Playing With The Devil

By DeadNights24

22.3K 403 50

Aidan forces his friend to let him tag along to a kink/BDSM party but quickly finds himself overwhelmed, deci... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Completed - Technically

Chapter 47

236 4 0
By DeadNights24

(TW Reminder: CNC and dubcon)

I lifted Aidan off me, laying him on the bed as I moved off and removed the sheet for him. I told him he didn't have to play with himself any longer. To my shock, he'd kept going through our conversation. I'd lost count of the number of times he'd cum.

As he laid out on the bed, his legs shook uncontrollably again. Jesse had stripped down to his underwear to get more comfortable and gotten onto the bed while I wrote out a simple contract for the scene. He wrapped an arm around Aidan, while the other hand came down to his thigh, massaging gently.

"How many times has he fucking orgasmed?" Jesse asked in shock.

"Too many," Aidan blushed. "It's making me want more... I'm so tired."

"Yet so needy," I replied, bringing the contract over. "Simply states the scene will be followed to everyone's comfort, what happens is wanted, the safewords are the colour system. I wasn't sure if you had memorised his nonverbal signals, so I added that if I call it, you'll stop."

Jesse had turned around to listen to me, nodding along to each word. I held out the pen and paper, and he quickly signed at the bottom of it. I set both the items over on my bedside table and came back over, leaning more against the bed than actually being on it.

"What is the scenario?" Aidan asked nervously. "You never explained what you wanted."

"I'm trying to reassess, I'd only thought about it with us," I admitted. "Not with an extra person. But we can start off gentle and get rougher. I'm just going to have to see your hands at all times. Specifically for the first bit."

"Tell us what you want," Jesse said calmly.

"I want you off the bed, so you can face fuck him," I said slowly. "And I'll be on the bed to fuck him. I just need his hands to be visible while also being held down."

"I could hold one of his wrists and let him do what he wants with the other, if he's meant to struggle, he can push against me and that way he can still signal you," Jesse offered as he slipped off the bed.

"That works enough for me," I replied as I crawled onto the bed. "Aidan?"

"Yes, that works," he whimpered. "Sorry, I'm just nervous. How do you want me to lie?"

I moved his body around so that his head dropped off the side of the bed where Jesse was. He spread his legs, though they were still shaking from cockwarming me and having to orgasm on repeat.

"Are you comfortable like this?" I asked gently.

Aidan held out his arm to Jesse who took his wrist. Gently pinning it to the bed, Aidan used his other hand to help Jesse out of his underwear. Instead of answering me, he started doing some of the hand signals with both hands.

"Can you see both or will I definitely need to use my free hand?" he asked.

"You didn't answer my question, Aidan," I said before answering. "But I can see both, if you want to try being pinned completely first, and work from there, we can. This will be a bit of a trial-and-error situation. But that's why we'll be gentle."

"I'm comfortable," he answered me as Jesse pinned down his other hand. "I'm nervous. A lot of... of emotion. But I trust you both. Am I saying anything specific when I get a chance?"

"Just pretend we were all meant to be coming in here for a 'seven minutes in heaven' game but it went too far, now we're about to have our way with you," I explained as I ran my hands over his thighs.

"Names?" he asked.

"Use my actual name," I answered, looking over his body hungrily.

Aidan nodded slowly, opening his mouth enough for Jesse. As he did this, Jesse pressed his tip inside Aidan's mouth. I lifted Aidan's hips to my own, sliding into him slowly. He whimpered against Jesse's cock and pulled his arms down, starting to struggle.

"Good boy," I whispered. "Take us both just like this. You know you've wanted it all day."

Jesse kept a close eye on Aidan. With every thrust, he moved deeper in Aidan's mouth, keeping it light and gentle. I began to move also, pushing Aidan's legs up towards his chest, and thrusting gently. Despite Aidan's moans against Jesse's length, I could feel him tensing around me. His arms struggled to get out of Jesse's grip. He was attempting to push his legs together also. His struggles matched the tenderness of our thrusts.

"Don't struggle, Aidan," Jesse softly moaned, though his words were tentative. "Your lips feel good wrapped around me."

"I've thought of what we're going to do to you, Aidan," I moaned as I sped up. "You stretched so nicely earlier, I wonder if you can take both of us inside you at the same time."

Aidan's back arched when he heard my words. His struggle became a little more adamant. Jesse slid himself out of Aidan's mouth, allowing him a moment to breathe and think. I wasn't going to rush into anything without Aidan's full permission.

