To take a sword to my neck an...

By souls_amoung_stars

3.9K 130 186

If Xie Lian made a different choice. (In a similar style to 'Call me home' if you liked that story maybe you... More

1.5K 31 59
By souls_amoung_stars


Cold, dark, and grim. Fighting day and night, tooth and nail, unyielding. Both sides determined to win. No one backing out. War is no place for cowards. No place for second thoughts or pacifists.

It's a final decision. One you can't go back on. War is persistent. It won't end until an ending is in sight. It can last days or years. Can stay in one place or spread. Rulers have a love hate relationship with it.

War is tricky. It's cunning, it's cruel. Placing everything on the line. Calling in every favour you have. Gathering your aide. Rallying troops. Training, weapons, time, and effort. Giving everything and more. Even if it's just to say they won in the end.

There really wasn't ever a victor in war. War was about showing off and trying to make the other loose face and keep your own. Both sides would loose something. Money and resources scarce. Poverty and destruction overflowing. No one ever comes out the same as they went in. There's always something missing on the other side. You're lucky if you can still find you have a house, or a family even your comrades.

War takes from all. No matter your excuse. No matter what you've already payed. War will take and take and take.

Most of the time it's freedom. A lot of the time it's hope. Too much of the time it's love. And always life. War cannot exist without life to fuel it.

Damn war

Its the colour red.

Red as the colour of the sky as fires burn. Red as the blind anger. Red as the love for one's country or cause. Red as the flairs that are shot up in desperate times giving away your position to everyone. Red as the ground as blood drips between piles of bodies. Some new some old. Some young some not.

But in the towns and cities close by you can see someone from every walk of life in those mass graves. Everyone from newly born to the elderly tempting death, they all lay emotionless on the ground or slumped against walls. Men and women, even animals can't escape from the cool blade that promises eternal sleep.

Cold lifeless eyes of once breathing beings stare into nothing not even able to rest in death. The occasional twitch that's enough to fill you will false hope that maybe they're not dead just yet. Maybe there's still time. Maybe you can still save them.

Xie Lian had learnt from a young age you cannot save everyone. Or maybe you can. But he can't.

Xie Lian can't save everyone.

He can't save his kingdom.
He can't save the people.
He can't save his family.

So when war breaks out in XianLe, the crown prince, the boy who pleased the gods did one thing.

Granted that one small thing led to a domino effect of other rather large things that followed in a wave of pure chaos. That Xie Lian nor the emperor of heaven himself could have ever predicted.

So we arrive at one and only thing Xie Lian did. The event that started all events. A rather small, yet a rather notable one.

The crown prince, stood outside in the garden of his palace in the heavenly capital. Nothing unusual. Long brown hair flowing gracefully around jewels and gold pins, dressed in his finest robes, however the usual white is stained with striking red flower embroidery that grows in a gradient from the hem up to his sash. Like he stepped in blood and it bleed up through the fabric. And in his hands lay a impossibly sharp sword.

He looks distant. Upset and hurt. He feels lost and helpless and it's killing him inside.

In front of him two of his finest generals kneel, head bowed ready for punishment. They wait not even twitching. A clear sign they think they deserve death. Xie Lian would never give it to them. He would never kill his friends even if they asked like these two were. The sentiment is coming from a place of love and care. At least he hopes it is. And not just reckless suicide due to their circumstances.

Knowing these two they probably expect Xie Lian to start a speech on the meaning of living and how they can help like he does from the heavens. And how Jun wu is our emperor and we should definitely all listen to him. Xie Lian isn't going to do that. Not today.

The war is eating all three of them up from the inside out. Xie Lian most likely feels it the most but he'd never assume it. The other two are itching to fight. They already have a side. The royal capital of course. They want to go down and fight with their lives alongside those they trained with and knew well.

Even if it's a loosing game. It's their loosing game and they want to play.

Xie Lian sighs lovingly causing the two to glance up. They share a look before trailing eyes over to the lavishly dressed boy. The god shakes his head laughing merrily. He swishes brown locks over his shoulder and gathers his hair into one hand letting the handle of the sword fall into the other with lazy precision.

