Terra 2: A Second Tree Of Life

By MysterSoup

737 35 32

Welcome to Terra 2: A Second Tree Of Life, an on-going speculative evolution project. Speculative evolution i... More

The Subjects
The Archi Epoch: 0-10 Million Years
10,000 Years PE
1 Million Years PE
3 Million Years PE
5 Million Years PE
10 Million Years PE: Almara
10 Million Years PE: Okiina And Darsi
10 Million Years PE: The Oceans
The Pagomegi Epoch: 11-50 Million Years
Tranboo: The Evolution of Tree-like Flora on Terra 2
The Okiinan Riverlands

A Few Disclaimers (+ Updates)

95 5 8
By MysterSoup


Welcome to Terra 2: The Second Tree Of Life.

The story of Terra 2, an ongoing speculative evolution project started in 2021, is about an earth-sized planet named Terra 2 (Earth 2). It follows the seed world premise of planting a privileged few animals in an isolated environment and leaving them to evolve for hundreds of millions of years. Primarily inspired by the largest seed world project Serina, my project follows quite a few more than just 1 land vertebrate species placed on a planet. The planet has 2 moons, one about half the size of ours and the other about twice the size, and cause it to have diminished gravity. The entire project is overseen and ascertained by me. So if you like this idea then please continue reading. If not that's fine too! Also, I may not be able to update this project often as school and life get in the way. Sorry!

(I recommend reading this book in the beige colour with serif font since some of my species showcase drawings use that colour as a background to seamlessly blend in with the rest of the story.)

PS. I am SO sorry about the lack of updates. I know it's been months but I have got a LOT going on right now. I'm still writing the next chapter and, to be honest, I'm having a bit of a motivational crisis. Just keep in mind I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON TERRA 2! New chapters WILL be here, just not for a while. Than you for understanding :)

My project "Terra 2" is heavily, heavily inspired by Dylan Bajda's project Serina: A Natural History Of The World Of Birds. So if you spot any similarities, which you will, then that's why. Another disclaimer is that this is my first ever project ever and I'm only in my teens. The drawings are bad, although I may go back eventually when I'm better at drawing to improve them, the writing is, in my opinion, nothing compared to other projects so please, please be considerate and don't hate me! My intention isn't to be better than anyone else because I know I'm 100% not. Thank you.


The art in this project is bad. In my own opinion the art is not particularly good at all. But it's not the art I'm worried about, it's the writing. So if you want to critique my work or something then please critique the text not the pictures.

I am in my teens so I am still at school. There is a lot going on in my life right now and I don't have that good motivation so if I end up abandoning the project or just not uploading for a few months then please understand why.

This was made with the intention of being read in the beige/peach colour with serif font, so that would be recommended.

This might sound stupid, but I was completely unaware that capybaras had tails, so throughout the early epochs I treated them as if they didn't xd. I'm sorry 😅

Social Stuff

Youtube - MysteriousSoup
Deviantart - MysterSoup


A Few Disclaimers+Updates--- 18/12/2022

The Subjects--- 18/12/2022

The Manetempus: 0-10 Million Years--- 03/01/2023 (Renamed "The Archi Epoch")

10,000 Years PE--- 29/01/2023

1 Million Years PE--- 15/02/2023

3 Million Years PE--- 26/03/2023

5 Million Years PE--- 26/03/2023

10 Million Years PE: Almara--- 27/04/2023

The name of the first period has officially been changed to the Archi Epoch!--- 19/06/2023

Just so y'all know I aint died, here's a smiley face. :) --- 02/12/2023

10 Million Years PE: Okiina And Darsi--- 15/04/2024 (Uplaoded earlier but was unfinished, now finished)

10 Million Years PE: The Oceans--- 26/04/24 (Art finished 02/05/2024)

Friends (Short Story)--- 1/05/2024

The Pagomegi Epoch: 11-50 Million Years--- 2/05/2024

Tranboo: The Evolution of Tree-like Flora on Terra 2--- 05/05/2024

The Okiinan Riverlands--- 16/05/2024

(Please don't use any of my pictures or writing without my permission! If you want to..... I don't know make a video or a review or something just email me at mysterioussoup126@gmail.com and credit me in whatever content you made. I don't know how copyright works so please be kind. Thanks!!!)

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