Witch's Blood

By LittleTsukune

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Barbarian! Katsuki Bakugo x Hybrid! Female! Reader AU Mha/Bnha AU Thank you to @BizzyArtist (Xueyun) for help... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 15

408 11 22
By LittleTsukune

After three days of being on the road, we finally made it to Sunchel. We stopped at a wagon station to drop off the horses and Shinso tried to find the location of his master using the little mana he collected from traveling.

Thankfully he had just enough mana to track his master. If his master had been any farther he wouldn't have been able to track his exact location but just a general idea. We followed Shinso and I stayed very close behind Bakugo with Kirishima behind me. I kept my eyes on the ground, but I kept stepping on Bakugo's cape so I had to move to his side. The village of Sunchel was small, but it seemed lively and well.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kirishima whispers. I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm fine."

"Do you want to go back to the wagon?" I shook my head.

"No, I can handle it..."

"Why do you need mana again?" Shinso asked.

"I don't have magic, and I can't always purchase pixie powder. I can stretch mana a lot more than I can pixie powder. It's a plus if I'm getting it for free too!" I grinned widely as the mage stared at me.

"Shinso!" We all looked in the direction of the voice. A man with long hair and a black robe held out his arm lazily in the air.

Shinso's eyes widened and he began to jog toward the man crying, "Master!" We followed after him and the man's features became more apparent. The man who was the Archmage has greasy and messy hair, an unshaven beard, and a scar under his left eye. The Archmage studied and scanned us all from head to toe.

"I see you didn't find the prince yet," he said.

Shinso looked down at the stone street and shook his head. "I'm sorry master. But I found Midoriya and he was last with the prince!"

"I see you've grown stronger as well. An awakening?" Shinso nodded then stepped back to present me to the Archmage.

"This woman saved my life. I wasn't able to control the awakening. She and the princes have been traveling with me for a few days and I am indebted to her," Shinso said.

The Archmage studied me and I could feel his caution. "I thank you, Miss." He bowed. I lifted my shoulders in surprise.

"Oh no, It's alright! I'm kind of a wandering doctor!"

"But folks don't do these things for free, so what is it you want?" He got up and glared at me. I looked down in shame. I felt guilty. I do these things for free most of the time.

"She wanted a bottle of liquid mana. I currently do not have any mana, so I was hoping you could help me with that part, Master," Shinso nervously smiled.

The Archmage glared at Shinso and smacked his head. "Why you went and forced your awakening without knowing how to handle it is beyond me, but to make such a deal with a-"

"Archmage Aizawa, we've been traveling with her for a long time! She has no bad intentions!" Kirishima spoke. Aizawa stared at him and then Deku spoke up.

"Um, Archmage Aizawa, though I have not known her for long, I do know she is of no harm."

The archmage sighed and furrowed his brows. "I'm only agreeing to this because it is to return a favor. Follow me." This guy made me feel uneasy for some reason. He seemed to be familiar with everyone except me, so maybe he was just cautious of a new face. I can't blame him for that. It's fine. It's fine.

Kirishima gave me a nudge on the shoulder and mouthed an "Are you okay?" I nodded and gave him a smile. It felt uncomfortable to smile, so I just hope I didn't look forced. Thanks to the mana I'll be getting from one of the most powerful people in the world, I can use powerful magic circles to have the ability to protect my friends. I started to genuinely smile at the thought. It still felt odd, like it wasn't a real smile and I was just trying to convince myself. My smile faded and I stared at the back of the Archmage's robe.


The Archmage took us to a hotel and there were many other people who knew him. "Hey, Mr. Archmage Aizawa!" A girl with pastel purple hair and blue eyes smiled widely and started to sprint to us. "Oh my! What a sight the princes from-" She gasped when our eyes met. She started pulling my cheeks and squealing. "Oh my! Who's this cutie?! She's so adorable! I love your hair what do you-"

"Oi, hands off." Bakugo grabbed her hand and she looked at him without fear.

"Ohhh! I see what's going on here!" She grinned as she let go of me.

"Nejire, that's private information..." A shy man with a hood came over. I couldn't see what he looked like because he stretched his hood to cover his face.

Nejire pouted and balled her fists. "But Tamaki! This is the prince of Graevia here! He doesn't act like this towards just ANYBODY ! That makes me wonder what kind of person she is!" She stared at me for a bit until the prince covered me with his cape. "Sorry! Did I make her uncomfortable?"

"What's up with everyone and staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" I touched and felt around my face but I didn't feel anything.

Kirishima shook his head. "No, you look fine."

