren't. I get it I'd probably have assumed the same thing." I assured her as she grabbed my hand, enterlacing our fingers.

"So...is everything okay now? Are...we okay, now?" I asked her, hoping that it wasn't too soon.

"I...I think so?" She answered, unsure.

I wasn't exactly sure either, but technically we were still together and that's all that really mattered to me. She no longer believed I liked Angela, and now I think she might finally believe that I do love her. There's so much complication, and I don't even really understand why.

We never argue, or rather have ever argued. There's never been a moment when we've just gotten so mad at eachother that we ignored one another the entire day, went to bed angry, and then argued again the next day.

This is the most unusual thing I've experienced, and that's saying a lot.

I just couldn't believe what I was seeing when I walked into my room to the girl of my dreams packing up to leave.

What would I have done then? Wallowing around in self pity while being the third wheel to Mike and El? That doesn't sound like the life I want.

All I wanted was her, and she was still here. That made me happier than I could even imagine.
I really don't know what I would've done if she would've left and gotten on a plane.

Hopefully things turn out okay.

《《 YOUR POV 》》

After just sitting and talking for a little while, me and Will decided to go downstairs and hang out with Jonathan as he had been by himself for about an hour now.

It looked like Mike and El were still in her bedroom as we walked past it to get to the stairs. I wonder if they're having a long talk too?

We headed into the living room, finding Jonathan on the chair beside the couch, a newspaper in front of him as the TV was going, acting as background noise for him.

"What's up, Johnny?" I asked as I looked over his shoulder, peeking at the newspaper article he was currently reading while Will took a seat on the couch.

"Anything interesting?"

"Ah, not really. Mostly just some updates on the local golfing center. 'Now open'." He cited as his eyes continued to scan over the paper.

"I'm sure that's all the rage, right?" Will asked as he watched the current channel on the television.

"Oh yeah, dad's all across Lenora race to be the first ones at the golf center each morning, I heard they make thousands of dollars a day." I joked to him as I took a seat beside him, earning a grin along with an eyeroll.

"Oh I'm sure."

Suddenly the doorbell rang, earning everyones head to turn towards the door.

"Ten bucks says mom forgot something." Will stated, referring to his mother who had left in a rush early this morning.

"Yeah, forgot to trim your bowlcut." I replied as I reached over to touch his hair.

"Haha." He responded sarcastically, his smile dropping at my answer.

"I'm definitely not taking that bet." Jonathan told us with a chuckle as he dropped his newspaper on the chair and headed for the door.

I looked back at the TV, Ewoks being the current show, but my attention was drawn when I noticed that it wasn't Joyce, and instead police who were at the door.

"Will..." I whispered, gaining his attention as I stared at Jonathan speaking with the men at the door.

"What the hell? Why are they here?" He asked, mostly to himself as he began to rise from the couch.

I went to stand as well but he stopped me from doing so.

"Just stay here for a second."

"I'm not just gonna-"
"Stay here." He stated again, and I didn't move, but only because of the confusion that poured through me.

I leaned my head back to get a better view from the wall, attempting to listen in on what was being said.

"Uh, no no, Jane's mom is out of town and Y/N's only visiting." I heard Jonathan give an answer to the police.

"I'm Jane's brother, uh, stepbrother. And Y/N's dating my little brother." Jonathan clarified, but realized he had began to explain too much so he cut himself off.

"I'm sorry, w-uh-what is this about?"

"You may or may not be aware of the incident involving the two at Rink-o-Mania.." The head policeman said, and I now understood why they were here.

"That was an accident!" Will told them from behind Jonathan, and I stood up from the couch to go towards the two.

"We have a warrant here that says otherwise." A different man spoke up, making sure Jonathan understood they had been given permission to do as they pleased.

"A warrant? C'mon, that's crazy. That doesn't need to happen." Jonathan said, attempting to reason with the officers.

I came out from behind Will, just about the same time El had made her way down the stairs, and that was a big mistake as the police men had noticed us right away.

"Hey there! Are you two Y/N L/N and Jane Hopper?"

Me and El looked to eachother, eyes wide as we didn't know what to do.

"Um...y-yes." El confessed to them, swallowing hard as neither of us knew what to expect.

"Why? What's gonna happen? What are you going to do?" I asked them, but I didn't get an answer as they all looked to eachother, nodding at one another before stepping into the Byers residence.

The metal was cold as they clamped it onto my wrist, having forced my hands behind my back as I could do nothing but stare at the ground in shame.

It felt as if they had tightened them as much as they could go, assuring me there was no escape from them, though I wouldn't have attempted one anyway.

I knew we had done a bad thing, something most definitely worth arrest. But as you fall asleep at night after doing the thing, you don't imagine yourself in handcuffs being walked out of your home and into a police car.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law."

Will watched with teary eyes, shocked once again as he didn't know how to react, seeing me break Angela's jaw and now being arrested over the fact, it must've been a lot.

I saw Jonathan turn away, his hands rubbing his eyes as he watched the police officers start to walk us outside.

