>I Got my Eye on You<

Por _aiko_kasumi_

15 2 0

All of the dialouge I got is from the manga so yeah- Más

1 - Unexpected Events
2 - Entrance Exams

0 - Aki Kamihara Origin

8 1 0
Por _aiko_kasumi_




An unknown superpower that only a majority of the world's population can possess. Where only 80% of the population can acquire this special ability, whether it can be passed down from genes or come up randomly.

It all began in Keikei City in China, with the news of a bioluminiscent baby was born. After that, the 'expectional' individuals began popping up all over the world, the cause was unclear and tine passed, the 'expectional' became the norm.

However, to those who don't have quirks are quickly became outcasts and looked down upon by others. In fact, in a world full of quirks, there are those who want to create a society the way they want to see it and want to rebuild the world, those types of people are called villains.

But when there are villains, there are heroes. Heroes where they are able to stand up against villain society and bring justice and where they're the ones who protect the citizens who can't defend themselves and are quirkless. Everyone, quirks or no quirks, looked up to the Pro Heroes that fight for humanity.

Especially one certain person. He is most often referred to as the 'Symbol of Peace', but others call him by his hero name, 'All Might', he's currently located in Japan and takes the spot as the #1 hero...


"GET AWAY!" A strong voice yelled out as a Pro-Hero dodged his attacks and the villain kept destroying and attacking the train station, causing damage everywhere, luckily the people there were safe.

"Turning into a monster, what a crazy quirk!"

"What did he do?"

"A villain appeared.. That's right.. I'm at the train station.. Not sure when will I'll get in.."


Whispers, cheers and gasps filled the atmosphere as two students from Aldera Junior High School pushed some people from the crowd away to see the action above them, "Who's fighting him?" The male student gasped and looked at the fight in awe, "Holy dang, it's Kamui Woods!" The second male student exclaimed as his small tail waggled in excitement, "OH MY GOD- THE POPULAR YOUNG SUPER-STAR!" The first male exclamied as his hunter green eyes twinkled.

"A running commentary, huh? You two kids are fanboys?" And old man asked the two, "Nah, only this dude." The first male snickered as he pointed the male with his thumb, "N-No I'm not, heh heh." The male smiled awkwardly and blushed hard as the other male kept giggling over his embarrassment.

"Illegal use of abilities during rush hour, including robbery and assault. You're pure evil." Kamui Woods said as gets ready for his next attack, "You're punishment will be.." He said as his arm started to grow long big branches out of it.

"Take him down, tree man!" The old man cheered as the two students flashed a huge smile on their faces, "Here it comes!" The male squealed, "It's his 'Pre-emptive Binding..." The second male continued, "LACQUERED CHAIN PRISON!" Kamui woods yelled out as the branches surrounded the villain but as soon as the branches supposed to wrap around his body, a new Pro-Hero appeared.

"CANYON CANNON!" She yelled out as she kicked the villain on the face, completely knocking him out, possibly half of the skull is either cracked or broken. "Please to meet you all, my name is Mt. Lady. Today's my debut!" She introduced as she crouched down a little, making most of the male in the crowd blush, including the both of the male students themselves.

"It's her." A group of photographers gathered around and started taking pics at the female Pro-Hero, "Geez she's really strong. I like it!" The male student smiled as the Pro-Hero shrinked down to her normal height to talk with the reporters and as for Kamui woods, he sulked.

The male student got out his notebook and pen and started writing, "Gigantification, huh? It's a common and quite powerful quirk, but could the threat of public property destruction limit is use? Well... Depends on whether or not she can manipulate her size at will.." The male kept muttering and writing in his notebook as the old man and the other male student looked at him in confusion and in shock.

"Taking notes, heh? I guess you wanna be heroes. Good luck you two." The old man said as he smiled, "Thanks! We'll try!" The male said as he flashed a smile, "Midori-chan! Quick, we're gonna be late!" The male nugded and grabbed his hand, dragging him to their school.

"H-Hold on, S-Sai-chan! My feet are burning!"


