Our War ||Shingeki no Kyojin...

By VcJuly

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≺≺𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿⋆ 橱ぱ I hope you like it -Warning, this story will be long, since I'm going... More

Տeason 1
S1 [To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshia, Part 1]
S1 ‹That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2›
S1 ‹A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanity's Comeback, Part 1›
S1 ‹The Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanity's Comeback, Part 2›
S1 ‹First Battle: The Struggle for Trost, Part 1›
S1 ‹The World the Girl Saw: The Struggle for Trost, Part 2›
S1 ‹Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost, Part 3›
S1 ‹I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4›
S1 ‹Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost, Part 5›
S1 ‹Response: The Struggle for Trost, Part 6›
S1 ‹Idol: The Struggle for Trost, Part 7›
S1 ‹Wound: The Struggle for Trost, Part 8›
S1 ‹Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost, Part 9›
S1 ‹Can't Look Into His Eyes Yet: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 1›
S1 ‹Special Operation Squad: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 2›
S1 ‹What Needs to be Done Now: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 3›
S1 ‹Female Titan: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 1›
S1 ‹Forest of Giant Trees: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 2›
S1 ‹Bite: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 3›
S1 ‹Crushing Blow: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 5›
S1 ‹Defeated: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 6›
S1 ‹Smile: Assault on Stohess, Part 1›
S1 ‹Mercy: Assault on Stohess, Part 2›
S1 ‹Wall: Assault on Stohess, Part 3›
Տeason 2
S2 » Beast Titan
S2 » I'm Home
S2 » Southwestward
S2 » Soldier
S2 » Historia
S2 » Warrior
S2 »Close Combat
S2 »The Hunters
S2 »Opening
S2 »Children
S2 »Charge
S2 »Scream
Տeason 3 Part 1
S3 »Smoke Signal
S3 »Pain
S3 »Old Story
S3 »Trust
S3 »Reply
S3 »Sin
S3 »Wish
S3 »Outside the Walls of Orvud District
S3 »Ruler of the Walls
S3 »Friends
S3 »Bystander
S3 »Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall
Տeason 3 Part 2
S3 »The Town Where Everything Began
S3 »Thunder Spears
S3 »Descent
S3 »Perfect Game
S3 »Hero
S3 »Midnight Sun
S3 »The Basement
S3 »That Day
S3 »Attack Titan
S3 »The Other Side of the walls
Տeason 4 part1
S4 ‹The Other Side of the Sea›
S4 ‹The Other Side of the Sea› Part 2
S4 ‹Midnight Train›
S4 ‹The Door of Hope›
S4 ‹The Door of Hope› Part 2
S4 ‹From One Hand to Another›
S4 ‹Declaration of War›
S4 ‹The War Hammer Titan›
S4 ‹Assault›
S4 ‹Assassin's Bullet›
S4 ‹Brave Volunteers›
S4 ‹A Sound Argument›
S4 ‹Deceiver
S4 ‹Deceiver part 2
S4 ‹Guides
S4 ‹Children of the Forest
S4 ‹Savagery
S4 ‹Savagery part 2
S4 ‹Sole Salvation
S4 ‹Above and Below
Տeason 4 part2
S4 Part 2 ‹Judgment
S4 Part 2 ‹Sneak Attack
S4 Part 2 ‹Two Brothers
S4 Part 2 ‹Memories of the Future
S4 Part 2 ‹From You, 2000 Years Ago
S4 Part 2 ‹Thaw
S4 Part 2 ‹Sunset

S1 ‹Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 4›

1K 38 1
By VcJuly



The Survey Corps left to find a route to Shiganshina, but encountered an intelligent Female Titan. As soldiers died, one after the next, they headed into a forest of giant trees, none of them knowing why. 


[Eren]: An Abnormal? Or is it like the Colossal Titan?..-Eren mutters before turning away- Did Commander Erwin...

[Oluo]: Hey, snap out of it!..

[Petra]: Eren, think later. We need to get farther in and stand by! 

[Eren]: Right!..-He nods-

And they continued to advance faster, moving away from the place while Erwin, Louis and Levi were still standing on one of the tree branches. Levi grabs his blades, getting ready to cut the Female Titan, but louis stops him.

