Stuck Together (Max Mayfield...

By Disfunctionalkpopfan

166 7 0

(Warning!! I have decided to put all chapters, from all the seasons on this book for multiple reasons. The ma... More

Things you need to know before you read
The Weirdo on Maple Street
Holly, Jolly
The Body
The Flea and the Acrobat
The Monster
The Bathtub
The Upside Down
Teaser for book two
Season 2: Characters
Trick or Treat, Freak
The Pollywog
Will the Wise

The Vanishing of Will Byers

25 2 0
By Disfunctionalkpopfan

On November 6th of 1983, five boys were in Mike Wheeler's basement playing there favorite game, Dungeons and Dragons.
"Something is coming. Something hungry for blood. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness. It is almost here." Mike is telling everyone at the table. "What is it?" Will speaks up from across Mike. "What if it's the Demogorgon? Oh Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon." Dustin asks as he freaks out. "Its not the Demogorgon." Lucas pipes in reassuring Dustin. Logan just watches as the game gets more intense. "An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike exclaims slamming the game piece intent of the boys. "Troglodytes?" Dustin asks smiling. "Told ya." Lucas says waving his hand about. Will and Logan just smile. "Wait a minute." Mike says softly. "Did you hear that? That...that sound? Boom...boom...BOOM!" Mike yells as he slams his hand on the table, making all the boys jump back. "That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that...That came from something else. The Demogorgon!" Mike says while getting louder by each word before slamming the Demogorgon piece down on the table. All of the boys groan in disbelief. "We're in deep shit." Dustin says. "Son of a bitch." Logan breathed out. "Will your action!" Mike asked the boy. "I don't know!" Will says frustrated. "Fireball him!" Lucas says. "I'd have to roll a thirteen or higher." Will says to Lucas. "Cast protection!" Dustin joins the conversation. "Yeah cast protection Will." Logan agrees with Dustin. "Don't be a pussy. Fireball him!" Lucas says. "Cast protection." Dustin says back. "The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you. BOOM!" Mike interjects. "Fireball him!" Lucas exclaims. "Another stomp, Boom!" Mike interjects again. "Cast protection." Dustin and Logan say at the exact same time. "He roars in anger!" Mike exclaims. All the boys start to argue of what Will should do. "And fireball!" Will says throwing the dice but it doesn't land on the table. All the boys get up trying to find it freaking out over what number it was. "What number was it? Did you guys find it. Oh my god what if we don't find it?" Logan freaks out searching in the floor for the die. When the door opens to reveal Mrs. Wheeler. "Mike!" Karen yells getting his attention. "Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign!" Mike argued. "You mean the end? Fifteen after." Then she walked back into the kitchen. Mike ran upstairs while the boys were downstairs trying to find the die to see if Will fireballed the Demogorgon or not. Soon Will finds it. "Does a seven count?" Will asks Lucas. "It was a seven? Did mike see it." Lucas asked. Will shook his head. "Then it doesn't count." Lucas continued. Logan put on his jacket and bag before walking upstairs with Will and Lucas. "Yo, hey, guys." Dustin catches their attention. "Does anyone want this?" Dustin asked holding a pizza box. "No." The three boys continue to walk upstairs to the garage where their bikes were.

"Somethings wrong with your sister." Dustin said making Logan look at Stephanie. "What are you talking about?" Mike asked. "She's got a stick up her butt." Dustin said grabbing his bike. Logan nodded in understanding. Not Stephanie, but Nancy. Makes sense. "Yeah it's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." Lucas said. "Yeah, she's turning into a real jerk." Dustin said turning on his light on the front of his bike. Logan got on his bike and turned on his bike light too. "Bye, Stephanie." Logan said peddling off. "Bye Logan." Stephanie said back as she was talking to Will.

The four boys were biking home Lucas's house been closer to Mike's then Logan's. "Goodnight ladies." Lucas said before turning into his driveway. Logan flipping him off with a laugh. "Kiss your mom night for me." Dustin retaliated. They bike for a couple more minutes before Logan spotted his house. "Bye guys see you tomorrow." Logan said pulling into his driveway hearing the yells of Will and Dustin saying goodnight. Logan parked his bike in the garage like always next to his little brother Evans' bike. He closed the garage door and walked inside his house. He put his bookbag on the floor next to the garage door. He walked into the living room seeing his mom reading and his dad watching T.V. He sat on the couch next to his mom. "How was the game?" Marissa, Logan's mom asked setting her book on the table in front of her. "Stressful, Will had to roll a thirteen or higher but he got a seven so the Demogorgon got him." Logan said. Marissa was nodding along with what he was saying. "Wow!" Marissa said with her eyes almost popping out of her skull looking at her husband. James, Logan's father laughing. "Well I'm going to bed. I have to be up early tomorrow. Goodnight baby." Marissa said as she leaned over to kiss Logan's head before getting and walking over to her husband and kissed him knowing he would be up for a little longer talking to Logan because that is what they always did. "Hey dad can we work on the car tomorrow after school? Since you said it wad going to be mine when I turn 16. That is three years away." Logan said looking at his father. "I don't see why not." James said looking at his son. Logan stayed with his father for about twenty minutes longer before he decided to go to bed.


