In Love With An Alien?

By Phamous

66.9K 1.4K 306

Reese just had her heart broken and thinks she won’t fall in love again, but then a strange boy falls out of... More

In Love With An Alien?
In Love With An Alien - Its Like War
In Love With An Alien? - A Place To Hide
In Love With An Alien - Passion
In Love With An Alien? - Questions
In Love With An Alien? - Gone
In Love With An Alien? - Save Me
In Love With An Alien? - A Safe Haven
In Love With An Alien? - Cant Run Cant Hide
In Love With An Alien - Escape
In Love With An Alien? - Betrayal
In Love With An Alien - The Truth
In Love With An Alien - Stopping Doomsday
In Love With An Alien - Black Angels
In Love With An Alien - Its Over

In Love With An Alien - Confrontations

2.6K 55 6
By Phamous

Chapter 15 – confrontations

[Recap] “Reese…rogue we found David Hannigan.” He shouted, excitement radiating in his voice.

“What.” we both called out in unison.

We exchanged quick looks and sat up, still sore from the lovemaking I took my time in dressing up, I was almost at the door to invite Xavier in when rogue grabbed my hands.

“What.” I asked puzzled.

“You won’t forget me or what just happened right.”” He asked sadly staring deep into my face.

“wha- rogue what’s wrong now.” I asked with a frown.

“Just promise me that you’ll always remember this night.” He insisted.

“Yes of course, I love you and this is the first time we’ve been together, of course I won’t forget.” I assured him. Why was he talking as if he was going to die? A lump settled in my throat, was there something rogue was keeping from me.

Shaking my head I ignored my conflicting thoughts its must all be in my head, the minute I opened the door Xavier walked in.

“We found David Hannigan.” He repeated again almost bursting with excitement.

“How?” Rogue asked.

“It was dumb luck! Apparently one of Steven’s men attended some conference with David Hannigan and I overhead him telling Steven about it, he say he knows where he lives.” Xavier explained.

“Well that’s good news right? Now all we have to do is find him and let him develop the cure and then we can stop Pinerose.” I said.

“Yeah….except there’s a slight problem.” Xavier added

Rogue and I frowned.  “What is it now?” I asked.

“Well he lives in Texas.” Xavier blurted out.

“So?” I asked not understanding what the problem was.

“So the virus will be released in less than 36 hours, so that means one of has to stay behind, to guide Steven and his men in stopping doomsday, the rest of us will have to go and find David Hannigan ourselves…we have to split up.” Xavier added.

“oh.” I said. I didn’t like the idea of us splitting up, we needed to stay together.

“I’ll go with Steven; you guys can go and find David Hannigan.” Rogue said, I opened my mouth to protest but he shook his head. “If we can’t stop it lots of people could be infected, I don’t want you in such danger, just go with Xavier and find David Hannigan.” Rogue insisted.

I wasn’t happy about it but I nodded in agreement, we all went downstairs to find Steven and explain the situation to him. He started to make the necessary arrangements for us to go to Texas accompanied by his men in case we tried to run.

“I’ll miss you.” I hugged rogue when it was time to go. I felt sad, it was as if would never see each other again after this. “You’ll be here when I come back right?” I asked.

He gave me a stiff nod; “you should go it’s getting late, the sooner you find him the better” he said to me and gave me a quick kiss, after that he turned to Xavier. “Watch out for violet.” He warned.

“sure.” Xavier promised.

After that we got into a car and drove to the airport. By 7 am we had arrived in Texas.

“I’m so glad Steven did not come with us, I can’t stand that arrogant pig.” I muttered out loud, instantaneously I received glares from the seven armed escorts Steven had provided us with. “If only looks could kill….sheesh.” I said but only to Xavier’s hearing.

“Come on.” He laughed.

David Hannigan wasn’t hard to find, he lived on a ranch called RedHawk, a peculiar mane if you ask me.

“What are we going to say to him?” I asked Xavier. “Will he even believe us?” I asked quickly before Xavier could answer my first question.

“Let me do the talking.” Xavier said.

By 9 am we were in front of David Hannigan’s door, his maid let us in and asked to wait while she went to find him.

“How can I help you ladies and gents.” David Hannigan greeted when he saw us, he couldn’t be more than 27, I judged as I stared at him, he also had a friendly and kind face, so hopefully he would believe us.

“We’re form the future.” I blurted out without meaning to. All around the room I heard shocked gasps, most of them were from David’s maids who were lingering about.

“We?” Xavier questioned.

“Oh right….he’s from the future I’m not.” I corrected myself quickly.

“Ok…what do….what can I help you with.” David asked uncertainly, I could already tell that he thought we were insane.

