Fire Away // The 100 // Book 1

By abrupt_fox

173 30 9

Delyn Kane felt sheltered her whole life. She breathed borrowed air, drank recycled water. All she's ever kno... More



45 6 4
By abrupt_fox

September 13th, 2149

***The Ark***

Delyn's vacant gaze fixated on the expanse beyond the window, her thoughts an empty canvas against the backdrop of the vast unknown. The Ark, a colossal metallic sarcophagus, loomed as a constant reminder of the confinement that had defined her entire life. She had always been aware of the limitations imposed by the spaceship's unyielding walls, and she felt a deep yearning for the freedom that lay beyond the stars.

The artificial lighting of the Ark's interior cast an eerie glow on the life she had known, and for the first time, it felt oppressive. Delyn couldn't help but wonder about the planet they were descending to, a place she had only heard about in stories and rumors. The anticipation of stepping onto Earth's soil, breathing its untainted air, and embracing the unknown stirred a restless energy within her.

Her fingers drummed lightly against the cool surface of the window, and she knew that this moment marked the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with uncharted adventures and boundless possibilities. The gravity of their mission weighed heavily on her, but it was a burden she was willing to carry for the chance to break free from the suffocating confines of the Ark.

In stark contrast, the planet that had been forsaken for nearly a century endured a nightmarish existence. Its atmosphere, now deadly and unforgiving, could only be likened to the excruciating sensation of being burnt at the stake while submerged in a hundred feet of snow and drowning at sea all at once. It was an unspeakable torment, a fate too dreadful for anyone to contemplate, casting a shadow of dread over the Ark's inhabitants.

Delyn yearned for the simple touch of a single blade of grass, an experience that felt like a distant dream. Beside her, an aging geography book served as her only portal to the Earth's surface. The book's pages were adorned with vivid images of landscapes she struggled to comprehend fully. There was the awe-inspiring chasm called the Grand Canyon, reportedly situated in the western United States. And then, there was the monumental wall that stretched along the borders of China and Mongolia. These captivating wonders of the world fascinated Delyn, though she was painfully aware that she would likely never have the chance to witness them firsthand.

Delyn spun around and slowly descended to the floor, her mind consumed by a heavy cloud of exhaustion. She paid no heed to her surroundings, not even registering the door before her as it creaked open, the grinding of metal upon metal creating a strangely rustic sound, in stark contrast to the Ark's otherwise pristine condition. All she desired in that moment was to remain seated on the cold, unyielding floor, as weariness enveloped her, leaving her with no energy for anything else.

Marcus Kane looked down at his daughter, his heart heavy with the knowledge of her suffering. He understood that her longing extended beyond a mere desire to witness Earth; what she truly craved was freedom, above all else. Yet, she concealed her inner turmoil behind a veneer of a false smile, a facade that only her father could discern, her silent plea for liberation.

Kane held a position of great respect as a councilman, and due to his influential authority, some people believed he cared more about his public image than his own flesh and blood, his daughter, Delyn. This misconception led to Delyn being the subject of pity among some, yet the truth was quite the opposite—Kane's love for his daughter eclipsed any concern for his reputation. He was fiercely protective of her, and from a young age, he instilled strong moral and ethical values in her.

Delyn had her share of run-ins with the law, but Kane always managed to find a way to shield his daughter from the consequences of her missteps. Often, Delyn found herself caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Kane never wavered in his determination to prove her innocence. It was a testament to the unwavering bond between father and daughter, a connection that transcended the judgments of the outside world.

"You have one hour," Kane told his daughter firmly. Delyn gazed up at him, her eyes revealing the turmoil within, but she remained motionless, her refuge on the floor. Kane's heart clenched with fear each time he encountered his daughter in this state, for he could never predict her next move. His greatest concern was that she might inadvertently harm herself rather than others.

He continued, his voice laced with a hint of desperation, "It's too late to seek another solution. This is the only opportunity Jaha was willing to give to you."