The generals tilt their heads to the side. They're confused. Xie Lian grins sadly.

The god flicks his wrist and the sword twirls with all the skill the second strongest martial arts god should have and the blade dances teasingly over his throat as he turns his head to the side. He can't watch their face as he does this.

The two generals share a horrified gasp clambering to their feet to stop the other. But it's too late.


Something Xie Lian knows well. He's danced with it before, and around it, over it and straight through it.

War followed him like a lost puppy.

One opponent, two, three, four, ten, fifteen, twenty six, one hundred and seven. He's fought an infinite number of beings. Some with the odds stacked against him, some with his bare hands, but Xie Lian has always been lucky.

War makes you do strange things. And in some cases you can come out of it with much more than you went in with. When you've got skin in the game you stay in the game and all that.

However Xie Lian hates war. He's a martial arts god. He fights as a way of life. He ascended because of his skill at fighting and killing but that doesn't mean he likes to do so. He encourages life above all else. He used to spew arrogant speeches, live for me, take me as your meaning, I'll be your reason.

He was stupid to think himself so highly, but then again is he much different now? For 800 years he's been the reason for someone's being. And if he's honest he doesn't hate it. Anything to keep them happy, safe and with him.

Xie Lian doesn't like to hate things. He's a happy man by default. He always smiles. Never raises his voice. Doesn't curse, out loud at least. And will always look on the positive side.

People, ghosts, monsters. He thinks they all deserve a chance. And he wants to be the one to give them that chance. But he can't save everyone and everything. It's the only negative he'll allow. No matter how much he hopes to do so. No matter how much he prays, he's a god himself, who's he to pray to?

So this time when Xie Lian says he hates war and violence he thinks that's the one thing he'll let himself hate because it's something that took everything and nothing from him.

800 years ago the palace of XianLe Heavenly Capital

"I'm heading out, be good you two." Xie Lian says thanking the boy who held the palace door open for him. "Why not bring us along?" Feng Xin asks arms crossed. "I'll personally persuade that emperor to let us go down and fight for our country."

Mu Qing rolls his eyes. "And ruin your gods reputation? I don't think so, if the emperor said no then he said no. We should be encouraging him to follow the instructions not rebel against them. Or should we all just banish ourselves?" Mu Qing makes a diving gesture.

Feng Xin shoots the other a harsh glare. "Shut up. Stop being a suck up." Mu Qing scoffs. "Your brain is the size of a pea if you think arguing with the literal heavenly emperor is a good idea in any way."

"Xie Lian is strong!"
"Not that strong, number two is still number two."
"Well maybe number two has grown to number one!"
"Xie Lian? The heavenly emperor?? Don't make me laugh Feng Xin."

Xie Lian sends an apologetic look to the boy who still stands holding the door open. He's a new one as well. The third this month.

"So what?? We should just sit back, relax and enjoy the fucking show?!" Feng Xin roars. "When did I even say that?! I said we shouldn't anger the emperor!" Feng Xin claps slowly. "Wow, ladies and gentlemen the man who puts his status over his shitty country. Tell me what's it like acting oblivious to the slaughter of our people?"

"Enough!" Xie Lian shouts uncharacteristic loud. The two fall silent hanging their heads. Even though that insult wasn't aimed at him it might as well been. The god take in a breath. "Can we all have this little chat another time. There are still workers around who you are traumatising. And I still have a meeting with the emperor."

"Sorry." The two mutter. Xie Lian sighs a soft smile gracing his flawless seventeen year old face. He really did ascend young. Even Mu Qing and Feng Xin are young to be up there and they're already 20.

"It's fine we're all stressed with the war, and feel trapped since we can't help. But maybe this is for a reason what if I went down there, tried to help and ended up making things worse? It's a civil war. I'd have to pick a side within my country. What side should I choose? The capital that I belong to most. Or the place that's suffering most? I can't save everyone, if I stay and help in little ways like making sure people will be safe on my temple grounds, and distributing my donations to those in need, then I'm helping in a way I can without descending and disobeying the emperor."

