Falling for The Freak (Eddie...

By strangergvf0423

833K 23.3K 45.8K

(Y/N) just moved into Hawkins for her senior year of high school and already she's being shown the ropes. Aft... More

Welcome to Hawkins High
Meeting 'The Freak'
A Week into Hawkins
A Hawkins Party (Pt.1)
A Hawkins Party (Pt.2)
The Tired After Party
Catching Up
The Movie
The Start of Something New
Late Night Talking
The Hideout
Jealousy, Jealousy (Pt.1)
Jealousy, Jealousy (Pt.2)
Bittersweet Company
The Funeral
The Distraction
A Much Needed Girls Night
Losing Him
Discovering the Truth
We Could Be Heroes
The Thought of You
The Waiting Game
Tears and Rain
Harrington (Pt.1)
Harrington (Pt.2)
With or Without You
Juliet's Secrets
This Is What Falling In Love Feels Like
Harlow's Diner
Nightmares From The Past
Friendsgiving (Pt.1)
Friendsgiving (Pt.2)
Cleaning Up The Mess
Making Amends
Love and Glory
Kicking Names and Taking Ass
Thanksgiving (Pt.1)
Thanksgiving (Pt.2)
The Cunningham Effect
The Kidnapping
The Feared Past and the Doomed Future
The plan ~without a capital 'P'~
The Master of Puppets
Fine Line
Everyone Requires A Plan
A Winter Romance
The Snow Ball (Pt.1)
The Snow Ball (Pt.2)
A Chaotic Morning
Hey, Hey What Can I Do
Team Work Makes the Dream Work
Growing Up & Falling Apart
My Love
Hungry Like The Wolf
You're Dead, Wheeler
A Winter Wonderland (Pt.1)
A Winter Wonderland (Pt.3)
Sweater Weather
Crazy In Love
My Mind is Drifting Away
Dreaming in Reality
Preparing for BAT-tle
Why Didn't You Run?
The Beginning of the End
Broken Bells
Your Protector
Tentpole Shangrila
The Weight of Dreams
Christmas Day (Pt.1)
Christmas Day (Pt.2)
Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner
Okay? Okay.
New Years Eve (Pt.1)
New Years (Pt.2)
Upside Down

A Winter Wonderland (Pt.2)

4.6K 156 257
By strangergvf0423

*quick note: I'm adding in a band that's not from the 80's, so just imagine they are please and thank you <3*

"Eddie." I whined. "Eddie, no." 

"You'll be fine. Just trust me." Eddie told me as he gave me a slight push, sending me on my way. I sucked in a breath and tried to stand up straight, but I was too scared. Instead, I leaned forward and made my balance worse. 

"You've got this!" Will cheered me on. I looked over to him giving me a thumbs up at the same time that El ran into him and pulled him down onto the ice. I laughed as they tumbled to the ground and shook my head. As I turned my head back around, I ran into whoever stood in front of me. I was about to fall back, but they caught my arm and pulled me up. 

"See? I told you I would catch you." Eddie winked. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned back to where he was standing before. 

"How did you get over here so fast?" I asked him. 

"Darling, you were moving as slow as a slug. I think Juliet did circles around the rink twice by the time you reached me." Eddie smirked. 

"Well, it was a long distance." I stuck out my tongue.

"It wasn't even ten feet." Eddie corrected me as he laughed. 

"Whatever." I smiled. Eddie grabbed both of my hands and pulled me along with him as he skated backwards. "You're such a show off." 

"Hey, I mean I can let you go." Eddie joked as he tried to pull his hands away from me, but I tightened my grip and pulled him closer to me. This made him laugh before kissing my head and carrying on. 

"Come on, Dustin." Juliet hollered as she dragged him around the rink.

"Just hold on." Dustin squeaked as he tried to keep up with her fast skating. 

"El." I turned my head to see Mike freaking out as she giggled and watched him struggle. He was gripping onto the side bar for dear life, begging for El to help him, but she just laughed, making me laugh. 

"(Y/N), look!" I turned to see Nancy showing off her twirling and skating tricks. I huffed out a breath and gave her a look. 

"Really?" I laughed.

"Yeah." Nancy winked at me.

"She's never going to learn if you don't let her spread her wings and fly!" Chrissy came out of nowhere and snatched me away from Eddie. Nancy smiled and grabbed my other arm. 

"Eddie, help me." I gave him a look, but he just shrugged and mouthed 'sorry.'