"You have the right to an attorney, and if you can not afford one, one will be provided for you." They went on as they walked us outside and towards the car.

Everyone who lived in the neighborhood watched, kids who had been skating, by-passers on the sidewalk, adults who had seen the police car, anyone and everyone who could watch were watching.

"Can you please just tell us where you're taking them?" Jonathan asked thr men as he walked out the door.

"Hey! Are the cuffs really necessary?" I heard Mike yell as he followed behind the man.

"You can't just do this! You can't just arrest them for that! It was an accident, don't you understand?" Will shouted at them, walking right alongside Mike to protest.

"Officers, answer me." Mike said, still trying to get anything possible out of them, but failing.

They pushed my head down after opening the door, shoving me into the backseat just as they were doing El.

I looked out the window as Will rushed to it, putting his hands on the glass as he looked at me.

"Don't worry, okay? I'm going to think of something. I swear to you, I'm going to get you out of there no matter what it takes. I love you, Y/N, and I won't let you sit in jail, I promise. I'll figure something out, I'll do somet-" His voice trailed off as the car started to leave, catching speed and racing off before Will could finish his sentence, forcing him away from the window and only to watch as the car sped away as he stood in the road with Mike.

A tear slipped past my already blurred eyes, but I kept myself together as I sensed the same set of tears coming from El.

They were taking us away, to where we didn't know, and for how long we could never know either, but the only thought coursing through my brain was the fact that 'We are going to jail.'

God, how I'm starting to rethink this entire spring break.

Soon enough we arrived at the police station, and I was pulled from the vehicle and away from Eleven.

They put us in separate rooms, and I didn't know what hers looked like but my was dull and empty. The only thing in it was a desk, three chairs, and a two way mirror on the wall.

I knew it was two way because you don't just put a random mirror in an interrogation room, which I had recognized this room to be.

I sat in the one chair on the opposite end of the desk, assuming the other two were for the police men who were inevitably going to come in and speak with me.

I didn't know the exact time, but I could guess by the time on my watch it had been about fourty five minutes before there was any sign of anyone entering.

"Y/N?" The officer asked as he walked into the room, quickly shutting the door behind him while he looked down at the clipboard in his hands.

"Yep." I responded, not currently in the mood for subtle exchanges.

The door opened up again, revealing a second officer to come into the room. It was two out of the three who had come to the door earlier.

One seemed to be Asian with bright white hair beneath his cap, the other one Grey haired with a large black mustache that sat atop his upper lip.

They sat down in the seats across from me, looking at me quizzically from the other side after glancing at their clipboards.

"Well, it seems you and Miss Hopper gave that girl quite the hit." The one with white hair spoke, but I didn't respond as I stared back at him.

"Listen, whatever lies you're about to tell me, you can save them. Because we already talked to Jane and she has given us all the honest information we need." He stated as he leaned over the table, truly believing he was undeniably smart.

"Is that so? So did she tell you that her and Angela had been in a relationship before? And that the breakup had sparked the events?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

The two officers looked at one another, and their eyes spoke to eachother before they both turned back to me.

"Like we said, she told us all we need to know. So, yes, we do know about the relationship. Please, tell us your take." The one with the mustache said to me.

I shook my head at the two, a wide smile on my face as I tried my best to conceal loud laughter.

"You two are fucking idiots." I told them, earning confused looks.

"They didn't have a relationship! And you two obviously didn't get shit from Jane. I know her.
So please, Mr. And Mr. Knows all, tell me your take."

"You're a smart kid, alright. But that doesn't mean we can just give you that kind of information, the interrogation from Jane, as well as our own opinions must stay disclosed throughout." The white haired man stated, and I rolled my eyes.

"Thats such bulshit. You aren't going to get any new information from me. As long as Jane told the truth you're only gonna get the same answers she gave you." I told them my fingers gripping the leather chairs roughly.

"And we do understand that, but really, your interview only really matters to confirm the first. As long as we can get a similar story, that's all we need." The mustache man explained to me.

"But whats the point? Can't you just go off of what she said without bugging me about it?" I questioned them, trying to get them off my back.

"Not exactly. When there's only one suspect, then yes, technically we'd just have to take their word for it as long as we didn't see any irregularities. But in this case, with two suspects, we need your tell to confirm the first side of the story." The man with the mustache told me.

"So I just...tell you my side of the story to confirm her side?" I questioned.

"Yes, that is how it works."

"Okay, so what? What do you want me to tell you?" I asked them, desperately trying to get this over with.

"Well, just start telling us your side of the story and we'll ask questions when we need to." The white haired man spoke, sitting back a little as he awaited my story.

"Okay, so we were at Rink-o-Mania, and we-"
"All right, I'm gonna go ahead and stop you right there. Why exactly are you in California?" The white haired man cut in.

"See? This is why this is a bad idea. Why don't you just ask questions and I'll answer them, that'll be much easier." I told the two, and they nodded at my words.

"Okay, then. So, tell me, why are you in California right now?"

