The Avatar's Advisor (HIATUS)

kxngmxrs által

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"You love him, don't you? I see the way you look at him. It's like he's your whole world. I can't possibly bl... Több

Book One: Water
The Boys In the Iceberg
The Avatar Returns
The Southern Air Temple
The King of Omashu
Princes and Conversations
The Spirit World
Avatar Roku
The Waterbending Scroll
The Dam
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
The Fortune-Teller
Bato of the Water Tribe
The Deserter
The Northern Air Temple
The Waterbending Master
Lost and Found
The Siege of the North: Part 1
The Siege of the North: Part 2
Book Two: Earth
The Avatar State
The Cave of Two Lovers
Return to Omashu
The Swamp

The Warriors of Kyoshi

254 10 14
kxngmxrs által

TW: internalized transphobia, dissociation

Sokka stares at the map in his hands. He fights a shiver as Polu's breath hits his neck, the boy studying the parchment from over Sokka's shoulder.

"You have no idea where you're going, do you?"

The teens both glance over the saddle to the Avatar.

"Well, I know it's near water," the boy smiles.

Polu deadpans. "We must be getting close, then." He and Sokka turn back to the map, hopelessly searching for something to match up to the landscape around them.

Aang watches Katara as she carefully threads her needle through the blue fabric. "Momo. Marbles, please."

The lemur ruffles through Aang's robes before popping out and placing the stones in Aang's hand.

"Hey, Katara. Check out this airbending trick." A goofy expression paints his face as the marbles whirl in a circle between his open palms.

The girl's eyes don't leave her sewing for a moment. "That's great, Aang."

Aang's smile falls as he closes his hands. "You didn't even look," he complains.

She turns to face the younger boy quickly. "That's great."

The boy's frown deepens. "But I'm not doing it now."

Sokka hands Polu the parchment they'd been staring at, leaning back against the saddle. "Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing."

Polu raises an eyebrow as he rolls the map into his satchel.

"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Katara scowls as she turns to her brother.

"Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting, fighting, and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things. Polu, back me up on this." Sokka shoots a confident grin at the older teen.

"Unbelievable," Polu scoffs.

Sokka smiles widely. "I know! It is unbelievable. Girls aren't meant to fight!"

Katara's scowl deepens. There are two of them?

Polu laughs dryly as he crosses his arms. "No, what is unbelievable is that you tell me I was frozen for a century, yet sexist pigs like you still have the audacity to run their mouths."

Sokka's mouth hangs open in pure shock.

Katara smiles as she giggles. "I knew I liked you."

Polu gives a small, grateful smile before Katara turns back to her brother.

"All done with your pants, and look what a great job I did." She throws the cloth at her brother, smacking him in the face.

"I can't wear these! Katara, please!" He sticks his arm through the gaping hole in the fabric to prove his point.

"Relax, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants," Aang states.

Polu feels fear shift in his gut. "Yeah, I'd prefer it if we all remained clothed."

Aang ignores his friend as he steers the bison.


After another while of flying, the four finally land on a large island.

"We just made a pit stop yesterday," Sokka whines. "Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?"

Polu nods as Katara speaks up. "He's right. At this rate, we won't get to the North Pole until spring."

Aang runs a hand on his bison's fur. "But Appa's tired already, aren't you boy?"

The bison is silent.

Aang takes to elbowing his animal companion. "I said, 'aren't you boy'?"

After a long moment, the bison yawns loudly.

Polu rolls his eyes, the faintest of smiles on his face.

"Yeah, that was real convincing." Sokka shrugs. "Still, hard to argue with a ten-ton magical monster."

Aang dashes forward, pointing at the lake. "Look!"

The teens behind him stare in amazement at the enormous fish erupting from the water.

"Elephant koi," Polu murmurs.

Aang nods. "That's why we're here. And I'm going to ride it." The pre-teen disrobes to his undergarments and faces the teenage girl. "Katara, you've gotta watch me."

"Aang, be careful, there are-"

Polu's words are ignored as the airbender dives into the lake. The boy jumps out of the water screaming, "Cold!"

A moment later, a koi fish and Aang breach the surface and launch into the air. Katara smiles widely, Sokka and Polu both frowning.

