Joshie Joins The PAW Patrol P...

By JoshiePlushie

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it's off to Adventure City for the PAW Patrol. Liberty calls the PAW Patrol to come and save the city from ce... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Last Chapter

Chapter 3

511 7 2
By JoshiePlushie

Ryder came outside to tell the pups the plan.

Chase: what's going on?

Ryder: we are heading on over to Adventure City again

Chase: o..oh

Ryder: don't you worry chase, we will all be by your side

Chase: your right, I can do this

Skye: oh I can't wait to go back there, I remembered that there was a lot more to the place after we saved Adventure City from mayor Humdinger

Joshie: *gasps* there is?

Skye: yep!

Rubble: yeah, there was like a big buffet

Joshie: mmmmmm buffet

Zuma: a big water park

Joshie: Ooooooo

Rocky: oh and a biiiiiiiiiggg...............

Joshie: *gasps* what is it!?

Rocky: not telling you just yet, it's a surprise

Joshie: awww but?

Rocky: *giggled* no worries Joshie, we'll get to the surprise soon, but how about we help out with Adventure City?

Joshie: o..ok yeah! I want to help

Rocky: well then let's go save Adventure City

Ryder: I'll go grab the PAW patroler, you guys go pack up

The Pups went inside their pup houses to put them inside the big vehicle, while Joshie packed up his stuff and put it inside the PAW patroler and went to go sit down. Soon, everyone else had taken their seats and were ready to go to Adventure City. Joshie took out his tablet to listen to his music as one of the pups asked him about turning on some music in the PAW patroler.

Marshall: hey Joshie? Do you want to listen to music on the radio? Ryder has some good stuff on his album mix of it

Skye: oh, I have an idea! How about we plug in your tablet to the PAW patroler and hear your music that you listen to

Joshie: i..I don't know if you guys will like the music that I listen to

Marshall: it's ok buddy, we're just curious to know what music you listen to

Joshie: o..ok

Joshie gave Ryder his tablet to plug it in and played the song that he was about to listen to. It played and immediately, the pups found the music amazing. Joshie smiled as he hummed the music a little.

Skye: are you humming the song?

Joshie: *lowers head of embarrassment* y..yeah

Skye: awww it's ok Joshie

Zuma: yeah dude, nothing wrong with humming a little tune

Joshie raised his head up a little and continued to hum. A few minutes passed by and Joshie got a snack out of his bag and started eating. It was a Twix bar, his favorite.

Rocky: Ooooooo Twix, is that your favorite Joshie?

Joshie: yep, I've loved Twix ever since I was little, my parents would always love to get me a Twix bar, they don't

He felt like choking up with tears when he said that. Rocky understood what he meant.

Rocky: I understand Joshie, I really am sorry they did that to you. You don't deserve any of that, you deserve to be loved Joshie. I promise, we are going to be by each others side

Rocky patted Joshie's back as Joshie smiled a little. Ryder then told everyone that they were here. They all went over to the window to see the big buildings, which Joshie loved seeing. But Chase, not so much. Joshie realized why.

Joshie: Hey chase?

Chase: y..yes?

Joshie: I know your afraid of Adventure City, but everyone will be here for you

Chase: i..I understand, just I hope you don't see me as a fool. I'm always the one in the team that is more brave but...........

Joshie: ohhh, I don't think your a fool or anything like that. You're just scared of something and I understand that. I'm really scared of bees

Chase: you really think so?

Joshie: definitely! Cause your still a brave pup. You even showed bravery to fear and destroyed it, I wish I could do that

Chase: wow, thank you Joshie

Joshie: your welcome

Ryder smiled at this. Joshie was a great person to help with the pups, with their situations and all, he was really glad to have Joshie in the team. Once they entered the new lookout headquarters. They went up In the elevator and when they reached the top and the doors opened, Joshie's eyes lit up.

Ryder: well? What do you think Joshie?

Joshie: this place looks awesome!

Rocky: look at the view from here Joshie

Joshie: *gasps in amazement* woah, beautiful

Ryder: and since the pups have a pup treat dispenser, you get a Twix bar dispenser!

Joshie: no way! This is the best! I already love it!

Ryder: I'm glad you like it

Rocky: oh! Come with me Joshie

Joshie: ok!

They went upstairs to find their beds, which were like little cubicle like beds. Joshie loved the it looked.

Joshie: is this one?

Rocky: yep this one is yours

Joshie: this is so cool! I'm already loving this place

Rocky: I'm glad, it's a really great city

Joshie: I can't believe how beautiful the city looks

Rocky: so this is your first time being here then?

Joshie: yeah, my parents were never really fans of crowded cities, and I'm not a big fan of crowds myself

Rocky: well Joshie, we're going to make sure that we don't get separated from the team

Joshie: will we get to have fun here?

