A Boy's Story

By s720605

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One boy,one town and one story. More

A Little Delusional
Tragic Hero?

Alex Wood

23 0 0
By s720605

Nothing goes right,nothing goes the way its supposed to but I guess thats just life ...well anyways enough about my complaining I'm here to tell you my story .

My story starts in a town called Wintela (I know its sounds like there would be faires and rainbows based on the name but its the complete opposite).Actually this town has the worst people you could ever meet . The people here have their noses so far up their buts ,you'll be surprised they can actually see. They are the worst snobs you could ever meet but here comes the funny part these snobs don't actually have the money to get anywhere ;we are all on a low income and struggling to survive each day. I would hope if everyone is poor we could put aside our differences and help one another but noooo, there's always corruption bound to happen with greedy selfish human beings but I won't judge too hard, I'm a hypocrite .My name is Alex Wood and I just so happen to be willing to tell my story,it may be meaningless ,a complete waste of your time but just know the fact that its my story i'll treasure it to the grave .

I sit on the rough cement on the curve as I try to remember the faces of the ones who done such a cruel violent act. I sucked in a breath as felt a presence near me .Awaiting for a response I hear them shuffle to lean on there other leg growing impatient. "Aye, Al I gotta head out . You 'bout done." I was no where near done but of course being the fake person I am I wont show vulnerability .I think I mourned enough ,no matter what shes gone ,she won't come back to life. I suck in a deep breath and open my eyes as I reply tiredly," ..Yeah".Will is my brother ,hes no where in resemblance to me;he has stringy dirty blonde hair , piercing green eyes that hold stories i would rather not talk about and a lean frame with muscle.Will outstretches his arm offering a big hand ;I take it knowing Will doesn't offer that much affection in his life and when he does it must be important. Will and I head off to the shit hole we call home.

Our house is small and on the corner of the block ;it has plain white walls and a red wooden door.Its almost lifeless, the front yard is full of weeds and tall patches of grass but I'm not complaining our neighbor's is worse.We reach the red door to our house only to have it yanked opened while a small lanky women appears in our line of vision .She stands there appalled not expecting us to be there. Her brown hair is matted and tangled while her spaghetti strap to her dull white night gown hangs on on the edge of her shoulders barely lifting the dress. The pale skin on her arms are covered in red and purple marks.This was our mom ,Jenna .(Hints the word "was")I no longer involve myself with this human being and plan to keep it that way.

Two years ago I lost my mom to drugs.(Typical,I guess you could say coming from the low class.)My dad is another story,he wanders the streets and never really comes home.(I like to think hes trying to find a better job to help us but you can only be in denial for so long).I remember when my mom was still here she would tell me all sorts of honorable things my father would do like how he sends money in to help us,how he was in a bigger city making the world a better place and how he wanted to take us to disneyland when he comes back.When I was twelve I came to realise it was all excuses to cover up the fact my dad was and still is a selfish cheating pothead shitty bastard who never knew how to grow up and be responsible. In all honesty I didn't feel too bad when I found out what my father really was just disappointed that my only reliable source of hope wasn't really real. (In better words, imagine entering your best art piece in a competition for a lot of money, only to find out your chances of winning was 0% because there was no competition in the first place).

Jenna reaches out to grab Will whom was standing there beside me on the porch only to get pushed to the side. Will heads towards the kitchen probably to go beat up another asshole who abuses my mo-I mean Jenna daily.I on other other hand head straight for my room not wanting to be involved in anymore trouble.

As I reach my room I hear something coming from inside, like low murmurs. I think over who could possibly be inside my room right now ,its not like I have any friends and what would they want. After a few seconds it hits me like a hammer,MY MONEY!!!!I rush in my room getting into a fighting stance.Only one thing was on my mind ,no one was getting away with my hard earned cash I worked slave hours for. (Someone better prepare to get their ass kicked!)
I'm not a professional writer as you can clearly see ,I do make mistakes just be easy on me this is my second story.:-) Hoped you liked it..I know its short ill try to make them longer as I go into the story.

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