when the stars finally aline

By jade_millsx0

1.3K 40 5

What happens when James and regulus finally get together at a Slytherin party after regulus refusing his feel... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Untitled Part 9
chapter 11
part 12
part 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Part 17

chapter 1

235 4 1
By jade_millsx0

"Oi potter" Barty screamed whilst running down the hallways to try and catch up with the two Gryffindors. Remus and James were busy as usual every Thursday afternoon with their prefect rounds. This is a time when they both strolled through the hallways and like to gossip about their weeks and catch up with each other as they honestly did not have the time to do that lately and normally this was the one time in the week they could both go on about their crushes because neither one would judge. Not that the rest of the marauders would, it was just a bit more complicated for them given the nature of their crush so during this time neither of them enjoyed being distracted especially by anyone in the Slytherin gang but alas there he was Barty Crouch Jr was interrupting their time by calling for James. 

"What Crouch? we are kind of busy here." James coldly spat towards Barty. 

He didn't exactly dislike Barty but he was currently in the middle of gushing about Regulus so now was a terrible time for him to arrive. 

"As you probably know by now giving your obsession with quidditch" He spoke confidently 

"And regulus" He mumbled the this part in fear of James' retaliation

"Yes, what about it?" He questioned looking Barty directly in the eyes urging him to carry on 

"Well to celebrate the end of the season and our win against the awful Hufflepuffs. Honestly, they've been way too easy this year" Barty explained to James 

"Your point being" James practically growled at him getting a tad annoyed at this point just wanting him to get to the point as so far he cannot see where this affects him

"You should come!" Barty encouraged 

James rolled his eyes before replying "And why would I do that? I'm not that close with the Slytherins. In fact, i don't think they will be very fond of me."

"Trust me if it was down to me you wouldn't be coming either but it's for Reggie. I know he wants you there" Barty explained

At that James just melted. 

"Regulus wants me there. You must be mistaken" James replied feeling his heart rate quicken. 

"Listen I know Reggie. Just trust me yeah" He was practically begging at this point. 

"Fine. I'll be there on the condition i am able to  bring my boys." James responded 

"Yeah okay whatever bring your posse on the condition you don't tell him I invited you because he will kill me that way," Barty informed him

" So he doesn't want me there?" He questioned 

"He really does. He is just stubborn and won't admit it. " Barty tells him

" Sounds like someone else I know" Remus concluded before looking directly at James 

Barty and Remus just gave each other the look and from that moment they knew they were getting these boys together. Between them, they knew that they both liked each other but neither had the balls to actually do much about the situation which is very out of character from James as he was always known to wear his emotions on his sleeve. Everyone knew that through his love confessions to Lily Evans for the past four years at Hogwarts. This past year has been very different. He still gave his love confessions to Lily but something felt off. Almost as if he was hiding something. Of course, no one else really noticed because he was James Potter he said literally anything he thought or felt no matter if it hurt anyone, and most of the time it just ended up hurting him instead. This mystery however was discovered when James and Remus were sat in their dorm alone and James just broke down sobbing about how much he loved Regulus. He sobbed his heart out that day. Remus had learnt everything that day from how scared he was of coming out to how he never wanted to lose Sirius and that Sirius would kill him. That day Remus just sat and listened. He told him about his embarrassing crush on Sirius and just sat comforting him because James gets upset but when he finally lets it out he doesn't stop and Remus truly cares about his best friend. Ever since that moment they have heavily used each other to get out their feelings. This was so neither Black brothers knew of their evergrowing love for them however before long it became very clear that Regulus did, in fact, return these feelings. This led to James going into a full panic the minute Barty left the scene. 

"Remus!!! What the heck am I meant to wear?" He asked frantically 

"What do you normally wear to a party?" Remus answered with confusion 

"Bu..but it's regulus Mooney. I need to look good. Regulus doesn't do parties so normally  I do not care about how I look because last time I checked Gryffindors do not care about appearances" James rambled 

"Look, listen If Reggie doesn't like you it's his tough shit you are an amazing kind thoughtful human so dress how you like. If he's going to judge you for your outfits screw him, but if he's anything like Padfoot he won't give a fucking shit about that and more about you" Remus tries to reassure him. 

James just nods "Right okay i..that makes sense. I'm still incredibly nervous," James told his best friend 

Remus just chuckled. 

"Come on you it's getting late and we need to get ready" Remus announced whilst linking their hands ready to run off to the dormorities. That is what they did. They ran and they did not stop until they reached the portrait. That was just a thing Remus and James did. They were both fairly athletic so they didn't seem the harm. This came at a price, of course, by the time they arrived they had bright red faces and were breathing fairly heavily but never the less they breathed out the password through batches of laughs. 

"PADFOOT, WORMTAIL" they yelled out in unison. 

Both men just turned their heads simultaneously. 