[Louis]: Wait, Levi... An eye for an eye..

Erwin turns and shouts to his soldiers.

[Erwin]: Artillery 2 and 3, fire!..-Once again, hooks were fired at the Female Titan- Fire all you've got left!..

Meanwhile, outside the forest, Christa looks ahead of herself, sweating when noticing some Titans trying to climb to her and the group.

[Christa]: Um, It's climbing up...-She stutters to a soldier, who looks down-

[Soldier]: So it is. If it gets this far I'll be sure to get clear, but I don't think it'll be too long before withdrawal orders are issued..

[Christa]: Does that have anything to do with the explosions we keep hearing from the depths of the forest?..

[Soldier]: I don't know..

[Sasha]: Mikasa, what do you think that sound is? Are they firing cannons in the forest?..

She doesn't respond, though, she had her eyes locked inside the forest. From a different tree branch, Reiner looks at the forest in the corner of his eye.

[Reiner]: I don't recall them carrying in any cannons, though...

[Ymir]: It's really loud back there..-Ymir says. She turns to Bertolt and calls for him- Hey, Bertolt. Do you know where Christa went?..-He shakes his head-

[Bertolt]: Sorry, I don't know..

[Connie]: I have no clue what's going on. What are we doing and why? I wanna go home..-Connie mentally complains, staring up at the sky-

[Jean]: We're changing positions, Armin..-Jean exclaims, turning to him with the blades in his hands. Armin nods and the two jump down and flies off. Eventually, everyone else follows as a Titan who was climbing up the tree watches them flee- This guy's starting to figure it out. It seems like they keep getting better at climbing..-Jean mutters as everyone lands on the next tree branches-

[Armin]: It just shows they're capable of learning. Alarmingly so. Some are better than others, I'm sure..

[Jean]: Armin..It sounds like something's happening out in the forest, and I think I've got a good idea what it is..-He peers over his shoulder, sweating a bit- They lured that female-form Titan all the way out here in order to capture it...-Armin tenses up while Jean continues- Well, more precisely... To capture the person inside of it. That was Commander Erwin's goal...


[Y/n]: So that was his plan from the start! That's it, right?..-She asks Petra, looking at her. (Y/n), Eren and the rest of Levi's Squad were standing on the huge branches of a Tree, letting their horses rest from hauling so much. Eren stares at her for a few seconds before looking away from (Y/n) and looking at the sky-

[Eren]: I can see why he kept it a secret from us new recruits, but why wouldn't he tell you, when you've all been with the Recon Corps for so long?..-He asks, referring to Eld, Gunther, Petra, and Oluo-

[Oluo]: Shut up!..

[Petra]: Are you implying the Commander and the Captain don't trust us?..

[Eren]: But that's exactly what this means...

[Oluo]: Petra, rip out his teeth, then swap the incisors with the molars and shove 'em back in!..-Oluo screams, pointing his blade at Eren while Eld was looking at everything with his arms crossed-

[Eld]: No, Eren's right on the mark..-Oluo lowers his sword, looking at him in confusion. Everything was silent, Oluo frowned and sweated a little-

[Gunther]: Like what?..-Gunther blurts. Eld takes a glimpse at him before looking down-

[Eld]: There's only one reason he wouldn't trust his fellow soldiers- He looks back up at them- Two people who can become a Titans, or a spy working for such people, has infiltrated our ranks..

[Jean]: You think so too, right? It has to be one of us...-Armin nods-

[Armin]: I agree..

The two look over at the climbing Titan, who struggles to gain its balance against the trees.

[Gunther]: A spy? You really think so?..

[Eld]: At any rate, the Commander has suspicions of his own. I'd imagine the only soldiers who knew of the plan were those who survived with him from five years ago..

[Gunther]: So that's it..-He nods, piercing his lips together, Oluo had his eyes closed for a brief moment as he states-

[Oluo]: No doubt..-He opens his eyes and turns to the Titan Shifter- Understand, Eren, (Y/n)?..