Xie Lian looks distant for a second. "I may be a god but I'm not all powerful. I can't snap my fingers and make it rain, the rain master herself can't even do that. We can only be a fraction of the word god. People will never realise that so if I'm hated, I'll take it. As long as someone believes in me that's enough."

The two nod sadly. It's clear this pains their prince just as much as them yet he's holding it together so well. He's not the cocky, brave and somewhat arrogant prince he was a mer year ago. Ever since he ascended and started meeting with the emperor his personality has been chipping away revealing a much more mellow, strong but humble boy that eyes hold exhaustion that outlives him by centuries.

Godhood isn't easy. They never said it would be. Before ascending you cultivate till you can't any more. Then you tirelessly work for merits and good deeds, helping anyone that asks. You pray till your knees go black and blue and your feet tingle. You train with all your might and take on every quest you can. Prove yourself over and over.

And then. If you achieve it. If you please the gods and ascend. Then you work even harder to get your name out and to please everyone around you while balancing looking over your temples, the workload they bring, endless prayers, a kingdom in Xie Lian's case, the merits, meetings with the martial gods, his staff, his two bickering generals, and the emperor.

Xie Lian is tired. But he keeps smiling. In the way that doesn't reach his eyes anymore. Maybe people can notice maybe not. There's very few that know him well enough and with the war going on he's tense, his sad smile will be typically linked to that. 

Mu Qing and Feng Xin bow to their god as he leaves. It's the only thing they really can do. At the moment anyways.

"Xianle." The emperor greets as Xie Lian walks in. The god bows. "My lord." The elder laughs. "No need for that. It's unusual for you to reach out first. Is this about your kingdom?" He asks brow raised questioningly.

Xie Lian nods slowly. The emperor sighs. "You're not fighting down there. I forbid you from it. That has not changed." Xie Lian snaps his head up worry in his eyes. "No!" He yells. "I'm not here to argue against that! I'd never disobey you," Jun Wu looks, then smiled pleased. So he asks. "Then what about your kingdom is it you need to see me about?"

Xie Lian smiles. It's not real. "I just wanted to make sure my decent to my temples within my kingdom while the war is on going, wouldn't be disobedience. I promise not to leave temple grounds and will not fight or comment on the war unless directly linked in a pray or official duty."

The emperor leans back in his chair. "I see." He says slowly. "You want to make sure your temples stay safe?" Xie Lian nods. "Yes. And that people still have hope. War is hard on everyone. It makes you feel lonely. If the people see i'm still there even in spirit, that small slice of hope might make them fight that little bit harder for peace. I can't save everyone. But they can save themselves. The people just need encouragement." He explains.

Jun Wu laughs. "Ever hopefully." Xie Lian falls in on himself slightly. That didn't sound like he would say yes. "And if I say no?" He asks. Xie Lian looks up half expecting it. There it is. "Then I won't go." He says. Jun Wu nods pondering the request. "Alright if you promise not to fight I shall allow your decent to your temples only."

Xie Lian smiles this time a hint of genuine happiness hides in it. "Thank you."

Xie Lian hates war

Death. Even standing at the threshold to his temple on the mountain he can sense it. There's no bodies up here. No blood stains. No people for that matter. It's silent. It's lonely. And it's spooky.

Down the mountain XianLe is a shell of its former self. The capital looks depressed and only specks of white appears. These being his many temples that people have been seeking refuge in. After news got out that his grounds were sacred no fighting zones that both sides abide to, people would flock there for safety. They seemed to know he wouldn't fight. He couldn't fight. So his prayers turned into those of protection or strength related. 'Help my child to live past the war.' 'Give me the strength to fight in your name.' 'Give me the strength to live.'