"I'm dating Joyce Byers son, Will. And my stepbrother, Mike, is dating Jane. He got us plane tickets down here to visit because it's our spring break." I explained to the two, and they began to write down what they've heard so far.

"And why exactly were you and Jane at Rink-o-Mania?" Mustace man asked me, looking up from his clipboard.

I rolled my eyes.
"What kind of stupid question is that? Why does anyone go to a roller skating rink? It's our spring break, mine and Mikes first time in Cali. El had the whole day planned out and we just went down to Rink-o-Mania to do something fun for the first day." I told them, but they seemed to get stuck on one part of my telling.

"El? Do you mean Jane?" The white haired man asked me, and I realized my mistake.

"Oh, my bad. I meant Jane, yeah. El is just a nickname from a long time ago. We've always called her that." I covered up, hoping they would believe it and not look to much into it.

"So you were at Rink-o-Mania just to break in your visit? There was no...pre plan, persay, about your trip there?" The man asked.

"What? Do you think me and her planned that that would happen? We didn't just walk in there knowing we were gonna whack a girl with a rollerskate!" I said to them, getting ill over their accusations.

"Yes, we understand, but you didn't know Angela would be there?" The other man asked.

"No, of course I didn't know. I've never even met the girl before yesterday." I said to them, attempting to be rational.

"You've never...met Angela?" The officer asked skeptically, still writing my every word down.

"No. I mean, Will had mentioned her yesterday but other than that I had no knowledge of her." I answered.

"Will, your boyfriend, filled you in on her?" The white haired man questioned, looking up at me.

"Yes. He was upset after we got off the plane, El-or Jane I mean, had mentioned going skating with Stacy and Angela or something like that and Will was upset over tha-"

"Wait, wait, so Jane knew that Angela and her friends would be there?" The black haired officer asked me, his eyes raising to mine at my words.

"I...I guess so. But I really don't think she was expecting them to show up. She's been bullied hard by Angela and her friends, she was just trying to make things seem better than they were to Mike." I explained.

"Alright. So tell me when Angela arrived." The man questioned, staring back down at his clipboard.

"Well, we had been skating for a few minutes and Mike and El wanted to get milkshakes. So me and Will went with them to order stuff and then we just found a booth to sit in. Angela and her friends came up to us and acted all friendly but you could tell it was fake, and when E-uh Jane called her her friend...you could see the way they all reacted." My voice got lower as I explained the events to the officers, knowing I was getting closer to the attack.

"And she just-she pulled Jane out onto the rink but...it was a trap, some stupid ambush to humiliate her. They had the dj put on Wipeout and they all circled around her, calling her all these names and then stepping at her and on her skates. It didn't stop until Mike got the dj to turn Wipeout off...but it didn't help." I paused for a moment to remember the scene, scattering kids as El stood in her spot, the music fading out, the sound of echoing laughter throughout the rink.

"Go on..." One of the men urged.

"One of Angela's friends had taken her milkshake, and he took the lid off and slung it all over her, knocking her down and embarrassing her in front of everyone." I told them with a sigh, and I watched as they continued to write things down.

"I went after her when she ran off, and she sat in the employees only room for forever just cleaning herself off and staying away from everyone. But Angela and her friends were outside the room, reviewing the footage of the video they took, because they had filmed everything that happened to El." I said, continuing on with my story.

"She left the room and I went after her, she confronted Angela and wanted her to apologize and then to tell Mike that it was a joke because for some reason she was so set on making Mike believe the lies. And then Angela refused and said something horrible about her dad...her dead dad. And I guess that's what pushed her over the edge. Because she went back after Angela, and that's when she hit her." I finished off, waiting on their response.

"Okay, and what about you?" They asked, and I sighed again as I realized my hit was needed too.

"I...I didn't have a reason to hit her. I'll admit that. But I won't say she didn't absolutely deserve it after all the things she did to Jane. I've been getting really angry lately, I guess it's been a problem, but yesterday it really was and I didn't know how to handle it. She had said something to me about Will just as she had to Jane about her dad, and I just took the skate from El after the hit and hit Angela myself." I admitted, earning nods from the two.

"Okay. Now is there any additional information you'd like to tell us?" The white haired man asked, and I shook my head no.

"Well before we leave, I do have a question I'd like to ask. What other reason did you have for hitting Angela, besides the comment about Will and the bullying towards Jane?"

I sat there, staring back at the man with no further answer, no reply to his question, my mouth open hanging ajar as my brain scrambled to find something to say.

"I don't...I don't have another reason."
I told them.

"Well, thanks for your cooperation." The two thanked me, picking up their stuff before heading towards the door.

"Wait! You're just going to leave me here?" I asked them, confused about the situation.

"For now." The mustache man answered.

"Well, if you're going to make me and Jane both wait anyways, why don't you just move me to the same room as her? It'll be easier anyways." I said to them.

But the two only shook their heads before exiting, leaving me alone in the cold room, with only a desk, two empty chairs and the two way mirror.

I'm never getting out of here...

7123 words

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