Crazy In Love || Seth Rollins

By darkfield

338K 5.6K 1.3K

In which Olivia McMahon is afraid of love until Seth Rollins makes her feel otherwise. More

Before You Read This Book
Meet Olivia.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 || The End.

Chapter 3

13.4K 217 81
By darkfield

*Olivias p.o.v.*
I was walking around backstage when someone, once again, slapped my ass.

"What do you want, Seth?" I asked harshly and I could tell he was smirking.

"How did you know it was me?" I shook my head, "you're the only one who slaps my ass." "I don't know why I'm the only one." He said and put his hand on my ass.

I rolled my eyes, "get your hand off of my ass or I swear to god I will fucking kill you." "I'd like to see you try." "Don't tempt me." "Oh, I would love to tempt you." "I'm going to slap you." "You know what I've noticed? Your ass is almost as big as Kim Kardashians." "I'm gonna slap you." I warned him again. "I would love to put my dick-" I slapped him across the face and he stumbled back, holding his cheek. "Alright, ow." He mumbled and I smiled.

I skipped away and into the divas locker room to address the girls who had a match tonight since I didn't have one.

Everyone stopped their talking and looked at me, knowing I had news. I only came in here when I had to tell them something.

"Nikki and Brie have a promo. Naomi," I looked at her. "You're going to interrupt and, you know, say something about how you deserve her championship and stuff like that. Then, you guys are going to have a match." I said, looking between Nikki, Brie and Naomi.

I don't like a lot of the divas, but I have to tell them. "Thanks." Naomi said and the twins mumbled a 'thank you'. I nodded and walked out, going to the guys' locker room and telling them what match had been set last minute.

"Hey, Olivia." They all said and I smiled. "It's dolph versus Wade." "When?" Wade questioned in his beautiful accent. British peoples' accents are amazing. "Second to last." They nodded and said "Thank you." I nodded and walked out.

I walked to Stepahnies office and skipped in. I seem to be here a lot. "Hola, amigos." I said and sat next to my favorite authority member, Kane. He's a jokester, but can be rude as hell at times. He's never rude to me, though.

I'm pretty sure he's going to turn on the authority soon and I wouldn't mind that one bit. Why have Cooperate Kane when you can have Demon Kane? I'd rather have Demon Kane. And it seems like the WWE universe would rather have that Kane, also.

"Sup, bub?" I asked him. "Sup... Grape?"

We always come up with these weird nicknames every time we see each other.

One time it was giraffe and shortie. The other time it was orange and apple. Peanut butter and chips, paint and soda, etc. They don't make sense, I know, but we like to do it anyways. Most of the time the nicknames rhyme or they go together. Like apple and orange are both fruits, giraffe and shortie are opposite, peanut butter and chips are food/junk food. It mostly goes together. But, bub and grape? Nope. Those don't go together at all.

"I ran into Justin Bieber." I said, laughing. Kane called Seth Justin Bieber and I couldn't stop laughing when he did.

I was walking to catering. Food is kind of my thing. I grabbed a bag of chips and a handful of double bubble gum, stuffing it into my pocket. I grabbed a slice of pizza on a plate and a soda. I walked over to an empty table and pulled out my phone.

I heard a chair move in front of me but I didn't have to look to know who it was. "Well hello to you, too!" Seth exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. I scrolled through my Instagram, liking fans' posts that I follow.

"Why won't you answer me? Perhaps I buy you something? A salad?" "Perhaps not." I said and took a bite of my pizza.

"I try to be nice." "So, you 'try' to be nice by bribing me with a salad? First of all, hello no. Second of all, why the fuck a salad?" I questioned him and he shrugged. A salad. Ha! 'Salad' isn't even in my vocabulary.

"Watch your language." Randy said, walking past. "Oh, fuck. Sorry." I said, but then realized I said a curse word in my apology about cursing. Oops. Randy chuckled and I giggled.

I stared at Seth, "What exactly do you want?" "You." He mumbled, but then said, "Nothing." Me? Why would he want me? We hate each other. Maybe I heard him wrong.