We should really keep moving, but he's having so much fun.

Aang waves at his friends on the shore, receiving one in return from Katara. He laughs joyously as the fish speeds along the water, other elephant koi surfacing and diving behind him.

"He looks pretty good out there," Katara smiles.

"Are you kidding? The fish is doing all the work," Sokka retorts.

"Besides, I'd rather he be on shore. If the rumors I've heard about these waters are to be believed, it's not safe to be in them." Polu adds to his friends' statements as he worries with his fingers.

Katara's eyes widen as she races away from the shore. "Appa, no! Don't eat that!"

Sokka and Polu exchange banter for a moment before Sokka straightens like a rod. "There's something in the water!"

Polu faces the lake as he runs a hand over his short hair. Spirits, why did I have to be right?

"What's wrong?" Katara comes to a stop beside Polu.

Polu points to the shadow lurking behind Aang's koi. "Aang's in trouble."

"Aang!" Sokka calls.

"Get out of there!"

The three frantically wave their hands, attempting to grab their friend's attention.

The boy smiles and returns their waves, being none the wiser to the danger he is in. He yells as he is launched from the fish's back.

As he spits water from his mouth, he sees the shadow of an enormous figure tower over him. He spins to find the largest fin he's ever seen in his life.

He screams.

Polu panics as he watches his friend run on the water and back to the shore. His worry only grows as the fish quickly catches up to him.

Without a moment's notice, Aang collides with Sokka and sends the pair launching back.

Polu and Katara watch the monster retreat before searching for their friends.

"What was that thing?"

"I don't know," Aang replies.

"Well, let's not stick around to find out. Time to hit the road."

Something's off. The water in the air is shifting oddly. Someone is here. Polu tenses in preparation and creates a stream of water in front of him.

"Polu? What-" Sokka is cut off as a woman grabs him from behind.

The eldest teen launches himself in the air to avoid the person behind him. As he falls, he watches Katara and Aang's captors tie them up as well. The girls are so thorough that they even bag Momo.

He reaches the ground and creates a dome of water around him, forcing the girls back. Oh no, I missed-

The tip of a weapon is pressed against Polu's back. "Nice try, but you're going to have to come with us."

I'm rusty. Guess I had to return eventually.

"Or we could stay awhile," Sokka says when he hears the commotion die.


"You four have some explaining to do," a gravelly voice states.

"And if you don't answer all our questions, we're throwing you back in the water with the Unagi," a female voice adds.

Unagi! I knew that rumor was real. So we're on Kyoshi, then

"Show yourselves, cowards!" Sokka's commands nearly make Polu laugh.

We're not really in a bargaining position. I just hope he can keep his mouth shut when he realizes who we're up against.

The group's blindfolds are taken away. Polu blinks at the sudden light, a pit growing in his stomach as he takes in the sights of the old village.

I didn't think I'd ever return to Kyoshi. Especially not as I am now.

"Who are you? Where are the men that ambushed us?"

"There were no men. We ambushed you." The girl in front scowls at the Water Tribe boy.

"Sokka, I'm begging you to watch your mouth," Polu hisses.

The boy ignores him.

The lead warrior gives a faint smirk before pointing at Sokka again. "Now, tell us who you are. What are you doing here?"

Sokka leans forward with a scrutinous expression. "Wait a second. There's no way a bunch of girls took us down."

The Kyoshi warrior grabs Sokka's collar. "A bunch of girls, huh? The Unagi's going to eat well tonight."

Katara leans around Polu. "No, don't hurt him! He didn't mean it! My brother's just an idiot sometimes."

The other waterbender nods firmly, a teasing smile on his lips. "We're trying to train him, but you know how babies are."

Sokka shrieks. "Hey!"

The female warrior relents and releases Sokka.

"It's my fault." The four teens turn to look at Aang- or as much as they could, in Katara and Polu's cases. "I'm sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the elephant koi."

The graying man from earlier speaks again. "How do we know you're not Fire Nation spies? Kyoshi stayed out of the war so far and we intend to keep it that way."

Aang, be careful.