"Well?" I questioned.

"Gabe, please," he whimpered. "That'll hurt. It'll really hurt."

"That's why I'm asking first," I leaned down close. "Yellow, Aidan, we need confirmation."

"Yes, we can try," he whispered anxiously. "I know I... I sound anxious like I don't want to. But I'm just worried the pain will make me need a nap or something. I want to be with you for your whole birthday..."

"Baby," I grinned as I pulled out of him. "If you need to nap, then we'll make sure you have the best fucking nap. I don't mind if you sleep through part of my birthday or the rest of it, I want to enjoy this moment right here."

He relaxed, nodding. I sat on the bed properly, dragging him up to me. I forced him to straddle my lap while Jesse crawled onto the bed. Our legs moved around each other, finding a comfortable enough position to do this in. I lowered Aidan down onto my cock first. He pushed against me, trying to keep himself upright and hovering over me.

"Grab his arms," I ordered Jesse.

Jesse grabbed Aidan's wrists and pulled them behind his back, holding him tightly. I moved a hand under Aidan and stretched him a bit more with my fingers before helping Jesse press his cock up against Aidan's hole.

"No, no, Gabe, please," he shook his head wildly. "Please, it's going to hurt."

"That's what I want, baby" I smirked as Jesse slid in slowly. "I want you screaming our names."

"Jesse, please, please," he turned to look at him, pleading. "Please, don't do it, no more, I can't."

"You heard him," Jesse said with a grin. "You've wanted us all day, so why are you trying to back out now?"

We both started thrusting into Aidan, as gentle as we could. He felt so goddamn tight with both of us in there. I was almost all the way in while Jesse must have only been about half. I was going to make sure at least one of us ended up fully enclosed.

Aidan's legs wobbled as he tried to stay in a sort of kneeled position. I held his waist with one hand, forcing him down onto our cocks more with each thrust. The other hand rested behind me, keeping me steady as I moved.

I could feel Jesse thrusting up harder, attempting to get more of his length inside Aidan. Aidan's screams echoed around the room as he continued to tell us to stop. Tears had started to stream down Aidan's face as he was stretched wider by us.

"Calm down, baby," I cooed in between groans. "We're making you feel good."

Jesse had leaned forward, resting his forehead on Aidan's back. He was only holding Aidan's wrists with one hand while the other had snaked its way around Aidan's body and lightly rested at his neck.

"Yellow, Aidan?" I grunted with another thrust.

"Pain, hurts... Gabe," he sobbed.

"Stop?" I asked, watching carefully.

"No, keep going!" he cried. "I'm safe, just... just slower, please, try slower."

"Jesse?" I looked past Aidan as I made sure I slowed my thrusts. I could feel Jesse doing the same.

Jesse didn't lift his head, but I heard him groan against Aidan that he was okay. Soon, Aidan had stretched well enough for us to start thrusting harder and deeper. Even with the slower thrusts, we were just so deep and rough, it sent a thrill through me. Aidan's voice had started to break, his eyes moving to the back of his head.

"Please, Gabe... Jesse..." he sobbed croakily. "St-... Stop, please."

"Not until we're done using you," I grunted louder. "Such a tight, wet hole for us to use."

Aidan gritted his teeth, forcing out his next words. "Jesse. Colour?"

"Green," he groaned against Aidan's back.

"Then why... why are you..." Aidan breathed out, losing his words with the pain becoming unbearable.

Jesse glanced up a little. I could see why Aidan called for his colour. Jesse had tears lined under his eyes, threatening to fall down his cheeks. Some already had. He was overwhelmed by what was happening. In contrast to his initial taste of CNC with Aidan, this must be bringing up some terrifying memories.

"Jesse," I said sternly.

"I'm good," he reiterated confidently. "I promise. Aidan's feeling good, so I need to ignore my thoughts, because the better he feels, the more I realise I can make him feel this pleasure."

"I feel good, alive," Aidan stuttered. "I trust you, Jesse."

"Keep going," Jesse whispered against Aidan's skin. "Keep struggling, Aidan, you're doing so well."

Aidan nodded, smiling at the encouragement. He went back to struggling, his eyelids fluttering shut as he hoarsely told us to stop once more. I bit my lip as I watched his reactions to us getting almost all the way in.

"Almost there, baby," I grunted. "Let's get you close too."

