
By Ultimate9210

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In a neither caring nor careless world, one thing rang true: Everybody was defined by their wiring. The story... More

Prologue One: Answer the Phone.
Prologue Two: Old Friends (Part 2/2)
Prologue Three: Toil
Chapter One: A Callous Truth
Chapter Two: Prerequisite To Cessation
Chapter Three: Premonition
Chapter Four: Roles to Play
Chapter Five: North

Prologue Two: Old Friends (Part 1/2)

750 5 2
By Ultimate9210

The hazy, scorching, yet... cooling sun blazed over the grassy and nature-constructed wonderland, exotic creatures roamed around the forestry, dancing around in the environment that they grew up in to love with all of their soul. A blue-tinged light glimmered over the woodland, as all that stood around was nothing but plantation and prosperity of nature, filled to the brim with flourishing life aided by the tranquility it struck down to the bone. Serenity filled the place, nothing but the calm forest rustled underneath the soft zephyr, compelling anyone with the effects of putting their mind at ease with simple... rest. Driving their very being to simply relax, settle down all tension in one's body... and lay down. The heavy influence of life blooming through the vegetation, sprouting more and more life for the scenes to flourish further by the day.

Yet, within the middle of such wondrous plains, a simple Skeleton stood. Perfectly still and... eased. Seemingly still minded, and more or less wondering. "Well, someone clearly has been keeping check of their garden." He casually remarked. Albeit the looks of the matter, Sans had seemed relatively... appreciative. From the simple events of the past, it was unbelievably obvious that Sans was soaking up the environment, appreciating every small detail he could possibly notice whilst standing around in such a gorgeous yet ubiquitous area. His eyes trailed on forever in the amberation of the forest. Staring around at each square inch of nature's perfected art, Sans couldn't help but drown out any insidious or pernicious thought. How could someone do such a thing? The intrepid breeze– the intrinsic atmosphere seeping deep into the feel of the esoteric.

Sans rose his arms into the air, quickly shutting his eyes as he casually just let it all in. His head, almost as if an impetus of his own body, lifted to the sky. The Skeleton slowly inhaled, before letting out a swift and sharp exhale in his mouth. Even though... he didn't have any lungs. Huh.

"How could anyone let anything blemish the feeling of such a thing...?"

The Skeleton slowly opened his eyes, clearly being mesmerized by such a place. He stared off into the bright, bright sun... in return, it glared at him back. Sans couldn't help but draw a smile, before his appreciative gestures... suddenly dropped. He looked dead ahead of him, the forest cleared a path for him– almost as if personally carved for the Skeleton to take his walkthrough. The Skeleton began to walk forward.

"Well, mind as well let fate run its course," Sans spoke to himself.

...Then, he abruptly stopped.


He turned, almost as if looking at the fourth wall of sorts.

"We both know that's a blatant lie." Sans retorted, before turning back to his original position and trudging down the forestry hall.

As Sans furthered his pathway across greeneries holt, it was clear he began to notice creature upon creature almost practically popping out of thin air, all shrouding the mysterious Skeleton as he minded his own business. Albeit not a menacing one, Sans did have a relatively neutral and straightforward face. Aside from a few glances, Sans didn't pay too much attention to the entities that resided. It was apparent that... he clearly didn't wanna disturb them. Let alone frighten them, that wasn't the ambition here. Nor... did Sans want it to be.

Footstep followed by another footstep; Sans kept his attention directed at his surroundings. Watching both himself and the jungle to present itself further as his restricted vision gained more leverage. Yet, as Sans continued, he had finally reached something. Of course, he didn't mind the raw nature-made construct of the forest, but... a small taste of something newer within the realms of what seemed to be an odd and eldritch realm wouldn't hurt anybody. Presented, right before Sans' eyes in all of its glory... was a large, large pyramid. Not only enormous in size– but it alone nearly decimated the entirety of the forest in its extreme height. Sans stood for a couple of seconds– simply staring in awe at what was presented right before him.

But... soon after, he couldn't wait not another second. He began walking forward, dragging his feet along the wet soil, leaving small marks of his presence as he went along. He slowly muttered to himself under his breath, making a small smartass remark. "I guess that this one was a little too heavy for Egypt to carry, eh?" Letting out a short and shaky titter under his breath, Sans approached the entrance of the humongous construct. Quickly and swiftly raising his fist... Sans proceeded to knock nonchalantly, a loud thundering knocking sound echoing from the door... almost as if the entirety of the inside was completely hollow. Sans blinked, his eye sockets widening.