"This island is named for Kyoshi? I know Kyoshi."

If his hand wasn't tied to his side, Polu would slap it to his forehead. Aang, she's long dead. They're not gonna believe that.

As if to prove him right, the adult laughs. "How could you possibly know her? Avatar Kyoshi was born here 400 years ago. She's been dead for centuries."

Only like 180 years, Polu remembers.

"I know her because I'm the Avatar." Aang smiles hopefully at the man.

The girl from before shakes her fist. "That's impossible. The last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared 100 years ago. Even his Advisor didn't know who the Avatar was before he was killed."


Aang and Polu feel their eyes widen to double their previous size. Polu's heart is riddled with fear.

Does the world really believe the Advisor was killed? I suppose it makes sense, since they also believed the Avatar was dead.

"That's me! The Avatar part, anyway."

The old man jerks a finger at the four foreigners. "Throw the impostor to the Unagi."

The warriors open their fans and stalk toward the invaders.

Katara feels her heart race. "Aang, do some airbending."

The boy heeds her words and launches into the air, landing in front of his friends.

"It's true. You are the Avatar."

The boy smiles and pulls marbles from his robes. "Now, check this out." He opens his palms and the stones spin in a circle.

Villagers cheer, seemingly oblivious to the man foaming at the mouth.

Is he okay?


"All right! Dessert for breakfast! These people sure know how to treat an Avatar." Aang smiles broadly as he shoves a pastry into his mouth.

"Katara, you've got to try these!"

The girl smiles softly. "Well, maybe just a bite."

Polu rolls his shoulders as he walks toward the entryway of the room.

"Sokka, Polu, what's your problem? Eat!"

The eldest teen turns to find Sokka slumped against a wall.

"I'm not hungry," the boy pouts.

"But you're always hungry," Aang contests.

Polu snorts. "He's just upset because a bunch of girls kicked his butt yesterday."

The teen growls at the waterbender. "They snuck up on me! And what about you? They beat you too, you know."

The elder nods. "I do know. I'm going to learn from them- you know, like a good loser would do."

He leaves the room and quickly makes his way to the wooden building in the distance. It hasn't changed in the hundred years I've been gone. I suppose there's some comfort in that.

Polu stops at the porch and knocks on the wall next to the door.

The lead warrior from the day prior stands straight. "Hello?"

The teen bows respectfully. "I believe we got off on the wrong foot yesterday. My name is Polu."

The girl's eyes widen. "As in-" She whips to face a portrait on the opposite wall.

In the frame is a girl of sixteen years. Her long, black hair is tied up in an elaborate hairpiece decorated with green beads and pink flowers. A string of pale green beads rest on the girl's scar-less neck.

Her eyes are painted a solid green, though it's clear that, in the past, someone had painted over the right eye with blue. The inscription under the frame reads, "Princess Hera, 16 BG-0 BG. Princess, Sister, and Kyoshi Warrior."

The warrior turns back to the boy. "King Milan's eldest?"

Polu nods and pulls a green uniform and fans from his satchel. "Does the kingdom really believe I died?"

The warrior bows deeply. "They did, for a time. Although many of the older citizens still believe you died 100 years ago, your brother searched for you. He refused to believe you were really gone, but eventually, a lack of evidence gave way to rumors- your survival became a story parents told their children."

The girl meets the older teen's gaze. "He finally gave up on searching, but your brother made sure that the people were informed of your real identity as Prince Polu. He ensured that you would go down in history as the boy you were meant to be."

Polu smiles fondly. "I knew that kid had my back. I don't think I ever got your name?"

The warrior flushes. "Oh! My name is Suki, Your Highness."

The boy laughs lightheartedly. "There's no need for formalities. Only Aang knows of my identity, and I'd like to keep it that way for a while. Just Polu is fine."

Suki nods, cheeks still red under her makeup. "It's an honor, Polu. I assume you came to train?"

The boy nods. "If you'll take me. It's been a bit since I've trained in these halls, and I understand your rules when it comes to men."

Suki smiles brightly. "Well, I believe we can make an exception for an old warrior- even if he is no longer the girl we believed him to be."

The girl hands Polu a new set of robes and fans.