In Xie Lian's temple both sides were treated as human and no blood was shed. Food magically appeared every week, blankets and medical supplies. All over the city. While it was strange their prince wasn't fighting for either side it wasn't like he forgot them. So Xie Lian lost no followers in that sense. He answered prayers as normal. Did his duties, filled out the paperwork. And stocked up the supplies.

In all fairness, and Jun Wu had informed him he shouldn't be doing this himself, but he recognised the danger in having Xie Lian's deputies who were much more impulsive do the task. They were bound to fight each other and the enemies of the capital where they lived for so long. So Xie Lian continues his actions over and over.

Xie Lian had accumulated many merits over his small time as a god and the merits just kept piling in. He rose to his position quicker than anyone, they all whisper how unfortunate this war is. Xie Lian has half a mind to think of it as a test.

He was so grateful to his people. Merits meant he could keep helping. And help he did. The war wasn't crazy- yet. Mostly soldiers fighting soldiers, death was apparent, but not reaching figures that would suggest a blood bath. So far fights were more civil. Well as civil as a civil war could be. Ironic isn't it.

Xie Lian finds himself draw to a particular shrine on one of his descents to the human realm. He'd heard a few prayers trickling in over the past couple of weeks. Prayers that confused him so being curious he ventured to the shrine. It wasn't big. But the stone statue it held of him was large and beautifully carved. The offerings consisted of white flowers and a few water chestnuts in a bowl.

Xie Lian peers out the door careful not to leave the premises. No one seemed to be here. Not that they would be able to see Xie Lian. A perk of being a god meant if he didn't want it, no one other than gods, deputies and some high cultivators could see him.

The god sighs turning back to pluck one of the white flowers. He twirls it in his fingers. It was a beautiful delicate flower. So much so Xie Lian tucked it away in his sleeve to save. The prayers from this shine seem to be accompanied by a white flower each time. A sweet and very generous gesture. It has Xie Lian's heart aching for them.

Then as if they read his mind a boy walks into the temple. Xie Lian shifts to sit elegantly on the alter and watches. They're scrawny. Tall and skinny. Very scruffy but undoubtedly beautiful. Ebony hair with a light curl. Tied high into a pony tail. A deep emotion filled eye. The other covered in bandages that reminded him of that little boy he saved all those years ago.

His clothes were tattered, feet bare and bruised. Xie Lian almost cried at the sight. This was the child who was praying to him? He was a child!

"Dear god, please stay safe. Don't allow this disgrace of a kingdom bring you down. Just know I am fighting in your spirit and hope to bring the peace I know you crave your kingdom to be in. Please grant me the pleasure to fight in your name. I shall forever be your most devoted believer."

Then he places the white flower on the alter clapping his hands and bowing slightly. In a way that has Xie Lian frowning. He hates people bowing to him but at least this child didn't fall to his knees begging for safety. However his requests now, proven to be genuine and true, pose a new challenge.

Sighing Xie Lian stands up merging into the statue of himself. The stone groans and cracks small parts flaking off around him as he shares his power.

Then two stone eyes open as the hand holding a sword behind his back lowers to his side. The hand outstretched plucks the newly placed flower from the alter. The bloom looks so tiny in the stone hand.

Xie Lian smiles kindly and the statue follows the action. "Hello little one." He says watching the absolute awe fill the child's eye. "You are indeed my most devout believer." He twirls the flower. "You bing me such a lovely offering and pray only that I let you fight in my name."

The boy swallows looking up with his one eye. Xie Lian giggles. "You really are a sweet one aren't you?" He coos. "Would you do me the honour of staying safe? You're far too young to fight. I don't want my most devout believer to become even more hurt through this war."

Xie Lian reaches out brushing the fallen hair from his injured face away and placing the flower behind his ear. "You've already been through so much." He mumbles. The boy seems shell shocked. Just gaping and blinking his eye. Xie Lian giggles again pulling back. "You're so cute. What's your name little one? Thank you for choosing me as your god."

