I'm Secretly Married to a Big...

By PrayingForYourSouls

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Disclaimer: The content in the story does not belong to me. If this novel belongs to you then I hope you can... More



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By PrayingForYourSouls

Disclaimer: The content in the story does not belong to me. If this novel belongs to you then I hope you can allow me to continue uploading this novel on Wattpad for entertainment purposes only as well as credit you. If not please message me privately in order to apologize personally and take down the story. Thank you.

{ Mianmian Was Eating Here Too? }

Qiao Anxin exited the washroom just as Qiao Mianmian and Mo Yesi took their leave.

She caught a brief glance of their back views as Qiao Mianmian and Mo Yesi turned a corner.

Although it was only a fleeting glance, she could be sure that the man with his arm around Qiao Mianmian was definitely not some fat, short, old fogey.

He was a tall man with a good physique, and his dressing was presentable too.

She didn't manage to see how he looked, but his back view was enough to get Qiao Anxin's heart racing.

She was so shocked she stood rooted to the ground.

Then she heard someone beside her. "Anxin, are you alright?"

Qiao Anxin snapped back to her senses and blinked the shock away. She focused on Su Ze's handsome face. "Brother Ah Ze, I saw... Sister."


Su Ze's expression changed. "You mean, Mianmian was eating here too?"

Su Ze knew very well what sort of costs one would incur when dining here.

He also knew that Qiao Mianmian was financially tight and wouldn't be able to afford a meal at such a place.

The fact that she appeared here meant only one possibility.

Someone brought her here.

Qiao Anxin took in every slight change in Su Ze's reaction. Her eyes glinted eerily before she furrowed her brows and continued, "Mm, I saw Sister with a man. They looked... really intimate."

"Brother Ah Ze, Sister has only just broken up with you a while ago, she's found another person so soon?"

Qiao Anxin's words obviously had an underlying subtext.

As she guessed, Su Ze's expression went awful upon hearing that.

He clenched his fists. "Are you sure you saw her?"

"I'm sure," Qiao Anxin said with conviction. "I bumped into Sister in the washroom and even said hi to her. She still blamed me for all of it and refused to forgive me. Her hatred for me runs deep, and she even threatened me."

At this point, Qiao Anxin bit her lip, as if feeling hurt.

"Threatened you? What did she threaten you with?"

Qiao Anxin feigned a pitiful look. "I wanted to offer her some job openings to ease her financial burden, but she rejected them. She wants us to stay out of her business. She even said that I love collecting rubbish and that I picked up the man she discarded."

Su Ze was evidently upset. "She really said that?"

"Brother Ah Ze, why would I lie to you? Given Sister's tone, it seems like she's been planning to break up with you for a while now."

"Brother Ah Ze..."

Qiao Anxin grabbed Su Ze's arm. With an apprehensive look, she gently asked, "Could Sister have found someone powerful and outstanding? What if she's using that man's power to take revenge on us because she feels that we've betrayed her?"

Su Ze's expression darkened even more as a cloud of fog veiled his face.

His eyes were burning with fury as if Qiao Mianmian had made him a cuckold.

Although he and Qiao Mianmian had already renounced their engagement, he still felt that she was his woman.

{ We Can Introduce Sister to Him }

At the very least, he couldn't accept that she'd found someone so soon after they broke up.

They'd spent so many years together, he surely had a place in her heart.

"Anxin, could you tell what the man beside Mianmian looked like?" Su Ze wanted to get to the bottom of this. He even considered going to look for Mianmian for clarification.

"No." Qiao Anxin shook her head as she recalled the outstanding-looking man and lied. "But from his back view, I could see that he's an older man. He was dressed pretty extravagantly, it was obvious he's rich."

Su Ze's face stiffened.

"She'd rather be with an old man than come to me for help? Does she hate me this much?"

"Brother Ah Ze, you know what Sister is like." Qiao Anxin happily painted her own narrative. "She's always been full of pride, it's practically impossible to get her to ask someone for help. Moreover, she hates us to the core, she wouldn't come to us."

"Even if you've the thought, she wouldn't accept it."

