Playing With The Devil

By DeadNights24

22.4K 406 50

Aidan forces his friend to let him tag along to a kink/BDSM party but quickly finds himself overwhelmed, deci... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Completed - Technically

Chapter 45

239 5 0
By DeadNights24

I sat up against the headboard, my arm over his shoulder. I'd put one of my hoodies over him to keep him warm, while I had put on a pair of sweatpants. My laptop laid on my lap with a horror movie running. Wasn't exactly the movie I had in mind, but I allowed him to choose it, and somehow horror seemed like the relaxing option.

Only halfway through the movie and I looked down to check on him. His body was more relaxed, but every so often he'd shudder, and his right leg was still shaky. I bit my lip, my fingers grazing along his arm. I might have gone a little far on this one. Though he appeared rather calm about it and hadn't felt the need to stop me.

"Are you still okay, baby?" I asked near his ear.

"Yes... Yes," he stuttered. He still hadn't quite found his voice again, it was croaky and just as unsteady as his body. "I think you... you've flipped a... a switch in my brain."

"Oh?" I questioned.

"I'm... um... I'm..." he nuzzled his face into my side, hiding himself from me as he continued to whisper. "Con-... Constantly horny..."

"Did you need me to help you again, handsome?" I chuckled softly.

"I would um... maybe... yes?" he mumbled shyly.

"If you have the energy, hop on my thigh and get off like that for me," I smiled. "I'll hold you up if you need it."

"Daddy's going to... to humiliate me by making me... me ride his thigh?" he asked.

I nodded, smirking widely. He pouted but did as he was told, shakily sitting himself up. I moved the laptop next to me so I could still watch it while he straddled my thigh. My arm went around him, holding him gently in place.

"Move when you're ready, Little One," I encouraged. "I want to see how much you enjoy it."

He lowered himself onto my thigh and pressed right up against me. His hands went to my shoulder, gripping gently to keep him steady. With my arm around him, he was as steady as he ever could be at least.

"You know... how um..." he began, stopping as he squeezed my shoulder.

"Hm?" I hummed softly.

He began to roll his hips against my thigh, moaning softly. He hadn't spoken up again and I was beginning to worry. What could possibly be on his mind right now? Was he embarrassed about doing this?

"Baby?" I tilted his head up to look at me properly.

"When... um... You..." he trailed off for a moment. "You're very... open about your doubts and worry, I wondered... if I told you my own, it might... help."

"You have doubts, baby?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "You're perfect."

"I'm not... I..." he bit his lip to hold back a moan. "I doubt myself all the time."

"What do you think about?" I asked. "Do you want to stop while we talk?"

"No, no, this... it's... helping?" he blushed as he tried to explain. "Like... it's keeping my... mind focused and wanting you like this... it's easing my mind."

"Of course, Little One," I pecked his forehead and guided his body faster. "Talk to me."

His mouth dropped slightly, louder moans leaving his precious lips. My other hand rested on his thigh, squeezing gently. When he didn't start explaining himself, I began to massage his thigh, tilting my head to watch him. Letting him know he could begin when he could.

"When we first met, I was worried about my inexperience," he said in between moans. His voice was still a stuttering mess but at least I could understand him. "I was worried that you wouldn't want to teach me, that you would want someone better, who... understood everything already."

"Everyone has to start somewhere, handsome," I chuckled softly.

He smiled brightly, but his voice dropped, along with his smile, "The reason I smile so much at your compliments is that I doubt my body sometimes... I worried I wouldn't be enough for you. I worried my body would be ugly. I worried that you wouldn't want me if my brain matched it too... that the intrusive thoughts would make me say or do something to upset you."

"You're beautiful, Aidan," I said as I squeezed his thigh again. "So, so damn amazing, loving, caring, handsome, pretty."

I couldn't stop my words, every compliment that worked for him, that I saw in him, I said it. A flood of words and my own love for him. His blush darkened and he looked down at his body, watching it move faster and more desperately against my thigh.

"You're my pretty Little One, Aidan," I nudged his cheek with mine, whispering in his ear. "And you look so needy, desperate and sexy riding me like this."

"Daddy," he gasped, shuddering as he attempted to pull his legs together, finally reaching his climax.

"Did my Little One make a mess?" I cooed.

He nodded with embarrassment and I smirked wider. With his body still pressed very much to mine, I started to feel the wetness against my skin under the sweats. Quite the mess he'd made.