A few moments of wonderless blinking go by, as Sans just... gazes at the door. No reaction from the Skeleton, yet no reaction from the environment around him. Just... silence, minus the chirps of nature, of course.

Sans spun around. "Well, I did all I could. Mind as well go ahead and-" ...Yet the moment he did, the first thing his eyes were met with was the sight of... darkness. Nothing but a void stood between Sans and what once was the beauty of nature before him. Quickly– a bit of sweat dropped down Sans' head as he squinted.

"I... well... that's... a bit concerning." Sans spun around on his heels, turning back to the pyramid only to see it... was gone as well. Sans blinked a few times- almost as if checking if his eyes were playing tricks on him... despite the impracticability of such. He blinked a few more times- trying to discern if this was some sort of trick... yet, nothing. Concern began to contort Sans' expression. Sans, reluctantly, took a singular step forward. The moment he did, a sudden expulsion of a blue shockwave shot out from underneath his feet. In front of Sans, a cluster of blue outlined tiles distinguished themselves from the darkness.

Almost immediately, Sans stepped forward, as if an impetus from his body. Sans walked across the tiles, not really caring to watch his step too much. Rather, his eyes stared focused on the ever-expanding darkness. Step after step, the air grew thicker with tension as Sans made his way down the pathway. Sans walked and walked, slowly approaching the end of the influx of tiles that seemingly randomly popped up for nowhere. After what seemed like minutes, Sans had finally reached the end of the trickery.

...Still and silent he stood, he looked down at the tile, having a neutral expression. Almost as if something bit him, Sans scratched the back of his head in a slightly discomforted way. He looked around the place, as if sure of something. Despite Sans' seeming lack of care towards the seeming illusion he was trapped in; he clearly had noticed it was some form of advanced technological property. If this was an ability, it would have clearly not worked in the first place.

Sans closed his eyes, as movements shadowed by the unknown swirled around him. Eldritch entities cloaked in their tattered cloaks enveloping them in mischief. Each inch they dared to make so casually Sans foresaw, sensing each place their bodies dared to step. Picking up on the clear indications to stay where he was, Sans' curiosity locked him in place. Not through a sense of fear, not his subconscious screaming danger, but... he showed it as more of a feeling that it would be the best logical way to come out of all of this.

"...I can feel each one of you guys, you can drop the whole act now."

Sans spoke out into the constricted void, yet nothing else spoke out to him from the abyss. He knew that there are people here, it was far too obvious, yet they seemed reluctant to speak up. Sans sighed, resting his head against his palm, a simple gesture of nothing else but disappointment. "...I can sense you all, y'know. There is no point in hidi- okay, whatever, screw it." Sans quickly shot out his left arm, closing his eyes tight as he seemingly attempted to hone his concentration. A sudden burst of Aura began to flare around Sans' hand, nearly filling the empty and dark room with a blue glowing tinge. Sans opened his eyes, slightly redirecting the direction of which his hand pointed. A sudden ring echoed through the hollowness of the construct, as Sans quickly fired out a swift beam from his hand.

Almost immediately after Sans shot out the blast, more than quarter of the room illuminated with a sudden burst of run-down temple infused with an odd forestry within it. Sans looked out towards the light, before quickly glancing back into the darkness he was previously in. The illusion slowly was beginning to fade, but rather than waiting, Sans simply blasted the machines upholding the illusion to begin with. Slowly, the false reality the projections upheld slowly began to falter, quickly fizzling away upon the impact of the blasts from the Skeleton.

The room gleamed its apparent beauty into the eyes of the Skeleton, despite the run-down nature of the place, it clearly was far more functional than what one would first think. Sans fumbled around the place a bit, intaking the sudden jump from one place to another.

Getting his bearings, Sans turned from the entrance and looked on towards the rest of the temple. Yellow stained bricks were plastered against the walls, torches were hung up across the room emitting a small orange light. Sans' eyes darted across the walls, examining the area. His interest clearly scoured over the odd pyramid; the structure kept his wonder in place as his eyes watched over all that was presented before him. The Skeleton took a few steps around the place- yet didn't move too far out, almost as if he trapped himself in an invisible barrier. He slowly turned in a circle, looking over the faltered and worn-down arrangement. As much as both nature and time have had its insidious effects upon the seemingly pervious place, it definitely had kept up quite the home for what seemed to be Sans' assumptions at what could be within the place. Straight forward from the Skeleton, a stairway leading downward was illuminated by an influx of blue fire torches right before Sans.

"I'm definitely going over there." Sans stated, although it was quite obvious that he'd prefer to actually check out the surroundings before proceeding somewhere.