With that, Qiao Anxin let out a soft sigh as if she was full of concern. "I can't bear to watch Sister underline herself this way. We need to think of how to stop her from sinking deeper."

Su Ze frowned. "You just said she'd be unwilling to accept our help. What other ideas could we have?"

Qiao Anxin thought for a bit before lightly hooking her arm around Su Ze. "Brother Ah Ze, I remember there's a high-post employee in the Su Firm who's not married yet? We can introduce Sister to him."

"You mean Manager Yang?" Su Ze furrowed his brows. "I don't think he's suitable. He's already 40-odd years old, a full 20 years older than Mianmian."

"He is indeed a little old for her, but older men are better at doting on women." Qiao Anxin appeared to have Qiao Mianmian's interests at heart. "If he's older than her by 20-odd years, he'll be able to love her the way he loves a daughter.

"Moreover, we're closer to the people in your company. It'll be better than some random strangers we can't trust.

"Also, besides Manager Yang's age, he's good in all other aspects. His annual income is in the millions of yuan. With this amount, Sister can live a good life. No matter what, he'll be a better choice than the man Sister is with now."

Actually, Qiao Anxin had met Manager Yang once.

Not only was he a little old, but he was also plump and balding, and only about 1.65m in height.

Besides his income, everything else about him was only average at best.

Su Ze recalled how Manager Yang looked and frowned even more. His lips were pursed tight.

"Brother Ah Ze..." Qiao Anxin tenderly said, "In terms of appearances, Manager Yang obviously isn't good enough for Sister. But appearances are secondary, what matters is his personality. I think we should have them meet each other first."

Su Ze kept quiet for a long while.

He also felt that Manager Yang was inferior to Qiao Mianmian.

But seeing that Qiao Anxin was doing this out of good intentions, he couldn't bear to turn her down.

He eventually nodded. "Alright, I'll speak to Manager Yang tomorrow."

It was indeed different to dine at a place where the cost per pax went up to five figures.

The dinner was extremely delightful.

Not wanting to let anything go to waste, Qiao Mianmian finished practically all the food they ordered.

{ Believe in Your Husband's Financial Ability }

After eating, her stomach was extremely full.

The man sitting opposite her wiped the corners of his lips elegantly. After the waiter had swiped the card, he held it with both hands, bent over, and handed the black card symbolizing his identity to him.

Mo Yesi took it.

He looked up and smirked as Qiao Mianmian touched her stomach. "Your appetite is good tonight. It seems like the dishes here are suited to your taste. If you like them, we can come here every day to eat."


Qiao Mianmian was drinking water and almost choked.

She felt a little hot and embarrassed.

Did this mean that she had eaten too much?

Tonight... she did seem to have eaten a lot.

Out of the table of food, she had eaten at least two-thirds of it. In contrast, Mo Yesi, a big man, ate like a girl.

"Yes, the food here is delicious, but it's too expensive. Eating here every day is too luxurious."

"It's fine if you like it." Mo Yesi looked at her with deep eyes, and a charming smile formed on his face. "Not to mention that you have to believe in your husband's financial abilities. Even if you come here three times a day for a lifetime, I won't go broke."

Qiao Mianmian went quiet.


She knew he was rich.

A meal of tens of thousands of yuan was extravagant to her. In his eyes, it was probably as normal as an ordinary person eating a meal that cost tens of yuan.

When she had called him "husband" just now, Qiao Mianmian's heartbeat had accelerated again.

She was worried that if she had such a frequent heartbeat, she would really have a myocardial infarction.

After leaving the restaurant, Qiao Mianmian wanted to go to the hospital to see Qiao Chen. Mo Yesi didn't have any business, so he naturally accompanied her.

Knowing that Qiao Mianmian attached great importance to Qiao Chen, he certainly had to brush up on his favor with him.

"Master, Madam."

Uncle Li was waiting outside. He saw them coming out and greeted them politely before opening the door.

After getting into the car, Uncle Li asked the location and drove the car towards the hospital.

The luxurious Rolls-Royce had just left when Qiao Anxin and Su Ze came out of the revolving glass door and stopped at the same time.

Qiao Anxin looked at the black Rolls-Royce that was already in the flow of traffic. Her expression froze for a moment and light shone in her astonished eyes.