I shook my head and threw away the paper plate that had my pizza on it. I opened my chips and then stared at him, "Could you like, maybe, go the fuck away?" "You know, you do curse a lot." "Yeah? Well, who cares?" "I do." "Well that sucks." I said and stood up, taking my chips and soda with me.

"You're such a bitch." Seth mumbled and I stopped in my tracks. "What did you just call me?" "I said, you're such a bitch!" He yelled, making people look over at us.

I opened my soda, that I didn't even take a sip out of yet, and dumped it on his head. He gasped and stood up when it was all gone. Idiot.

I walked over to get another soda and skipped out, but before I did, I yelled, "bye, Seth!" I said and smiled widely.

I went to Stepahnies office and told her that I was bored. "You could be a special guest referee for someones match." She suggested and I beamed, "can I?" "Sure. Which match?" I smirked. "Seth versus Adrian Neville." I said and she shrugged, "Alright. Just don't cheat." "Tell Seth not to and I won't." I said and went to change since the match was in 10 minutes.

I put the referee outfit on. It was a top that came below my boobs and had black and white stripes. I put on the black short shorts and kept on my black doc martens.

"And the special guest referee, Olivia!" I walked out and smiled at the crowd who was chanting my name. I walked down to the ring and looked at Seth innocently.

I slid into the ring and he walked over to me, "is this some kind of sick joke!?" I bit my nail-which was painted in black nail polish- and looked up at him through my eyelashes, "nope." I mimicked Dean and motioned for the bell to start.

Halfway through the match, Jamie got involved. I drop kicked him out of the ring, just in time to see Joey hit Neville with a steel chair. Oh, come on! He's a rookie!

I told the bell keeper to ring the bell and he did. "What was that!?" Jamie said and I leaned down to look him in the eye. "When I'm the referee you don't get away with anything." I said slowly but threatening. I slid out of the ring and walked up the ramp.

Dean, Roman, Dolph and a bunch of other superstars/divas have a club to ourselves for tonight. I guess you could say I was going to go into 'Brie Mode', just not with her.

I was drunk. Horribly, horribly drunk. Dean and I were laughing and this clubs' names for their drinks.

"The- the penis scraper!" Dean yelled and I laughed loudly and couldn't stop. I stumbled, still laughing my ass off. "The- the pe-penis scraper!" I laughed until my stomach hurt and I couldn't breathe.

I walked into somebody and before I could fall, they caught me. I looked up, still laughing, to see Seth. That just made me laugh more. I patted his chest and walked away.

"Who's next on the stripper pole!?" Some guy questioned and I gasped, "Me!" I yelled and stumbled on the stage. "Get off of there right now!" Dean yelled, laughing. "Olivia! Get down now!" Seth yelled and I shook my head and hiccuped.

I put my arms on it and lifted my body so my legs were on the top of the pole. I did that thing that strippers do and twirled my body around before I got off. 'Okay, Olivia, get down. Your dad is going to kill you.' I thought to myself and hopped down while the small crowd cheered.

I walked back over with Dean while we looked at the menu again. "Does that say... The pussy chopper!?" I yelled and howled with laughter while Dean fell out of his seat since he was laughing to much.

"The cock whisperer!" Roman yelled and I laughed again. "Who the hell came up with these?" I said and laughed.

"I think I'm going to go." I said, still laughing and Dean and roman nodded. "We're coming too!" They yelled and we walked out.

We were skipping down the street singing uptown funk. I tripped over my two feet and fell. I burst out laughing, but pouted when I saw blood running down my leg. I took my stupid heels off and put them in my hand. I carried them the rest of the way while we were still singing.

"I fucking love myself! I love you, Emily! I love you, Roman! I love meeeee!" Dean yelled/sang and I laughed loudly.

I walked into my hotel room after making sure Roman and Dean got to theirs safely. I threw my heels in my suitcase and went into the bathroom.

I looked at my knee and got all of the dirt off of it, "Where the fuck is all of this blood coming from?" I mumbled to myself as I saw there was no scrape. I touched it gently and winced when my hand ran across something hard.

I pulled a piece of small glass out and blood ran down my leg. I shrugged and got a bandaid. I put it on and then cleaned the rest of the blood off of it.

I stumbled into bed and plugged my phone in before falling asleep, still in my dress.


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