"Get your arses up and out of bed. We are going to get drunk and partyyyyyyy" James continues to screams

"Okay, I'm confused. There is no party today. "Sirius asked confused 

"It's your brothers no big deal," Remus told him with not a lot of expression 

"my brother. My little brother. AS in Reggie. You know Regulus Black. Reggie doesn't party Black?" He asked carrying a look of surprise on his face

"Mate I don't know how many more times you can say it but yes Regulus Black" James responded bluntly making sure to highlight Reggie's name 

"But he doesn't party. and they are Slytherins." He responded not moving from his spot, trying to let all the information sink in

"Stop being so critical about all this alright and get changed we are going because we were invited well James did and we are his posse" Remus laughed 

"Wait hold up my best friend gets an invite and not me. Reggie is gonna regret that" Sirius threatened. 

"Just shut up and put this on," Remus told him whilst throwing a black polo and ripped jeans

That was the end of Sirius debating and before long all four marauders were up and out the door ready to head to the party. James knew the password from the previous times he has been in regulus' dorm due to study sessions. James wasn't the smartest in potions and sometimes just needed some extra help and maybe James just needed an excuse to see him. 

"Pure-Blood" James mumbled. 

"Really are they all really that vein?" Sirius ranted

"Padfoot they are Slytherins. They are all pureblood. If you remember correctly you were meant to be sorted here. Hence why you got disowned" James spat back

This shut Sirius up and hurt him a little. He hated being reminded of his Past. Of his mother and her abuse. He hated being reminded of the failure he was viewed as. In a way that is why he was so jealous of Regulus he still had a family. It may not have been a good one but he had a family. He was still on the family tapestry. He wasn't just a black dot with no one to help him if he came into trouble. But Regulus he was the perfect heir. He did everything that was asked. He was the perfect Black. He reckons cousin Bella would love him. At least Sirius had Andromeda. He did miss his brother. He was able to see him at Hogwarts but that was it, plus his mother put restrictions on him so he wasn't allowed to see him so everything was done in secret. That was what made everything so hard on Sirius. Once upon a time, Sirius was regulus' everything now they barely talk. 

Once they entered they knew this was not just some other event. The Slytherins had gone all out this year. All around the Dungeons were the Slytherin flags alongside flashes of red and gold. That was their way of adding Gryffindor in he supposed given that Slytherin and Gryffindor drew this year. Within all this was hints to Quidditch, there were small snitches flying around the room, and they had painted different brooms on the walls. They also had small gestures to a normal party such as green and silver balloons and banners. It was really a sight to see. 

This wasn't the sight that James was paying attention to though the sight that caught him off guard was the view of the breathtaking regulus Black. He was dressed in a black suit with a green tie that matched the Slytherin covers. His hair was in its natural form all curly and naturally flowing to just below his shoulders. James' breath just hicked and for a few moments, he had his breath taken. Regulus was truly a beautiful specimen. 

For someone that looked so similar to his best friend his crush on Regulus Black had come as a complete shock. He shared the same long Black hair with cute little curls at the end. He shared the same grey eyes that his brother did. Both Blacks were fairly tall but Regulus just had that effect on him. He took his breath every time he just looked at him. He was crushing and he was crushing badly. He knew he was playing with fire and if Sirius ever found out he'd be seriously annoyed and James does not want to lose his best friend. Sirius is basically James' other half. 

"Potter, what the bloody hell are you doing here?" Regulus snarled down at the boy

"Uh I was invited" James answered feeling himself blush up by just looking at regulus

"Ugh fine. I suppose you can stay but keep me away from your silly best friend" Regulus stated pulling him away from the rest of the marauders 

"I like the touch of Gryfindor in the decorations" James stated smiling down at regulus 

"You mention that to anyone and you are dead understood" He spat handing James over a drink 

James just put his hand over his lips

"They are sealed" He laughed whilst downing the drink

"You're meant to never mind" Reggie sighs 

"What?" James asks innocently batting his eyelashes 

This set regulus off. He started to blush and go red fairly fast. Baring in mind at this stage the party had been going for several hours already this meant that regulus was fairly tipsy and did not have too much control over his actions, therefore, blood rushing to his face could not be helped 

"Awww is little Reggie blushing" James teased rubbing his hands over his cheeks

"Don't you even dare Potter I swear" Regulus threatened 

"Aw but why would I want to share this with anyone else you look far too cute" James complimented whilst smirking

Regulus just blushed more 

"Potter I swear to" Regulus threatened again. 

"What?" He asked innocently moving forward batting his eyelashes again

"You just wait Potter ill get you later" Regulus snarled 

James just smirked at him before blowing him a kiss and running back off to his marauders which had found Dorcas and Lily 

"Hello lads, Ladies, lily ma lady" James spoke whilst approaching them and kissing Lily on her hand 

"James Potter, how many times do I need to say, I am not interested back off" Lily informed him in the politest way possible 

Remus just let out a laugh

"Hey I was just being polite there but man I just want to get smashed tonight" James commented 

"In more way than one, my dude" Sirius laughed winking at James 

"Oh wouldn't I be so honored but sorry mate your not my type" James barked back 

"Yeah but his brother is" Remus mumbled 

James just jabbed him in the side going red at the thought James really hoped that no one else heard that otherwise, Remus is dead. He's one dead wolf. 