Qiao Mianmian was sitting in that car?

Was her sugar daddy the owner of that car?

Qiao Anxin was clear about how expensive a Rolls-Royce was. She had done deep research on various luxury brands. Whether it was bags and jewelry or luxury cars, she had a certain understanding of them.

It was a limited edition Rolls-Royce.

The starting price was at least 20 million.

But none of these were the most important.

The most important point was that the number plate of that car turned out to be four "8s", only a handful of people could afford such a plate number in Yuncheng.

At first, she had thought that Qiao Mianmian had just gotten with a rich man.

But now...

Those four "8s" stung her eyes and evoked jealousy in her heart.

With that license plate number, Qiao Anxin knew that the identity of the person in the car was definitely not simple.

"Brother Ah Ze, is the woman sitting in that Rolls-Royce my sister?" Qiao Anxin bit her lips tightly and watched as the luxurious Rolls-Royce drove farther and farther away until it was out of sight.

Su Ze pursed his lips and his expression was dark.

The Rolls-Royce's windows were open.

Just now, he had seen Qiao Mianmian sitting in the car with his own eyes.

{ Mo Yesi, Thank You }

They arrived at the hospital.

Qiao Chen was eating and watching TV.

He was very happy to see that Qiao Mianmian was here and called her warmly, "Sister."

"Hello." Qiao Mianmian saw that he was in a much better mood as compared to when he came out of the emergency room and was very reassured. "What did you eat at night? How do you feel now?"

"In the evening, brother-in-law sent me dinner, which is much better than the meal in the hospital cafeteria. I've eaten everything. Brother-in-law also bought a lot of very expensive supplements for me."

After Qiao Chen said this, he turned his attention to Mo Yesi and said a little shyly, "Thank you, brother-in-law."

Mo Yesi said "Welcome" softly.

Qiao Mianmian then saw a lot of bags piled up on the coffee table and on the sofa.

All kinds of expensive supplements.

All the flowers in the ward had been replaced with the freshest bouquets.

She froze for a few seconds, then turned her head with grateful eyes. "Mo Yesi, thank you."

She didn't expect that this man would be so attentive to Qiao Chen.

He hadn't spoken empty words when he said that he would take good care of them in the future.

Mo Yesi's dark eyes squinted and he glanced down at her, saying in a low voice, "Thank me? Have you forgotten what I've told you?"

Qiao Mianmian froze and her eyelashes twitched slightly. She remembered what he had said to her before.

He had said that he didn't want to hear the words "thank you" from her mouth anymore.

However, at this moment, apart from expressing her gratitude with these two words, she didn't know what else to say.

"Sister, brother-in-law." Qiao Chen's black eyes, almost identical to Qiao Mianmian's, flicked back and forth between them as he wondered. "What are you talking about?"

"Uh, nothing."

Qiao Mianmian avoided Mo Yesi's gaze. She walked quickly to the bed and took out an orange from the fruit basket. "Chen Chen, do you want an orange? I'll peel one for you."

Qiao Chen blinked and looked at Mo Yesi again. After thinking for a few seconds, he shook his head and said, "I don't want to eat oranges. Sister, I really want to eat the buns from the bun shop near the hospital. Can you buy some for me?"

"You want to eat buns?"

It was rare to hear Qiao Chen say that he wanted to eat something, so of course, Qiao Mianmian agreed immediately. "Okay, I'll buy some for you."

Mo Yesi was about to open his mouth and suggest that his bodyguards buy it. But suddenly, he realized that Qiao Chen was deliberately trying to steer Qiao Mianmian away.

He seemed to have something to say to him.

After Qiao Mianmian left.

Mo Yesi pulled out a chair and sat down, his slender legs overlapping at will. He raised his eyes to look at Qiao Chen, who was fiddling nervously.

Looking at the nervous and shy look of the delicate-looking teenager on the hospital bed, Mo Yesi gently smiled. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

He was very similar to his sister.

They were both timid and shy.

In front of this pair of siblings, Mo Yesi was much more patient and temperamental.

When he spoke to Qiao Chen, his attitude was already very mild.