I slid my hand down from his waist to his clit, rubbing over it in a circular motion. His breath caught in his throat. He managed to get one of his hands out of Jesse's grip. The hand immediately gripped my shoulder as he began to bounce on our cocks.

"Told you," I grunted. "I said you'd enjoy us by the end, you needy little slut."

"Yes," he groaned, bouncing harder. "Cl-... Close, Gabe, Jesse, please..."

I leaned forward, swirling my tongue over one of his nipples and he let out a loud mewl of pleasure. I felt him tighten around us as he came over our cocks. With another thrust, I was releasing inside him, Jesse following soon after.

"Fuck," Aidan whimpered, his hand flying to his mouth. "Sorry, Gabe... Daddy. Sorry."

"Move your hand," I breathed out heavily. "I'll be gentle."

He nodded, taking in a breath before moving his hand down. I brought my hand up and gave him a gentle slap, though the sting would still be there. He whimpered quietly, looking at me with wide, innocent eyes.

I chuckled softly. "Let's get you off us so we can do aftercare, yeah?"

He nodded, "Yes, Daddy."

Jesse and I lifted him up slowly, setting him in between us. Aidan's attention immediately turned to Jesse when I told him to focus on him without Jesse hearing. He wrapped an arm around him and wiped away his tears. I leaned closer, wiping away Aidan's own tears.

"Do you need some water, Aidan?" Jesse asked politely.

"Yes," he croaked out. "But before you get it, there's one thing. For both of you."

"...Yes?" Jesse asked hesitantly.

"You were both amazing," he replied slowly, careful not to strain his throat. "You made me feel good, it was painful, but it felt good."

"Are... Are you sure?" Jesse pressed. "Promise?"

"I promise," Aidan managed to say. "I enjoyed it. It's what we wanted."

"Good boy," I cooed, pressing my lips to his cheek as Jesse leaned over to pick up a bottle.

Aidan took it gratefully, giggling at the kisses I was leaving over his face. He flicked me away to take a drink as I focused my attention on Jesse.

"Do you need more reassurance, sweetheart?" I asked.

"...Maybe," he muttered. "It was weird being turned on by it and... then kind of... reliving stuff. It was... Aidan after all. I'd already... I'd done things I'm not proud of, so it hurt but it felt good... and he's good and..."

His eyes went to Aidan's and breathed out deeply. There was definitely a pain in his eyes. As if he believed he'd genuinely hurt Aidan again. I wasn't having a drop for once, Aidan's quick words helped me faster than I thought. I knew what Jesse was going through, and sometimes you needed an extra kick to remind you that you're a good person.

"Jesse?" Aidan softly said. "I'm okay, I promise. You're not wrong for enjoying it, you made me feel good and we were pretending. You did everything right, and I know you would have stopped if I said red."

"How?" he asked, his arms snaking around Aidan's body.

That contact seemed to relax him, knowing that Aidan wasn't going to recoil or flinch away from him. Aidan even leaned into the cuddle. I sat quietly, my hands massaging over the tops of Aidan's thighs. I could only imagine how much extra pain he must be in.

"Because when Gabe and I first tried to do it, I called red and you turned around to give us privacy," Aidan explained. "You even reassured me that your erection was not my problem to deal with, you didn't make me fix it."

Jesse breathed out a shaky breath and nodded. "Let's lay back for a bit, cuddle properly. It is Gabe's birthday here, he should be getting more than me."

"I'm surprisingly really good, I might go through a drop later, but right now, I'm pretty good," I shrugged. "But we can't cuddle just yet."

"Why?" Jesse asked.

I turned around to find that my laptop was on the edge of the bed and quickly retrieved it. The movie was long done. I went back a page, putting on something else to keep as background noise.

Jesse had already helped Aidan to lie down, fixing up the pillows so we could all cuddle comfortably. They were lying so that Aidan would be facing me when I joined them. Jesse was pressed fairly close to Aidan, leaving soft kisses over his shoulder and back.

"I need to clean my markings, baby," I reminded Aidan as I slipped off the bed. "I want you and Jesse to go to the bathroom first, we need to shower or bathe before I put the disinfectant and bandages on."

"That'll sting... I might pass out," he frowned.

"We'll be here to make sure you sleep well then," Jesse said.

"Exactly, baby," I agreed, smiling at him.

"But what about the rest of your birthday?" Aidan asked.