"Ah, baby, that's okay," I lifted his head up, pushing his hair out of his face. "You don't know humiliation just yet, I actually have a bit of a gift for you after your stunt during your birthday."

"Daddy?" he questioned. "I'm not in trouble am I?"

I shook my head. "No, baby, just a little tit for tat. No trouble at all. I promise. You will never get into trouble for what you do on your birthday," I replied reassuringly.

I helped him off my thigh, laying him back against the pillows again. As I slid off the bed, I looked at my thigh and tutted softly. "A big mess, baby." I glanced at him, and he shied away instantly, pulling the hood over his head.

He whined quietly, rocking his body as he covered up as much as possible. I chuckled a little louder as I came around to his side of the bed. I opened the top drawer and pulled out a couple of items.

"Are you going to look at Daddy's gift?" I asked.

He tugged the hood back a little so he could see what I had. His eyes flashed up to mine as soon as he saw. In my hands, I held a butt plug with a long puppy-like tail, a pair of fluffy puppy ears and a collar.

"I know I'm your little Puppy on your birthday, but now I want to see you do the same," I sat on the edge of the bed, my eyes darkened with desire. "Daddy wants his little Puppy to come out and play. Especially since you so easily got off on his thigh."

"Can... Can I keep Daddy's hoodie on?" he requested.

"For now," I nodded. "I want to do something after I put these on you."

He nodded in agreement. As he sat up and leaned over to me, I set the collar around his neck, making sure it was tight enough to make him whimper, but still be able to breathe. I slid the ears into his hair, situating it at the top of his head.

"Very good, Little One," I smirked. "Now, turn over like a good boy."

"Is Daddy going to lube it up first?" he whimpered softly. "He doesn't have to."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, holding it up to show how big it is. "It's so I can more easily use your arse later."

His blush somehow darkened even more, his lips parting in shock. "I uh... A little lube," he pouted, slowly turning himself over.

He was still weak from earlier, so he laid down on his stomach, his arse slightly raised. He pulled the hoodie down without me having to ask and I grabbed the lube, dripping 'a little' over the tip of the plug, allowing it to drizzle down over the thickness of it.

"Hope you're prepared," I said as I sat back down behind him, pressing the tip to his hole.

"I am, Daddy," he whined, shaking his arse for me.

I held him still, pushing the plug into him roughly. His back dipped in a mix of pain and pleasure, his moans muffled by the pillows in front of him. I pumped a little first before moving my hand away.

"Can I send a picture to a few people?" I asked softly.

"...Who?" he whimpered.

"Irene, Jesse," I answered slowly. "And Andrew wanted to see you a little humiliated, but only with your consent."

"He wants my consent first?" Aidan asked as he turned around a little.

"He's a dickhead, and ruthless, but he respects consent and rules for the most part it would seem. I'm still pissed off at yesterday," I frowned lightly, giving Aidan room to move for my next command. "On the ground in front of me, hands and knees."

"He can have the picture," Aidan pouted as he followed my command obediently. "Andrew apologised, Daddy, he acknowledged how poor his behaviour was and he shouldn't have done it. He promises to be good next time."

"Hm," I grumbled. "I'll believe it when I see it."

He had slipped off the bed, instantly gripping it to steady himself. Once he was sure of himself, he lowered onto his knees, crawling on all fours out in front of me. As I picked up my phone to take the photo he leaned up, resting his hands on my knees.

"Take a video," he said. "I think it's fair."

"Because of what Adri did?" I chuckled.

He nodded quickly, the puppy ears bouncing with him. I bit my lip as I watched the display. I switched it to a video, hitting record. He put his hands up like paws, whining softly. I leaned forward, pulling on the collar, making him crawl to me.

"Give us a spin, little pup," I ordered firmly.

He set his hands on the floor, crawling around slowly in a circle, wiggling his arse for a moment to tease them. As his face came back around to face me, I gripped his chin to hold him in place. He whined louder now.

"Don't be a whiny little bitch, my Puppy," I chuckled, repeating the words he'd used on me.

His face dropped, whimpering for a moment then switching back to the whine.

"What's Daddy going to do about it?" he pouted again. "You're using my words!"

"I can make you a mess and have you listening to every damn command I make," I warned. "How about you answer the door like this? Or maybe I should take you out the back and have some fun for our neighbours to hear, I'm sure Alyssa would love that."

His whines went back to whimpers, looking at me shyly. Wide eyes, lips parted. Cheeks and ears flushed red from embarrassment. His shoulders pushed together, tilting his head down in further shame of his actions.