Albeit the place tainted with the decorations of nature hanging up its vines, strung up with the greenery spread like a plague across the expansion of the vast chambers, there was one small detail that seemed to have halted Sans' observance of the place. One small detail that had... caught his attention. Sans' eyes landed on a very specific detail that stood out from the rest scattered along the walls of the palace. There were drawings on the walls. Not just drawings– but they were carved in some sort of... odd, white looking type of magic. Not only were they simply drawings... but seemingly messages, from whoever left these out to slowly fade away under the influence of nature. Sans quickly sped-walked from his spot, approaching the illustrations. Sans squinted, clearly enthralled by this discovery.

The drawings showed what seemed to be six people. All looked to be in some sort of tranquil state, not exactly doing anything yet... not acting out in any belligerent mannerism either. Sans scratched his head, puzzled by the implication of the art. The first one seemed to be an elegant and glorious being. Exalted compared to the two. It wore a long and flourishing trench coat, white and sparkly. Out of the five, it seemed to be the most... distinguishable person out of all of them. Its anatomy seemed to be nothing more than a shadowy-like figure, the only noticeable facial details were glowy excuses for a smile and eyes. There was nothing much else to refer to, other than a few symbols on the trench coat.

The other five... seemed to be the simplest. They all wore tattered and ripped up clothing, with each and every one of them retaining a similar pose... except for the elegant one. They had their hands nearly touching each other– almost cuffed near their waist, with the ever so slightest smile on their faces. A small white orb glimmered within the palms of their hands, yet not many other features were able to be seen. Two of the five seemed females, judging from the hair. But the others? They seemed to be males.

Sans turned back to the rest of the temple, yet as he did, new illustrations began to form upon the wall. Sans hastily walked over, yet as he did... his face contorted with nothing but confusion. Drawn upon the wall was all six of the entities holstering their arms up into the air, channeling some sort of white energy from what seemed to be a white ball, just like the ones previously shown in the last one. Sans flinched, stammering back.

"This is just getting freaky. For no absolute reason."

Sans turned back towards the middle, facing the staircase, but the moment he did, he noticed yet another illustration above the stairway. It presented all five of the beings looking... angry. Not just angry, they looked... hateful. Livid, even. They all were pointing past the elegant being, indicating for it to leave. It kept its head down, looking sad whilst all of them demanded for it to leave in a mad fury.

Sans furrowed his non-existent eyebrows, puzzled by whatever story it was attempting to piece. Yet, Sans' attention was suddenly torn from the illustrations, as sudden yelling came from the depths of the stairway. Sans' eyes glanced over at the influx of steps, as he slowly trudged over towards it. He glared down at the seemingly bottomless abyss. Voices echoed from the depths, almost in a tone that could only be described as yelling and... arguing?

Wasting no further time, the Skeleton proceeded to walk down the stairway, the voices rapidly became more clearer and easier to make out just exactly what they were saying. The ubiquitous nature of the place filled the cavern, increasing the bone chilling feeling with each step Sans took. The cold and dim atmosphere only grew more chilling, the air only tightened thinner as he made his descent.

"Well, we haven't exactly interacted with anyone for... what, eons? How long exactly, Aeron?" A feminine voice questioned, a worried and anxious tone split her words as they escaped her mouth. Almost yearning for some sort of closure in a worry they all view as a gambit.

"You ask me? Time has never been something we've kept track of."

Letting out a faltered sigh, the female quickly retorts.

"Well, our guest is quite obviously... probably very worried. I mean– trapped in some sort of dark abyss with a bunch of platforms? Really? Who the hell even designed that, again?"

"Morishimo did." The voice resembling that exactly of the same male voice that spoke previously.

"Hey, don't pin this on me. YOU two are the ones getting worked up over some sort of Monster, likely from another Alternative Universe of some kind, let alone a SANS, entering our Sanctum. What, you're afraid that you'll have to explain just what the hell we do here?"

"I don't fear that, it's just–" A quick agitated expiration came from the male, followed by a sudden silence... clearly at a loss for words as to how to justify the sudden worry from this particular visitor. Only that but a few seconds fly by, as the male figure quickly continues. "Well, it wasn't just him somehow entering the place that concerned it, it was the fact that none of us detected him coming here in the first place."

By this time, Sans had reached an end towards the seeming endless hall of stairs. The only thing that cloaked the Skeleton to begin with was the roof that connected the passage downward, yet Sans couldn't help but... not show his presence just yet. Sans sat down on the step, resting his chin upon his palm, waiting for some sort of continuation. He did want to see where this conversation went, maybe just for a little while. Yet, as much as it seemed that he did wish to sit through such a show, simply wait for whatever kind of information he could learn...it was apparent he didn't want to drive out any further worry. So, he casually sprung up, making sure to not make a singular noise so as to not drive any attention to himself... and he awaited the perfect moment.