However, Qiao Chen didn't really feel much gentleness from him...

He felt like his brother-in-law's aura was too strong. Wherever he was, he had the aura of an Emperor.

Staying alone with him in a room, Qiao Chen felt particularly stressed.

He summoned his courage before looking up at Mo Yesi. "Brother-in-law, can I ask you a question?"

{ There Will Be No Other Women Except Her }

The beautiful young boy's voice was a little timid.

Mo Yesi nodded. "Go ahead."

Qiao Chen hesitated. "Brother, do you really like my sister?"

Mo Yesi was stunned. He didn't expect him to ask this.

"Are you worried that I'm not sincere to your sister?" he asked, not really answering the question.

Qiao Chen hesitated again, and then he hurriedly said, "Brother-in-law has such good qualifications, so there must be many women who like you. Although my sister is beautiful, I don't think brother-in-law has a shortage of beautiful women around you.

"Brother... Su Ze and my sister have known each other for a full ten years, but he still cheated on her. Sister has been hurt by him once, I don't want her to be hurt anymore."

Although Qiao Chen was a little afraid of Mo Yesi, for Qiao Mianmian's happiness, he still gathered up his courage.

He squeezed his fist at Mo Yesi and gritted his teeth. "If you dare to disappoint my sister, I won't let you go!"

Mo Yesi was still silent. Mo Yesi went quiet.

He was threatened for the first time in his life.

It turned out he was threatened by his own wife's brother.

But Mo Yesi wasn't angry.

He knew that they were in a good relationship, and Qiao Chen's behavior was out of concern for his sister. He was afraid Qiao Mianmian would be cheated on.

After a few moments of silence, he smirked. "Do you want to hear the truth?"

The beautiful boy in the hospital bed clenched his fists. "Of course!"

Mo Yesi chuckled again and then said, "Your sister and I did not come together because of our feelings, so if you ask me if I like her, I cannot answer you."

Qiao Chen frowned, looking a little angry. "You..."

"Is it important if I like her or not?" Mo Yesi raised an eyebrow. "As you said just now, didn't Su Ze cheat on her even after ten years of a relationship?

"You steered your sister away and asked me so much because you're worried that I would be the same as Su Ze, right? I can't promise you that I will like her, but since I've chosen her, I won't let her down."

Qiao Chen froze, a hint of confusion in his eyes. "You mean..."

"Emotionally, I can't guarantee it. However, what you worry about will never happen."

Seeing the still confused face of the teenager, Mo Yesi got up and walked to the bed. He reached out his hand and patted him gently on his weak shoulder. "Qiao Chen, your sister is special to me. You can say that she is unique to me. The woman who will accompany me for the rest of my life will only be her, and there will not be another woman besides her."

When Qiao Mianmian returned with the buns, Qiao Chen said that he had no appetite after eating one.

They talked for a while until Qiao Chen's face became tired, then Qiao Mianmian got up and left after watching him fall asleep.

The night wind blew coolly on her face and felt very comfortable.

It took a few minutes for them to walk from the inpatient department to the gate of the hospital.

It was quiet all around.

Qiao Mianmian looked down at the shadows on the ground.

The figure of the man was more slender and could completely cover her shadow.

Qiao Mianmian looked a little fascinated. Without paying attention, she stepped on a small stone.

She slipped and her body fell forward.


She yelped softly, seeing that she was about to fall to the ground. Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her up firmly.

Qiao Mianmian hit the man's warm and strong chest.

On top of her head, a low, deep chuckle sounded. "Is my shadow that good-looking? Even better than me?"

{ In Your Eyes, Am I Still Just an Outsider? }

Qiao Mianmian immediately blushed. After standing firmly, she hurriedly reached out and pushed him away.

She had been discovered...

It was so embarrassing!

Biting the corner of her lips, she was so anxious that she didn't dare to look at him. She blushed and said, "Just now... thank you."

"Thank you?"

Mo Yesi stopped.

The man turned around and his tall, slender figure shone down. His large shadow covered the petite figure in front of him.

He looked down at her, squinting his two good-looking eyes. "Do you like to say thank you to me so much? In your eyes, am I still an outsider?"