"You guys are all third years now." The teacher said as he placed a stack of papers on his desk, "Its start to think seriously about your futures!" He shouted as he took one of the papers from the stack, "I would hand you out these career forms but.." He paused as he turned around, "I assume you all wanted to be heroes." He said as he dramatically threw away the forms whilst everyone activating their quirks, shouting and yelling 'yeah' in unison.

"Yes, you all have wonderful quirks but you know its against the rules to use them in school." The teacher scolded as the class starts to calm down, then we all heard a thud, right next to my seat. "Sensei, don't lump me in with these losers." He said as laid both of his legs on top of his seat and leaned on his chair. "As if I had anything like their crappy quirks, heh." He smirked as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

A group near his seat started to rage, "Get over yourself Katsuki-" "SHUT UP! EXTRAS SHOULD ACT LIKE THIS!" He shouted as he cutted them off, "Ah, Bakugo... You of course must be aiming for U.A. High School." That sentence made all of the students went silent, then after a few seconds everyone started chattering and whispering.

"That national school!? Their cutoff score this year is 79, right!?"

"I hear they barely accept anyone."

"U.A. High, hm." I thought as I do that 'type of main characters who look out the window' type of crap, U.A. is the #1 ranked high school for heroics and is considered as the top Hero Academy in Japan. That's why everyone wanted to be enrolled there and probably including me. It depends if my mom can pay the school payment, or I'm probably going to Shiketsu High since its a few blocks away from our apartment.

"Ah, the stupid chattering of extras." He said as he stood up from his chair, "I aced the mock exam!! I'm the only one here with the stuff for U.A." He continued as he jumped onto his table, "I'll even surpass All Might and become the best hero out there! Not to mention I'll be one of the most richest people in the world!!" He laughed histerically while he's on top of his table as I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"Oh. You're also going for U.A., aren't you, Midoriya?"

And that, everyone turned to Midoriya and then they burst out laughing as I clenched my hand into a fist, "The hell, just because he's quirkless or maybe a late bloomer like my mother doesn't mean he can't go to U.A.." I muttered as I glared at Bakugo, the one I despise the most. He made Midoriya's life a living hell ever since preschool, from what I heard from my classmates when I transfered here in Aldera Junior High.

"Huh!? Midoriya!? No way!!"

"Good grades alone can't get you into the hero program!"

Midoriya looked stressed as he tried to explain, "Th-That's not neccessarily true! Sure, there's no precedence but-" "Come on, Deku." Bakugo said as he used his quirk to throw Deku flying to the back of the classroom, I panicked and stood up from my seat, going to my injured friend. "Forget the crappy quirks, you're totally quirkless!" He yelled as he picked up Midoriya from his collar, "And you think you can rub shoulders with me!?" He questioned as Midoriya started to panic even more than before.

"Wa.. Wait, no, Kacchan. I wasn't.. saying I could compete with you, not at all. I mean it!" He said as hell fell on his ass and backed up against the wall, "Its just.. been my dream when I was little. And well.." He paused as his hunter green eyes slowly turned to me and then on the floor, "There's no harm in trying.." He muttered loudly, "Midoriya.." I sadly thought as I turned to Bakugo and the others laughing again. And the teacher didn't give any fuck about it.

Bakugo then started using his explosive quirk, "Try!? TRY WHAT!? The entrance exam!?" He yelled as his explosives starting to get smaller and smaller, "You're taking the exam just to 'try'!?", he then stopped using his quirk and smirked.

"What can you even do!?"

Midoriya sadly looked at the floor again, and then I snapped. "He is going to be the no. 1 hero." I said, it made everyone silent in a blink of an eye, "Sai-chan, you don't have to-" "HE IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST HERO THAN ALL OF YOU. Quirkless or not! Especially you, Bakugo." I said as I pointed at him, this made Bakugo gritted his teeth in anger and came at me stomping.

"And what the hell are you gonna do, Raccoon!? Throw a garbage can at me!? Leaving some fish bones on the floor!? Am I going to slip from a banana peel!?" He yelled as some of the students were laughing at his joke, I only glared at him. He then step towards me and leaned over to my ear. "And just so you know, get on my way and I will fucking break you into pieces, Enzo." That was all he said as he returned to his seat and everyone went to their normal school routine. All I can do was stand there, my body filled with rage.

