More than just a friend || Ro...

By scarlett-kate

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'I didn't know it then, but that moment changed almost everything for me. It was the start of a long journey... More

Prologue- The man of my past
1- I know you
2- Answer when it rings
3- I don't know much about you
4- A proper date
5- Desperate for you
6- You can't deny
7- He was just like cigarettes
8- The boy in green
9- I wanna see you
10- It's just me and you
11- How it's gonna stay
12- I'll be your plus one
13- I like you too
14- since the second I saw you
15- this is it now
16- It's all just a dream
17- why did i agree ?
18- every unmatched piece of him
19- you always lead
20- this isn't my home
21- you'll always love them
22- you're my angel
23- the last time
24- As a free man
25- the last goodbyes
26- All too long ago
27- I should follow the path
28- He doesn't know
29- my first love
30- the man of my past
31- We'll see about that one
32- just trust me
33- of course i waited
34- never missed anyone more
35- don't try and charm me
36- this reminds me of old times
37- finding myself falling
38- watch another girl fall
39- every part of my future
40- I love him sometimes
41- you know we can
42- the person he loved
43- it took years to unlove you
44- the end of it all
45- life moved slow without him
46- I love you lynn
47- im no good at goodbyes
48- why have you stayed ?
49- not the man you think he was
50- the beginning of his end
51- don't doubt yourself for a minute
52- completley and utterly true
53- our entire lives together
54- my one and only
55- when they wanna be apart
56- how it's ending
57- gonna treat you right
58- is this even real ?
59- can't believe it
61- the end
62- final authors note

60- i told you

107 6 33
By scarlett-kate

25th May 1985

"Here..." Julian smiled as he passed me a small wooden box with my name engraved against the lid, a beaming happiness shining throughout his expression before he let it fall into my grasp. "Roger wanted me to give this to you."

I was confused. Puzzled in fact. Pushing back one of my curls until it rested in place behind my ear as I slowly opened the box and glared at its contents. It was full to the brim of sheets of paper. All folded in half. I didn't have any idea what any of them said, glancing up at Julian briefly as he adjusted his hair and slipped out of the room with a small wave that left me to myself.

I unfolded the first piece of paper and immediately realised it was in fact a letter Roger has written. I gasped lightly to myself, a smile beaming as I glared at the scribbles words across it, giving myself a chance to appreciate what it was before I read it.


I realised I was in love with you today. Poor timing I know. Very poor indeed. But regardless I miss you. And I want you back in my life. I sent you a letter after I realised me leaving Dom had reached the ears of the press. I left her cause I realised it was your smile I was in love with. Not hers.


I smiled weakly as I recalled the memories the letter held, putting it to one side before I opened the next, my eyes starting to water as my lips curled upwards,


We had coffee today. I don't know why in fucks name I'm sitting here writing this but I am. You're never gonna read it, but I'm gonna keep it. Just in case. I wasn't sure what I felt when I realised I'd seen you again. I think I felt like I'd been given another chance to love you, but obviously I'm gonna think that when you've been on my mind for the last 2 years


I didn't want to stop reading them. I didn't pause and let myself process any of it. I just kept reading as my mind fell overwhelmed.


This is the third time I've written a letter that you're not gonna receive and I still don't know what to do with them. But this time I've really really really messed up. Obviously. I don't know why I fucked her when I haven't stopped thinking about kissing you since the night I met you in 1977. All I've ever thought about since then is your lips. Even before I'd been given the chance to fall in love with them. And now for the second time, because I can't help but be such a cunt, I've robbed myself of them again. I'm so sorry Adelynn. I love you so much, not that I've ever managed to tell you that, and I have no idea why I do this to us.

- Roger


I got you back. And I'm not ever letting you go again. Unless I fuck up. Then you're definitely gonna find someone better.

I love you

- Roger


Right now you're upstairs pretending to be asleep after having your first shower since your dad paid you a visit.

This is poor timing but I've realised something pretty big.

I realised how much I love you. To the point where I don't think you actually know. I don't understand how I'm even able to feel this way about someone, but I do understand I wouldn't know what to with myself if I didn't.

There's one small detail I forgot to mention when you walked out my door a couple weeks ago. As you turned on your heel and finally closed the door behind you, marking what we both thought to be the end, I realised I loved you more walking out of that door than I did throughout my entire life. I was happier to see you leave me than I was to see you with me.

But after seeing you the way I did, and holding you the way I did, and wiping your blood from my hands the way I did, I realised how I was so scared to ever see you hurt again. To even think you had to be so alone going through that all before breaks away at every piece of me. But as I washed that blood out of your hair, and gently rubbed at the skin around your cheek, I come to a slightly dawning realisation that I want to spend every last breathe I'll ever let my lungs hold with you. Right by my side. If your hand isn't in mine the day I die then don't let me go. I wake up everyday loving you more and more and more and more.

Now I'm not saying it's ever gonna happen, but if by chance I do fuck up again, and you do find yourself walking out that door, just know I'll love you even more then than I had before. Even if you aren't mine to hold, I'll love you forever and always.

- Roger


So we're in France right now. And I want to marry you. I just suddenly clicked in my head this morning. You're gonna be my wife. Until I die.

So I'm stating to think you're gonna open these letters on one of three occasions,

1- we split up
2- we get married
3- I suddenly die

Kinda hoping it's 2... since the only thing I can picture right now is how gorgeous you're gonna look walking down the isle. And just know, when you do, I'll love you so much it think my heart might stop. More than I ever would've before. More than you'll ever even know.