"Wu Ming?" Xie Lian calls in his stone statue form again. He's been meeting the boy every week now for a month. The war is still ongoing but it seems both sides are growing restless so Xie Lian is confident the war will end soon. "Yes dianxia?" The boy calls bowing his head. "Stop that!" The god scolds lightly seeing the grin on the younger side face. He's such a troublemaker.

"Was the food enough?" He asks. "I can leave you more, I see you have none left." The boy shrugs looking away. Wu Ming. A strange boy, but one Xie Lian is rather fond of. When he calls himself Xie Lian's most devout follower, Xie Lian never doubts him.

"Anything you provide is more than enough." He says. Xie Lian smiles crouching down. The alter creaks under the stones weight but still stays strong. The god reaches out a hand only slightly bigger than an adults own. "Wu Ming I wish you'd stay in this temple all the time. I'd feel much better knowing you're safe."

Wu Ming smiles placing his own hand over the gods own. "I'm sorry your highness, but I have to leave. If I don't how will I get your kingdom the peace you crave. I'm fighting for you."

Xie Lian huffs. "It's not like I can't fight myself, I'm just not allowed to." The statue complains. Wu Ming nods. "I know, and I also know it must be killing you inside to not be able to help fight like you ascended to do." Then he dips his head. "Excuse this lowly one for assuming dianxia's feelings, however I feel very strongly that if you were aloud to fight you'd try to help both sides and this would cause more trouble."

Xie Lian frowns are his intentions so clear that even a child can pick up on it? He sighs defeated. "I know." He whispers. Then going to sit he pulls his body, the stone acting like liquid as he moves. "I make a terrible martial arts god. Can't even fight for my country."

Wu Ming shakes his head harshly. "Don't say that. This country has a safe space because of you and your hard work. Families that hold a connection to both sides of the war can be together in peace without fear because of you. You are the best god. My only god." Xie Lian sighs, he knows it's true. Painfully true. Devotion can hurt when you feel you don't deserve it. "Thank you little one. Your devotion to me truly surpasses everyone else's."




The somewhat tame war that Xie Lian was convinced was ending didn't. Instead it escalated to new hights so fast over night that death might as well have moved in next door.

No longer was it only soldiers against soldiers. Now civilians were getting hurt. And dragged into fighting. Supplies were low and people were taking advantage of Xie Lian's temples. So many people had moved in they may have been called an inn.

Xie Lian didn't care as long as he could he'd provide this shelter for anyone who sought it out.

"Wu Ming!" Xie Lian called rushing to the rapidly growing boy. It wasn't the first time Xie Lian appeared not in the stone form over the months. But the younger boy was always so struck by this form. The child had called it beautiful. Sure Xie Lian's heard it before, but coming from this teen it feels different. So genuine and gently. A kind soft eye that holds everything for Xie Lian.

"Wu Ming I told you not to fight! Please don't fight for me. I don't want you getting even more hurt." The god sobs. Dragging the boy to sit down so he can bandage yet another injury from the war. "To die in battle for you would be my greatest honour." Wu Ming mumbles dazed.

War in XianLe

It was everywhere now. On each street. Day or night. Winter or summer. Everyone was just fighting and his mother and father were doing nothing but hiding.

He was disappointed in them. He thought his father was better than this but the palace sat locked up and safe in its own little bubble.

People like Wu Ming, children, were out fighting for Xie Lian and his country. Their country. His parent's country while they hid like cowards.

It was only a matter of time. This was going to end horribly and Xie Lian just knew it.

"Your highness! Where have you been?! They're saying that the royal palace is being stormed!" Mu Qing yells running up to the prince. "Mu Qing! Fuck don't just yell it at him! That's his parents." Feng Xin scolds. Xie Lian turns around slowly to face the two. "I know, the emperor just told me." He says gently. Far too gently.

"Oh." Feng Xin says seeing the princes face. "Your highness..." Mu Qing calls sympathetically.

The next day Xie Lian has decided what to do. Bodies are pilling up, his home is under attack and his kingdom is burning.