Within the confines of the Ark, the impending events of the next hour remained a well-guarded secret, known only to a select few, including Delyn. The Ark's oxygen system had been steadily deteriorating, and the Sky Box, a containment unit filled with youthful offenders awaiting their assessment, was reaching maximum capacity. In recent months, those who turned 18 no longer underwent a review process; they were simply sent to the airlock for a one-way trip into the void.

However, a significant shift was underway. The Council had convened and initiated a daring mission, one that would alter the course of their fate. They had decided to dispatch the 100 prisoners to the Earth's surface, a decision that held the promise of a new beginning, though it came with uncertainties and risks that left everyone on edge.

The Ark's laws were unforgiving, meting out death sentences for even the slightest transgressions unless the offender was below the age of 18. In such cases, they were confined until they could undergo a formal review process. The grim reality was that their oxygen supply was dwindling at a pace they couldn't match with repairs.

Delyn had been privy to the knowledge of the impending Earth mission for months. As an engineer, she had passionately dedicated herself to resolving the oxygen crisis, desperately working alongside her team. Yet, despite her tireless efforts, her current situation had left her utterly helpless, unable to contribute meaningfully to her team's struggle.

"Delyn, this is dangerous," Kane uttered with a mix of concern and relief. "But you're lucky you even get this chance. Most people would have been floated by now." Delyn acknowledged his words with a subtle nod, slowly rising from the floor. She moved towards the door, but her father's hand on her shoulder halted her progress.

"Listen," he continued, his voice tinged with regret, "I never wished to see you on that dropship. But it was a choice between that and the airlock, and no one is even being told of this or being allowed out of their cell to say goodbye to anyone."

"I know," Delyn said.

Kane let out a heavy sigh. "Alright. Hold out your wrist." Delyn extended her right arm, and Kane securely fastened a metal wristband around it. "It's going to be you and 99 other prisoners on that dropship. I hope you know what you're doing."

"I'll be alright," Delyn assured with a hopeful smile. "It's kind of crazy, isn't it? A few years ago, all I wanted was to spacewalk, and now I'm getting to go to Earth, though not quite in the way I imagined." She pulled her father into a tight embrace, her voice soft and affectionate. "I love you," she whispered.

"Alright," Kane acknowledged, nodding. "You should probably say goodbye to Bellamy. His sister will be on that ship with you." He handed Delyn a small card. "Keep this with you. If a guard stops you, show them this and inform them that you had clearance to be outside your cell."

Delyn offered a quick nod and exited the room, making her way toward Factory Station where Bellamy was.

The plan was clear: the Skybox was to be emptied, with ninety-eight prisoners slated for the journey to Earth. In an unexpected twist, Wells Jaha, the chancellor's son, found himself included at the last minute due to a recent transgression. Delyn, on the other hand, had just made a shocking admission to a crime she had committed sixteen years earlier – an offense that should have resulted in her being floated into space. However, her father had managed to secure her a seat on the dropship, despite her once being the youngest Zero-G engineer and a councilor. Heartbreakingly, her status and achievements had been stripped away just the day before.

It seemed that unless some miraculous stroke of luck spared them from the ravages of radiation, these criminals had paid little heed during their mandatory two-week Earth Skills classes. They found themselves woefully unprepared, lacking the essential skills required for survival. In striking contrast, Clarke Griffin and Wells Jaha appeared to be the outliers, potentially possessing the knowledge and skills necessary to endure the challenges of their newfound existence on Earth.

Delyn made her way to Factory Station, an unusual destination for someone hailing from Alpha station. Such a migration was far from commonplace. Delyn was known to be one of the privileged, and yet, against societal expectations, she found herself in love with a janitor, which set her apart from the typical social dynamics of the Ark.

Delyn's footsteps reverberated through the desolate corridors of the Ark, leading her to the door that was all too familiar, belonging to her lover. She raised her arm, rapping on the door with a distinct rhythm – four deliberate knocks, a brief pause between the first two and the second two.