Qiao Mianmian blinked. "I..."

Just after saying a word, the man reached out and pulled her into his arms again.

His sturdy arm was tightly tied around her waist.

His other hand held her small jaw and he raised it slightly, forcing her to stare at him.

Staring into his bottomless dark eyes, Qiao Mianmian's eyes showed a little panic. "Mo Yesi..."

Mo Yesi squinted for a moment, his eyes falling on her pale pink sakura lips and darkening a little.

When he spoke, his voice was low. "Qiao Mianmian, I'm your husband, you must get used to me as soon as possible. I will give you a week to adapt. One week later, if you still cannot adapt, I will deal with our relationship in my own way."

After he said this, his breath approached and under Qiao Mianmian's astonished eyes, he bowed his head and kissed her lips.

A contented sigh came from his throat and passed between his lips and his teeth.

Her lips were as sweet as he remembered.

Once tasted, it became addictive.

Kissed by him, Qiao Mianmian's body froze and her brain had a few seconds of blank space.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the handsome face in front of her. She felt dizzy for a few seconds.

Her heart beat incredibly fast and her entire chest shook as if her heart would pop out of her throat in the next second.

"Close your eyes while kissing." The man's warm, dry palms covered her eyes.

Qiao Mianmian was kissed until her body was soft and her cheeks were red. Mo Yesi slowly ended the kiss when she felt that she was about to pass out due to hypoxia.

He bit her in the corner of her lips reluctantly before releasing her.

Qiao Mianmian softly panted in his arms.

Mo Yesi looked down at her, his eyes glowing. He said in an incredibly low and husky voice, "Don't you know how to breathe while kissing? Didn't your ex-fiancé teach you?"

Her inexperience was beyond his expectation.

Be it the inexperience of that night, or of now, he was surprised.

He remembered that night had been her first time.

After being with Su Ze for so many years, how could she still be so inexperienced in these kinds of things?

He already felt tortured trying to keep himself from touching her, so he couldn't believe that Su Ze had restrained himself so well.

{ My Patience Is Also Limited }

Qiao Mianmian managed to catch her breath. She looked up with her lost black watery eyes and glared at him, annoyed. "How could you..."

"Of course I can."

Mo Yesi reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears. He said with a smirk, "Mianmian, I'm your husband. We are now husband and wife. Do you think I can?

"So, Mianmian... you better adapt to me as soon as possible. My patience is also limited, you know?"

Qiao Mianmian watched the man's exquisitely beautiful face suddenly enlarge before her eyes. When his warm and moist breath spilled onto her lips, her heart started beating wildly again.

Qiao Mianmian was still a student. She was in junior year and would enter the internship period in the second half of the year.

She usually lived on campus.

The two-day weekend was over, and classes would start tomorrow.

After getting in the car, she was still confused when thinking of the kiss just now, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Men's kisses were too hot and overbearing.

Qiao Mianmian had never experienced such a strong kiss before. Whenever Su Ze had kissed her, it had been very gentle.

She was a little scared.

At that moment, she didn't know how to face the man beside her.

Panic-stricken, she heard Uncle Li ask in the driver's seat, "Master, are we going back directly?"

Mo Yesi glanced at the blushing woman next to him and said lightly, "Yes."

After Uncle Li had clarified, he drove away.

Qiao Mianmian suddenly looked back and turned to Mo Yesi. "Where are we going now?"

Mo Yesi opened his notebook and briefly returned two words. "Back home."

Qiao Mianmian's expression changed. "Go home? Whose home?"

"What do you think?" As if he thought the question was funny, Mo Yesi looked up at her and smirked. "Why, we are already married, didn't you ever think that you would be living together with me?"

Qiao Mianmian went quiet.

She really hadn't thought about that.

Hearing how she would be living together with him, she suddenly felt panicked.

"But, I'm still going to school," she said anxiously. "I have to live in the school dorm. Our school has rules that we can't rent a house outside."

At first, she had thought that since she was still studying and usually lived in the school, they wouldn't see each other much.

Therefore, she had felt very relieved when signing her name on the marriage application.

She had thought that he was only interested in her on a whim. If they didn't meet often, he would forget about her soon.