Banging on Logan's bedroom door woke him up. He got out of his bed and opened his door. "Mom says breakfast is ready." Jamie, Logan's older sister says before walking off. Logan rolls his eyes and shuts his door before getting ready for school. He grabbed his Jacket after putting on everyday clothes, and went down stairs. He took some toast from the toaster and ate it while heading to the door. "I'll take my bike today." Logan said before leaving the house.

Logan met up with Dustin, Lucas and Mike while biking to school. The boys got off there bikes. Noticing Will was no where in sight. "That's weird. I don't see him." Mike said looking around. "I'm telling you, his mom's right. He probably just went to class early again." Lucas reassures. "Yeah, he's always paranoid Gursky's gonna give him another pop quiz." Dustin said. "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Step right up and get your tickets to the freak show. Who do you think would make me money in a freak show? Midnight, Frogface, Toothless or the Wannabe?" Troy said while punching each of their shoulders. "I go with Toothless." James said while mimicking Dustin. "I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in. Its called cleidocranial dysplasia." Dustin said trying to educate them, but that was impossible. "I told you a million times." James again mimicked Dustin. "Do the arm thing." Troy told Dustin. "Do it freak." James added. Dustin dropped his bag and made his shoulders touch making Troy and James groan with disgust, before walking away. Logan had enough of it and let out a scoff. "Something stuck in your throat, Wannabe?" Troy said now in front of Logan. "Not at all, I just think your an idiot, you and your minion." Logan said with a straight face. Then the bell rang. Logan was not exactly afraid of those guys. James is not a threat, Troy he could kill someone. "Have a great day." Logan said with a sarcastic smile, then leaving towards the school. Logan mood was always ruined when those two even breathed near him so his friends were not surprised when he left them outside, walking to the school away from Troy and James.

In science class with Mr.Clarke, Logan always sat behind Will. The bell rang signaling class was over. Everyone got up and left the room besides four boys. "Did it come?" Mike asked "Sorry, boys. I hate to be the bearer of bad news came." Mr Clarke said and lead them to the AV room. Mike opened the door and sat down in front of the Heathkit. "The Heathkit ham shack.  Ain't she a beaut?" Mr.Clarke said standing in the corner if the room. "I bet you can talk to New York on this thing." Dustin said messing with the kit. "Think bigger." Mr Clarke said using his hands to demonstrate. "California?" Lucas asked. "Bigger." Mr. Clarke said. "Australia?" Logan said his mood had gone up since the morning run in the the assholes. Mr.Clarke nodded. All the boys started to laugh. "Oh, man! When Will sees this, he's totally gonna blow his shit." Lucas said smiling. "Lucas!" Mr.Clarke warned his for his language. "Sorry." Lucas muttered out.  "Hello this is Mike Wheeler, president of Hawkins middle AV Club." Mike said with an Australian accent in the Mic. Dustin ripped the headphones off of his head and put them on. "Hello, this is Dustin, and this is the secretary and treasurer of Hawkins Middle AV Club. Do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?" Dustin said in the Mic with an Australian accent. Lucas was going to take the headphones off of Dustin but got interrupted by a knock on the door. "Sorry to interrupt, but, may I borrow Logan, Micheal, Lucas and Dustin?" The principal said with the chief behind him.

All the boys were on the couch talking over each other about Will. "Okay, okay, okay. One at a time, all right? You. You said he takes what?" Hopper asked Logan. "Mirkwood." Logan said. "Mirkwood?" Hopper asked. "Yeah." Logan nodded. "Have you never heard of Mirkwood?" Hopper asked Callahan. "I have not. That sounds made up to me." Callahan said. "No, it's from Lord of the Rings." Lucas said. "Hobbit." Dustin corrected. "It doesn't matter." Lucas turned to Dustin. "He asked!" Dustin exclaimed. Only for Lucas to mock him. Mike looked done with life as these two argued and punched each other. Logan getting hit in the process. "What'd I just say? One at a damn time. You." Hopper said. "Mirkwood, its a real road. It's the name that is made up. It's where Cornwallis and Kerley meet. We can show you if you want." Mike informed. "I said I know it!" Hopper said with a raised voice. "We can help look." Logan said looking Hopper in the eyes. "Yeah." The boys agreed. Only for the chief to turn down the idea. All the boys talked over each other again but Logan was looking to the side clearly pissed off again, he just wanted to find his cousin. "After school, you are all to go home. Immediately. That means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating, no nonsense. This isn't some Lord of the Rings book." Hopper said to the boys. "The Hobbit." Dustin corrected again. Which lead to Lucas  telling him to shut up, but they started to hit each other again. "Do I make myself clear? Do I make myself clear!" Hopper said his voice getting louder. All the boys nodded. "Yes, sir." Logan said. The other boys also said yes to him.