"Don't be worried about that anymore, sweetheart. We'll have some dinner much later, maybe around nine or ten, so you'll be able to rest," I replied. "But if I don't clean these and they get infected, they'll hurt even more. Please, let me clean and bandage you."

"Okay," he muttered.

Jesse had already slipped off the bed and held his arms out for Aidan to take them. Aidan winced as he shuffled across the bed to the edge, allowing Jesse to lift him up into his arms.

"I'll clean up here first, then I'll join you, okay?" I said to Aidan, brushing his hair behind his ear. "But first, let's take these off, you can have them back after if you want."

I took the puppy ears off him along with the collar and then leaned down to pull out the buttplug. His grip on Jesse tightened, his nails digging into his shoulders. He hid his face in Jesse's neck, whimpering lightly.

"I'm sorry, baby," I said as I kissed his shoulder. "You've done so well for me today. I'm so proud of you for taking all that."

I looked over Aidan's body to take in what had happened. He still had a very light bruise on one cheek from Andrew yesterday. The other cheek was red and sore but should be fine. The collar had left quite a bruise around his neck. A trail of hickeys went from one side of his neck down to his chest. My markings were on his chest, hips, and thighs. In between his thighs were bruises from my incessant poundings.

Jesse smiled lightly as he carried Aidan towards the bathroom. I took some time to clean up the bed and plug my laptop in to charge. I didn't know whether we'd continue 'watching' anything, but at least we'd be able to. I threw the towels into the laundry on my way to the bathroom.

As I reached the door, I looked in to see Jesse and Aidan in the shower. Jesse had pressed Aidan up against the wall of it to hold him up while using a washer to clean over Aidan's body. Aidan was shivering and somewhat limp against Jesse's body. His head was pressed back against the wall of the shower, breathing in deeply and slowly. Jesse was hushing him quietly.

"It would have been easier in the bath," Jesse said gently.

"I didn't want it to sting so much..." Aidan whimpered.

I stepped inside the bathroom, neither had noticed me just yet. I forced one foot in front of the other and opened the shower door. Aidan turned to look at me as I stepped inside, my eyes closing for a moment to steady myself.

"Gabriel?" Aidan muttered.

"Gabe, you don't have to join us," Jesse said. "I-... I remember the contract said you're uncomfortable with it."

"It's okay," I said, looking between them. I knew I was breathing heavily despite my attempt to relax. "I want to be in here with you both right now. Just, don't touch me unless I touch you first."

"Understood," Jesse nodded.

"I'd like to hold Aidan actually if that's okay?" I found myself saying.

Jesse nodded as he spoke, "He can't stand though, you'll have to come here... I'll move with you, so we don't touch."

I nodded slowly, stepping over. Jesse kept a hold of Aidan so he wouldn't fall from the wall, slipping to the right as I moved in between Aidan's legs. Aidan hesitantly wrapped his legs around me. His eyes scanned my face and body.

I turned to see Jesse standing in the corner of the shower. He had a smile on his face, encouraging, and proud. Aidan still held his hands to his sides, and I moved them onto my shoulders, shuddering for a moment at the feeling.

"This feels good," I mumbled. "How well did you clean him, Jesse?"

"It's basically all done, soap and water all over him," Jesse nodded as he held out the washer. "If you want to redo it."

I took it slowly, my eyes kept on his hand. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever it is, it's not your fault. And you don't have to apologise for your reactions because of it," Jesse explained.

I nodded as I started wiping over Aidan's chest, my eyes flicked towards Jesse, and I breathed in. I wanted to tell him. Not everything, but I wanted him to understand.

"I was groomed when I was a teenager," I said. "That's all you need to know. But I thank you for understanding regardless."

"I didn't need to know anything," he said. "But thank you for letting me in."

Aidan smiled softly, I could feel him massaging my shoulders. I leaned into it, pressing my body closer to his as the water hit my back, dripping down my body. After a moment, I dropped the washer to the floor and put my hand out to Jesse's arm, pulling him over.

"Hand on my back, nowhere else," I stated.

Jesse nodded obediently, setting his hand on the middle of my back. He placed his other hand on the wall near Aidan's shoulder, dangling his fingers over him. Aidan giggled softly, flashing Jesse a huffing pouty look.

"Sorry," he chuckled.

I leaned my body forward, resting my head on Aidan's chest and breathing him in. Neither of them moved their hands or bodies. I could still feel Aidan hesitantly massaging along my shoulders but for the most part, had decided to keep still.

