

80 2 0

(coooverrrr not mine) I bit my lip, resetting for the third time. WHY ARE THERE SO LITTLE SP RESTORE ITEMS... More

Too excited...
Strike a pose
Kamoshida's Reality


28 1 0

It wasn't a jojo pose, however it was awesome nonetheless.

The knights were blown back by some sort of gust of wind as i spread my arms out.

Kamoshida just waddled away. I hadn't noticed. I was more worried about Ryuji, who had got spat on by that bitch. I hope he didn't catch a fatal disease.

"Wh-what the?!" 

Shit, just keep looking cool.

【Thou art... weird.】


I almost let my cool guy act falter.

[ " I am the pillager of twilight— Arsene! " ]

His bracket things changed... no, his entire font things did.

"What the...?" Ryuji stared.

[ "I am the rebel soul residing in you, Akira. " ] Arsene said... wisely? [ " If you desire so, i shall grant you the power to break through this crisis. " ]

Not consider? Odd.

"Okay. Give me it."

[ "Ha! Very well then." ]

"Who the hell are you!?" Kamoshida yelled. "Guards! On your feet!"

"Kill him, now!"

They suddenly burst, turning into pumpkin witch things.

[ "Detest them. Turn it into power, and unleash it!" ]

"They're kind of cute though."  I tilted my head a bit. 

Arsene and Ryuji just looked at me like i was dumb.

"I was joking." I sighed. "Arsene, Eiga."

The Eiga looked like black and red... tentacles? I dont know, grabbing the pumpkin-witch-knight to the left, and damaging them.

The one on the left attacked, hitting me... it hurt somewhat, not too badly.

The other one came to attack... but it seemed slow, and i dodged it.

"Oh, i have a dagger." I decided to use it, rushing on the one on the left, slicing it. It faded.

[ " This power of mine is yours! Kill them however you'd like. Run wild to your hearts content! " ]

It'd attack me once again, this time however i would guard, then attacking using my dagger, and ending it off with Arsene's Eiga.

As the battle ended... i felt somewhat stronger.

"What..." Ryuji was wide-eyed.

"This clothing is oddly comfortable."


"Oh for- you know, i was trying to forget about you."

"IGNORANT BA-" He was cut off by Ryuji knocking his sorry ass down again.


"Key!" I called out.

"That?" He swiped it off the ground, quickly rushing out with me and locking the cell.


Ignoring him, "Hey what was that just now?!" Ryuji questioned, looking up to me as he is in some weird stance. "And, your cl- IT WENT BACK TO NORMAL!?" 

It did.

Kamoshida would grip the bars, scaring the both of us. "You bastards!"


So many people locked up... no, they aren't people.

Still. It's disturbing—

"Hey! Frizzy! Blondie! Cmere!"

"GAH! WHAT IS THAT!?" Ryuji shouted, shocked.

"It's kinda cute."

"AM NOT!?" The small cat-bandit-human yelled. Or, morgana for short.

"That's the second time.." Ryuji just looked concerned.

"Joking again..."

"You guys arent soldiers right? Then get me outta here!" He pointed. "The key's right there!"

"We're trying to get the hell outta here! I mean, you look like an enemy too!" As Ryuji spoke, i quietly picked up the keys and unlocked the cell.

"I'm locked up! How could i be your enemy!?" Morgana looked desperate. "Look! They're coming!"

"The cell's already open."

"Wow!" He kicked it open, hitting Ryuji flat in the face. "Thanks! I'll help you out since you helped me out!" And once again. That toothy music note.


"Lemme show you the exit! Also, i'm Morgana!"

"Well hurry it up! The guards're coming!"

"Alright! Jeez-" Morgana sighed. "Follow me, stay quiet!"


We ran over the drawbridge, and were immediately stopped by another knight.

"A-AGH! Shit, it's them!" Ryuji shouted.

"Amateur." Morgana sighed, jumping over Ryuji who had collapsed backwards on the ground. "Hey you. You could fight right? Then lets go."

Oh, the clothes were back.

"COME, ZORRO!" He was enveloped in a blue light, summoning a big mustache swords-guy.

