The Struggle

By thatfanficwriter_

3.9K 173 152


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Concert Timee
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: "Whatever happens here, is gonna disappear.."
Chapter 9: Sleepover.?
Chapter 10: Sleepover Day 2
Chapter 11: Sleepover Day 3
Chapter 12: One Last Time
Chapter 13: "Now that's it's over..."
Chapter 14

Chapter 8: "I been thinkin' about ya daily.."

136 9 16
By thatfanficwriter_

Vanessa's POV

I'm laying in bed, when suddenly, someone starts tracing my face with their fingertips. They start poking my nose.

"You have a cute nose." The person whispers. That voice sounds very familiar but I have no idea who's it was. I see someone's curvy silhouette, but I still can't pinpoint who it is. Suddenly, the light cuts on.

No One's POV

The light cuts on, and Vanessa gasps.


Vanessa jumps out of bed and tackles Normani, who giggles and pecks her lips affectionately. "Happy Birthday." She then notices this is the same person she just saw days ago, and chuckles. "Yup, same person. Happy Birthday Babygirl." Normani stands up and hugs her, and that's when the others come in.

"Heyyyy it's the kid's birthdaaaay.!" Lauren exclaims, spinning her around before hugging her.

"Happyyyy Birthdaayyyyy Munchkinnn.!" Camila says, hugging her.

Ally comes in with a noise maker, and they laugh. "Happy Birthday.!" Ally hugs her.

"Happy birthday little one.!" Dinah exclaims hugging her.

"Uh...thanks." Vanessa says.

Camila is instantly confused. "What is it.?"

"Nothing. This is just...the best I've ever felt on my birthday."

"Aww." They all hug her.

"Well, we're glad of that." Ally says hugging her.

"Hey, I think there are some presents on that couch for a special someone. Think you could go check them out.?" Vanessa's Mom asks.


Vanessa goes in the living room, and they all laugh lightheartedly, astonished at how happy she is. "Aw.!" But, truth is, Vanessa never got many presents on her birthday. She got none, sometimes. She opens the one from Normani, and it's a Coach cross body.

"Yay.! I've wanted one.!" Vanessa says hugging Normani.

"You're welcome princess." Normani giggles hugging her and pecking her forehead.

Lauren gives her a beanie.

Vanessa's Mom laughs. "That's cute."

They all laugh, and Ally nods. "Yeah, I agree. That's really cute."

Lauren bows some. "Thank you."
They all laugh. Dinah gives her a snapback and speaker.

Camila gives her a Pikachu onesie.

"Pikachuuuu.!" They all laugh.

"You would Camila." Ally laughs.

Vanessa's Mom laughs too. "You must've known her obsession with Pikachu."

Vanessa opens the one from Ally, and it's a simple necklace, or so it appears. She starts examining the silver Swarovski crystals. She then notices it's in the shape of a heart with jagged edges, meaning there's other pieces.

"Me and Mani have the other pieces." Ally says.

"Yeah. See." Normani says as they connect them.

"Heyy that's cool.!" Vanessa exclaims, running her hands down the smooth sides. She takes them apart, and feels a jagged edge. That's when it hit her. Without them, her heart wasn't whole. She feels the best today, because they love her. "Thanks guys."

"No problem." They say. They don't go out anywhere special, but to the mall's food court after buying some things.

"This to me, is a delicacy." Vanessa and Lauren laugh.

"Lord." Dinah and Ally laugh. They finish eating, and Vanessa decides to ask Normani a question.

"Hey Mani."

"Yes princess."

"Why are you calling me that."

"You don't like it.?" Normani asks. Vanessa decides to play along.

"No. It sucks."

They all laugh, even Normani. "I hate you.! You made me fall for that."

Ally laughs. "Aha."

"Even if you didn't like it, I'd still call you princess."

Vanessa and Ally look at her. "You wouldn't."

"Yes I would. I'd go buy something that says "it's my birthday, and I'm a princess." Don't test me." Normani laughs. As they get in the car, FourFiveSeconds comes on the radio. Vanessa sings the first verse without realizing they weren't singing it with her, before they all join in.

The song goes off as they get back to their house. They go inside.

"Hey what's wrong.?" Vanessa asks her mom as she turns pale and ignores her. Vanessa goes over and hug her. And at that particular moment, they hear this loud banging on the door.