Mo Yesi didn't say anything. He stared at her with his dark eyes for a few seconds, and his thin lips curled up slightly.

He seemed to have seen through her thoughts, for he closed his notebook, stretched out his long arm, and brought the petite woman beside him into his arms.

He held Qiao Mianmian's jaw with his other hand and said near to her, "If I remember correctly, today is a weekend. You'll only have to go to school tomorrow, no?"

The woman in his arms was so small, soft, and fragrant. Mo Yesi lowered his head and breathed in the faint fragrance in her hair. "Come back with me at night, I'll send you to school tomorrow."

Suddenly being held in his arms like this and sitting in this posture again, Qiao Mianmian blushed instantly.

She reached out and pushed him away. "Mo Yesi, let me go..."

{ I've Got It All Prepared }

But he grabbed that little hand.

He pinched her lightly on her palm and smiled. "I said this before, you've got to get used to me. Mianmian, I'm your husband, any act of intimacy is normal. I like you, that's why I treat you this way."

She exuded the fragrance of a youthful girl. Mo Yesi's eyes glinted, and then he lowered his body and kissed her once again.

Her eyes widened and she gasped.

Qiao Mianmian was caught in the moment.

In the act of intimacy.

Their scents mingled.

Between breaths, all she could sense and smell was his charming dominance.

In the driver's seat.

Uncle Li could see what was going on through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.

Who knew that Young Master had a passionate side to him too?

Whoever said that Young Master was cold and distant and had no interest in women was wrong!

He was obviously showing interest!

Aye, this called for a celebration. He'd always been worried that something was wrong with Young Master, but now, he could finally let that worry go.

Seeing how good their relationship was, a Little Young Master might come along soon enough.

"You could stay on campus for now and come over when you're on vacation, hmm?" Just as Qiao Mianmian was about to pass out from the lack of oxygen, Mo Yesi finally released the kiss.

The man's final "hmm" sounded so tender and suggestive.

Qiao Mianmian looked up at him, her eyes seemingly lost and distant.

Mo Yesi cupped her face in his hands and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Mianmian, don't you reject me. Come over?"

Qiao Mianmian seemed absorbed in his dark eyes and could barely speak. "B-But... I didn't bring a change of clothes."

Mo Yesi chuckled and pecked her on the forehead again. "I've already got someone to prepare all your necessities."

{ Are You Really My Savior? }

"If you need anything more, just speak up. Someone will get it prepared for you."

Qiao Mianmian went quiet.

Everything was gotten ready for her?

Why did she feel like... he'd been planning to have her move over since a long time back?

On the road.

Qiao Mianmian fell asleep in the car.

She was leaning against the car window, but it seemed like an uncomfortable position, given how she would furrow her brows occasionally.

There were a few moments in which her head knocked against the window with a "bang".

Mo Yesi was settling a few emails in his notebook.

He turned around when he heard the sounds.

Seeing the sleeping beauty, he closed his notebook, rubbed his temple, and whispered, "Uncle Li, drive a little slower."

"Yes, Young Master."

Mo Yesi put the notebook aside and reached out to shift the girl who was still asleep. He placed her head on his lap instead.

He then draped his outer suit over her.

Her fringe would slide and cover her eyes once in a while.

Each time it happened, he would sweep her fringe aside and look at her for a few seconds, sometimes stroking her face gently.


As his slender fingers brushed past her face, he looked at her expectantly. Quietly, he murmured, "Lu Rao said that you'd be my savior. Are you really my savior?"

Uncle Li happened to witness the entire scene and was so shocked that he momentarily lost control of the black Rolls-Royce and almost hit a divider.

He broke out in cold sweat as he regained control of the wheel.

Mo Yesi paused in his movements, looked up, and said in his deep voice, "Be careful."

"Y-Yes, Young Master."

Uncle Li wiped the sweat on his forehead and dared not get distracted again.

An hour later.

The black Rolls-Royce drove into a luxurious mansion.

The sturdy bronze door opened slowly and the security officer got up to bow at the passengers in the car.

Tall parasol trees were grown on both sides of the road, the large area of turf was well maintained and neat, and the Rolls-Royce came to a stop beside a fountain.