“Let me do the talking….”Xavier scolded me stepping forward, “Mr. Hannigan have you heard of Pinerose….” For the next three hours Xavier did his best to prove to David Hannigan we weren’t crazy, after we showed him the documents of his work on the virus he started to believe us.

“This is amazing…..I mean the future! Unbelievable.” He said in stunned voice.

“Can you help us?” I spoke for the first time after Xavier had asked me to shush.

“Of course I can, I just need to calculate a few things here and there, in four or five hours I will have the cure ready.” He beamed at us.

I smiled back, finally a break!!! We weren’t doomed after all. “I’m gonna call rogue and tell him the good news.” I said.

Rogue’s POV

Three hours to doomsday.

All around him, men, women and innocent children wore colours of their favorite teams, none of them knew what was about to happen or they wouldn’t be laughing and running about happily. The ideal thing would have been to call of the match but then Pinerose might choose another location to release the virus and they wouldn’t know the location this time.

“How are we going to do this…..” one of Steven’s men standing beside rogue asked. “There are thousands of people here, how are we going to find one man in this crowd.”

“Look out for a middle age man in dark clothes carrying a silver suitcase.” Rogue replied.

“How do you know this?” He asked.

“I’m from the future remember……besides witness accounts says a man I just described opened a suitcase and shot something into the air and after that people started feeling feverish so that must be him.” rogue explained.

“Good news rogue.” Steven said appearing out of thin air

“Reese and Xavier found David Hannigan, they bring back a sample of the antidote in four or five hours…..what’s wrong.” Steven asked when he realized rogue wasn’t listening.

“I just saw George.’ Rogue replied making his way through the crowd.

“Who’s George?” Steven called after him.

“He’s with violet and if he’s here then he must know where the black angel is.” Rogue said in an excited tone.

Steven turned to the armed men behind him, “Get ready to take him down once rogue points him out.” Steven ordered. They nodded in understanding.

This was so easy!! Of course it helped that he had fore-knowledge about the whole thing, if he hadn’t traveled back to the past these people wouldn’t stand a chance against Pinerose’s attack. They followed and shadowed George for twenty minutes; he took a last turn and entered a building. Stealthy, they stormed into the room and found six armed men.

“Drop your guns right this instant.” Steven shouted. Three of nodded but the other three refused and Steven shot them without trying to persuade them to drop their guns any further. Rogue was glad he had Steven on his side because the man had no respect for life.

At the extreme end of the room rogue noticed a thin man, holding a silver suitcase looking petrified. “That’s him.” rogue pointed.

The unknown man squealed and started to shake his head without knowing what he was being accused off. Steven grabbed his fragile body and punched him the stomach several times. Choking on his own blood, the man begged for mercy.

“p-please d-don’t…I-I h-have information.” He stuttered. “I k-know w-where the r-rest of t-them a-are.” He pleaded.

“Take us to them then unless you want me to break your neck into seven painful pieces” Steven said shaking the poor man roughly, rogue didn’t feel the least bit sorry for him, if they hadn’t stopped them he would have killed thousands of people.

Reese’s POV

It had been four hours since David Hannigan disappeared into his lab accompanied by two of Steven’s men; I was getting rather anxious that we hadn’t heard anything from him, so I decided to go and check on him.

“I’ll come with you.” Xavier offered but I shook my head.

“It’s just over there in that room, besides I just want to see what he has done so far.” I explained and made my way across the room. When I first opened the door which was supposed to be the lab, I found a luxurious study instead, with books titles that I couldn’t pronounce. Sighing I started looking around for any signs of lab.

Crack, a small noise came from behind me, I turned around to see what it was and found violet behind me grinning like a maniac, before I could react, she punched me in the face and I collapsed on the ground groaning in pain.

“Hey Reese, Whiles you’re lying there, you should know that your precious David Hannigan is dead and I destroyed all the cures he made so you’re screwed.” She laughed maniacally.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I managed to say as my face till stung form the blow I had received.

She reached for my arm and I felt something sharp poking me, I looked to see what it was and saw her injecting me with something. Startled, I kicked her in the knee and she buckled unto the ground, I then looked at the spot where she had injected me.

“What the hell was that?” I spat at her dangerously.

“That would be the flu virus….happy death.” She laughed, I leaned forward towards her ready to rip her throat out but she pointed a gun at me. “I don’t want you to have a quick death but a slow one Reese.” She said backing out of the room slowly with the gun still trained to my head.

After she left I sneezed again and again. “Oh god I was infected.”

                                           To be continued

Sorry for the long wait, school is crazy at the moment; I’ll try and upload the next part soon.

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