"All I'm saying is... what if... well, we all know what happened the last time someone undetectable came into our Sanctum. What if... this person is anything like P-"

Swiftly swinging up from under the roof of what seemed to be a quite obvious "hide-out", as the Skeleton sprung directly into sight of the worried entities. They all seem to flinch almost instantaneously as Sans made himself known, Aeron, the male voice, quickly shifted his attention over towards Sans, the other four doing so in sync. Nothing else emitted from them other than utter shock, confusion and... worry. They slowly gulp, before giving each other a subtle glance. Despite the anxious gestures, they quickly try and recompose themselves. From the simple looks alone, it was quite obvious questions filled their heads, their hearts racing as they attempted to ruminate any sort of explanation to justify the Skeleton's presence.

They all wore some sort of dead serious look, almost as if they were trying to imply this was some sort of life-or-death situation. Being the casual Sans is, he rolled his eyes, giving off a welcome and friendly smile before redirecting his focus back towards the group. He slowly approached them, throwing out his forearms to the side. His hands remained almost flat– thin and still as his posture remained relatively composed.


He simply questioned.

Aeron hunched over, as each bit of calmness he previously had fell from his body. Of course, he was yet to view this being as a legitimate threat. Why... would he? Of course, he wouldn't. Yet, the only thing stringing his concerns was...

"How did I escape? Yeah yeah, it's written all over your faces." Sans casually lifted his left hand, pointing right into the eyes of every one of us. They all almost immediately squint, clearly not retaining the utmost trust in the mysterious entity. Which Sans clearly picked up on. He had clearly understood that. "Well, to uh... answer your question... I hope those cool little gadgets of yours up there aren't too expensive, because uh..." Sans turned his head, looking back towards the stairway almost as if to imply something detrimental towards them. Awkwardly, Sans looked back over, gritting his teeth almost as if to show off he did something... not exactly good.

"...Yeah. You get the point. They're sort of... broken now."

Irene's eyebrows raised, obviously in shock by the Skeleton's implication. She took a few steps forward, discerning herself from the rest of her peers. Sans, of course, looked back towards her.

"...You... destroyed it?"

Starting to sweat a little, Sans tittered under his breath, attempting to ease the situation. "Well... yeah, I hope that isn't an issue for you guys." Sans crossed his arms, "In my defense, you did attempt to lock me in some sort of illusion where I probably wouldn't have been able to escape if I didn't sense where it was coming from."

The confirmation by the Skeleton locked with the five of them for a little bit. A brief, short moment of silence blanked their minds, filled with blinking, showing as if they were almost... unsatisfied with that answer. Aeron's head tilts, as his eyes narrow. Not only was his head a blank slate, but his attempt at voicing any sort of concern got jammed in his throat. He quickly shook his head, as he raised his right hand. His eyes closed tight, puzzled by the statement alone. He threw his fingers out, gesturing throwing a disk of some kind.

"...I... it's... a security measure."

Sans' eyes ignite with confusion, as his head shifts in uncertainty. "Erm... a securi- alright, well, whatever." The anxiousness and concern wrapped around the mentality of the five slowly began to diminish, even though it wasn't fear that drove the worry, it was the simple idea of... precautions. He knew his peers understood the drive, too. They knew that it was the more or less... lack of experience that caused their heart to drown with dread. Realizing the immaturity behind their passive aggressiveness, Aeron closed his eyes, taking a deep breath... before exhaling. He opened his eyes, approaching Sans, holding his hand out.

"...Yeah. Sorry. It's just something we do in order to prevent somethin' bad from happening, though you seemed to have dealt with it yourself." Sans smiled at Aeron. He tried to read his expression... yet Aeron couldn't. Yet, what was there to worry over? He simply interpreted it as a welcome. Sans shook his hand... before... letting go. Sans walked past Aeron, before quickly walking past the other four as well. His eyes shot all over the place, shuffling around as he observed, surveying the area. Unlike the previous room, what was dubbed the "Sanctum" flourished in perfect condition, no signs of any sort of run-down nature of vines being plastered across the walls of the place, it was genuinely quite surprising. Nearly decorated with symbols and designs carved within the reaches of the cavern, it was quite a sight to behold.