The door swung open abruptly, and Bellamy yanked Delyn into his quarters, tears teetering on the edge of his eyes. He clung to her tightly, burying his face in her shoulder as he wept. "How are you here?" he inquired, his voice laden with a mixture of astonishment and relief. "You were arrested yesterday. Your execution was supposed to be this morning."

"My dad got me a seat on the dropship. Me and 99 other criminals."

"So it is true, then... about the Earth mission."

Delyn pulled away and nodded. "They finished their Earth skills yesterday, and they leave in an hour." Delyn wasn't meant to divulge this information to anyone, but she had a habit of making exceptions for Bellamy.

Witnessing the pain in Bellamy's eyes as he grappled with the knowledge of his sister's impending journey to a radiation-ridden planet, Delyn felt a rush of sympathy. She rose onto her tiptoes to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek, anticipating he would need a moment to collect his thoughts. However, Bellamy surprised her by pushing her against the wall and fervently kissing her lips, fully aware that this might be their last encounter.

Delyn intertwined her fingers in her boyfriend's hair as he gently pulled at her waistband. Though they had shared moments like this countless times, the current one felt especially intimate. They both understood the profound need they had for each other, acutely aware of the loved ones slipping away from their lives.

It wasn't until half an hour later, with both of them nestled beneath the blankets, bare-chested, that Delyn finally broke the silence. "If we make it through this," she murmured, "I promise to watch over Octavia."

Delyn slipped out of Bellamy's bed, gracefully collecting her scattered clothes. Bellamy's gaze remained fixed on her as she dressed, only diverting his eyes when she returned to sit beside him. His trembling hands drew his attention, and Delyn, filled with affection, embraced him and planted a tender kiss on his forehead.

"I love you," she whispered to Bellamy before departing. Stepping into the hallway, she encountered Shumway, and their eyes met briefly, but both chose to disregard each other's presence. With only 30 minutes left until the planned launch, Delyn proceeded toward the waiting dropship.

The dropship stood ready for its impending launch, and the absence of farewells hung heavy in the air between Delyn and Bellamy. Yet, Kane had made a pledge to Delyn. In the event they survived, he would ensure that Bellamy was on the first dropship following the 100. With that promise in mind, Delyn refrained from saying her goodbyes, knowing that she would cross paths with him once more.

Delyn approached her father, standing amongst the group waiting for the 100 to assemble. Callie, too, was present, her heart heavy with the knowledge that Delyn would soon be dispatched to Earth. "I'm sorry," Delyn whispered as she embraced her father, the weight of their impending separation hanging in the air.

Thirty minutes later, a group of 100 delinquents formed a line in front of the ramp, their uncertainty palpable. Callie stepped out onto the ramp, addressing them with authority. "Single file, no pushing. You will be directed to an empty seat and strapped down. Please do not remove your seatbelt until instructed otherwise," she instructed, her words punctuated by a sense of solemn anticipation.

Callie stepped aside, making way for the guards who began guiding the delinquents into the dropship. Delyn couldn't help but steal one last glance back at Kane as she joined the line, a mixture of hope and trepidation in her eyes.

With each prisoner that filed into the dropship, she couldn't help but notice the faces of her old friends among them. Some were individuals she had grown apart from over time, their once-strong bonds now frayed by the passage of years and circumstances. Others were still the ones she spoke to, whose camaraderie had managed to endure amidst the challenges they faced. As she continued to move forward in the line, the weight of the impending journey and the uncertainty of what awaited them all hung heavily in the air.

Glancing behind her, Delyn spotted Clarke Griffin. While they weren't friends, she recognized Clarke as the daughter of another councilman, and they had crossed paths on several occasions. It was clear that Clarke wasn't going down without a fight. She lay on a stretcher, and it took the combined effort of two guards to carry her up the ladder, a testament to her fierce determination and unwillingness to accept her fate quietly.

As Delyn neared the front of the line, a familiar face appeared around the corner – it was Bellamy, previously known as Cadet Blake. He reached out and firmly grasped her arm. "Let's go," he said with urgency. Delyn met his gaze, and without hesitation, she walked alongside him into the dropship, her heart heavy but hopeful for whatever awaited them on Earth.

