The Devil With Blue Eyes

By Queendani2u

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Desiree Burnett discovers that sometimes, the most dangerous demons wear bespoke suits and hide behind a cha... More

old flame
Fail Safe

lets dance

17 0 0
By Queendani2u

he came back he had a suit on and his face had been freshly Shaved. The beard that was there were replaced by a smell of Cologne and shave cream as he sat across from me.

Stay focused, don’t get distracted. I told myself while cleaning all The Dirty thoughts from my mind. He placed a small stack of paper on the coffee table and looked up with me with an intense look through his eyes.

 “lets discuss  these papers for a second .” “this is a bonding contact giving you complete access to any place I go to.”

 “My agent bought it to my attention that you like to shadow your clients to learn about them on a personal level.” “so I had them adjust the contract to fit your needs.”

“how did you find out that I like to shadow people that’s private information and only a few people know?” my eyebrow lifted. “a little birdie told me.” He hints with a infatuating smile on his face.

“I might do something different this time.” I lied through my teeth. “I have a lot of office work to catch up on.”

 “o come on this will be fun” he nudges me with his elbow. Come up with another lie ,  I told myself.

 “if you don’t come I’ll have to pick you and drag you along.” He stated not giving any room to get out the deal.

“fine you’ve pushed me into the corner.” I huffed. “I think that ends our meeting.” I stand up quickly.  

“you have somewhere to be” he frowns. “yes me and my sister is supposed to go  out to eat.” I added.

 “oh I thought we could catch up a bit.” He looked unhappy. “ill take a rain check for another day.”

“yeah maybe we can get together for lunch when your not busy” I said while looking away. I had to get out of this apartment his scent is intoxicating.

 I could feel my thoughts consume me as I spiraled into a fantasy that shouldn’t exist. My heart rate started to slow down as I made my way to the elevator.

 Trap  music was playing in the background as I practice my breathing exercises. I didn’t realize the effect he had on me until we was alone.

I didn’t have time to stand around and think about it. I’ll place it on the back burner and  come back to it later.

 On my way to the my sisters house I stopped by the store to grab a snack. “hey Dee what’s the story you have to work on now.” Mr. Lee asked while holding the door for me.

“this time I  might do a story on a ex fighter I haven’t made a final decision on my story yet so it should be interesting and different for me.” “what type of fighter is he if you don’t mind me asking” he patiently waits behind the counter.

 “ o sorry he a Mixed martial arts fighter.”  “ he’s a friend that I knew back in college.” I pointed out.

 “o so an old flame this is what you need”  Mr. lee winked. “Mr. Lee what did I say about us talking about my dating life” I rolled my eyes.

 “Yeah, yeah I know” “but you’re to young to just throw your youth away,  all you do is work”

“ live a little go out and meet a guy” he pressed on. “I don’t have time to go out and meet new people” I signed.

“but for your sake I’ll give it a shot.” “I’ll see you tomorrow” “you too and enjoy your night and be safe” he smiles while holding the door.

 I started to head down Plinth street, with  my sister's house is right on the corner.  Before I could get out the car Come on she pulled me into a big hug.

 “ Alright , alright I can't breathe.”  I acted sarcastically. “ Come in and tell me about your job” Monique grinned while she releasing me.

 “Why is everyone so interested about my job today.” “ Maybe because Mrs. Big shot  over here is working with a celebrity.”  She placed her hand on a counter.

 “Everyone wants to hear the scoop before you put your article out.” She excitedly points out.  “ Well you know I don't spill the tea that's part of my contract with the clients.” I addressed her.

“ I know I’m your twin sister , and you won’t tell me anything.” She rolls her eyes. “ You know I have to keep this at a professional level with everybody I work with.”

“If anything gets out, that will be my ass and my job.” “Alright, I won’t push any further.” She holds her hands up.

“ now what are you doing to wear to our outing.” She asked looking me up and down. “ because you are most definitely not going to be wearing that.” She points to my outfit.

“I was going to cook but you look like you to get out and have some fun.” She pointed out “why you say that” I frowned.

“girl have you looked in the mirror” she raised her eyebrow. “And that out fit got to go” she pointed to my cloths.

“Why not it doesn’t look that bad” I looked down at myself. “No ma’am come to my closet”

 “you’re not about to look like you just got off of work.” Monique snapped her fingers. Once we got to the closet she pulled a black and red dress out.

 Each dress was styled different but was both equally beautiful. “pick one” she grinned. The red dress seemed tight not showing to much skin.

The black seemed to scream hello look at me I’m here. “I’ll wear the red dress it looks more reserved then the black.” I explained.

“Are you sure this is the dress?” she playfully waved it.  “yes I’m sure stop playing so we can go” I laughed.