Yet, most notably of all, four very thick lines drew themselves across the walls, all trying to connect to each other in some way. As if painting a really damn big plus sign, they were spread across the walls, as if representing some sort of deeper meaning. They all came and tied into the dead center of the room, where the four lines would meet, halting right at a small circle in between the four of them. Roughly ten feet outside the circle, another was drawn, with the contents containing multiple patterns and symbols scattered around yet all somehow... connected.

Compared to the last, the room seemed oddly more barren. With the lack of greenery and only weird symbols, it felt more lifeless. Sans turned back to the five, who were staring right back at him, scrutinizing each step like a hawk. Sans turned his head over towards the five, raising a non-existent eyebrow. His forearm planted against his chest– he rested his left arm's elbow on his foreseen, glaring at the five.

"What?" Sans asked. A brief silence with simple blinks in between them drifted by, before Sans rolled his eyes. "I get it, I'm eye candy, but you don't needa be weird about it!" Sans teased, slouching his body off to the side. "Cat got your tongue?" As the two gazed on at the Skeleton in complete silence, as if an impetus, Sans sighed, turning away from the two to roam around the barren and empty room. Tracing his hand against the wall in alignment to the pattern painted all around, Sans' expression read nothing else but curiosity for what secrets it held within. He turned back to the five. "So, are these some sort of puzzles that you guys know the answer to... to uh, have some secret layer."

Each one of them were speechless. They were both unsure of how to treat the situation, or how to treat the being at hand before them. Aeron gave his allies a quick glance, taking into consideration their docile and immobile nature. Quickly, his expression grew grimmer, trudging over towards the Skeleton. Sans looked on towards Aeron, noticing the growing agitation in each step he took. Sans retracted his hand from the wall, stepping back from the entity, whilst raising his arms in the air. "Hey! No need to get all angry, I was just askin'." And yet, the human-like being persisted, he halted inches before coming into contact with Sans. Who, simply, in response, smiled? "Good. Glad you have some form of sense!"

Aeron snarled, closing his eyes. He held his hands up to his chest, his forearms crossed. In a sudden gesture, they were suddenly outside the pyramid. From the sudden and abrupt means of transportation, Sans looked slightly shaken up. Jerking his head off towards the right, Sans was met with the exotic forestry of nature. Sans paused for a moment, turning back towards Aeron.

"...Er... okay, but why?"

Aeron looked down at Sans, before slowly walking back. The humanoid looked... somewhat nervous. Yet, stern. As if there was something locked within the back of his mind; troubling and tainting his focus. Aeron readied himself, as if whatever was to come was huge and enduring. He inhaled, before responding.

"...Sans the Skeleton. Right?" Aeron glanced him dead in the eyes, yet a narrow nod was the only move Sans made. "...We have had an encounter with a being... not exactly resembling that of you and your Skeletal features, but... they had a few things in common with you." Sans gave a simple head tilt, interested. "And they were?"

"Well, we didn't detect it coming into the place in the first place. It sort of just... showed up." Discomforted, Aeron looked off towards the side. "And well... he– or, well, it... called itself a creator too." Sans flinched, "Creator?" He crossed his arms, "'too'? What do you mean 'too'?" Aeron exhaled, "I... uh, well, we are... exactly that, Sans." Aeron looked at him dubiously, a certain and unsure glimmer in his eyes stared at the Skeleton, unsure of his reaction to such. The eldritch eyes lingered upon the vessel of Aeron, a cold and hard glare cut through the humid atmosphere, the heart shaking gape. Although speculation was oscillating within Aeron's head, Sans' expression spoke nothing more than... understandance. He placed his left hand on his chin, closing his eyes. A subtle nod came fourth shortly after, before the silence was cut short once more.

"...Creators. Huh." Nodding his head, Sans cleared his 'throat'. "...Well, pal, it's... rare." Sans' eyes, now glimmering of serenity, stared at Aeron. "It's rare to find someone who actually gets it." He held his hand out, a light smile drew across his face, a fine juxtaposition to Aeron's brief confusion at the obscure statement. "...We never had a proper introduction. Sans the Skeleton. You?" Aeron sighed, approaching his... potentially new friend, and grabbing his hand. "Aeron."

With those final words spoken, Sans couldn't help but allow his smile to grow wider. "Well, Aeron. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too, Sans." Aeron replied, before quickly retracting his hand. Sans took quick notice of this, tilting his head in confusion. "...Hm?" Aeron sighed, closing his eyes. "...You seem like a nice guy, Sans. You really do. But... uh, look..." Aeron took a few steps back, yet his eyes kept focused on Sans. As if they were locked onto him. "There are many means of bonding; I suppose one could say. And whilst most of them derive from companionship, I guess you could say this is more of a precaution. Sans, how capable are you in combat?" With the sudden question, Sans' eye sockets slightly widened. The question was abrupt, seemingly drawing warranted suspicion from him. "Kinda," Sans replied, his skeletal hands ghosting over his cheekbones. "I'm rather proficient in hand-to-hand and all, but ultimately there's a bit more to it. Why?"