"Oh, can i do that too?" I held my hand out. "Arsene."

[ " ... Okay. " ]

And the battle started up once again.

"A weird sex demon knight and another pumpkin witch knight. Okay." Arsene had already disappeared. 

"Eiga." I pointed under the sex demon, and up rose the streams of black and red.

"Wow, you can do it without a persona out? Still, amateur level." He swung his sword. "This is how ya fight!"

"Zorro, Garu!" The pumpkin witch fell down.

I knew weaknesses already.

I just had nothing to counter.

I rushed at the demon, and slashing it three times. Morgana then hopped on my shoulder, jumping at the demon and slicing it, finishing it off.

Once again, i felt stronger.

[ " Oi. Use cleave next time." ] And with that, Arsene disappeared once again. 

"I guess i will."

So, in the next battle brought to you by the confusion of Ryuji Sakamoto, there were two fairy things. I cut down the one to the left with Morgana's help, and next, used cleave on the second one. It was finished off.

But... something was odd about Cleave. It took health when used. Instead of SP, which kind of felt like energy being drained. Using it made me feel weaker. But, as Morgana healed me, the pain stopped? He could also heal Ryuji's arm.

It's.. sort of interesting. I'd probably check it out some other time. But, now's time to get the hell outta here.

"Finally! We're getting outta here!" Ryuji said, having popped the thingy window off.

"Dont celebrate til you get out of here." Morgana sighed. "Jeez, you really know nothing."


"You? Are you not coming?" I asked, questioning.

"Nope, ive some stuff to do first." He said. "We'll be parting ways."

"Don't get caught again."

"Ha! You better be careful too." He began walking away. "Seeya!"

And so, we jumped up and hopped out.

"Urgh... did we make it?" Ryuji panted.

[ 'You have returned to the real world. Welcome back.' ]  My phone answered.

"Seems so."

"Returned?... Anyways... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT—"

Then the police waltzed up.

"... Well, damn." I mumble.


So, the police officers and we had a chat, and agreed to go to school unscathed... i mean, without them calling the school putting us in more trouble.

"I.. i'm sure we went the right way?..." Ryuji stared at the normal school. "What's going on?"

"That's exactly what i was gonna ask you." Oh, the school guy. "I was walking outside. Saw you two."

"... Double damn." I sigh.

"It's rare to see you with company. Where exactly were you roaming until now?"

"Uhh.. a-a castle?"


"Okay." I walked up to the school counselor. (I think he's the counselor.) "So, it all started this morning. Sakamoto isn't very good at directions, i found out through asking him how to come to the school. We wandered around town for a very long time. And because he is apparently very stubborn, refused to ask for directions until i myself decided to ask. And so we're finally here."

"W-what!?" Ryuji looked to me... I stared, trying to get him to play along, however I underestimated the power of 'dumb-blondes'. "No i- we went to a castle!? Did you hit your head or something?"

I saw two toothy music notes pass by, this time yellow. 

Knowledge, Guts.

I sighed. "See? He's too embarrassed to admit it."

"...You came to this school yesterday, though? Would you not know your way here?"

I clicked my tongue, coming up with another excuse.

"I was driven there. This time i wasn't." It was the truth. "It won't happen again. And to make sure Sakamoto, who seems to have a record for being late wont be late... i'll walk with him to school."

"Okay. Fine. I believe you. However, the fact you were late hasn't changed. I'll have your punishment... lessened."

Nice. I moved back to Ryuji's side.

"You seem too carefree, Sakamoto." Kamoshida. Thank god, the forests on his legs are no longer visible.


"Hello again. I met you this morning." I put on a smile. Ryuji looked at me, extremely confused. And, well, I replied by swiftly stomping on his foot. 

Ryuji, you're awesome... but no.

"Hello. You're the transfer student, yes?"

"Yes. I apologize, though. Me and Sakamoto must be going. After all, we have to make up for our tardiness." I looked to Ryuji. "Right?"


I wonder why my Charm went up instead of my Kindness? Maybe it's because Charm is more outside appearance? And because i dont mean any kindness to this shifty bastard?