 I quickly did my hair and stopped by the mirror to get a quick glance of myself. “Come on hobbit we don’t have all day you look great.” She grabbed my hand and tugged me out the door.

 She snatched the key out my hand and raced to the drivers side. “You are such a kid sometimes” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m driving , you always drive by the place every time.” She exclaimed. “Well maybe if it wasn’t in a bad spot I can see where to turn” I hinted.

It took us 30 minutes just to get to the place. As you walking towards the building you can hear music blasting from the building.

As soon as the door open , you can see the live band  playing on stage.  The waitress grab the menus off the table and had us follow her to the dine in part.

“What would you two like to drink” she strictly asked. “ill have a fire ball to get the mood going and my sister will have a peach happy with strawberries its her favorite drink.”

 “alright I’ll get them going and I’ll be back to take your food order.” She cheerfully smiled. “you’re always attentive, its like you never miss anything.” My sister nudged me.

“with my job you have been on top of things and never miss a detail when it comes to a story.” I grinned. “ but I guess I’ve always been like that” I looked off into the distance.  

Gabriel 's POV

 "Austin come on man I really want to check this place out on palm street" " what is it called again hot mist?" I asked.

 "Yes you're always trying to check out something new" he points out.  "Man you have to get out there be adventurous" I elbowed him.

"Right I could be getting my beauty sleep right now" he yawned. "You're always sleeping this will be fun I promise you" I started the car up.

 We arrived to the place with paparazzi flashing cameras everywhere. "These people are irritating follow me I know a guy that will get us in" I pointed to a guard near the side door.

"You slow pokes hurry up before they notice you." Jeff waved us into the side entrance. "Thanks Jeff take the Mrs. out" I handed him a few hundred.

 "Man don't worry about it keep your money let's just say we are even from that deal we made." He holds his hand up. " what deal you made" Austin winks.

 "none of your business." I growled. "calm down Wolverine just asking a question" he rolls his eyes.

"Let's just say I know people and leave it as that.  We headed to the back of the dine in and waited for the waitress to come back.

A waitress was carrying a fire ball and peached alcoholic drink. "Is that Dee?" Austin asked. "She looks hot man let me go talk to her."

"Hold your horses and let me check to see first." I sneaked  up to the table slowly not wanting her to hear me coming. "I know you like to shadow people but I didn't think you was that serious about your job." 

 She turns around  with a smirk on her face. "Mr. Blackwood I'm pretty sure some lucky girl out there would love to follow you around" "but I'm afraid I'm of the clock on this one."

"Why don't you follow me I have a surprise for you" he holds his arm out. " give me a second so I can tell my sister and her girlfriend where I’m going."  I watched her walk off and happened to catch a glance of her  ass.

"Fuck this is a bad idea" I whisper. "I’m ready" she yells above the music. "Jesus you scared me" I jumped.”  “good someone has too once and a while.” She puts her arm under mine.

We go down two tables before we stop by mine.  "Hey big head" she pokes at Austin. he looks up from his phone with a shocked look.

" it was you I was wondering why big head wasn’t answering his phone." He laughs. He pulls her into a hug and gives her a big squeeze.

He looks up at me and winks before pulling back. That little shit is really trying to push my button tonight. "You look beautiful as ever are you dating anyone?"

"Austin" I snapped "what I'm just asking you?" He shrugs his shoulders. "No I’m just enjoying life for a bit" she smiles.

 "How you been doing Mr. can't answer his phone" he puts her hands on her hip. She looks cute pouting like that I wonder what she would look like on her knees.

 "What are you thinking about creepy" Austin smirks. Little fucker knows what I'm thinking. "Nothing I just spaced out" I fixed my face.

"Austin stop picking on Gabriel  and hand me your phone" she elbows him. " Alright that hurts" he pouts. "Next time answer the phone and don't ghost your friend" she smiles.

"Okay mom" Austin chuckles. "I’m going to go make a call I'll leave you two love birds alone. " we are not love birds" we shout at the same time.

 "Right y'all even finish each others sentences." He pokes fun at us before pushing through the crowd.

She moves over into the table bench as I wanted to the waitress to bring her drink over. She took a sip of her drink and started to fade into the distance.

 “Let’s go for a quick dance?” She whispers. She tugs me along to the dance floor.  While we was dancing she kept stepping on my toe.

  I placed my hand on her chin and lightly lifted her face up. “what are you thinking about” “ you seem far away” she seem surprised and taken by  the friendly gesture , a blush formed across her face.

 “Nothing just have a load of work to do tomorrow.” She pouts “ why don’t you get out your head and enjoy the night.” I rubbed her  cheek.