"It's time to learn, little chicken." Chrissy patted my head as she stood behind me. "Fly little bird!"

"Chickens don't fly!" I screamed as she gave me a hard shove. 

"They don't?" I heard Chrissy question herself as I reached my arms out, making sure I was prepared for when I fell. 

"It's just like roller skating. Move your feet like this." Lucas came up beside me and helped show me the movements. I tried to do just that, but instead of looking like his skating, I was wobbling around. 

"There you go. Keep trying." Max was on my other side cheering me on. I took this encouragement from both as the emotional boost I needed and stood up straighter, skating the correct way for once. "Eddie, look!"

"That's my girl!" Eddie cheered, making me blush as I smiled over at him. 

"Aww, my heart." Luke joked as he placed his hands on hi chest in a heartfelt way. "You two are just adorable." 

"You're just jealous." I shook my head as he skated backwards in front of me. 

"Am not." 

"Are to."

"You don't know me." Luke put his finger out and bobbed his head as he spoke with attitude. 

"I wish that were true." I smiled sarcastically as I skated past him, feeling more confident with my very small skating skills. 

"That hurt!" Luke yelled. I laughed and began my journey around the rink. I was finally liking ice skating for the first time in my life. Who would've ever thought. 

After about an hour of skating around, we decided to head over to the arcade and play some games. I was fully distracted by Dustin as he screamed at the game and never noticed that half the group was gone, including Eddie. I went to go find him, but someone pulled me back. 

"This is our song!" Juliet sounded like a fangirl as she smiled wide at me. I listened closely to the song and noticed it was the band that we both loved. That was when Juliet started singing, jumping and spinning me around. It was quite convenient that it popped on at the same time I went to go find Eddie, but I accepted my fate and gave in to the dancing and singing. 

"Sugar don't you worry
Don't you shed a tear
They've got enough black gold
For another year." We sang to one another as we shared our sisterly bonding moment. It made this day even better, which seemed impossible, but it seemed like today was shaped to be the most perfect day that I've ever experienced. 

As we came to the end of the song, Juliet threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged her back.

"I'm so glad you're my sister." Juliet spoke into my ear. Before I could say anything back, she left and ran away at the same time that the rest of the group walked back in. 

"I am starving!" Luke complained. 

"We're about to eat dinner, relax." Stacy rolled her eyes at her brother. 

"Let's go, children. Follow the leader." Robin called out as she raised her hand. We all huddled around her and followed behind as she led us out, except for Mike. He tried to walk alone. "Don't make me write you up, Wheeler." 

"Kiss my ass, Buckley." Mike called back. 

"I'd rather throw myself off a bridge than do that." She yelled, making Mike turn around and flip her off. 

"Don't be an ass just because you're all embarrassed from falling down the whole time, Wheeler." Steve warned him. We all snickered to ourselves as we watched Mike turn bright red. 

"El, what the hell?" Mike complained as he saw her giggling to Juliet and Max. 

"What? It's funny." She laughed. 

Juliet's POV

Somehow I found myself falling behind the group, allowing someone to grab my arm and pull me behind a wall. I turned around in a panic to find Blake. 

"Hey." He smiled down at me. 

"Why in the hell are you touching me?" I asked as I pushed his hand off of me. 

"You're still mad at me?" Blake asked. I gave him a look of disgust and confusion. 

"Why would I not be? I told you to stay away from me." Something caught my eye, so I looked down at the new cast that sat on his arm. I smirked at the fact that he actually broke something and it felt a little nice that it was because of me. He deserved it. 

"Well I'm not going to." Blake told me with attitude. He made me nervous as he gripped my wrist again and tried to drag me away.

"Ed-" I panicked as Blake put his nasty hand over my mouth. 

"Chill out." 

Eddie's POV

As I walked down the hall, I felt a sinking feeling inside of my gut. At that same time, I heard someone yell something that sounded like my name. 

"I'll be right back." I told (Y/N). She nodded and I went to walk down the hall, but not before grabbing a confused Steve Harrington. 

"What's going on?" Steve asked. 

"Something's wrong." I simply told him. "Where's Juliet?" I felt my heart begin to speed up, causing me to panic at the thought of Juliet going missing. 

"Was she not with the group?" Steve asked as he followed behind. 

"I don't think so." That was when we heard mumbling from behind the wall beside us. As we turned the corner, I immediately saw red. I grabbed the boy by the collar and slammed his back onto the wall.