"You don't want the old ones back?"

Suki shakes her head. "We don't use them anymore, so no. You can keep them if you want."

Polu smiles.

The warrior introduces Polu to the others, quickly settling the atmosphere into a comfortable area.

The prince breathes calmly as the group moves through a form. I've missed this. The familial bond the warriors have, the motions of the techniques... all of it.

"Sorry, ladies."

Those training stand to face the intruder as he speaks. Polu's eyes widen. What is he doing here?

"Didn't mean to interrupt your dance lesson. I was just looking for somewhere to get a workout."

Suki steps forward. "Well, you're in the right place."

Polu frowns as the warrior apologizes for the day prior. Sokka is going to make one of his snide little comments. I swear if he gets me kicked out of here-

"I mean, normally, I'd hold a grudge, but seeing as you guys are a bunch of girls, I'll make an exception," Sokka smirks before his eyes land on Polu. "You look familiar. Have we met before?"

Suki's eyes widen. If the others don't know of his heritage, it's unlikely they know of his gender situation. I need to draw his attention back to me, much as I hate to do so. "I should hope you'd forgive us. A big, strong man like you, we wouldn't stand a chance."


Sokka turns back to the leader of the warriors. "True, but don't feel bad. After all, I'm the best warrior in my village."

The only warrior, Polu huffs.

Suki coos sarcastically. "Wow. Best warrior, huh? In your whole village?" She turns to Polu, whose face contorts in hidden laughter.

"Maybe you'd be kind enough to give us a little demonstration." Suki turns back to the teen, a challenging smirk on her lips.

Sokka seems to hesitate. I couldn't even hold out against Polu for twenty seconds. These are girls, though. I'll be just fine. "Oh, well, I mean, I-"

Suki faces her friends with wide arms. "Come on, girls, wouldn't you like him to show us some moves?"

The warriors chuckle. One nudges Polu and leans close to his ear. "How long will he last?"

Polu smirks. "Against a true warrior? Ten seconds tops."

The girl lets out a loud laugh, causing Sokka to glare between the two. It's the girl that seems so familiar. What could she have possibly said?

He returns his attention to the girl in front of him. "Well, if that's what you want, I'd be happy to." Sokka walks forward and pushes Suki a step back.

"Alright, you stand over there." The boy falls back into a preparation stance. "Now, this may be a little tough, but try to block me."

Polu snorts as Suki jabs Sokka's underarm with her fan, easily sending him away from her.

"Good," Sokka winces. "Of course, I was going easy on you."

"Of course," Suki sympathizes. This boy is traveling with the Avatar and a prince? I'm surprised he's as poor a fighter as he appears to be.

"Let's see if you can handle this!"

Sokka lunges again. Suki ducks under his legs and stands, sending the boy flying to the ground.

"Ouch! That does it!" The boy rises and races forward.

Polu watches admiringly as Suki spins Sokka, removes his belt, and uses it to tie his left hand and opposite foot together.

The boy collapses on the ground and sends the warriors into fits of laughter.

"Anything else you want to teach us?"


The warriors quickly resume the form they were practicing before their interruption. Polu smiles at the comfort of returning to one of the things he loved doing as a kid.

The group shifts their weight from one leg to the other, swinging their fans over their heads. As he does this, Polu relishes the cold touch of the metal fan pendant on his necklace.

The warriors relax a bit as a familiar Water Tribe teen reenters the building. "Uh, hey, Suki."

"Hoping for another dance lesson?" Suki props her hands on her hips.

"No, I- well, let me explain." Sokka stumbles over his words.

"Spit it out. What do you want?" Suki begins to reach her wit's end, evident in her cutting tone.

Sokka frowns as he sinks to his knees and bows apologetically. "I would be honored if you would teach me."

The girl frowns with irritation. "Even if I'm a girl?"

Sokka averts his eyes in shame. "I'm sorry if I insulted you earlier. I was wrong."

Wow. Takes a lot for someone like him to admit that, Polu and Suki both think.

"We normally don't teach outsiders, let alone boys."

Polu stiffens as a warrior nudges him gently. "Our doors are always welcome to you, Polu."