Once the car was parked, Uncle Li got off and opened the back door.

Mo Yesi alighted and Lei En, the butler, came up instantly. Lei En bowed a full 90 degrees and politely greeted. "Good evening, Young Master."


Mo Yesi nodded slightly before turning back to the car and carrying Qiao Mianmian—who was still soundly asleep—out.

Lei En widened his eyes in disbelief when he saw Qiao Mianmian.

He looked as if someone just told him that Doomsday was arriving.

Was he seeing things?!

Young Master was carrying... a woman?!

He got a huge shock.

He turned around and looked at Uncle Li, asking for an explanation with his expression.

Uncle Li returned him a look that said: Yup, it's exactly what it looks like.

Lei En went quiet.

He even felt unwell.

What a terrible scare it was.

He did receive a call from Young Master earlier this morning, getting him to purchase some feminine products and daily necessities.

Back then, he hadn't thought much about it. He assumed that either Madam or Old Madam would be coming over for a short period.

Who knew that this woman was neither Madam nor Old Madam! It was the woman in Young Master's arms!!

{ From Now On, She'll Be the Mistress of the Mo Residence }

Wasn't the Young Master averse to women? Wasn't he allergic to them? Didn't he see them as toxins?

Knowing that Mo Yesi had an existing condition, Lei En instantly checked for any allergic reaction. Even after seeing that everything appeared fine, he asked in concern, "Young Master, do you need me to get Mr. Lu to come at once?"

Physician Lu had always been the one treating Young Master, and only he truly knew Young Master's condition.

Mo Yesi swept him a slightly cold glance. "No need."

"But Young Master, your body..."

"Is fine."

Lei En widened his eyes one more time and kept quiet out of shock.

What did Young Master mean by "fine"?

Was he not allergic to the woman he was holding?

Gosh, if that was the case, didn't that call for a huge celebration?

But before Lei En snapped out of his shock, Mo Yesi casually said, "This is Young Madam, she's the mistress of the Mo Residence from now on. Relay the message to the rest: no one is to disrespect her, and everyone must view her as they view me. If anyone does not abide by this, they'll be made to leave the Mo Residence.

With that, he carried Qiao Mianmian into the huge white building before them.

Seeing his Young Master take his leave with the new Young Madam, Lei En was left in a confusion.

The almost-60-year-old looked at Uncle Li skeptically. "Old Li, what exactly is going on? Is that really Young Madam?"

Uncle Li was having trouble expressing himself too. "Mm, she and Young Master got their marriage certificate signed at the Bureau. I drove them there."

Lei En asked, "They've already got their certificate? Does Old Master and Old Madam know about this?"

Uncle Li shook his head.

Lei En's expression became a little strange. "This doesn't sound simple. Old Master might be fine with it, but Old Madam..."

Uncle Li and he thought of the same point, and both of them had their brows furrowed.

It wasn't just anybody who could enter the Mo family.

Mo Yesi entered the huge living room with Qiao Mianmian in his arms.

A group of housemaids widened their eyes in utter shock when they saw their Anti-Women Young Master holding a woman!

Mo Yesi went upstairs.

The group of them began their chatter, no longer able to hold in their curiosity.

"Was I seeing things? I actually saw Young Master carrying a woman!!"

"You weren't, I saw that too!!"

"Isn't Young Master allergic to women? Why is he able to carry her! Who is she, he actually brought her back to the Mo Residence!"

At this point, another housemaid came running from upstairs.

She almost lost her footing.

She covered her mouth in shock. "Gosh, I just saw Young Master carrying a woman into his bedroom!"

A few of them exchanged glances and were caught in disbelief.

Their Young Master, who'd never touch a woman because of his allergy, had actually brought a woman home and into his bedroom!!

Everyone in the Mo Residence knew that the Young Master's bedroom was a restricted area.

Even Madam wasn't allowed to enter his bedroom as and when she liked.

As for them, they didn't even get the chance to set foot in his room. Young Master's bedroom was always personally cleaned and tidied up by the butler Lei En.

What did it mean for Young Master to bring a woman into his bedroom?

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