Back to what we were doing, Ryuji looked a bit shocked, then turned to say "Fine..."

Me and Ryuji walked up the steps, ready to be scolded, however Kamoshida stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

I accidentally jerked... very hard, knocking his hand off of my shoulder.

I quickly built back my facade, apologizing.

"...Listen, since you're new, you're off the hook. Cause any trouble you're out."

"Can you overlook more?" I gave him a 'joking' smile.


"Why so serious? It was just a joke." 

I began walking past him, now.


And with that, i left Kamoshida standing there.

As i walked by the hallways, the students loudly gossiped about me. Loudly. As if they'd never heard of 'whispering'.

"Apparently he's such a problem no other school will take him..."

"That guy's nothing but trouble, let's stay away."

"That guys life is over. He should just dissapear al-"

Okay, that's enough i think.

I walked up the stairs.

Faculty office... Faculty office. There.

I walked in. Ms. Kawakami.

Welp. Time for another exhausting talk.

"Can you explain yourself?" 

"Sure, i got lost."

"How could you get lost for this long??"

"Better question. Ask Sakamoto how he could be so bad at directions. However, i know it isn't an excuse for how late i am. I'm sorry."

"...At least you're self-aware. You need to pull yourself together, you were given a warning just yesterday." She sighed. "Don't get involved with him. He's only trouble and i'm sure you've seen."

"Sorry, i don't think i will. One, i think it's wrong to stray away from someone for their past, Two, i already decided and announced i would walk with him to make sure he wouldn't be late again."  I told her, she seemed to look even more stressed, somehow,

 "Well, i can't do anything to stop you, but watch out. Anyway, Break's almost over," She said, "Class will end after fifth period, due to the subway accident. Follow me."

As i listened to the students chatter... not even behind my back, directly in front of me, it really wasn't too hard to ignore. Really, mostly childish stuff...

"Settle down," Kawakami started, "I'd like to introduce a transfer student, who was late only due to the wellbeing of himself; Akira Kurusu."

"Please say something to the class."

"Nice to meet you all, and... don't believe everything you hear." I say.

Kawakami looked at me, looking back at the class. They seemed to stop talking about me. Maybe it worked? Somewhat, at least.

"Uh... your seat will be... That open one, over there." She pointed. "Sorry, but can anybody nearby please share your textbooks, just for today?"

Some horribly hidden complaints of the students later, i sat behind Ann Takamaki.

Achieving the window seat! Not at the very back, sadly.

"They know eachother... think he hit on her before coming?" A student, seeing my glance at her.

"That means she's cheating on him with Mr. Kamoshida!" Another gossiping girl. "Then again, it is  Takamaki-san we're talking about."

They are so loud.


"For real. That side of the room is totally awful."

Oh my- I swear she better not ever say those two words ever again.

"Lets get class started..." Ms. Kawakami said.

"Hi Sakamoto-san." I said to Ryuji, approaching me and Kawakami right after we spoke about him.

"Hey." He doesn't know my name, right?

"I see you haven't dyed your hair back." Kawakami noted.

"Yeah. Sssorry 'bout that." Ryuji very-not-questionably-in-any-way walked up to my side, telling me to meet him on the rooftop.

And he was gone.

"See? That's why you shouldn't get involved."

And she was gone.

"That transfer student seems responsible, maybe he could take care of Sakamoto." Huh- wait what? Kamoshida? And the principal?

"It's a student with a criminal record, the culprit of an assault case. I doubt he really means anything he says," The principal sighed.

Damn, he caught me fast.

Also, i change my mind, this principal looks more like Gru, he has the body shape.

"Now don't be like that." Kamoshida's supporting me? Oh shit somebody save me.

"Yeah yeah."

And they was- were gone.

Ryuji had informed me on things, thanking me and such, telling me about Kamoshida.

"The ripped one you met at the school gates? Remember?"

"The 'ripped' one, if he's ripped i'm on steroids. He doesn't deserved to be labeled ripped that musty son of a caveman." 


"Oh, i said that out loud."

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