The boy smiles softly at the girl next to him. "Thank you, Ayah," he whispers.

"-You have to follow all of our traditions."

Sokka's eyes widen. "Of course."

Suki smirks knowingly, hearing a few chuckles ripple behind her. "And I mean all of them."

Polu stands with the girls, doing his best to remain respectful. He, too, is wearing the robes and makeup of the Kyoshi Warriors. He knows better than to laugh, but he can't help it.

"Do I really have to wear this? It feels a little... girly."

Suki smiles. "It's a warrior's uniform. You should be proud."

Polu stretches as Suki goes into the details of their uniform. It is a lesson he remembers fondly.

"The silk thread symbolizes the brave blood that flows through our veins. The gold insignia represents the honor of the warrior's heart."

Sokka smiles proudly. "Bravery and honor."

Polu's eyes nearly pop out of his skull as Aang passes the training hall. Please, don't let Sokka know I'm here. If he sees me and then the portrait-

"Hey, Sokka! Hey, Polu! Nice dresses!" The boy disappears as Sokka whips around to face the only remaining warrior.


The boy smiles nervously and waves at the younger teen.

"How long have you been here?"

Polu walks over to the other teens. "Since I left this morning. I used to train here as a kid, so I thought I'd revisit and knock off some rust."

Sokka narrows his eyes at the boy. "But they only trains girls here!"

Polu crosses his arms. "You're here, aren't you? Besides, I was young and respectful enough that I didn't have to fight them to find the qualities they most desire in their warriors."

Sokka flushes in embarrassment.

"Plus, my father was a government official. He was constantly in danger - consequently, so was his family. I had to learn how to defend myself and my brother, and the Kyoshi Warriors generously accepted me."

"Oh." Sokka finally meets Polu's gaze, only to have it drawn elsewhere a moment later. Princess Hera?

Sokka glances between his friend and the portrait. They seem oddly similar.

Polu notices Sokka's line of sight and follows it. "Ah. You've noticed the similarity, then?"

Sokka nods.

Is he going to tell Sokka? Suki darts her eyes between the boys.

"Hera is-" he stops. "Hera was my cousin. We weren't very close, as our fathers hardly got along at all, but she was family. She must have been killed right after I froze."

Sokka narrows his eyes. "She was a Kyoshi Warrior too?"

Polu nods. "She wanted to learn how to defend herself. We took classes together for years until-"

The younger teen feels the mood around his friend shift. "Until what?" He presses gently, curious but cautious.

"Nothing. We should get back to training; you and I both know we can't stay here much longer."

Suki sighs as she leads the foreign teens through stances and basic moves. Polu, you can only get so far before your lies become overwhelming. They're going to fall apart one day. She eyes Sokka carefully. I just hope that it's before your friends trust the fibs too much.

The girl dodges a fan as it whizzes past her head. "It's not about strength," Suki corrects. "Our technique is about using your opponent's force against them. Loosen up."

She pulls her fan out and notes that Polu does the same. "Think of the fan as an extension of your arm." She levels her fan with Sokka's hand. "Wait for an opening and then-"

Suki is cut off as Sokka reaches his hand out and knocks her back using her own momentum. The boy crosses his arms along his chest.

The girl stands up, face burning in embarrassment. "I fell on purpose to make you feel better."

Sokka smiles brightly. "I got you! Admit I got you!"

Polu watches fondly as the two bicker. He winces as Suki bends Sokka's hand backwards.

"Okay, it was a lucky shot. Let's see if you can do it again."

Polu watches as the two go back and forth in sparring matches. When it is his turn, he goes against Sokka.

Even with the training, and without his bending, he defeats the younger in thirty seconds.

Sokka huffs. "That's not fair. You've had years more experience than me."

Polu chuckles as he offers a helping hand. "True, but you're making progress, wouldn't you say, Suki?"

The girl nods. "For your first day, you're doing excellent. Don't be too hard on yourself."

Then, Suki and Sokka face each other again. The girl blocks Sokka's hand with her fan. "Not bad."

Polu gasps as the mayor runs to the doorway. "Firebenders have landed on our shores. Girls, come quickly."