At Sans' response, the Creator couldn't help but sigh, the weight of his peers overthinking being burdened upon him to ease. "I'll cut to the chase." Aeron's face growing sterner, Sans would reciprocate. "You... are very, and I mean VERY similar to the... being we used to work with. And... look. Personally, I trust you. But... I can't read you. And the others... I doubt they'd be as deductive-- let alone patient for someone of similar attributes considering what it has done." It was dead obvious Sans' intellect outdid many, many of those all throughout creation, so at the bare minimum, he hoped that Sans would at least have gotten the hint.

Sans' eye sockets would narrow, taking in and visibly processing the words Aeron would speak. From Sans' gestures, it would be obvious he had already gotten the hint, let alone what Aeron was implying. Sans, having understood the litigious efforts Aeron was attempting to explain, he would trudge over towards his newfound friend.

"You don't needa explain anything else. I get it." Holding out his hand, it would ignite with a sudden idiosyncratic aura, a dark blue, beaming aura flourishing around the overall structure of his hand. "You wanna see how I am in combat, right? Because through that, you'd be able to gauge how I am as an overall individual compared to this... uh, enti-" "Not an entity." Aeron would cut off, closing his eyes as a simple smirk would slowly carve its way into his mouth. Knowing Sans did truly understand him, any caution behind him and his connection towards this being slowly began to... diminish. "...Right. Well, being, you refer to."

With the two mutually understanding each other, Aeron would jump back, as Sans would do so in sync.

"Don't worry about the surroundings, I got that covered." Readjusting himself, Sans would strike a battle pose, preparing himself. "...Uh-huh." He would blankly respond, still going through the nitty-gritty motions for the upcoming fight. Aeron would slowly breathe in, preparing himself to utilize the capabilities of a creation not just the Ancient Ones, but they made long ago.

Aeron would cross his forearms, curling his index and ring finger into his palms, whilst his other fingers would remain slightly hunched over. Sparks would fly from between the hands of Aeron, before he would throw his hands out, rune magic circles resembling that of a shimmering white circle, spinning from the palm of his hands, with an upside-down white triangle plastered dead center into the encompasses. Sans' interest would spike, raising his non-existent eyebrows in surprise as he observed the circular manifestations of energy unseen before.

"...And... this is?" Sans would ask. Aeron, staring Sans down, would begin to elevate into the air, the magic slowly lifting him up. "We have dubbed it Prism Energy. Or Prism Magic." Sans would crack his knuckles, limbering up. Awaiting his further explanation, he would stretch, one limb after another. With Aeron continuing, "It's a mystical form of energy, wielded by very few outsides of The Ancient Ones."

Sans, upon finishing his stretches, would crack his back, arching it as he looked up at Aeron. "Oh yeah? And who are these people who wield it?" Aeron would sigh, "...Well, it used to just be us."

"Intriguing." As if being reminded of his own utilization of Aspirate Aura, Sans' eyes would slowly drift down to his hands, observing the surging aura flourishing around his hands. Sans felt the candor nature in his voice, despite the incentive was to simply gain more information. With Sans' eyes bolting back towards his now temporary foe, he would ready himself, holding a firm stance over his posture.

With a sudden boom, Sans would dash from his current position, soaring towards Aeron. With Sans shooting through the air at speeds Aeron's eyes nearly couldn't keep up with, he would react by immediately slamming the two Prism Rune Circle's together, forming a much greater and larger one. Watching as Sans would still fire himself through any obstacle towards his oppressor, Aeron would grunt, expelling the large circle towards Sans, blitzing through the skies.

Upon Sans' notice of such an attack, he would... chuckle under his breath. His clear-cut pathway of flight would derail, flying upward, successfully evading the rune magic expulsion by an inch. Though, as he would do so, he would grab the circle, his hand sticking to it as he would then be sent gliding the opposite direction. Post him flipping over it, Sans would square down on the circle, before propelling himself upward back towards Aeron.

Aeron's eyes would shoot open, his reaction time barely being able to keep up with the sudden acceleration. Sans, reaching Aeron, would right hook him in the jaw, propelling him miles. His vision would slowly grow hazy from the force of the strike, grabbing the side of his cheek as he would groan in pain. Utilizing the Prism Magic, he would slow himself down, before slowly reaching a complete stop. He would glance back up towards the original location of the Skeleton, noticing a sudden absence in where he was previously.

