Too Little Too Late

Autorstwa Kordes3000

74.5K 2.8K 615

After Siberia, little by little Tony Stark disappeared. A year after, the Rogues are welcomed back in the com... Więcej

Sam Wilson
James Rhodes
Pepper Potts
Natasha Romanov
Wanda Maximoff
Christine Everhart
Clint Barton
Laura Barton
Scott Lang
Happy Hogan
Bruce Banner
James Barnes
Peter Quill
Carol Danvers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark 01
Tony Stark 02
Tony Stark 03
Tony Stark 04
Sam Wilson / T'Challa / Scott Lang
Pepper Potts / Natasha Romanov / Christine Everhart
James Barnes / Vision
Bruce Banner / Clint Barton
Stephen Strange / Wanda Maximoff
Thor / Guardians of the Galaxy / Carol Danvers
Peter Parker / Friday / Happy Hogan / Laura Barton
James Rhodes / Steve Rogers


2.5K 91 4
Autorstwa Kordes3000

The team wasn't happy. A lot had happen since the fight int Germany. They believed from the start that Mr. Stark was to blame for a lot of things. Everything. A lot of animosity were mostly coming from Clint and Wanda. The archer was angry all the time and Vision couldn't fathom why. Feelings were new to him. And he didn't have all the information, the ones before his birth. It was difficult to name what was in his heart actually. Did he actually have a heart in the first place? Part of him wanted to stay with his creator. Anybody could see that Tony was hurting and that he was alone now although he had tried his best to pretend that everything was fine around the android. Stark was his creator, his father. But Vision didn't know what that meant. All his knowledge was coming from the internet and he was getting some conflicting information. Something harder was pulling Vision toward Wanda. That made him curious. Those feelings were stronger somehow. He knew he was abandoning his father. So, at first, he did his best to come back regularly to the tower. He would never see Tony, not really looking for him. Being here would be sufficient. His father surely wanted some time alone to think and get back on his feet. Vision didn't know how to name this feeling. Emotions were so illogical.

Little by little, he was learning and Wanda was teaching him well. For example, he knew now not to phase through walls. People were allowed to their privacy. It wasn't very efficient and the notion of privacy itself was a bit of a blur. But he had to respect that. It was a thing quite respected between humans. He didn't need to understand all he was taught but it had to follow those rules anyway. Maybe it was because he was made of lines and lines of code but he liked to figure it out. He liked logical things. Humans were not that rational and it made it harder for him. Natasha had been willing to explain at first but the conversation about the privacy didn't go too well. As a spy she didn't always respected others privacy if ever. She struggled explaining why it was ok when she was not obeying that rule and why it was different for him. Sam was always referring to the captain. Falcon used Steve's action as reference for a lot of things. But Wanda always told him that Steve Roger's views of life where too old-fashioned. Vision asked Scott once. The guy's answer had been very long and had ended way far off the main topic. The rambling was kind of cute. It reminded him of Mr. Stark a lot. But it wasn't helping him like his creator used to. The android thoughts were always circling back to his father these days. Tony had had a way to make him understand things. He had the patience for him too. Two opinions were better than one he once told him. Even more if he could. That way he could make his own opinion with as many facts as possible. Vision started to see that the people around him shared the same opinion on almost everything.

The solution was there. Obvious even. When the videos started to appear on the internet, he knew it was Friday's work. Who else could it be? Friday was still around. How could he forget about her? After watching all the proofs, he started to feel like he had make the wrong choice. The team was not what he had thought. They were all hiding things. Even when they were wating honesty from everybody else. His little sister would help him understand. And if not for her then their creator would. Because anywhere her servers would be then he would be too. Vision entered the internet looking for his sister. The traces were faint at best. So much so that he couldn't even be sure that she was still out there. Vision didn't know their father all that much when he thought about it. But he knew for a fact that Tony Stark would never, under no circumstances, kill or even shut down even for a minute one of his children. The bots and Friday had to be somewhere. He couldn't think about the other possibility. That Tony Stark was dead. He wouldn't have wanted to leave his children alone without anyone to take care of them. Vision didn't want to think about that. That would be his fault. Somewhere inside this body, the code of Jarvis was still there. Some lines here and there of someone who was completely loyal to his creator. That was the kind of bond they had. It was true that he wasn't Jarvis though. Maybe he should have followed Jarvis path a little.