"Xianle do you know why I've called you here?" The emperor asks. Xie Lian shakes his head. "I see. Well your here because I'm informing you of something." Xie Lian sighs. He new this would happen. "You are no longer allowed down to the human realm."

Xie Lian swallows. "Okay." He whisper. Tears pricking his eyes. "Just one last time. There's something desperately important I must do." Jun Wu raises a brow. "No longer than ten minutes." Xie Lian bows. "Yes my lord."

The crown prince, stood outside in the garden of his palace in the heavenly capital. He was banned from leaving. Was this a test? Punishment? It certainly felt like punishment.

But for what? He didn't cause the war. He didn't disobey the emperor's orders. Long brown hair flows gracefully around jewels and gold pins, dressed in his finest robes, however the usual white is stained with striking red foral embroidery that grows in a gradient from the hem up to his golden sash. Like he stepped in blood and it bleed up through the fabric. And in his hands lay a impossibly sharp sword.

Xie Lian looks down at the blade seeing himself stare back. He feels useless, helpless. He closes his eyes feeling the sting of tears. He wants to help. He wants to take them all and strip them of fighting. Bring them all to heaven and let them have anything they want.

He's been banished from the human realm. His parents are hiding. People are dying. He's not been able to say goodbye to Wu Ming and now... now he's faced with this.

In front of him two of his finest generals, his best and only friends, kneel heads bowed ready for punishment. They wait not even twitching. A clear sign they think they deserve death. No one ever deserves death as a punishment.

Xie Lian would never give it to them. He would never kill his friends even if they asked like these two were clearly doing. The sentiment is coming from a place of love and care. At least he hopes it is. And not just reckless suicide due to their circumstances.

He was informed while he was at the emperor's palace these two had gone down to XianLe. They hadn't asked, and hadn't informed Xie Lian. Which he honestly doesn't care about. They can do what they want. Xie Lian doesn't mind as long as when he needs them they are there.

He sort of expected it. He thought they'd ask first and all three would venture down together. But this is similar. He knew they'd go and see for themselves. It must have been torture having to stay in heaven. Not that they were bound. They just respect Xie Lian as their god. Or maybe they were also hiding.

Xie Lian's been able to go down since the beginning. He's watched the war escalate. He's seen the blood and graves. He's seen the destruction and the wails of loved ones as they cradle limp bodies.

These two have been here, stuck hearing it second hand. Of course they'd be curious. If they'd have asked Xie Lian would have allowed them to go down he'd just have asked they go in cover.

But they didn't and it's really a bad time to go down, now the mortals think Xie Lian's sent his generals to fight for them. Prays have turned more hopeful again. And Xie Lian who was happy not showing a preference feels torn again. He hates making decisions like this. But it's war.

You have to make hard decisions in war.

Knowing these two they probably expect Xie Lian to start a speak on how they could have help like he did from the heavens. How fighting isn't the answer.

And that now that he's been but in a very tough situation. Maybe they expect him to tell them off? And how "Jun wu is our emperor and we should definitely all listen to him."

Xie Lian isn't going to do that. For one he doesn't have the energy.

The war is eating all three of them up from the inside out. And now Mu Qing and Feng Xin have seen it first hand. Xie Lian most likely feels it the most, torn over duty and heart, but he'd never assume it. The other two are itching to fight. They already have a side. The royal capital of course. They want to go down and fight with their lives alongside those they trained with and knew well.

Even if it's a loosing game. It's their loosing game and they want to play.

Xie Lian understands. He understands a lot. He is a god. But he'll never understand war and why people are so desperate to fight in it. He'll keep working from heaven. He'll keep answering prayers and making sure his temples are a safe space for all.

Including Mu Qing and Feng Xin.

Xie Lian sighs lovingly causing the two to glance up. They share a look before trailing eyes over to the lavishly dressed boy. The god shakes his head laughing merrily. He swishes brown locks over his shoulder and gathers his hair into one hand letting the handle of the sword fall into the other with lazy precision.

The generals tilt their heads to the side. They're confused. Xie Lian only grins sadly in response.