"Shit..." He would mutter. Aeron would frantically spin around, looking through every crack and crivis of the forest– his surroundings, any potential presence that could inflict any form of danger towards him.

"Behind you." A cold voice spoke. Aeron shifted in any instant, throwing a punch towards the source of noise. Yet, the Skeleton, being beyond quick on his feet, would duck down and ram into The Ancient One, grappling him by the throat utilizing his arm, before derailing from the elevated stadium, dashing down towards the ground at full speed. Sans, still holding a firm grip towards the humanoid, would crash through the ground, causing a massive impact. A massive dent through the forestry would spread a good fifty or so feet, with Sans' bruting eyes staring down at the oppressor.

"You lack experience, don't you?" Sans questioned. As sight from the sudden occurrence, he could barely keep up with returned to Aeron, he would be greeted with the unfortunate occurrence of the Skeleton retaining a firm and tight grip around his neck. Grunting, Aeron would struggle, attempting to grab onto the sole arm pushing him down into the ground, yet it was useless.

"Well, aren't you a detective?" Aeron would taunt, before scrunching his fist into the soft soil. With a sudden beam of a white tinge, a rift, far above the two, would tear into the sky. The soft draft would begin to pick up around the opening, as the energy from the Creator would begin to condense into the passage, as a sudden bolt of raw Prism Energy expelled itself from the skies, beaming down.

Unsuspected of such a counter measure, Sans would be struck, the moment he was hit, Aeron felt a sudden release from his throat. Utilizing the brief time, he was given, he would push himself from the dirt, leaping back.

He would softly crease his throat, feeling the marks left on him. Fully being aware of the damage inflicted and left on him, his gaze would shoot back up towards the smoke his attack left shrouding the near surroundings. As silence glided by, hidden and scuffed within the wind, the realization behind the truth of what the Skeleton was playing at slowly began to creep into the back of Aeron's mind. His anxiousness in what horrendously bizarre attack could be next, yet, within the storm of his thoughts, the Skeleton, in contradiction towards Aeron's prediction, came bursting through the cloud of smoke, striking him dead in the nose.

Groaning as he fell back, Aeron would catch himself before falling. Sans would blitz the Ancient Warrior, striking him in his ribs with a heavy, heavy left punch, staggering and sending the being a couple feet of elevation into the air. Sans would dash up, barraging the being with immensely heavy punches, striking him a good six times in the torso, before raising his left leg and kicking him right in the side of his head.

Despite the lethal damage Aeron endured from the swift combo, his stubbornness would remain firm. Having his head hunched over to his right, a soft grunt would escape boisterous' one's mouth.

Sans simply held his leg against the throat of his tenacious fighter, not budging an inch as he stared down at his expression. Aeron's gaze would finally catch up– his pupils dashing over towards the Skeleton's. Sans, looking down at the foe, would simply give a smug ass smile. Reassuring that, other than the lucky lightning strike, he hadn't hit him once.

"Hiya." He would jeer. Aeron hurled a scoff at the Skeleton, before recoiling back. Smashing the end of his left fist against his right-hand palm, he would draw a sword from the palm of his head, opening his fist to grip onto the weapon. Drawing it fully from his manus, he'd proceed to simply spin it around, twisting his wrist in a taunting manner towards the remarkable fighter. A beaming white Prism Blade glimmered within his grip, before Aeron would take a dash towards Sans. Sans would narrow his eye-sockets, still smirking.

As he would take a swing, Sans would fly back, before swinging a kick right across Aeron's face. Recoiling from the blow, he wouldn't let up. He would raise the blade above his head, before propelling himself at the Skeleton. Sans, acknowledging a potential counter, would rush him down just as quickly as he made his attempt. Grabbing his wrist that the weapon was held in, he would expeditiously ROCK Aeron in the nose, letting go of his forearm as the force would disorient the being.

Sans, past this, would welt his fist into Aeron's chest, waiting no time before swiftly kneeing him in the nose. In a hasty follow up, Sans would spin, holding just the right posture to kick Aeron down into the soil, dragging him through the muddy grounds.

As their battle would continue to taint the forestry, Sans would descend in obvious concern for the overwhelmingly beautiful landmark, flourishing with the homes of countless creatures alike, prospering with the gorgeous atmosphere of a wonderful creation from none other than Mother Nature. Sans would look around the place, a weary expression conflicting his fixation to the current battle.