"Perfect," I moaned. "Compliant."

I stopped the recording, sending it off to the three people that wanted it. I flicked through the rest of the messages that I'd been sent over the last few hours that I'd been ignoring. Aidan kneeled silently by my legs obediently.

"I'll get to the other thing in a moment, Pup," I replied softly. "Just want to get rid of these annoying notifications."

"It's okay, Daddy," he said as I felt his hands run over my knees. "Did you send that video to Jason and Michael too?"

"You think they'll enjoy it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Jason definitely will, he enjoyed me yesterday, Daddy," he continued as he focused on the thigh he'd been riding earlier. "I liked Michael... so he might enjoy it."

"They all liked you, baby," I replied as I watched his lips touch the fabric of my pants where he came.

I sent off the video to the others as I kept my eyes mostly on him. He suckled gently, keeping eye contact with me. He glanced at my phone then back to me, mumbling against the fabric.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," he goaded me.

I took a photo and then threw my phone onto the bed. My arms went under his and I lifted him onto the bed. I laid him out for me and started lifting the hoodie off him.

"You can have it back after I'm done," I moaned as I looked over his body. "There's something I need to do to remind you how beautiful you are."

"Oh! Oh, okay, Daddy," he replied, biting his lip in anticipation.

"I know I don't focus on certain parts of your body as often as I should," I said as I laid in between his legs, leaning down to kiss over his scar. "I didn't realise how much you were hurting about it."

I trailed my lips up the scar, from hip to shoulder. My fingers grazed along his body as I moved up. As I finished at his shoulder, I brought my face down, kissing over the scars on his forearms. I felt him shudder under me, shaky breaths leaving his lips.

"You're so beautiful," I whispered against his skin as I continued over his body. "So damn handsome, and all for me. This isn't all either, baby. I always seem to leave out here."

I moved my lips back to his chest, pressing them gently all over. I went along the surgery scars as much as his actual chest. Lingering over his nipples and hearing him perk up, moaning lightly at the simplest of touches.

"Oh, are these still quite sensitive?" I smirked.

I looked up to see him nodding slowly. He was wiping at his cheeks, and I quickly leaned up to properly see him. Light tears were sliding down his face, though there was a wide smile across his lips.

"Daddy," he mumbled.

"Happy tears?" I asked as I moved up to his face, pecking his lips gently.

"Yeah," he whispered happily. "You're too kind."

"I always wondered what you first thought of me," I suddenly said. "Apart from the kind eyes."

"Keep kissing my body and I'll tell you," he replied softly.

I quickly went back down, leaving soft, delicate kisses over his chest and stomach, trailing along his scar again. I felt his hand running through my hair and that alone encouraged me to keep going.

"My first thought was the kind, blue eyes," he began. "But I also couldn't help thinking how well that suit looked on you. It was form-fitting, and the blue jacket brought out your eyes."

I hummed softly, pecking back up to his chest and then over his collarbones. I nibbled a trail of hickeys from there to his neck and I heard him whimper softly at the feeling.

"Daddy's turning me on again," he whimpered softly.

"Keep talking and I'll make you feel good," I said against his neck.

I helped him onto the bed more before getting in between his legs. Lifting them over my shoulders, I trailed kisses over his thighs. My fingers trailed along with the kisses, leading up to his already wet pussy.

"I thought you were respectful, thoughtful," he continued, his breathing hitching as I pressed my lips to his clit. "You made me feel safe because you stayed at the end of the bench and when you moved closer, you asked if it was okay. You checked in even before we got to know each other."

He moaned softly as my hands went up and down his body. I left one by his chest, teasing at his nipple while I buried my face into his pussy. He gripped my hair now, breathing heavily as I worked on him.

"When... When you told me your name," he said slowly, his tone sounded embarrassed. "I had... a rather cheesy romantic thought."

"Hmm?" I hummed against his clit, causing him to buck his hips.

"I thought about how you saved me, and you have the name of an angel... so..." he trailed off.

"A guardian angel, hm?" I mumbled against him.

"Yes," he admitted.

I smirked at his words. He was adorably shy. He'd thought I was a guardian angel, sent to help him. I guess in a way I was. I saved him from being hurt and then I made sure he was cared for and loved. I made sure he could explore himself and his wants without ever pushing him.

"You want to know why I thought you were respectful?" he asked.

"Yes," I mumbled again.

"I noticed you were hard while we were chatting," he said, and I stopped what I was doing. He whined as he looked down. "Daddy... Please..."