[Eld]: Then, this spy killed Sawney and Bean?..-Eld crosses his arms, leaning against the tree- 

[Petra]: Back then, the Commander asked me about that...-She states while Eren flinches, spacing out as the question the Commander asked him wonders into his head-

[Erwin]: What do you see?..What do you think the enemy is?.. 

[Eren]: That question was referring to this?..-Eren mutters as Eld continues his small speech-

[Eld]: If we could've answered him then, maybe we could've been there for him. I doubt that anyone could've known back then, though...-He places his hand on his chin, looking down as Oluo turns his head away with his eyes closed-

[Oluo]: I knew, but I didn't say anything. Do you know why?..

[Petra]: Why?..

[Oluo]: What, can't you tell? Well, I guess I shouldn't expect much from the likes of you. You have yet to reach my level..-Said the cocky Oluo, making Petra moan slightly, looking at him with a frown-

[Petra]: Hey, are you trying to imitate Captain Levi again? The Captain would never say anything as dumb as that...-Petra stated coldly while Eren continues to stare off of space-

[Eren]: If we succeed, I'll be that much closer to the truth of this world. Still... Regardless of our cause, too many people have died..-Eren bites his lip with unease as Eld lowers his hand down from his chin, looking down-

[Eld]: Do you think the Commander was wrong?..

The Titan that was climbing the tree fell down on the ground, letting out a loud thud.

[Jean]: I can't say he was right.. If we'd known there was a Titan sulking around in our ranks, we could've handled it differently..-There was a slight pause. Armin squinted his eyes a bit-

[Armin]: No, it wasn't wrong..-He starts, causing Jean to turn his body to him- 

[Jean]: What wasn't wrong about it? How many do you think died for no reason?..

[Armin]: Jean, it's easy to look back in hindsight and say, "We should've done something else. However ''..-Armin turns to him- no one knows how things will turn out. And yet you still have to make a choice. It's unavoidable. The lives of a hundred fellow soldiers... Or the lives of everyone within the Walls... The Commander made his choice. He chose to sacrifice those hundred..

[Eld]: Eren, you don't know yet..but soon you'll realize it. The reason that Erwin Smith is entrusted with humanity's hope from the Recon Corps...

[Petra]: Just look at how much trust Captain Levi puts in him!..

[Oluo]: That's assuming you live long enough to figure it out...

[Armin]: I haven't lived that long..-Armin says- but I'm certain of one thing. If there's anyone who can bring about change, it will be someone willing to sacrifice everything they care for, it will be someone who can set aside even their humanity, in order to defeat the monsters. A person who cannot sacrifice everything won't be able to change anything!..


[Erwin]: Fire!..-Erwin orders, pointing his blade at the Female Titan-

An Artillery shoots out more wires at her, while she stands still, making no movement. Hanji looks at her while she asks.

[Hanji]: How do you like that? You can't even scratch an inch now. You won't be able to make a single move... Probably forever. They're designed so that the more you regenerate your injuries, the more immobilized your joints become!..-Hanji cackles- Even still, they can't extract whoever's inside? What are Levi and Mike doing?..

Levi and Mike jumped onto the Female Titan and attempted to cut off her fingers, but she hardens them when the blades touch together, causing them to break. Levi glares at the back of her head while Mike flies himself to Erwin. The Commander looks over to see Mike shaking his head and holding the broken blades. Erwin blinks and looks at the Female Titan.

[Louis]: That ability sounds rather similar to that of the Armored Titan. If we continue attacking with 3D Maneuver Gear and blades, will it weaken?...

[Erwin]: It can selectively harden its skin to protect specific parts of its body? We don't have the time to find out. In that case...-Erwin raises his arm for a soldier, to which, one arrives-

[Soldier]: Yes, sir?..-Erwin lowers his arm, continuing his gaze at the Female Titan-

[Erwin]: Prepare the explosives. We'll blow off its hands..-The soldier nods, a sweat rolling down his cheek-

[Soldier]: Yes sir... However, it's possible that the amount of firepower we're carrying..-The soldier points to the back at his neck- could vaporize what's inside as well...

[Erwin]: In that case, set the changes to amputate the wrist...-Erwin states, beginning to walk over to the soldier and placing a hand on his shoulder- Set them all off together on my signal...