"Well, you are kinda ugly," the prince said. I just smiled and began to laugh. Everyone was shocked but I was surprised I didn't expect it. Even my laugh sounded a bit forced though. Kirishima expected it too but he still groaned. I looked up at the prince and started to tease him a little.

"Oh come on, Bakugo! You know you care about me a little bit!" He furrowed his brows but after I laughed a bit more he just grinned and ruffled my hair.

Someone walked through the door and shouted, "Archmage," a tall well-built man with blond hair and blue eyes called out.


"The suspect only bought medical supplies at the market. Other than that he hasn't come outside." the man said.

The Archmage nodded. "Good job, Mirio."

"Is someone hurt? Maybe I can help!" I said.

Bakugo scoffed. "He said suspect, the guy's probably a criminal."

The Archmage looked at me and narrowed his eyes. "I'll let you all in on what's going on.

Mirio nodded and lifted a hand to speak. "The owner of this hotel told us she had been seeing a suspicious guy around here lately. He first arrived a few days ago with an elf girl. She looked young and terrified. She was in a cloak, but she could still saw the bandages all around her body."

Aizawa crossed his arms. "What's very odd about this pair is that he uses magic, but it's magic we have never seen before. He is not an elf because he lacks the pointy ears trait elves have, but he is not human."

"Have you not tried to get closer to him?" Deku asked.

The four shook their heads. Nejire answered, "He has this Raven on his shoulder that alerts him if we're too close. After we try to talk to him, he's very..."

"Cautious and vague," Tamaki said.

I furrowed my brows, but I stepped up to ask, "Were his fingernails black?"

Everyone looked at me like how is this important to know. Mirio shook his head. "We're not sure about that... He wears gloves all the time, and he does his best to keep them on." That only proves my suspicion, but why is he a criminal? That doesn't make sense.

"I would like to try to get closer to him," I said. Everyone widened their eyes.

"Y/n, you can wait until they rescue the girl to treat her!" Kirishima said patting my back.

I turned to him and cried, "But I believe I'm the only one who can rescue her!"

Nejire laughed nervously with a worried smile. "Look, I'm sure you want to help the girl as much as we do-"

"Come here," the Archmage said. Nejire pointed to herself, but he shook his head and nodded to me. Nejire moved aside and I walked with the Archmage to the corner of the room. "You're a witch aren't you?"

I felt my body freeze and I looked at the man in horror. What was he going to do to me? Is he going to tell everyone? Did he prepare a cross? Please, I haven't done anything wrong-

"It's rare for your kind to leave the islands, and not many know about your natural nail traits. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. Everyone seems to trust you, and you saved my apprentice. Although, if you do anything suspicious I won't hesitate to send you to the plaza."

I nodded and let out my breath. "I understand... Thank you, Archmage... I just want to be seen as a person. I don't mean any harm."

"Your race has a bad reputation, but I try to only believe from experience. I apologize I misunderstood you."

I shook my head. "No, no, no! It's completely understandable! My family has done horrible things to your people! I don't blame you at all!"

He nodded and then asked, "Do they know?"

I shook my head. "No, they don't. If they did I wouldn't be standing..." He nodded.

"So, what do you know about this guy?"

I furrowed my brows. "I'm not too sure... This is only a suspicion. He wears gloves, has powers and abilities you cannot recognize, and has a raven on his shoulders at all times? I would think he's a wizard. If he is then the girl's probably not in danger and this is all a misunderstanding..."

"He's not a good person. Whenever someone aggravates him, he later causes misfortune to the person."

"That's unlike a wizard... they're meant to be nice to other races! That doesn't make sense!"

"I don't know much about your kind, but you should have a better shot at gaining his trust than any one in this room. One feels more comfortable with their own people."

I nodded. "I don't, but if it's to save that poor girl then I'm willing to take the risk." He pats my head as if I was a young child. Shouldn't he know I could possibly be older than he is?

"That settles it then. You're going in."

"Could I bring someone with me? I can't defend myself, as I am a magicless witch. I just specialize in medicine." He nodded then turned to the group. I added, "Bakugo's anger problems will get in the way, and Kirishima's presence will make him more wary of me."

"Dragons and witches don't mix. How far should we make them go? I can sense his magic but I'm sure it's different for wizards and witches."

"I know they're not going to willingly go far, do you think you can mask their presence a bit?"

"Just for a while. I'd say by myself about 2 hours max."

"I'll try to hurry. But who should I take?"

"Midoriya is cowardly and obedient as well as strong physically with the holy sword in his possession."

"He can't bring his sword. But can he keep my secret, and not be wary of me?"