"I-it was nothing, I swear." The boy panicked. 

"Is this the little shit that you told me about?" I turned my head towards Juliet, who was being held by Steve. Not long ago, Juliet came to me about what happened in the arcade with him, begging me to keep it a secret from (Y/N). It hurt me to keep a secret from her, but I didn't want to lose Juliet's trust, so I kept it to myself. I was livid when she told me about that day. Juliet had to stop me from leaving and going to find him, but now she couldn't do that. "I'm going to beat the living shit out of you." 

"No, please don't. Luke! Luke, tell him to stop." I turned my head and found Luke staring between us. 

"What's going on?" He asked. I didn't say anything, instead I looked over at Juliet for permission. Once she nodded, I looked back at the kid. 

"This asshole has been forcing himself on Juliet and won't leave her alone even after she told him to." I growled as I pulled him off the wall then slammed him onto it again. He was ruining my perfect day with (Y/N) and bothering Juliet, putting him in serious danger at the moment. 

"Blake, what the hell. Is this true?" Luke asked in anger. He already knew it was the truth, but I guess he was giving the kid a chance to admit the truth. 

"N-no." He tried to deny. 

"You again?" Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Max showed up around the corner. "Did he touch you, Juliet?" She bit her lip and nodded, making Dustin's face turn bright red. 

"You're dead now." Lucas shook his head. Blake looked back at me with a scared look as I went to swing my arm back, but it was caught by Luke.

"Hey, let me handle it. The little dude is underage and you're old as hell, so I don't need you getting arrested for beating up a minor." Luke then grabbed Blake's arm and marched him to the back of the building with us following quickly behind. Once outside, Luke threw Blake at the wall and stood back.

"Here's how it's going to go. We're going to beat the shit out of you and then you're going to never, and I mean never look or touch or even talk to Juliet ever again. Do you understand?" Luke ordered him. 

"Can we skip the beating part?" Blake nervously laughed. 

"Skip the best part? Fuck no." Luke laughed menacingly, making Blake's face drop. "Alright, who's first?"

"Me!" Max spoke up before anyone could and walked up to Blake. She gave him a sarcastic smile before bringing her knee up and hitting him hard right where the sun doesn't shine. Blake fell to his knees, allowing Max the perfect shot. She swung and punched him in the jaw, making Blake groan in pain. 

I hated to stand there and watch. I wanted to be the one that had my shot at beating him, but Luke had a point, so I crossed my arms and enjoyed the show. 

"Juliet, it's your turn." Luke encouraged. She looked over at me and I smirked at her while giving her a nod. Juliet smiled and walked up to Blake as he laid on the ground. She surprised us all as she squat down beside us and grinned darkly at him. 

"I'm not wasting my time on you, but next time you try this shit I will make sure you never do it again." Shivers ran down my spine from the darkness hidden behind her words. She spit next to him before standing up and nodding towards us. Luke let out a couple more insults before walking away with the kids, leaving Steve and I with Blake. 

Steve looked around before making eye contact with me and shrugging, giving me the go. I smirked and went over to Blake, grabbed his collar, and punched him in the jaw, knocking him out completely. That felt extremely satisfying. I wiped my hands together before standing back up. 

"What should we do now?" I asked Steve. 

"Let's put him at one of those booths then go. He should be fine, right?" Steve shrugged again. 

"I mean, I would leave him out here, but I don't want to be slightly responsible for him freezing to death. I don't need that on my conscious." I told Steve as we both grabbed an arm and dragged him inside, leaving him on the closest booth to us without anyone noticing. 

"There you are!" (Y/N) ran up to us as we walked back out of the side door. "Where were you guys?"

"Just goofing around." Steve lied as he walked away before she could ask any further. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at me, but I just smiled and threw my arm around her. 

"Dinner time." 


Author's Note

I'm being a tease, I know, I'm sorry! Part three will be up today though :)) 

I wanted to keep this book strictly 80s, but I already added Matilda, so what's the harm in adding a little more? 

Do you guys like the thought of some modern music popping up in the book or would you rather it be only 80s?

How do you feel now that Blake got what he deserved? I feel pretty great about it.

Song that was mentioned: Black Gold by Houndmouth

Sprinkling snowflakes your way,

- E

P.S. I love how passionate you guys get with some of this stuff. It's great reading the comments :) I'm always cracking up lmao

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