The soldier nods as the two part their ways. The soldier lands on the grass and gestures them to reload and get ready. Levi, on the other hand, was standing on top of the Female Titan's head, staring blankly at her and telling.

[Levi]: Hey... Why not just come out? We don't have time to waste. So... What do you think will happen to you now? Do you believe you can escape? I wish you'd consider all the trouble we're going through... As I recall, you killed my troops in many creative ways. Did you enjoy yourself? Right now, I'm enjoying myself. Well, you felt the same, right? I think you of all people should understand me. Oh, right... I wanted to ask you something. Is it ok if we cut off your hands and legs? They'll grow back, right? I'm talking about your limbs, not the Titan's. We need you alive, after all...

Everything fell silent as Levi stared at the Female Titan, but he gasped slightly when he felt a movement from her. The Female Titan lets out a loud roar, causing all the soldiers to cover their ears, including Levi. (Y/n), Eren, and the rest of Levi's Squad jump at the loud noise and go a little pale.

The roar was heard in the distance. Jean, Armin, and everyone else except Mikasa looked in the direction of the trees with their hanging mouthes. The Female Titan stops as Levi uncovers his ears. He lets out a 'Tsk' and looks back down at her. 

[Levi]: Tsk.. Well, that was a surprise..

Hanji and his comrade unplug their ears, Louis stared at the Female Titan with wide eyes and a half-open mouth.

[??]: Were those her dying screams?..-Louis and Hanji looked at the soldier with a frown-

Erwin stares down, unfaze at the outburst and turns when he sees Mike landing next to him

[Mike]: Erwin, it stinks..

[Erwin]: What direction?..-Erwin asks-

[Mike]: Multiple sources, from all directions at once..

Erwin's eyes widen as he lets out a low gasp. He looks away while elsewhere, the Titans that were in all corners of the forest ran in the same direction as Armin lets out a loud gasp.

[Jean]: What's up with them? They're all running into the forest? Why are they suddenly ignoring us?..

As the Titans continued to run, Ymir furrows her eyebrows, confused.

[Ymir]: What?..

[Connie]: They're all abnormals?!..-Connie shrieks, flying behind the Titans, a soldier stands next to him while he shouts-

[Soldier]: It doesn't matter! Don't let them through! Engage them!..

As Connie and few others go to kill the Titans, Mikasa grabs her blades and takes a few steps forward.

[Sasha]: Wait...-Sasha whimpers, making Mikasa turn her head over her shoulder- I've heard that scream before. In the forests where I'm from... It's the cry of a cornered animal with nothing to lose! I was taught to exercise the greatest caution when a hunt was drawing to a close!..-Mikasa rolls a sweat-

[Mikasa]: So be careful?..

[Sasha]: A hundred times more careful than usual! If you underestimate the forest, you'll die!..-Mikasa turns her head, though she still had her eyes on her-

[Mikasa]: I grew up in the mountains too...

[Sasha]: Just growing up tending crops doesn't mean you understand!..

[Mikasa]: I see..-Mikasa rips her eyes away from Sasha and goes into thought- It's true that Sasha's inuition is usually good. Particularly when it involves any kind of danger. Armin thought Eren and (Y/n) would be in the center, toward the rear...

As the Titans gradually get closer to Erwin and the soldiers, the soldier from earlier points his blade at the others and exclaims.

[Erwin]: Ready those explosives now!..-Mike turns away from Erwin and watches from afar-

[Louis]: Erwin!..-He calls him, making Erwin turn to him quickly- The first wave will come from the east. They're almost here..

[Erwin]: Wagon escort team, intercept!...

Three soldiers went to kill the approaching Titans, but when they went to attack, they realized that the Titans completely ignored them and kept running.

[Soldier]: They ignored us? Are they Abnormals?..

[Soldie 2]: Three have broken through!..-The soldier turns his head to Levi- Captain Levi!..