Rocky: well first, we help out with whatever is going on with Adventure City, then we'll do some fun stuff in the city. And even the special big surprise

Joshie: Ooooooo I can't wait for it!

Rocky: *giggled* me too

Ryder: hey guys, ready?

Rocky: yeah! Ready for this buddy?

Joshie: yes, I'm ready for a cleaning sensation *gasps* Ooooooo that could be my new catchphrase

Rocky: I like it already, I knew you would find your catchphrase pal

Joshie smiled as they went back downstairs to go over to the town. Meanwhile, everyone was yelling at a store owner about the news.
Walter just watched from a far and laughed at his success.

Walter: *laughed* idiots, it's so easy to lie and them buying it

Liberty: hey!? What do you think you're doing!?

Walter: what the? A dog?

Liberty: I'm a puppy and if you don't stop lying on the news, you will be sorry!

Walter: haaa! Fat chance of that happening!

Ryder: not if we can do something about it!

The PAW Patrol finally arrived and Liberty was happy to see them. Walter was confused by what he was seeing.

Liberty: oh you're in trouble now

Walter: who in the world are you guys!?

Ryder: we are the PAW Patrol sir and we overhear that you are spreading false news about the city?

Walter: yeah so what are you gonna do about it, you are just a boy with some pups and......................*gasps*

He saw one of the members and it was Joshie, he recognized him and Joshie recognized Walter.

Walter: you *he got angry*

Joshie: *gasps*

Rocky: hey! Leave him out of this!

Walter: you are friends with him? How can you when he is a problem for society?

Joshie: no! I'm not!

Walter: yeah! Sure! Don't you know that he's on the autism spectrum?

Ryder: actually we do, is there a problem?

Walter: well, you know he's just an issue that will get you guys in the way of whatever you guys are doing. He would even destroy his parents marriage

Joshie: *gasps* that why they don't want me?

Walter: yes! Cause your just a nightmare waiting to be hated!

This made Joshie feel terrible, Ryder was done with the man and his horrible words. But he just drove off and left. Once he was gone, the pups all looked at Joshie and saw tears coming out of the young boys eyes.

Skye: ohhhh poor Joshie

Chase: no! He's wrong about Joshie! He's the sweetest person ever

Rocky: *growls* nobody hurts my friends feelings

Rocky felt so angry, he felt his blood boil to the point you could even cook a steak with it. Everyone got back to the lookout, along with liberty to just relax. They were on the top floor and were all doing some stuff. But Joshie was eating a Twix bar alone. Rocky wanted to give him some time, but he decided to atleast talk to him.

Rocky: hey pal, you want to talk?

Joshie just nodded his head slowly as he finished his chocolate bar.

Rocky: you feeling ok buddy?

Joshie: I'm not a nightmare *chokes up*

Rocky: no, you are not a nightmare Joshie. They are just awful people who don't understand the true beauty in you and the entire spectrum. Your parents were probably also tricked by the news that isn't true. You aren't a nightmare, your the most sweetest person ever and the most creative, funny, and you know how to make anyone feel better. I'm hoping that you're parents still love you and notice what they have done to you, learn that what that idiot reporter said, isn't true

Joshie: it makes me so angry that Walter would say that about the autism spectrum

Rocky: you know him?

Joshie: he was an elementary school teacher. He was fired one day for making up fake rumors about the autism spectrum. He managed to make a few people believe that it was true on what he said about it, but my parents didn't, a..atleast that's w..what i..I thought *tears up*

Rocky: bud, it's ok. I'm really sorry that he's been doing that, he's going to get what's coming to him once we do something about him. If you're upset about nobody to love you because of the rumors, don't be. You are loved here, in the PAW Patrol. You're my pal Joshie and like I always say

Rocky and Joshie: that will never change

Joshie: *sniffs* your right, who is even going to believe him that much. I have you guys that love me

Rocky: right! There you go bud!

Joshie: I'm a sweet person who is really caring and loving, as I should be

Rocky: that is so correct

They laughed and went over to Ryder and The others.

Liberty: welcome back Rocky! Oh and u..ummm..........

Rocky: oh this is Joshie, he's a new member of the PAW Patrol and yes he's a human

Liberty: nice! Hey Joshie, nice to meet you. Names liberty

Joshie: h...hi

Rocky: oh and he's really shy

Joshie: s..sorry

Liberty: it's ok buddy, no worries. I promise I'm not mean. Look, I saw what that reporter said about you and that was horrible. You aren't any of things that he told you. I know that you are awesome, so he's just wrong in every way

Joshie: thanks

Liberty: of course


Walter: I'm not going to have little dumb pups ruin my plans, I want you guys to make sure to get rid of them, I'll take care of things from here

Ron: but what happens if we can't get rid of them? They are popular in Adventure City

Walter: then.............*holds up some cages* we do plan B *laughed*

To Be Continued.

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