The god flicks his wrist and the sword twirls with all the skill the second strongest martial arts god should have and the blade dances teasingly over his throat as he turns his head to the side. He can't watch their face as he does this.

The two generals share a horrified gasp clambering to their feet to stop the other. But it's too late.

The blade moves and hair pins fall clinking on the floor. The sound is deafening. Xie Lian looks up, he's crying. That won't help anyone. One hand holds the impossibly sharp blade. The other holds the long brown locks of his hair.

"Go." He croaks still looking up to the sky. "Go and fight." Then dropping both items from his hands he walks past the two freeing them of their bond to him. "My temples will always give you safety."

The two generals hold stone faces. They never wanted to disgrace their god like this. They're borderline horrified this is how it's playing out. But Xie Lian has given them what they were asking for. Even if they never worded it explicitly. Of course he has. He's so recklessly selfless. He'd do anything if someone asked.

Even cutting his hair for the sake of them to be free and fight. He offers them what he can even now when all heavenly ties are broken. "Your highness!" Feng Xin calls after the god.

Xie Lian pauses, his short hair, only shoulder length bobbs as he walks. "Please be safe." He whispers. "And live. Don't make me attend your funeral. If you die, I won't come down." 'I can't.' Isn't said but they can hear it.

Mu Qing grins. "Then we'll just have to come up to you."

"I'll wait. I'll always wait."

Xie Lian had ten minutes in that shrine he's been attending for months now. He has very little he can do but not saying goodbye is worse than the war.

It just so happens his luck is on his side as when he arrived Wu Ming was sat by the entrance. "Little one," Xie Lian starts calling softly. The boy perks up. "Your highness!" Then seeing his hair. "Oh no." The god waves away his worry. "It's okay, but I don't have long. I'm banished from the human realm but I had to say goodbye to you." He rushes. "I want to give you a gift. Can you look after it for me?"

Xie Lian pulls a red parasol out from somewhere. "It's a most beloved treasure of mine." He says softly handing it over. "I want you to have it." Then looking out over the gray and orange sky. "It always rains after war."


A scale of good and bad that no one can judge. It can tip with the slightest ripple.

In this case the scales tipped dramatically when two highly skilled generals from heaven descended and started to fight.

Everyone knew who they were. They were the gods two best friends. But here on earth in the human realm the two fighters declared that they'd been cut of from heaven. Then as to make sure not to cause any hate for Xie Lian the add, it was the one thing they asked from their god.

It's not a lie. They asked for freedom, and they wanted to fight. Xie Lian put two and two together and took the blunt force of their selfish decisions on by himself.

The blade reflecting against his pale neck is still a sight that haunts the two. Each of them carry a jewelled hair pin Xie Lian had bestowed on them for good luck.

They haven't heard anything from heaven. That's probably for the best. They use Xie Lian's many temples as a rest stop in between fighting.

They work together, a miracle in itself, to climb up the ranks. Bodies pile up and the capital takes the lead. It's almost too good to be true. Two magic generals appear and the war turns in the capitals favour.

Xie Lian hasn't left his palace in weeks. He can't bare to face the outside world. He wants to speak to Wu Ming. He wants to watch over his two friends. He wants to help, he wants peace, he wants to save them.

He wants to save them all.

The war ends. The royal capital wins and Mu Qing and Feng Xin ascend as gods.

Xie Lian still doesn't come out of his palace.

It's been years but he's never once stepped out. Rumour has it he's not even let his hair grow back. He answers prayers and files in paperwork. He does everything he's supposed to but you never see him.

People miss the darling of the heavens, the boy who pleased the

The emperor visits his palace once a month leading other gods to think something terrible has happened.

If the emperor has to go to him, then Xie Lian must be terribly bed bound.

How close to the truth they are...

"Xianle, it's me." A voice smiles. "I just got back from your palace."

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69.3K 3.3K 36
Xie Lian finds himself adopting a young boy on his way back to Puqi Shrine! - This book will contain: -angst -bl -violence -swearing - COVER KIND...