The water hit all of us at least, keeping us wet and clean. I never thought I'd be able to touch another person in here, let alone two. Sharing was one thing, but actively being touched - a whole new terrain for me.

"Did you wipe him down there?" I asked Jesse, turning my head enough to see him. "Just water."

"No, he was whimpering too much," Jesse replied. "It hurt to see."

"Did we tear you, sweetheart?" I looked up at Aidan.

"I don't know, it just hurt," Aidan stuttered.

"I think we've showered enough," I quietly said. "I need to use the disinfectant on you, and I'll check then."

Aidan whimpered again at the thought of more pain. I gave him an apologetic look as Jesse turned off the shower, and we all hopped out. I waited for Jesse to put a towel around himself before handing him Aidan. I wrapped a towel around Aidan and then grabbed a spare one for myself.

We left the bathroom quickly. As we reached my room again, Jesse laid Aidan out on the bed. We helped him dry down, and once he was relaxed enough, I told Jesse to pass me the disinfectant and the bandages.

I spread Aidan's legs and checked his holes. Apart from being bright pink and bruised, there didn't seem to be any tears in sight. My hand went out and very lightly touched over his clit and along his entrance. He let out a low whimper, flinching back.

"Daddy, no, please, please," he shook his head. "No more. Please."

"I'm not trying to turn you on," I shook my head. "I was checking if the stinging was at a specific place."

"It's all over," he whispered. "No tears?"

"None," I nodded. "You're just very sensitive here, I'll be good for the next couple of days or something, okay? Unless you want us."

"Yes, Daddy," he replied, whispering out shyly. "Thank you for that control."

"You too, Jesse," I turned to look at him, taking the disinfectant first. "Don't touch him for a little bit. Unless he lets you."

"I wouldn't think of it," he shook his head as he sat on the edge of the bed.

I started to pour the disinfectant over the markings. Aidan spasmed, whimpering louder. Jesse quickly grabbed his shoulders, holding him down so I could do it properly, patting down on the area and then setting a bandage over it.

"Please, baby, I know, I know," I hushed. "It's almost over."

"Please, please," he begged.

"You're doing so well, sweetheart, so damn well," Jesse whispered, trying to calm him.

I covered the last marking and put away the disinfectant bottle. Aidan was crying on the bed with Jesse still over him. Jesse's hands lightly massaged Aidan's shoulders. His attempts to calm Aidan weren't working.

"I'll get my hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, Little One, you'll be okay," I said as I picked up my hoodie from where I'd left it. "Then we can all cuddle. Gentle, warm cuddles."

He nodded tiredly, his body still writhing in pain, and spasming from the orgasms. This mixture may have almost sent him overboard.

"Were you nearing a limit, Aidan?" I asked seriously.

"I'm not sure," he admitted. "I think it was close. You definitely didn't go over it. I'm okay, I just need rest."

I quickly picked out a pair of grey sweatpants and helped him into them. Jesse and I took a turn to cuddle Aidan while the other dried and changed into something more comfortable. By the time we were both settled on either side of Aidan, he'd passed out. His body still spasmed in his sleep, but he was otherwise as relaxed as he could be. I looked over Aidan's shoulder to see Jesse and I smiled lightly.

"Thank you," I said gently.

"You're welcome," he said curiously. "For?"

"Everything," I answered. "For doing the scene, for checking in, for listening."

"I'm trying," he smiled. "Aidan and you both deserve it."

"He's going to be upset that he couldn't do everything I wanted," I chuckled softly as I looked down at his sleeping face.

I realised now that he'd relaxed enough that he was still instead. His chest rose and fell slowly, breathing steady as he slept. I pressed my lips to his forehead. My hand went to his, squeezing gently.

"You're lucky," Jesse said.

"You liked him before," I returned.

"I did, I do," Jesse stuttered. "I did mean what I originally said... I'm not here to steal him away, I just want him to know he's safe and okay."

"Thank you," I nodded lightly, pressing my forehead to Aidan's. "He's amazing and I can see why you'd like him."

"To be fair," Jesse started, stuttering a little over his words. "I'm also kind of... I mean... You're also very... attractive."

"Maybe you could help me in a bit," I smirked, watching his cheeks heat up.

"Sure," he mumbled, nuzzling his face into Aidan's back. "Fuck you."

I laughed softly, holding back in case I woke Aidan. "I believe I'll be doing the fucking."

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