Even though you are in fact the love of my life, my soulmate, just know you'll always be more than just a friend. You'll always be the part that completes me. The final piece of my mismatched puzzle. You finish it. Always. Because no one else will ever fit me the way you do. Your love completes me.



We're not good right now. We fucking hate each other. We won't stop hurting each other. It's horrid. I hate it. I honestly don't know what to do. I would loose everyone else in my life if it meant I could keep you. I can't loose you. But I don't know how to make sure your gonna stay anymore.

- Roger


i can't sleep. I'm gonna be a dad. I mean... what the fuck. I'm gonna be someone's dad. I'm gonna hold a baby. And it's gonna grow up. And it's gonna call me dad everyday of it's life until I'm no longer here. That's scary. Really, really fucking scary Lynn. We need each other. We need to stop hating one another. We're gonna have a tiny little person that's ours. It's insane.

- Roger



Fucking hell.

- Roger


you're dad died today. I love you.

- Roger


i would like to say that we did. But you did it. You have birth to the two most beautiful, incredible, amazing little people. Our daughter, Anastasia  Natalya Taylor, after your mum, and our son, August Lee Taylor. I'm so proud of you. And I'm so in love with you. Watching you sleep after fuck knows how many hours of labour, it was a weird feeling. It was the first time I'd been on my own with my two children, and yet somehow it felt like I already knew them. And somehow I felt like I hadn't thanked you enough. You had bought two of the most important people in my life into the world, all by yourself. All I offered was a hand to squeeze and an unlimited amount of kisses as we met our baby boy and baby girl. They were born two minutes apart. I hope August thinks he's an older brother. And I hope they argue over it until they're 80 and can't find the energy anymore. I can't wait to watch them grow up.

I love you even more than I did yesterday

- Roger


they're so cute. Watching them grow up might just be the most amazing thing I've ever been apart of. I love being a dad more than I thought I ever would. No feeling is better than watching those two become little people.

- Roger


I finally asked you. We were in France, a short break we were granted thanks to Julian and Leo's desperation for August and Anastasia to hang around with Connie's baby. We stayed in the same hotel, and on the same balcony I realised I wanted to marry you on, I got down on one knee, and I opened that little box contains the ring, and I asked you if you'd stay by my side until the day that I died, as my wife.

and you said yes.

- Roger


We picked a wedding date today. Times going too quick. I hope you feel like we never waste it, cause I know I've never waisted a single second of my life by your side. I can't wait to marry you. And to watch August and Ana toddle down the aisle holding onto Leo and Summer's hand. And I can't wait to watch Julian and Connie walk you down the isle. You're gonna be so gorgeous.

- Roger


less than an hour until I marry you. I can't stop thinking about what you look like. Im shitting myself and I've nearly killed Brian 3 times but he's a good best man.

Just know that right now, as your reading this and trying not to ruin your make up, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else in my entire life. I cannot wait to spent the rest of my days with you as my wife. I've waited for this moment since the second I saw you in that leather jack and those  dark jeans, slumped against Charlie's bar with your hair in a tangled mess. I've waited since that moment for you to be more than just a friend, and now your more than everything to me.

I love you, I love us, and I love our life together. I can't wait until the next chapter.

- Roger

I cried. I was so purely overwhelmed. I couldn't think straight. I glanced down at my ring and smiled. I glanced across at the mirror and smiled. I glanced down at the letters and smiled. I glanced down at my watch and realised. I was marrying the love of my life in two minutes. I jumped up, fixed my make up and my hair and my dress and took a final deep breath, just as Julian and Connie opened the door with tears already in their eyes.

"You ready ?" Connie asked gently, watching me nod with excitement in her expression. "You're about to marry Roger Taylor."

"I know." I whispered in response, linking each of my arms with them as we walked through to the isle, all three of us rattles with nerves. "I'm about to marry my angel."

"she would be so proud of you. Of both of you. And of her grandkids." Connie kissed my cheek lightly. "I promise she would've."

"We're proud of you. All of us." Julian mumbled as he held back the tears in his eyes and the ache in his throat, coughing quietly to hide the pain. "I love you doll."

"I love you both so much. You're more than i deserve."

"Oh fuck off." Connie mumbled, giggling lightly before the two wooden doors opened, revealing a room full of guests as Freddie Mercury tapped John Lennon's imagine against the piano's keys, every pair of eyes in the room watching me as mine stayed glued on Roger.

August and Anastasia started waving at me frantically, both beaming with joy as Brian kneeled besides them making sure they're excitement didn't get too much. Everyone was staring at me, watching my dress at it flowed with each step I took closer towards the man who was about to become my husband.

Roger Taylor. The scruffy blonde with the doe eyes and the smug smirk that I met in 1977 in the only bar that allowed celebrities to get some peace and quiet. The caring angel my mum had made me promise I would let love me again. The true hero who saved me when I needed him. The father to my two gorgeous children. The love of my life.

"I know you." Roger said smirking, a smugness in his tone that made me giggle as I remembered the first thing he'd ever said to me.

I remembered the way his eyes first glanced at me, and they way the shone then was nothing to the way they sparkled when they looked at me on our wedding day.

"And I know you. Roger Taylor. Queens drummer." I replied, giggling lightly as I stood opposite him. His hair didn't look ridiculously scruffy for once, his suit was perfect, his smile was beaming. He was gorgeous, even if he didn't like to be told that he was.

"I told you you'd be more than just a friend."

An- one more part and then it's over :(

anyways here's her dress, for the 80s it's fitting

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