"Sai-chan? Are you alright!" Midoriya asked as he gently placed his hand on my shoulder, I nodded and quickly went back to my seat, ignoring everything around me.


"Let's go to karoake!"

"I can't today."

"What are you guys doing this weekend?"

"Oh, let's go shopping for new clothes and probably some accessories!"

"Midori-kun! Have you heard about this morning's incident?" I asked as I went to his desk whilst he took out his journal notebook and held his phone, "Yeah, the incident is all over the net!" He said as he placed his phone inside his pocket, "Hey, wanna walk together to our apartment? On our way, I wanna show you something about my quirk. Maybe its gonna be helpful for that notes of yours." I said as he looked at me with a huge smile on his face, "Of course, but first I need to get my notes in order-"

But just before Midoriya was about to finish his sentence, Bakugo and some of his friends came to us and took Midoriya's notebook. "We ain't done here, you two." He said as he looked through his notes.

"What's that, Katsuki?"

"'For my future'? Seriously!? This guy, Midoriya..."

"Asshole, give it back!" I said as I tried to reach for the notebook but Bakugo held it high enough for me to not reach it. "Huh!? I thought your quirk allows you to transform or you're just an idiot who always bail out?" Bakugo said as he pushed me to Midoriya's desk, I winced. He then used his quirk to fully burn Midoriya's notebook and threw it out of the window.

"W-What the hell, Bakugo!?" I yelled as I stood up from the floor, "Hmph, the best heroes out there, well.. They show signs of greatness even as students." Bakugo said as he dusted off his hands, "I'll be the first and only hero from this crappy public middle school! The first to win the honor of becoming a student of U.A. High. I'm just a perfectionist." He continued bragging as he stepped forward toward Midoriya and placed his hand on his shoulder. "In other words.. Don't you dare get into U.A., Deku." He finished as smoke started to come out of his hand, making Midoriya shiver and panic as I clenched my hands into a fist. "Especially you. I don't want to see your dirty little ass when I get in U.A.." He said, referring to me, he then let go of Midoriya and walked out with his friends.

"Jeez... Typical, c'mon, say something."

"He can't say anything. He's so lame."

"Even as a third-year, he still can't face reality."

Bakugo stopped at the doorway, "You wanna become a hero so bad? I've got a time-saving idea for you." He paused as he looked at us histerically, "If you think you'll have a quirk in your next life... Go take a swan dive off the roof!!" And that's when Midoriya snapped, he was about to say something to him but Bakugo already beat it. "Yeah? What?" He said as small explosions started to come out of his hand, making Midoriya became quiet. They all left, laughing.

"Midoriya, I-" I said but completely cut off as I see him get his bag and ran outside the room, I quickly got my bag and followed him. A few minutes, I saw Midoriya getting his now wet notebook out of the pond. I slowly walked towards him and gestured him to let me take a look of the notebook's condition. He sadly gave me the notebook and I activated my quirk to duplicate it and gave it the new one to Midoriya.

"Sai-chan, what's it like to have your quirk?" He asked sadly as he looked at his notebook, I sighed and tried to find words for his answer. "Its either a blessing or a curse. But believe me, having my quirk is mostly a curse." I said coldly and looked up at the sky.

He looked at me in confusion, "Huh? But having your quirk seems pretty cool. You can transform, shapeshift, and even transfigurate!" He exclaimed as I sat there quietly, "Yes, I can do that since my quirk is based of a japanese myth creature, the 'Tanuki'. But like almost everybody's quirk, I have a limit. And you know how I used to live before I moved here." I said as hung my head low, letting my bangs cover my eyes.

Midoriya looked at me, his eyes combined sadness and worry. "Is your dad coming home today?" Midoriya said as he tried to change the subject, I shooked my head. "He isn't coming back until next month so its just me, my mom and my sis." We laughed softly. "H-Hey, didn't you told me you were going to show me something your quirk?" Midoriya asked as he prepared his pen and his notebook, I awkwardly laughed.

"Sorry, Midori-kun. But I'll show you sometime, Baku-chan ruined my mood." I said as I tied my hair into a messy bun, "I should get going, my mom is going to kill me if I arrive home late." I waved him goodbye and quickly ran to the bus stop.