Aizawa nodded. "He doesn't judge someone based on race, as do I. He will be surprised because of how much you differ from the rumors. You help humans instead of making them your slaves or brutally killing them. That's all?" I nodded. He nodded and walked back to the group. "Alright, Y/n is going in with Midoriya and the rest watch from above and below."

Everyone immediately began to stare at me and voice their disagreements. Bakugo's thundering roar shushed everyone down as he strode the the Archnage. "Hah?! Why is that bookworm bastard going with her?" He pointed to Deku and he looked at me in worry.

Kirishima pushed his voice above everyone else, "Mr. Aizawa, please reconsider! I'm not saying I doubt Midoriya's skills, but what if they're separated? She can't defend herself!"

Aizawa raises his hand and Kirishima's quiet once more. "My decision's final. Midoriya."

"Y-yes, Archmage Aizawa?" He asked gripping his pants as he stiffened.

"You can't bring your sword. Are you confident you are able to protect Miss Y/n without it?" the archmage asked.

"I-I..." Deku looked to me in worry. He wasn't worried for himself, it seemed like he didn't trust himself to protect me.

"You cannot always rely on that sword to protect your people. While it is extremely useful to win a battle, you have to be just as strong without it." The Archmage looked over the poor man and glared at him. "All Might was able to do it. As the new owner of the Holy Sword you must become just as great, if not greater than all the other kings combined."

Mario took a step and reached out to them. "Hey, Mr. Aizawa, I don't think you should-"

"No, he's right," Deku spoke. He looked up at the Archmage with a glare. It wasn't a glare of intimidation or anger, but rather determination. He looked to me and bowed. "I promise you I will protect you to the best of my ability."

I widened my eyes but smiled and reached down to grab his hands. "I'll be in your care then, Deku!"

"Oi! Let go of her, bastard!" Bakugo shouted. He came up and pulled me away with a sudden force. He hugged me and rested his chin on my head as he continued to shout at Deku. He really hated this guy. "Don't you fucking touch her with those hands of yours! Do it again and I'll cut your hands off and feed them to the wolves!"

His actions were cute but also unnecessary and uncomfortable for me. His chin was like a large spike poking the top of my head and it hurt as he shouted. I shoved him away and sighed. "I need him for the plan, so don't hurt him."

Bakugo then shouted at the Archmage. "Why does it have to be him? Hah? I am more than capable of protecting her without my sword that that fucker!"

The Archmage glared at the prince and a threatening aura encapsulated everyone in the room. "You are blinded by your emotions, too reckless, and often do your own thing without consulting the rest of the people involved."

Bakugo then looked down at the ground defeated. His fists were clenching tightly, I was afraid his nails would draw blood. I wanted to take back what I said, but I needed to save this girl so I couldn't. It was too late to go back now that everyone knows. Who knows what she's going through? I can't mess this up. We can't stay here for long, but I have to save this poor child.

"He's most likely not coming back out today, we can discuss more tomorrow," Mirio suggested. The Archmage nodded.

"Alright then. Get some rest, everyone." The Archmage was the first to leave. Tamaki and Nejire followed and now we just awkwardly stood with Mirio.

He smiled and put his hands on his hips. He was much tall guy but his smile made him approachable. "Well, we have a couple more rooms to share! We rented the place out for Aizawa to concentrate on his magic. He was looking for you Shinso. Obviously we got side tracked and stayed longer than we wanted." He waved us over to the stairs and we followed him to the rooms. "The guys can pair up, and of course the woman gets her own room!"

"Oh my, I feel so special!" I laughed as I put a hand on my cheek.

"Don't get lonely without us!" Bakugo snickered.

I smirked back and poked the prince's chest. "I can sleep by myself, unlike a certain in-denial-prince!" He shoved my hand away.

"Don't come crying to me if you get a nightmare again," he muttered. My lips pressed inward at his comment.

"Fine. I'll go to Kirishima," I retorted.

"Y/n, please spare me!" Kirishima begged.

"Alright, I'm too tired for this shit, I'm going to bed," Shinso said maneuvering around us. Deku awkwardly slid behind me to avoid Bakugo. Poor guy. Why did Bakugo hate him so much?

"We should get going, Bakugo! Come on!" Kirishima said putting a hand on the prince's shoulder. The prince huffed, but he went into his room. Kirishima turned back and asked, "Sure you'll be alright? You always wake up sweaty."

I nodded. "But I sleep just fine, don't I? I actually sleep earlier than everyone else, so don't worry about me!" His worry didn't seem to decrease.

"You sure you don't want to have a cup of tea before you sleep? I'm curious on how you convinced the Archmage to send you."

I shook my head and smiled. "I'm positive I'll be alright, Kiri. Your concern is very much appreciated though, makes me feel cared about."