[Levi]: You just did something, didn't you, bitch?..-Levi states sharply, stomping on her head with his left foot. He looks away from her and flies off to kill the three Titans in one blow. A 3-meter-class Titan runs in and takes a bite at the Female Titan's leg, making Erwin widen his eyes-

[Erwin]: So they're after the Female Titan?..-He gasps once he notices more and more Titans flooding in-

[Soldier]: Titans from all directions!..-A soldier shrieks. Erwin tightens his grip on his blades and shouts once more-

[Erwin]: All men, engage. Defend the Female Titan, even if it means your lives!..

And so they went, doing their best to kill every Titans in the place, but some had already started tearing the flesh off the Female Titan's body or started to consume her. All the soldiers killed each Titan, but they came more and more. From afar, Erwin watched each soldier with open eyes. A Titan's blood splashes on Erwin's cheek as it instantly evaporates.

Watching the Titans tear off every part of the Female Titan's body, Erwin closes his eyes for a few moments before opening them again.

[Erwin]: Retreat, men!..-They back away and land back on the trees as the Commander continues- Back into formation! Return to Karanes!..

Everyone watched as the body of the Female Titan was eaten by the Titans that were left alive, the work they did to discover who was the person that was inside that mysterious Titan, failure ..

[Levi]: We've been had... Just look at you..-Levi turns to Erwin- Don't tell me...-Erwin cuts him off- 

[Erwin]: Our enemies... are prepared to sacrifice everything. I never expected the enemy to destroy itself along with the evidence by inciting other Titans to devour its flesh..-Levi jags his eyebrows, looking at Erwin in the corner of his eye-

[Levi]: After all our big talk at the court martial, this is what happens. If we return empty-handed, who knows what will happen to Eren, to (Y/n) or to us...

[Erwin]: We can think about that after we make it back..-The Commander replies- For now, our priority is getting home without any additional casualties. For now...-He looks back at the scene in front of him- The steam from its corpse is limiting visibility..It might interfere with our signal flare message relay system..

[Levi]: I'll call my team..-Levi said, about to leave, but Erwin stops him-

[Erwin]: Wait, Levi... Refill your gas and blades..-Levi just turns to him-

[Levi]: There's no time. I should have enough. Why?..

[Louis]: Levi...-Erwin and Levi turned to see Louis landing in front of them- If you calm down, I'll take care of your team...-He said, Levi looked at him in silence while Erwin looked at them-

[Levi]: Louis... 

[Erwin]: That's an order. Follow it...

[Levi]: Roger..-He nods, looking at Louis, who smiles at him. Levi turns to look at Erwin- Erwin. I trust your judgment..

The Commander looks away as blue smoke gets signaled out to the sky.

[Soldier]: We're retreating..Everyone, fall back. Mount your horses and retreat...

[Christa]: Right!..-Christa replies as Jean and Armin stare up at the sky, confused-

[Jean]: What? It's over already?..-Mutters Jean as Connie shouts with little joy-

[Mikasa]: What's going on?..-Mikasa thinks- Where's Eren and (Y/N)?..


[Gunther]: Looks like it's over..-Gunther turns to everybody and exclaims- Back to the horses! Prepare to retreat!..-(Y/n), Eren and Petra look at him with blank faces while Oluo, who was previously sitting against a tree, said-

[Oluo]: Your heard the man.. Let's go see what the bastard inside that thing looks like..

As everyone gets prepared to go, Eren knocks on his gas canister, to see if it was full. Next to him were (Y/n) and Petra, they were also looking at their gas canisters, Eren turns to the two of them.

[Eren]: Will we really find out who it is?..-He asks himself while Petra smiles before answering-

[Petra]: All thanks to you two..-She mutters, making (Y/n) and Eren look at her, surprised by her words-

[Eren]: I didn't really do anything..

[Y/n]: I didn't do anything either..

[Petra]: They both trusted us. This is the result of your decision to believe in us back then. Making the right choice isn't easy.. (Y/n), you didn't decide to transform while we talked to Eren, that means that in the end you trusted us just like Eren..-(Y/n) and Eren look at her with their mouths ajar while Oluo watches, rolls his eyes-

[Y/n]: It's true..-She thinks, looking at her hand- While they were talking to Eren. I didn't make the decision to transform myself, even though I had the opportunity, but I had to trust them too..