Vision had tried to find the remnants of the other A.I. within him. He wanted to understand who he was. He kept that a secret. The others would have gone mad worrying about Ultron. He was also part of him that much was true. The Avengers would have stopped him. Maybe definitely. They never really look at who he was. They never thought of him a as human being. Even Wanda to some extent. Steve thought of him as a robot, just a little nicer than the homicidal one that preceded his creation. Clint, Sam and Natasha were a little bit more open with him not to the point of thinking of him as human. Scott would marvel at the technology he was. Like a piece of high-tech technology. Wanda didn't think too much about that. Yet. But their physiology were different. His emotions were close to the humans one but it was true that physically he was not human. Whether he liked it or not, certain parts of a human relationship were out of reach for him.

He was now spending most of his free time locked in his room, looking for Friday. Rhodey came to talk to him the first day the team came back from Wakanda. The Colonel talked about regrets, things he wished he had done differently and about mourning. The android didn't understand then. But now, after months, things were clearer and a lot sadder. He never thought that missing someone could hurt so much. It was all about the little things. When Vision really got into his cooking, he thought about his father tasting it. Maybe Tony would have teach him some Italian dishes. Contrary to popular belief, Tony knew how to cook, he just didn't do it very often. His mother, Maria, had taught him when he was younger. They would have cooked together in the kitchen in a comfortable silence that wouldn't last very long. Tony never liked the silence. That made him nervous. His father always told him to try out as many things as possible. The android was told to travel, to go to university, to a concert. They couldn't avenge all the time. They needed time off. Things would have been a lot different if he had made different decisions. That was in the past, he needed to move forward.

He read an article on the stages of grief once. Vision wanted to understand aboutt those feelings he was having. Shock, denial, bargaining, guilt and acceptance. Remorse, he felt that a lot. Was he refusing to think that Tony was no more? His relationship with Tony hadn't been that long. Could he had become so attached so fast? From the start the android had put a distance between him and his creator. He could see him grieving Jarvis and he wasn't him even if he had his voice and mannerism. More and more, he thought that Friday would have all the answers. He needed to make sure. But his sister didn't want to be found. Even by him. When he chose Wanda over their father, he also left her behind. He realised that now but maybe it was too late. Vision had been a bad brother and a bad son but hopefully he could change that.

Wanda often talked about her own brother. He could feel the love she had for him. They were always there for each other, no matter what. They had to in order to survive. Sokovia had been in a civil war for so long. Life wasn't easy back then. They had trouble finding the bare necessities. And then they lost their parents to a Stark bomb. Pietro protected her all the time and she was doing her best to do the same. The two of them had gone through so much together. Where she went he followed. Vision didn't mention Hydra. She would just get mad. She believed in her own story now. Nobody was telling her otherwise, either because they believed her or because they were scared of her reaction. They had been fooled because they were so young back then. He started to realise that she would never change her mind even when he proved to her that it never had been a real Stark Industries weapon in the first place. S.I. bombs were famous for their accuracy and reliability. The army still mourned the time when Stark was selling them weapons. The bomb that killed Wanda's parents had been a copy, sold a high price on the black market. And either way, Wanda should have been mad at the group that sent it on a civil aera. Not the weapon manufacturer. Vision had no proof yet but he had his suspicions. Hydra had been behind that civil war. After all it was nowhere special but was on the way to everywhere special. A strategic place, exactly what Hydra would have wanted under its control.

His relationship with Tony and Friday wasn't as close as it should have been. He regretted that deeply. Vision had been reconsidering his relationship with everybody lately. He was young and in many ways, despite his waste knowledge, he had been innocent of the world. He knew nothing of deceit and personal gain, of lies and personal agendas. Knowing about it didn't mean he could perceive them in others' attitude. He had to try and figure out the world. Especially Wanda. Even now that Tony had disappeared, she couldn't let go of her hatred. When he wanted logic in her decision, she was quick to point out his android status. A machine couldn't feel like a human. People were not logical. They were made of instincts and emotions. Then, she would coddle him so he would forgive and forget. She had that way of making her look innocent like a child. He understood why Steven Rogers was always calling her a kid. That made him uncomfortable. He felt like he was manipulated. She couldn't use her mind powers on him so she had to find another way. He wondered sometimes if she had use her red mist on the Avengers. Wanda was powerful. Steve thought of his team as a family but he had no problem with including Wanda at the cost of two important members. But maybe, not everybody was a family member. Vision didn't feel like he was part of anything when it came to the Avengers. He was useful to them sometimes, like a tool of some sort.

Vision wasn't Jarvis and he wasn't Ultron. He was not what Wanda wanted to make of him. They were disagreeing more and more as time passed by. He had been somehow a son and a brother. A bad one at that. But he hoped that he would be able to apologise even if they didn't have to accept him anymore. He didn't know who he was really. Nobody cared for him, not really. He didn't want to stay with Wanda anymore. He was the only of his kind. The only one alive anyway. In the end, he was alone. By his own making...

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