The dragon frowned. "Of course we care about you. You've been having a harder time than any of us, and I can't fly."

I frowned as well. Sometimes I would see Kirishima staring off at the clouds and sigh. "You miss flying don't you? Don't think I don't notice." My tone was soft. I was trying to bring him comfort. Like a mother trying to console her upset baby.

He chuckled and rubbed his neck. "Can't get anything past you, can I?"

I nudged him a bit. "Wanna talk about it with his highness?"

He shook his head. "He knows about it. We talked about it when we were hunting. He can feel it too. The sorrowful feeling of longing."

"Want to come inside?" I asked. He looked at me and glanced away while he grabbed his arm.

"I really shouldn't." He was acting like he was going to get in trouble or something.

I smiled and grabbed his hands. "Oh come on! You guys help me so much, the least I could do is listen!" I opened my door and led him inside. I closed the door and hopped onto my bed. Patting my lap, I signal him to lie down on it. He stared at me like he shouldn't, but I kept patting my lap until he sat beside me and laid his head in my lap. I rubbed his back. "A majority of a dragon's life is in the sky... I could imagine how you feel, Kiri..."

"It's alright. Being ground-bound is only temporary."

I laughed at his rhyme. "Hahaha! Ground-bound." I sighed and ran my fingers through his bright hair. "Can the Archmage heal you? He's very strong."

He shook his head. "No matter how strong he is, he can't use healing magic. He's a necromancer, a type of dark mage, he can only revive dead creatures and control them."

I furrowed my brows. "Maybe I can use his mana then?"

"How would you be able to do it? It would be a dark black."

"With the right ingredients you can darken divine magic... We can ask the Archmage if he's ever purified his mana before!" Kirishima nodded. I leaned over and saw the dragon sleeping away. "How am I going to sleep?" I whined.

The door opened and Bakugo glared at us. "Why the fuck is he in your room?"

"He's depressed about not flying... Bakugo, he's just a baby. He should be flying whenever he wants, but he's stuck down here..." I explained.

He sighed and closed the door behind him. He sat next to me and stared at his dragon. "At first he was glad to have a break, but he soon started staring up at the sky more and more often. I hate that I can feel what he's going through but can't do anything for him... I'm his partner damnit!" He quietly cursed.

I put my head on his shoulder. "I'm sure he knows how much you want to help. That alone makes him thankful to have you as a partner."

He stayed quiet for a bit, just staring at me. I couldn't feel what they felt, they know each other better than I could understand, but maybe I could also help Bakugo put Kirishima's feelings into words. "I'll take him back... You're probably tired..."

"You know for once I'm not. It's strange. I've been sleeping around the same time. Maybe because I didn't have any tea."

"Want me to make you some?" He asked taking the dragon in his arms. He was rough, but Kirishima didn't wake.

I shook my head as I got up and opened the door. "I can't ask a prince to make me something."

"You've been eating the meat I've hunted just fine these past few days," he mentioned.

"Okay that's different..."

"It's just tea. It's no big deal."

I sighed and gave in. "Alright. Thank you, I appreciate it, your highness." He glared at me. What was he glaring at? I didn't say anything rude. He huffed and walked out. I closed the door and changed into my nightgown. The blood stains were a dark ugly brown, will they ever go away?

I didn't feel tired at all as I sat in my bed. The candle light was dim, yet I didn't get drowsy. Maybe it was too early? Instead of heavy eyes I had a mind full of questions. How old was the girl? Is this wizard bad? That's not in their character, this could all just be a misunderstanding? What experiment did they mean? I look to shabby to be a witch, I should get a new outfit... I clasped my hands and squeezed my eyes shut. Please let this all be a misunderstanding... There's no way a wizard would cause harm to an innocent child. Everyone is just not getting the bigger picture. Maybe the wizard was punishing rude people and he was trying to help the little girl?

But then... why are they out here and not in the Elven Island or the Wizard island?" There have to be better doctors there... Did she feel more comfortable with humans? No she was scared when they first arrived... Maybe his brothers wouldn't treat her? But it's still not in their character. It makes more sense for him to be rogue than the whole family to change their beliefs.

I started biting my nails. I was trying to make sense of the situation. Every answer came with its sets of questions that debunked the answers.

I don't want to believe that poor girl is being abused, but I can't think of any other reason why she's here.

I turned and closed my eyes. I began to cry. No child should have to suffer. They are to grow up happy and healthy. A person's childhood shapes their personality. What if the child grows up to hate everyone? Many people who are hurting think hurting others will relieve the pain inside, but it doesn't help anyone.