"Mami! Akemi! I'm home." I said as I came in the house and removed my school shoes, I heard little thuds from the floor and completely greeted by a bear hug from a 7-year-old. "Welcome home, big bro!" Akemi said as she hugged me like a baby koala. "Welcome home, Enzo. How's school?" Mami asked as she washed her hands with a hand towel. "Meh, same old. Now get off me Akemi or the stinky boogie man will get you." I asked as Akemi screamed and let me go, then hide behind my mom's legs.

"No, not the stinky boogie man! He stinks!" She said as I laughed as I walked towards my room, "I'm gonna take a shower, I smell like shit-" "Enzo Saiki, no swearing in this house." Mami said with a little 'yeah' from Akemi. I laughed and responded with a 'sorry' and went to my after school routine.


I got out of my room, all clean and neat and walked to the couch and turned on the television and went through some channels until the news channel appeared out of nowhere. It was an incident about a slime villain who got someone as his hostage then a random kid tried to save the hostage and then All Might appeared, defeating the blob villain. My eyes widened as they revealed the hostage and the random kid, it was Bakugo and Midoriya, my heart dropped. I quickly got my phone and started messaging Midoriya like crazy.


Damn it!

I sighed heavily as I looked at the cieling, praying for their safety, hoping that they didnt get alot of injuries. My phone vibrated and I quickly opened it, seeing the message notifiaction.

I'm fine, Sai-chan
Sorry ;-;

I sighed again but with relief and smiled and started chatting the idiot.



Sorry again-
And don't worry
Me and Kacchan are fine
I got scolded by the heroes while
Kachaan had the opposite

The hell-
They should praise you not Bakugo!?

Its okay

I know damn well you aint okay

Atleast I met All Might :D

Yeah lol
Wait gtg
Mom's calling me


"Enzo." Mami said as she gave me a 'no phone's allowed' face on me. "Ah, sorry mami. Midoriya got into trouble again." I said as I shut off my phone and started eating dinner. "Oh, that Izuku kid? Wasn't he that quirkless classmate of yours?" Mami asked as she took a bite of her steak, I nodded. "He got into an incident with his friend at the mall today, I asked him he was okay."

She muttered an 'oh' then continued eating her steak, "Are you sure you're not inlove with Izuku-kun, big bro?" Akemi asked as she munched her corn, I laughed and shooked my head. "Midori-kun has been my best friend ever since we moved here, yknow. It's not like I'm gay or anything." I muttered as I kept eating.

As mami was about to say something, the door opened and it revealed step-father, "Hello, I'm home." He said as he walked towards us with a huge smile on his face as Akemi and I ignored him, "I'm finished. Akemi, wanna let me help you with homework?" I asked her as she nodded happily and lead me to her room as fast as possible.

"Big bro, has daddy been mean to you?" She asked as she closed the door and locked it whilst I sat on the floor and sighed. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Thus I have been planning on telling about this to mami soon when he's out work." I answered as I looked around Akemi's room, it was all white and pink. "Hey, Kemi. I wanna ask you somethin'." I said as I gestured her to sit down on my lap. "What is it, big bro?" She asked as she rose her head up.

I gulped and looked to a framed picture of me and her, "What do you think if you had a big sister?" I asked as her crystal blue eyes glistened, "Well, I'm going to dress her up and play with my dolls and do my homework." She said, giggling as I laughed at her answer. "Aww, she's going to go through alot just like me." I said as I started tickling her sides.

"N-No big bro!! Stop!! I can't take it anymore!!" She said between her giggles and laugh as she tried to kick me to prevent being tickled even more but it failed. "Okay, okay. Sorry." I said as I helped her stand up, "Ehe, but why did you say that, big bro? Yknow.. About having a big sis." She said with a pout on her baby face, I sighed and lowered my head to my chest. "I.. I wa-" "Hey, its already past your bedtime, you should go to your room, kid." Step-dad said as he entered the room.

I looked at him with a blank stare, "I thought Akemi locked that door." I thought as he held out his hand for me to grab, I sighed and stood up on my own and gone to my room. I locked the door and walked towards the mirror. With one glance, I yawned and immedietly yanked myself to a large single bed.

...to be continued...

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