I removed my hand quickly “wtf am I doing” I thought to myself. “I might just do that .” she swirls out. I pulled her back in and we danced in our own circle.

Her smile was intoxicating it could brighten up the whole room. “I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time.” I stated.

“I don’t get out much its work, go home, and work.” She replied back.  My mind drifted back to the fight that’s coming up and how it was important for me to win.

 I bought myself and brought my self back to my partner. Her brown eyes seem to look right through me. “ once she noticed that I was looking back at her she looked away.

“Something never change” I laughed. “I don’t know what your talking about” she stared into my chest.

“Well you keep blushing you will be as red as that dress you have on.” I laughed harder. “ I think you just like picking on me” she punches me in the chest.

“Its fun watching you squirm.” I smiled. “Come closer” she tippy towed. “You keep playing you’re going to start a game you can’t finished” she whispered in my ear.

“O really” I slide my hand down her back. She tries to make a escape for it. “You’re not the type that tries to seduce a man then make a run for it are you” I pull her closer.

“You tried to seduce me” she squeals. “okay Mrs. whisper in people ears.” , “its getting crowded let’s go rest our feet. She changes the conversation.

Austin has those stupid smile on his face like a mad man planning an experiment. “hey man I have to go my girl Is in town” he changes his expression.

“Austin you should bring her here next time” Desiree grinned.  “ he doesn’t have” he elbowed me.

 “I will and take care of this idiot while I’m gone he likes to wonder” he jokes. We sat back down at our table and took a sip of our drinks.

An  awkward silence went throughout the table. “So what have you been up to lately?” I asked. “I keep my self busy during the week”

“on the weekends I spend a little bit of time with family” she states. “ but it’s always another article to write or another interview to tackle.” She points out.

 “well look what we have here” someone says from behind me. I look up its my rival Nate Townsend and his Posey. “what do you want Nate?” I irritably asked.

“just wanted to see why this beautiful queen hanging out with a pussy ass nigga” he smiles.  “well if you open your eyes you can see we are enjoying each others company”

 “so can you take the drama somewhere else” I politely grinned. “ I might stick around for a little” he chuckled.

 “I’ll be back” Desiree whispers in my ear. As she starts to head for the bathroom he grabs her arm. “Get your fucking hands off of me” she snapped.

“O lady has some bite on her” he holds his hand up to surrender. Once she was gone Nate sits beside me.

 “Mmm I’ll like to fuck that” “is she good in bed?” He elbows me. “watch your mouth when you’re talking about her” I hissed.

 “o I can tell I hit a nerve.” “ good I want that same attitude when we meet for our match” he gets up from the table.

 When Desiree came back there was a shift in the air. “hey sweet cheeks stop by my place later I’ll give you a show” Nate winked. I went to get up but Desiree placed her hand on my leg.

“calm it hot head he’s just trying to ruffle your feathers.” She grabbed my arm . “ fix your face and relax you cant afford to get in trouble.” She jabs me on the side.

I look up to see her helping her  Sister wobbling to the table with her girlfriend. “three more drinks” she pouts while holding up two fingers. Desiree rolls her eyes.

“alright 3 shots and I’m taking you home.”  The waitress sat three shots of fireball at the table.  “you know your sister is gone right” I laughed.

“I know I just wanted to finish these drinks” she laughed back. “why don’t we go for another dance” she says with a  flirtatious smile. “anything you want kitten.” I threw my arm around her.

 “you keep calling  me that I might just take you home” she winked. “I don’t think that’s a good idea” I said looking around. “and why not”  she blinked. “I want you to remember everything” I pulled her in.

 “you won’t be able to walk when I’m finished with you”  “ill like to see what those fingers  can do” she winked.

 “I’m trying to be a gentleman but your making it hard” “did I ask you to be” she pressed her butt against me. “Fuck” I cursed.

 I swirled her around and took her into a dip.  When I pulled her up she was looking at lips. “if you want a taste it so bad why don’t you come a little closer.”

I pulled her in . “l I don’t feel to good” her sister interrupted.    “why don’t I get you and your fiancée to the car and I get y’all both home.” She huffed.

“who’s that guy?” Her sister slipped while pointing. “an old friend” Dee smiled.   She grabbed her sister  and threw her arm over her shoulder .

“hey Gabriel  help me with the door.” She shouted back.  “you take the fun out of everything” Dee’s sister poured.

 “Trust me you’ll be thanking me later” she uses her hip to push the door open.  I helped her get the door open and she lays her sister in the back seat.

Her sister fiancée comes running out with their phones and purse. Desiree pops the hood and grabs a few bags from the back.