"Alright! Let's do this" Peter screamed coming at them all with a pint of beer each. 

Slowly but surely throughout the night each and every one of them became drunker and drunker after each drink. Their feelings became more and more open. Sirius had admitted his platonic love for James and said if he died he'd have no choice but no follow suit. James had admitted that he only really saw Lily as a friend now but he was absolutely grateful for her in his life. Peter had admitted that he wasn't all into love and relationships but maybe he just hadn't found the one. Now Remus poor Remus had admitted he was in love but James had managed to drive him away but anything worse could be said. And for that Remus will be very grateful in the morning. James however was getting very flirty and very horny and he had only one person on his mind. Regulus Black and he knew he needed him and he needed him now. He didn't care about the consequences or the fact it was his best friend's brother because at this stage he felt in love. 

"Reggieee" James shouted with a massive smile on his face

Regulus just grunted at him "Its regulus to you" He commented in a dry tone 

"Oh come on you love me" James smirks moving closer to him 

James could tell that regulus was the more sober one out of the two but he also couldn't help but notice the glimpse in his eyes. The glimmer of hope. 

"No. Nope you must be sorely mistaken Potter" Regulus bit back 

"We both know that isn't true and you're just stubborn just like your brother. It is seriously a bad Black trait" James commented looking up at Regulus 

"And how are you so sure of that?" Regulus challenged 

"Because I am the only one to get away with doing this" James smirked 

Within seconds James had lunged himself forward and landed his hands in his hair and felt his way through his soft black locks 

Both James and Regulus' hearts were racing fast but neither of them knew. But at this stage Regulus wanted James. Not that he would let James know

Regulus however was melting into James' touch. 

James just gave a smug look. "see" James pointed out

Regulus just grunted "Don't tempt me, Potter" 

James just smirked more and closed the gap 

"I dare you" He whispered low 

"Potter," He said 

"Black" He responded 

They were stood face to face. Eye to eye looking deeply into each other without a care in the world. No one else was around to see them and no one else matter. No one else. It was just regulus and James. James and Regulus. 

And with his knees feeling shaky and his palms starting to sweat he leaned. He Had lost all control and leaned into James and James just closed that Gap. 

Their lips meet in a sweet harmony as if this was meant to be. Sparks were felt and butterflies had formed. But at that moment everything felt peaceful. The kiss was soft and sweet. James' lips were plump and tender. But this in this moment, this was everything Regulus had been waiting for and he was not going to waste this. 

He grabbed him and pulled him closer bringing his hands up to his hair and moving them back and forth pulling him closer and creating a much rougher and demanding kiss. James just ran his tongue along the bottom of Reggie's lips asking, pleading for entrance which of course regulus accepted. 

They were kissing, biting bruising, They were causing a want and a need for each other. They fell in love and they wanted the other to know that. Regulus pushed James against the wall and was grinding up against him allowing James to feel his hard-on. They just needed each other and had desires. 

James pulled away slightly. 

"Reggie?" he whispered panting slightly

Regulus just looked at him and just smirked 

"Shut up and get back on my lips asshole" Regulus joked grabbing James' face again

James just ducked his head and instead went to grab his dick. 

Regulus let out a soft moan then a growl. 

James just grabbed his hand and smirked 

Before either of them knew they were running fast all the way through crowds of people. Some kissing, some just chatting, some people playing beer pong, and some just being absolutely smashed out of their brains. Their main goal was to avoid Sirius because they honestly did not know what that reaction would be like and they were not willing to run into him now when both boys had bruised lips and hard cocks. Luckily for them, that was not an issue they had to deal with as he was preoccupied with his own lips. Those lips belong to the one and only Remus Lupin. This made James smile softly before he was shoved around the corner into regulus' dorm. 

Luckily when they arrived no one was around. He shares a dorm with Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr but they were both too busy with each other. Regulus just locked the door and threw James on the bed kissing all down his neck leaving big black and purple marks making sure everyone knew that no one else could him in this way. James had let out a breathy moaning wanting nothing more than to have him. All of him. 

And he would stop at nothing to get him. James managed to flip them with urgency ripping off their shirt and traveling his lips all down Reggie's abs and toned body. James was in utter bliss. This is all he ever wanted for the past year and it was all his and it was laid in front of him rock hard and begging for him to take control.

So he took what he wanted without a second thought he had taken regulus and took control and started to slowly go in and out. This caused utter bliss between both boys. Moans and pants filled the room and neither one gave the other time to think. They just gave each other love and bliss. Their moans were everything to each other 

"James" Regulus panted out

"Reggie" James whispered seeing the stars 

"I love you" He replied 

and with that, they both collapsed down next to each other on regulus' green silk sheets and fell asleep into the dead of night 


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