Logan biked home that afternoon. He walked inside his house to see his father in his shop outback. Logan smiled for the second time today. "Hey, dad." Logan said as he approached his father who was working under the car. "Hey Logan. How was school?" James asked under the car. "Pretty shitty to be honest. We had to deal with Troy today calling us those nicknames, then singling out Dustin, I couldn't handle it anymore. Then Will didn't come to school, the chief came to talk to us about it, all I wanna do is find him but the chief said we can't." Logan said while punching the wall lightly. "You didn't hit Troy did you?" James asked. Logan shook his head. "I wanted to, I really wanted to." Logan said staring at his father. "You said nicknames. What names?" James asked scooting out from under the car. "He calls us the freaks. Midnight, Frogface, Toothless and Wannabe. I'm Wannabe." Logan said looking down. "Why does he call you Wannabe?" James asked. "Because I'm different. I don't look like my family. I wanna be like the rest of my family. I wannabe be a rockstar, like the ones on TV. That's why." Logan glancing up at his father with tears threatening to fall. James wrapped his arms around the young boy. "You are like the rest of the family, you just have your own look. Your blonde hair comes from me when I was little. You have your mom's nose and her sass. You wannabe a rockstar like the ones on TV, then you be a rockstar like the ones on TV. Be a wannabe, that a good thing, to want things." James said trying to make his son feel better. "Thank you dad." Logan said into his fathers shirt. "Now lets get a little of this car fixed up before your mother gets home with your brothers. Now about Will, he is a very intelligent kid, he'll be okay. I promise." James said handing his son a rag.

Once Marissa got home all the kids went to her car and got out groceries out of the car while James was ordering Pizza. "Pizza should be here in 30 minutes." James said walking into the kitchen while everyone put the food away. 30 minutes later, everyone was at the table eating pizza. Logan next to his dad and little brother Evan. "I'm worried about Will." Jamie said breaking the silence at the table. "Me too." Evan said putting his drink down. "How about after school tomorrow we all go to aunt Joyce's house and pay her a visit, okay." Marissa said. The family nodded. After dinner, Logan sent up to his room and sat on his bed doing his homework. When his supercomm went off. "Logan. Logan." Dustin's voice came through the supercomm. Logan grabbed it. "Hey, what's going on? Over." Logan asked. "Mike says we are going to find Will. Meet in Five outside Lucas's house. Over and out." Dustin said. Logan grabbed a spare backpack he keeps in his closet and packed his supercomm and flashlight in it. Then put on his jacket and bag before climbing out his window knowing he was not allowed out tonight because of everything going in with Will. Once he reached ground he got on his bike and rode off to Lucas's house.

Once he got to Lucas's house, he saw Lucas's and Dustin already waiting. "Hey where's Mike?" Logan asked. "Here. Here I am." Mike said finally reaching them. "So is Stephanie. She is here to watch us." Mike said. "Alright lets go." Logan said before going to Mirkwood.

Once they got to the scene Lucas said, "Aw man, this is it." Thunder rolled in the background as rain started to fall lightly. Logan got his light out and put his hood up. "Hey guys, you feel that?" Dustin asked. "Yeah. We got to hurry." Stephanie said. "I think we should go back." Dustin said. "No, we're not going back. Just stay close. Come on." Mike says as he crosses over to the scene with Logan following. "Just stay on channel six and don't do anything stupid." Mike said. " Woah, we are not splitting up. I know we could cover more ground that way, but I'm not letting any of you go missing. We are staying together. Don't try arguing with me." Stephanie says to Mike. "Let's go." Stephanie then walks off in the woods. Logan stayed quiet and followed her.

"Will!" Logan yells out. "William! Will Byers!" The five of the yell out at different times looking around the place. "I've got your X-Men 134!" Dustin shouts. "Guys, I really think we would turn back." Dustin says. "Seriously Dustin? You wanna be a baby, then go home already!" Lucas says to Dustin. Stephanie stops in front of them, knowing she heard something. Logan looked at her. Listening to what she was trying to listen for. "Mike, you hear that?" Stephanie asked Mike. "Dustin. Shut up." Mike said. "I'm just saying, does that seem smart to you?" Dustin asked. "Shut up. Shut up." Mike said as the rustling got louder. "Do you guys hear that?" Mike asks. They all turn around and point their flashlights at a girl who was soaking wet with a scared expression on her face.

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