"HELLO.?!!! OPEN UP YOU LITTLE BITCHES.! BEFORE I KILL EVERY SINGLE KID ON THE BLOCK.!" Vanessa's dad says from behind the door. Normani grabs Vanessa and pulls her closer to her body.

"Lauren call security." Normani Dinah and Ally say in unison.

"Why I-" Lauren says as Normani cuts her off.

"Call the fucking security." Normani says through gritted teeth.

"And do it now before she beats your ass. Seriously." Dinah says.

"Okay okay." Lauren says putting her hands up in defense and backing up slowly

"Move it.!" Dinah and Normani say in unison as Lauren runs and almost falls.

"They'll be waiting around the corner in an unmarked car." Lauren says out of breath.

"Okay good." Normani Dinah and Ally say in unison. When they get to the room, Normani tries to keep a serious face but instead she breaks out in silent tears because of her crying and Dinah comes in, hugging both of them.

"Wha-" is all Lauren says before Ally's yelling cuts them off.


They all run toward the basement, grabbing anything valuable. Dinah grabs Vanessa and locks the door behind them, just as the door is kicked down. They put a chair and a bunch of other things in front of it. They all go downstairs and close the door as quiet as possible and lock it.

"We're safe now guys." Lauren whispers.

"For now." Dinah and Normani interject. "And the room is sound proof. meaning no one can hear us but we can hear them."

Vanessa looks around. "This is not a typical basement."

"BITCH HARMONY.! I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE IN HERE.!" He tries to open the door and kick it down. "Damn it." He says and they all laugh.

"How the hell did he find our house.?!" Camila asks.

"He could have seen us over here and you with us. Wait. You're probably right." Lauren says.


Dinah slings some acid in his face. Ally grabs some whipped cream and sprays it while his eyes are still closed. Lauren grabs some mayonnaise and dumps the whole jar on his face. Normani starts squirting some ketchup and then she decides to take off the cap and dump the whole thing on him. Camila decides she wants to help so she tears open a bag of marshmallows and sticks one on top of each of his eyes. "The icing on the cake." Normani says as she kicks him and he falls. She grabs a thing of glue and puts glue on his arms.

"Damn Mani.!" They all say and laugh.

"Yeahhh he's out cold. Now let's go." Camila says whispering the last part as they all get up and leave and drive back to the police station. They ask to see the same officer.

Vanessa's POV

"Hey. What's wrong.?" She says looking concerned as she sees me Normani and Dinah all come in.

"Ohh nothing that bad pft what.?" We all literally lie.

"Okay explain." She says sitting back. I just take out my phone and go to the video.

"You were recording the whole time.?!" They ask me surprised.

"Yup." I say laughing.

"That ending part. Was smart. Except for gluing him to the floor. Who's idea was that.?" She asked a while later.

"That would be me." Normani says bluntly.

"How is he gonna get up.?!" She asks.

"I don't know.! Plus it's only regular glue."

"If you read the label it says bonds skin instantly." I say looking at her.

"It does.? Oops." She says scratching her head and we all laugh, even everyone outside.

"We can't arrest him if we can't get him up girls.! Lord Jesus." She says laughing

"Oops.?" We all say at the same time. Even the people outside said that. She just laughs. She pages someone to give him a warrant and 20 minutes later the person comes in with a warrant.

"This arrest warrant will serve all charges, including previously dropped ones. Since they are recurring." She says as we walk out. "Thank you." We all say.

"No problem. My pleasure." She says.

"So like where do we go in at.?" I ask confused as we get back to the house.

"Yeah that is a good question." Ally agrees.

"So where is this mysterious person.?" The officer asks right behind us, before commanding various officers, "Go behind the house." "To the side." "Stay here." "Do you all wanna get in.?"

"Sure." We pile into the cruiser.

"I have an idea." I first end up in Normani's lap but then end up riding shotgun. "Problem solved." They all laugh and Dinah starts playing with my hair, which I could care less about.

I see him come out and the officer does at the same time.
"Officers gather.!" I see him running towards the car. Then all of a sudden this officer pops up out of no where and hits him with a taser.

"Yay.!" We all say in unison without realizing it.