Sokka protests as Suki and Polu follow the man. "Hey, we're not- oh, whatever."

Polu, Suki, and Sokka all make their way into the village as the other warriors begin taking out the soldiers.

Why did I think I could handle this? I always freeze up when I'm needed most.

He watches as Suki races towards Zuko. I'm not gonna let that happen this time.

Polu approaches Zuko from the roof above the Komodo rhino. He beams as Sokka blocks a blast of fire that was directed at Suki.

As soon as Zuko's guard is down, Polu leaps from the rooftop and knocks the Fire Prince to the ground.

Polu glares at the boy as Sokka and Suki corner the prince from other sides. He screams as a wheel of fire sends him flying into the house behind him.

The Earth Prince groans as he rubs his head. He can vaguely make out voices from outside, but he can't concentrate much past the throbbing pain.

The process of finding water molecules in the air is more tedious than usual, but he manages well enough.


The collection of water drops to the wood as Sokka walks into the building. "Polu, we gotta get out of here! Come on, get up!" The boy wraps his arms around Polu's and lifts him.

The pair wobble awkwardly out of the house and follow Suki behind the cover of a different one. All the while, Polu rubs his head in an attempt to ease the pain.

"There's no time to say goodbye." Suki's voice rings faintly in the waterbender's ears, mostly drowned out by the ringing of his skull.

"What about 'I'm sorry'?" Sokka holds Polu up with one arm, the other keeping him from falling on his face.

"For what?"

Sokka and Suki's words blur in and out of distinction. Polu's head swims as pain beats into his skull. As Suki leans forward, Polu clutches his head between his hands.

Sokka feels his face heat up as the girl stands. "Now get out of here. Polu needs medical attention, and it's not safe for you or your friends anymore. We'll hold them off."

Sokka nods and lifts his friend back into a standing position. "I've got you, Polu."

The pair stumble to their friends as quickly as they can. Sokka climbs up Appa's tail before turning around and reaching an arm for his friend. "Come on!"

Still holding his head in one hand, Polu grasps Sokka's hand and allows himself to be yanked onto the saddle.

As Katara consoles Aang, Sokka turns his attention to the older teen. "Hey, are you okay? Seems like you took a pretty hard hit back there."

"What are you doing?"

Polu turns slowly as Aang dives into the lake below. "Aang?" His voice is hoarse and scratchy. Sokka tries to hand Polu one of the two flasks from his green satchel, but Polu pushes it away.

What is he doing?

Polu grins weakly as Aang pulls at the Unagi and directs it at Kyoshi Village. Water shoots from the creature's mouth and effectively extinguishes the burning buildings.

He watches as his best friend climbs onto the saddle across from him. "I know, I know. That was stupid and dangerous."

"Yes, it was," Katara agrees.

Polu gives a small nod.

Katara hugs the boy, and Polu can't help but smile. Maybe things aren't all bad anymore. He winces as a sharp pain cuts through his skull.

You'd love to believe that wouldn't you, little girl? You'd love to believe that you didn't doom the world by rejecting me. Never forget that the Fire Nation owns you, Princess.

"Polu?" Sokka rests his hand on the boy's shoulders. He casts a fearful glance at the Avatar. "Hey, Aang, is this normal?"

Polu's breath shakes unevenly, eyes unfocused but wide open.

I own you. You are a pawn in my game and nothing more. You will be the one to bring an end to the Avatar cycle.

"Po, snap out of it! You're starting to scare me." Aang waves a hand in front of Polu's face. He feels his worry increase when he gets no response.

You are the reason this war started. Your people believed you to be dead because you ran from your destiny. Everything you see is your fault, girl.


Sokka has to grab Polu before the boy can fall over the short side of the saddle. He lays the teen flat on the rough fabric, worry creased in his brows.

This is all your fault, Hera.

Polu's eyes close and his breathing evens out, shallow enough to show that he is unconscious.

Aang loosely holds his friend's hand. I've never seen him do anything like that before. Maybe our next stop will help him.

Sokka and Katara exchange concerned glances. Whatever had happened to their friend, the siblings know more is at play than they can possibly be aware of.

Olvasás folytatása

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