[Oluo]: Hey,don't pamper them, Petra...What did they do, anyway? They're pathetic. I have just kept whining and she did nothing but be silent. Well, coming back alive from your first excursion is a pretty good start, but it doesn't count until the mission's over..-Oluo looks away from Petra and turns to Eren, leaning a bit forward too- Listen up, kiddo! The expedition lasts until you're at home in bed...-Eren nods, putting the gas canister to his side-

[Eren]: Jeez, I know that!..-He let out a sigh as Oluo walks away, Eld, Gunther, and Petra start to fly off-

[Eld]: Oluo! Petra! You guys pissed your pants and cried on your first mission. You're all grown up now! ..- Eld exclaims as everyone flies off together. Petra lets out an irritated scream as (Y/n) and Eren, gasped with their mouths open-

[Petra]: Don't say that! What if he stops respecting me, Eld?!..-She screams. (Y/n) and Eren turn to her-

[Y/n]: It's true?..

[Eld]: It sure is. And I didn't, by the way, (Y/n), Eren...-Oluo shouts at them, irritated as well-

[Oluo]: Idiot! I've killed more of them than you! I've got more kills, stupid!..

[Eld]: Your kill count isn't what makes a soldier...

[Oluo]: Shut up, idiot!..

[Eren]: Petra, does that mean you sprayed it everywhere in mid-air?...-A laugh came from (Y/n)'s lips at Eren's question, making Gunther shout-

[Gunther]: Shut up! Do you think you're on picnic? We're outside the Walls! I didn't piss my pants either, you two..

Not too far, a soldier with it's hood on shoots a green signal up at the sky, making Gunther look up at the sky, seeing the green smoke signal from a distance-

[Gunther]: Oh, that must be the signal from Captain Levi..-He turns to the group, announcing- We'll rendezvous with the Captain! Cut the chatter until we get back...-He lands himself on a tree branch, pulls out a flare gun, and shoots a green signal out-

The soldier looks up and throws the flare gun away, pulling out the blades from their side. The soldier then takes off, looking for that group. On the ground, Erwin and the others are on their horses, retreating back as Hanji asks.

[Hanji]: Erwin, why did you order Levi to resupply? There's no time to waste... And taking louis away from us, it's not a risky thing..-She says, looking at Erwin with sweat-

[Erwin]: The Female Titan was eaten..-He replies- But did you see the person inside get eaten? I didn't...

[Hanji]: You can't mean-

[Erwin]: Yes... If your original hypothesis was correct, and they can still move to a degree after regaining human form... And If they'd equipped Maneuver Gear in advance... The one within the Female Titan is wearing our uniform right now...

In the middle of the trees, a soldier was flying close to the group, causing Gunther to turn to that person.

[Gunther]: Captain Levi?..-Gunther mutters under his breath until he lets out a gasp- Who are you?!..

The soldier turns around and flies toward Gunther, revealing that it was Louis, causing Gunther to sigh heavily.

[Louis]: It's me, Gunther...-He said, making him nod silently- Levi had to do something else, so I'll follow them...

[Gunther]: Roger..

[Louis]: We have to follow...

The soldier who previously sent the Green Smoke signal, caught up with the group, causing Gunther to turn to the soldier.

[Gunther]: Captain Levi?..-Gunther mutters under his breath until he lets out a gasp. Louis quickly turned his head, seeing the same soldier-

 [Louis]: No, it's not! Who are you?!..-He yells, frowning-

The soldier turns around and flies toward Gunther, blades raised as the person slides their blades across Gunther's body, to which, ending his life. (Y/n), Eren, Louis and everyone else goes pale as they see his dangling lifeless body.

[Eren]: Gunther! What? Why?..-Eren yells, as he descends quickly towards him, but he stops when he sees his lifeless body- Gunther...

[Erwin]: The enemy is now camouflaged as one of the troops...-Erwin finishes as him and the others continue to gallop away-



The capture operation has failed. The Female Titan appears before Eren and (Y/n) once more. What stands between it and its target are the master Titan killers, the Special Ops Squad...

Next episode: ‹Crushing Blow: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 5›

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