My tears rolled down my nose and other eye to soak the pillow underneath me. "Please be alright," I begged quietly. "No child deserves to suffer... Please hear my prayers, Goddesses..."

I couldn't sleep, even after crying. I felt something trap me. I was back to my depressed state. I was alone and worried. I forgot about this feeling. I was always around people and was hardly ever alone these past few days. I forgot the loneliness, I forgot the sadness. No, I felt this back in the dungeon under the auction house. But this feels worse.

How long have I been alone? Not long I'm sure and I've gotten so depressed so quickly. It's like a tidal wave. It rushes in and slowly retreats. The water doesn't give the sand a chance to dry because it will return to dampen it again.

I heard a knock and saw the prince peeking into the door. He had a hard time getting through the door, and I pushed myself up but he glared at me to stay. He gave me a cup of tea and I stared into the watery brown liquid. I noticed a bit of white specks floating around. I wasn't sure what they were, but they didn't seem like sugar particles. It smelled refreshingly sweet like wild berries. Maybe this was something the people here add in their teas?

"Thank you..." I smiled as brought the tea to my lips. He stopped me by putting his hand on mine.

"The owner just got it off the stove. Don't drink it yet." I nodded and rested the warm cup on my lap. I didn't want to talk. I wasn't motivated to. I only wanted to speak in writing and nods. I wasn't tired physically, but I was mentally again. I wasn't doing anything but everything was so taxing on me. I want to feel the warmth of the tea down my throat to sooth my muscles. "I know I'm not as good as Kirishima with providing support, but I can listen."

I didn't look at him, and I didn't want to speak but I had to. In a whisper I said, "I appreciate all that you've done for me... I know I am a burden to you guys..."

"I don't understand you, but I want to," he said. I turned to him with my hair covering one of my eyes and I gave him a weak smile. I didn't have the energy to keep the smile for long and I turned around and started twisting my toes around the floor.

"I want to believe this is a misunderstanding, but the conclusions I come up with just add more questions."

"I-" he paused. He was probably going to say something that wouldn't make me feel better. It makes me pleased to see him grow more considerate. "I know you want to see the good in people, Y/n, and it's not a bad thing to believe. You just need to be careful tomorrow okay? Damnit... I want to go with you..."

I brought the tea to my lips again and blew on it before taking a sip. It was too warm, almost hot, but it helped warm my body up. The tea did taste like an arrangement of berries.

"You understand why you can't come, yes?" I asked. He clicked his tongue. "You've improved a lot, your highness."

"Just call me Bakugo. No need for formalities."

I nodded and took another sip. I don't think I could get enough of the taste of this tea. "Why do you hate, Deku so much?"

He growled at the man's name. "Why are you so nice to him?"

"I'm nice to everyone, Bakugo. Deku seems like a nice man, what happened between you two? Is it because of the Holy Sword?" I asked. He crossed his legs and took a couple gulps from his tea. He was angry and jealous Deku was chosen for such a powerful sword.

"He doesn't deserve it!" I patted his head.

"He may not now, but look at how determined he is to prove himself worthy. I'm sure he will be a great ruler. You can't let your jealousy blind you."

He shoved my hand away. "Why is everyone on his side? Even you..."

He had a habit of making me feel bad for him. "I mean, what if the goddesses planned something greater for you? Something only you're worthy of?" I'm sure there's no epic sword for him, but I'm sure the goddesses have a plan for him. They have a plan for everyone. Everyone serves a purpose here. Otherwise why would they be here?

"Really?" I smiled. "Your purpose must be to rule a strong kingdom. A strong ruler makes a strong kingdom, after all."

He grinned widely. "Hell yeah! My kingdom will be richer, stronger, and better than that bookworm!"

"Being a bookworm isn't bad, Bakugo. Knowledge can also become a weapon!" I smiled and drank some more of my tea. My eyes began to strain, and I was getting tired. He rubbed my head and I unconsciously lean into his hand. My grip on the cup loosened and the prince swiftly grabbed it. As he twisted his left shoulder forward, his right should did the opposite and I fell into his lap.

"Man, you're such a ditz sometimes. Set it on the-"

I rubbed my eyes and got up. "I'm sorry... I'm so tired... funny how tea can make me so sleepy..."

He sighed and got up. He didn't look back at me, but he still complained. "I'll take this back down. You get some sleep." His movements were stiff as he walked to the door. He didn't turn around once and behind the door I could hear him silently cursing to himself. I just crawled back into bed and with a quick blow, the candle went out and my eyes shut.

Word Count: 4,905 words

(I'm sure you all know why Bakugo was quick to leave there. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *Lenny Face Intensifies*)

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