"You can come out now.! He's in shackles and handcuffs.!"

I swear to Bob I've never jumped across two people so quick. They all looked at me surprised. "How'd you do that.?"

I shrug. "I don't know...Adrenaline.?"

"That sounds like more than adrenaline. That sounds like skills.!" Lauren interlocks her fingers with mine as we walk inside.

"So we have no damn doors now." Dinah says as we walk in.

"I can fix that." A guy says behind us. Camila turns around and starts pushing Dinah away and Lauren pushes Normani away into the living room.

Camila rambles out of her head, before pushing him out. "Uh yeah hi here's my number come back tomorrow between 9 and 2 okay thanks bye.!"

"What just happened.?" Normani asks.

"The guy came by to fix the doors and we said come back tomorrow." Camila said

"You can meet him when he comes back he was in a rush." Lauren says as she turns around and walks away.

"Was he.?" Normani says smirking knowing they're hiding something.

"Yeah." Camila says walking away. I go and try to walk away myself but Normani pulls me back.

"Got any idea what they are scheming.?" She asks me looking into my eyes. I look down and she holds up my chin, still smirking.

"Uh uh n n no. I d d don't h h have any idea." I stutter and run away. Dinah walks away too, well basically runs like I did. Normani starts chasing us, so we run upstairs and flop on the bed out of breath.

Normani becomes curious to where they are. "Hello.?"

Dinah and Camila come up with an idea. "Get in the closet.!"

So, we all get in the closet. But, Normani's bipolar disorder takes over her, so she becomes angry. "Come out of the fucking closet.!"

They all jump out immediately. "Okay okay. Sorry."

Normani immediately starts crying, what she said replaying in her head. "I'm sorry."

They all hug her. "It's okay."

Ally decides to look on the bright side. "At least you told us that you're bipolar, so we don't get mad."

Camila interjects. "Yeah, so we can tell the difference between when you're mad at us, and when you're just bipolar."

Normani sniffles. "Thanks for not getting mad."

Dinah decides to interject, as they hug her again. "It's okay, really."

Before I go to sleep, I go in the bathroom and fix my hair. When I come out, I go in my room to put on the onesie Camila just gave me, and put on some music through the new speaker Dinah gave me.
Eva, eva, eva (uh)
Oh, eva, eva, eva
(Fifth Harmony, baby)
Oh, eva, eva, eva
(Let's go)
Oh, everlasting love
(Another one)

Lauren hears the song playing and walks by my room, stopping it. "I hate the fucking track. If you want us to sing, we'll do it."

"Oh, well uh..okay."

Lauren smiles. "Okay."

"I hope you realize that I have been thinking about you daily ever since you left." Lauren says.

"Really.? Why.?" Vanessa asks. Lauren shrugs.

"Thinking...about what I could've done different, and said different." Lauren says, before Camila walks in. So, Lauren walks away. I feel Dinah's arms wrap around my waist while she sings softly, before walking out. Mani comes in, and hugs me while singing some.

No One's POV

Vanessa goes to hug Dinah, and it turns into a group hug.

"Thank you guys."


"The best birthday ever."

"Always. No need for thanks." They say.


"Night.!" We all say. Vanessa immediately goes to Normani, who giggles.

"Goodnight princess."

Suddenly she hears the voice of Vanessa's Mom.

"Thank you."

"For what.?"

"Giving her what I couldn't."

That's when Normani notices that Vanessa's Mom is sitting on the end of the sofa. So, she sits up, and repositions Vanessa slightly, which she adjusts to instantly, causing Normani to giggle again when she hears her light snores, before she continues the conversation with Vanessa's Mom. "What do you mean.?"

"I mean, like with all of you. Especially Dinah."

Dinah wakes up at the sound of her name. "Huh.?"

"Look what you've done for her. It's like, you've given her a reason to live in just a day. I've never had money to buy her anything she wanted, but it seems obvious that she doesn't care what she gets."

Ally wakes up too. "Yeah, I've noticed that about her. She just wants something reasonable."

Dinah decides to interject. "We were going to take her out to eat, but Mani and Ally are like "No, she won't like it. It costs too much."

"Yeah, she just wants something simple. I think the only reason she took my present is because she never had had a cross body or purse point blank period."

They talk for a while, before going to sleep.

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