"You saw that?" I asked worriedly.

"Keep going and I keep talking... Please, I'm needy, I want you to help..." he whined.

I pressed my lips and tongue back to him, swirling the tip of my tongue around his clit. Though I did keep my eyes on him, looking up through hooded eyes. I pinched at his nipple, causing his back to arch.

"Yes, yes, just like that," he nodded before continuing. "And... And yes, I noticed. Most of the time when I was averting my eyes, it really was be-... because I was shy and awkward, but I was... was looking. I'm sorry. I couldn't really help it. But, watching you separate that part of you from me, being aware of how I might feel, it helped. I was relaxed. The whole time we were together."

I felt his legs tighten around me soon after he finished speaking. His body spasmed as he came over my lips and I lapped him up hungrily. This wasn't going to end here just yet, I needed more. And I was going to get more.

"Daddy, please," he whimpered. "I'll cum again, please, please."

"I'm making sure you stay a whimpering, messy, begging little slut today, Puppy," I moaned against him.

"But... But isn't it lunchtime?" he cried.

I groaned quietly, my other hand sliding along his thigh and to his stomach, pressing down gently as I continued to eat him out. His hips rolled and bucked wildly as he came again. One more and I'll stop.

"Daddy, please!" he cried out again.

"One more," I moaned.

My fingers around his nipple flicked gently, teasing him even more so. His hand flexed in my hair, unable to control himself. Soon enough, his legs pressed against my head again, cumming for the third time. I slid my hands down to help lower his legs after cleaning him with my tongue. He whimpered loudly, his hand falling from my head to his stomach. He was practically sobbing at the overstimulation he must feel.

"Are you okay, Little One?" I asked gently, my fingers slipping through his hair. "I'm not going too hard on you, am I?"

"Daddy," he groaned, shaking his head. "No, no, I'll tell you if it's too much. I'll tell you. I've said no before, you listened."

"I'll make your lunch," I chuckled softly. "Did you want to stay up here or should I carry you around the house?"

"Carry? I can crawl," he answered breathlessly. "I don't want to leave your side either way."

"Crawl? I like that," I grinned, sliding off the bed and glancing at my phone curiously as it flashed. "Looks like people enjoyed your video."

I leaned over him to pick up my phone, swiping through the messages. I found one from Alyssa to my surprise. I'd given her my number in case she couldn't reach Aidan. And it would seem that she'd been trying to reach him for a while.

"Alyssa's coming over very, very soon," I started.

Aidan sat up quickly, his hand immediately going to his head.

"Fuck," he muttered.

"No swearing today," I said, gently setting my hand on his cheek. "Or you're getting slaps, small build-ups. I forgot to mention so that's your only free pass. You're going to be incredibly respectful, submissive, and loyal today."

"Yes, Daddy," he mumbled, rubbing his temples.

I helped him pull the hoodie back on, leaving some last-minute kisses over his body as I did. My stomach growled and realised just how hungry I had become. Even though we did end up having a sort of brunch option earlier while the movie played.

I glanced at my laptop. The credits were rolling, and I laughed under my breath. We'd managed to get through the second half of the movie just enjoying each other. And now I knew what Aidan had thought of me when we first met.

"Hurry up, and get on the floor, little Pup," I commanded firmly. "Time for lunch."

He nodded quickly. Taking a moment to find his bearings before slipping off the bed and onto his knees. He winced at the feeling, and then placed his hands on the ground, crawling over to me.

"There was one more thing, Daddy," he looked up at me.

"Yes, baby?" I asked softly.

"When we first met, I felt that safe and comfortable," he continued. "That I wouldn't have minded you taking me then and there. I imagined it. Especially after I saw... saw your bulge in those tight pants, I wanted you to press up against me, kiss me, make me feel good."

"...Really?" I asked, genuinely shocked yet curious.

"Yes... Yes, I did," he replied nervously. "So, when you showed up, I hoped you'd stay the night..."

"And I did," I replied.

"I was the happiest I'd been in a while, and you weren't forcing it on me," he finished. "Did Daddy have any other rules for me?"

"Just obey commands, no swearing, and keep to your hands and knees until I order something else," I smiled. "I did have a 'no talking until I asked a question' rule, but... I like what you've had to say today."

"Daddy's birthday means he gets what he wants," Aidan pouted.

"And Daddy wants you to talk freely today," I said as I set my hand under his chin. "Now be a good boy and follow me downstairs."

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