A small smile graced Delyn's lips as she walked alongside Bellamy. "I guess we're both criminals," she mused, the irony not lost on her. She didn't question how Bellamy had acquired the uniform or his reasons for sneaking onto the dropship. All that mattered in that moment was their shared determination to be together, and she couldn't be happier to take this risky leap with him.

As the guards were meant to leave the dropship, a sense of anticipation and disbelief hung in the air. Bellamy's voice was barely above a whisper as he leaned down to Delyn, his eyes locked onto hers. "I can't believe we're actually doing this," he admitted. With a sense of urgency, Bellamy gently pressed his lips to hers, seeking solace and connection amid the chaos of their escape. The metal ramp creaked as it began to close, and with a determined yet tender touch, Bellamy guided Delyn into the seat behind her, ensuring she was securely strapped in. His primary concern was her safety on their descent to Earth, a silent promise of protection for the journey ahead.

As the countdown commenced, Bellamy swiftly claimed the seat beside Delyn, efficiently strapping himself in. He could easily pass as a responsible individual tasked with watching over the delinquents, concealing his true reasons for being on the dropship, and sharing an unspoken understanding of the risks they were taking.

With the countdown clock ticking down from just two minutes, Delyn leaned in to speak with Bellamy, her voice hushed in the midst of the anticipation. "Octavia's on one of the upper two levels," she informed him. "I don't know which one, but we have to find her once we're down there." They shared a determined look, knowing that their mission wasn't just about escaping; it was also about reuniting with someone they both cared for deeply.

Sensing Delyn's rising anxiety, Bellamy reached over and gently clasped her shaky hand, offering a reassuring grip. The weight of their decision was settling in on her, and it was clear that, despite her excitement about seeing Earth, the guilt of leaving the Ark without a proper farewell weighed heavily on her. As one of the Ark's most respected council members, with her notable achievement as the youngest zero-G engineer, leaving without a goodbye felt like abandoning the life she had built. But in the face of their uncertain future, they held onto each other's hands, finding comfort in their shared determination to make the most of this new beginning on Earth.

Kane knew that he would have to be the one to break the news to Sinclair about Delyn's sudden absence, a task that weighed heavily on him. As for Delyn's friend, Raven, the truth about her departure had to remain a well-guarded secret. The news of Delyn's arrest had already circulated, and her execution was supposed to have taken place earlier that morning. In a last-minute decision, Kane had secured her a seat on the dropship, and it was crucial that everyone else believed she had been executed, preserving the delicate facade for the greater good.

With the countdown ticking down to its final 30 seconds, Kane couldn't help but glance around, expecting to find Delyn right beside him. The realization that he was sending his own daughter to Earth on a dropship weighed heavily on his heart. It was a tragically heartbreaking decision, made out of necessity, and he could only hope that it was the right one for her and for the future of humanity.

As he watched the countdown reach its final moments and listened to the automated voice, Kane's regret for allowing Delyn to leave intensified. She was now surrounded by a group of individuals who could potentially pose a threat to her safety. The last second ticked away, bringing the countdown to zero, and with that, the dropship launched. All he could do now was hope and pray that she would find her way in the new world and that he had made the right choice for her future.

Delyn and Bellamy held onto each other with a firm grip, their hands locked together as they experienced the turbulent ride of the dropship. The screams of the delinquents on both the lower and upper levels filled the air, the chaos of their situation becoming all too apparent. As the dropship continued its journey through space, Delyn felt herself being lifted off her seat, the only thing keeping her anchored down being the secure strap that held her in place. The uncertain adventure that lay ahead was already proving to be a challenging and disorienting experience.

"This is it," Bellamy whispered to her. Their gazes locked, and in that intense moment, they both understood the enormity of the risk they were taking. "We live together," he affirmed, a vow of shared determination and a promise to face the challenges of this new world side by side.

"We die together," Delyn concluded, leaning her head back with a resolute and unwavering spirit. They had chosen to take their fate into their own hands, and they were prepared to face the consequences, whatever they might be, together.

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