 “ if you need to throw up use this” she whispers to her sister. She lightly shuts the door and turns back to me. “well I guess that’s my cue”  she pouts.

 She climbs into the driver seat and starts the car. “I’ll see you tomorrow and text me when you get home so I know you made it okay” she says rolling the window down.

 “I will if I don’t end up falling asleep” I stick my hands In my pocket. “be safe I’ll see you tomorrow”  I chipped in.  As she drove off I climbed into my car and made my way to my apartment.  

As I was heading down kings street my managers name popped up on my phone. “ hey boss what’s up?” I asked. “hey buddy  your not going to like what I have say”

 “but its better  if you hear it from me.” He starts. “ George what the hell are you talking about” I turn the car speaker up.

“ well the news outlet caught a whiff of the cutie you was with and now its plastered every where” he sighed.

 “Nate that dirty little “ I stopped myself. “I figured that” George added “ I’m trying to clean the message up there’s only so much I can do kid” he adds.

“That’s fucking great more shit to add to the list of problems.” I snapped. “ kid waiting til you get home before you start doing some digging” he stated.

“Its not as bad as it can be” he points out. “ George you know how I am” “I like to keep a low profile and damn sure don’t like no shit heads poking into my business.” I hissed. 

“You know how personal the pressure can get.” I point out. “Trust me kid I know” he replied. “I’m going to push the article  out” he adds. “come on George” I yelled.

 “sorry kid but until this die down a little I feel it’s the best move.”  “ before pWhen you go for this  I need your head to be clear.” He says.

 “this will give you more time to focus on the company and get your head right” he implied.  I pulled my car into the garage, and took my phone off the stand.

 “I’m going to keep trying to get this message straighten up you call your girlfriend and let her know what’s going on. “Not my girlfriend just a friend” I snapped.

“my bad buddy just picking on you.” He hangs up the phone. I male it to my apartment and crash on the couch.

 It seems Mr. Blackwood has finally met his match.  The head lines stated with a picture of us drinking together.  Has he really moved on from his ex or is this just a one night stand.

 Another article posted with a picture of Destiny’s picture posted next to. I closed the articles and poured myself a drink.  “How the fuck am I going to fix this” I ran my hand through my hair.

 I clicked on Desiree name and just set there for a second. Gabriel : hey Dee when you get a chance call me , I made it home.  

“Something that’s short and simple and won’t cause her to panic.” I thought as I pressed send. I chucked the phone on to the couch and went to go take a shower.

 I hear keys rattling so I go to open up the door.  “ hey bud how was your night” Austin asked while leaning again the door. “get in so I can lock the door” I huffed.

 “what’s wrong” Austin asked. “a lot of shit just not in the mood to talk about it” I stated. “yikes was y’all outing that bad” he leans against the counter.

“I’m taking a shower we will talk about this in the morning.” I walked off.  Once I was finished up in the shower I got dressed for bed and turned the Tv on.

Every channel I turned to Desiree and me was plastered everywhere. “god fucking shit.” I hissed and threw the remote on my dresser.

 As soon as I was about to go to sleep Austin comes busting in my room. “damn dude I didn’t realize it was going to get this bad” he shows me his phone.

 “Austin I’ve already seen it” “that’s why I told you we would talk about this in the morning”  “ahhh my bad bro” he nervously rubbed his neck”

 “look I’m not mad at you I’m just have a lot on my plate” I stated. “I feel you bro I’ll talk to you later” he shuts the door.

Once I got comfortable I could feel myself drifting off to sleep. I started slipping into a dream state I was driving but I didn’t know what road I was on.

Sitting beside was Desiree she was singing and turning the music up that was playing on the station. The sun was shining through the window and her hair was blowing in the wind.

 For a second everything seemed calm, I couldn’t help but to smile. Then a loud screeching sound, the car tumbled, and glass was everywhere.

 I kept calling her name she just disappeared.  I wasn’t worried about how hurt I was, my mission was to find her. I climbed out the wrecked car to find her laying on the ground.

I made my way to her calling out her name. Her lifeless eyes opened “wake up” she whispered from her blue lips. I jumped up from the dream with my alarm going off.

 “Fuck” I hissed as I whipped the sweat from my face. “damn fucking alarm and damn fucking dream.” I turned the alarm off.

 I sat on the edge of my bed to get my thoughts together. “shit I’m going to be late” I snapped rushing to take a shower.

 I busted out the bedroom and into the kitchen to fix coffee. “Alexa message Mrs. Burnette assistant and let her know I will be late.” I yelled.

  “yes Gabriel  I can do that, will that be all?” Alexa asked. “that’s it Alex”  I popped a few grapes in my mouth and grabbed a health bar. Once I gave the room a good look around I shut the door.

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