"Didn't YOU say that we didn't have to worry about the forestry?" Sans asked, not particular worry in his voice, but more seeking reassurance. Sluggishly getting up, Aeron would push himself from the ground, taking full notice of his tattered and bruised clothing and vessel alike. He would look at Sans. "Just because one of us were exiled, doesn't mean we lost the ability to create." Sans' eyes would lock back with Aeron's. "...Well, I guess recreate, technically." With the correction, the tattered fighter's eyes would fall off to the side, worn and clearly growing slightly weaker from the ongoing fight. Yet, in his time of sulking in his own puddle of pain, a creature would stroll out from the bushes, the sound and sudden movement quickly grabbing the attention of both combatants.

A deer would stroll by the two, plucking a bit of grass from the ground with its mouth, before chewing down on it.

"Huh. Animals were always pretty." Sans had clearly always been one for nature. His appeal towards not only the natural life flourishing throughout the environment, but it was his raw respect for the forces cruising with the stream of creation. Whilst it wasn't one Sans rode, it was one Sans clearly did observe. It was remarkable, to say the least. The Skeleton, having let the beauty of the place get to him, would let his actions flow with the tranquility, expressing his calmness in the observance with a simple arm fold. Almost as if brainwashed, Sans' calm and steady eyes would gaze upon the art at its work. Of course, it was far too obvious Sans didn't view it as just art and nothing more, yet, instead, worshiped and treated it like so. Something so gorgeous and remarkable that it'd be a simple sin to make a move to taint it in the slightest. It'd come off as surprising to the fewest of people for Sans' love for nature, along with the fundamental properties of the Universe, yet, knowing the Skeleton all too well, it wouldn't be abnormal for him to get lost with the simple sight of a master at its work.

"Guess so." Yet, with the simple mutter of two words, Sans was snapped right back to where he was just moments ago. Reality. And, more importantly, the reality of the fight at hand. A second or two would breeze over, only to be discerned by the soft rustling of leaf's gliding through the woodlands, before Sans would finally come to his senses. He'd turn back to Aeron; his dazed expression having been fully broken off from what it was seconds ago. "Break time is over." Sans would coldly state, with a small and subtle grin quickly following the hint. "Huh?" In a brief and sudden movement unparalleled to ever Aeron's reaction time, the dawned warrior would grab the humanoid by the tie. With barely any time to properly take in or understand what just occurred, his eyes would beam up, horror drenching the face of the practical God. Almost being nearly choked by the aggression, Sans would raise him up with his superb strength, before bashing him into the tree he was previously sent crashing into. "You said we didn't need to worry about the forest, right?" Sans would smile, before flying upward, rug-burning Aeron up against the tree. Burrowing through the plant, bits of wood would fly away from the two, as they would ascend into the sky.

Holding a firm grip on his turtleneck, Aeron would conjure a Prism blade near the two, as the sword would throw itself at Sans. Yet, in a punctual reaction, Sans would extend his left arm out and grab the blade, before utilizing it to slash through Aeron's stomach. ...Yet, to his surprise, the blade's form would collapse upon contact, dissipating upon the hit. Sans, looking down at where the initial blow would've sliced through, would quickly look back at Aeron. He would shoulder-shrug, giving a small "hm" as a simple response, before full force kicking Aeron in the chest, thrusting the Ancient One away.

Opening a portal behind him, Aeron would phase through the gateway, appearing behind Sans. Sans, in an instant, would turn back towards him. Aeron would punch down on him, with Sans simply dodging out of the way. Sans would rock his fist into the chin of the being, staggering him. Sans would dash towards him, not giving him even a second to think. Activating Aspirate Aura, Sans would do a sudden and quick barrage of a few punches–, grappling onto Aeron's tuxedo and yanking him back towards the Skeleton–, before he would simply rock him in the abdomen, sending him hurling towards the ground.

Though not wanting to damage the forest any further, Sans would appear behind Aeron, grabbing him by the back of the neck. With a swift and sudden movement, Sans would throw him over his body, throwing him back towards the temple, allowing for Aeron to regain some composure. "This fight is so slow paced! I expected something way more significant from you all." Sans would call out, grinning. Sans would form a sword in his hand, forged from what appeared to be a blue tinged glass like material. Swinging it around, Sans would continue by softly tossing it up in the air and catching it. "I can show you how to truly use a weapon, if you'd like." Sans' grin would grow, smudging his expression into an eerie smile.

Aeron would push his anxiety down his throat with one large gulp, drowning his senses wearing him down. He'd spit, hoping to get rid of the bothersome taste of dirt and wood surging itself around within the deep crevices of his mouth. Thoughts flowed through Aeron's head, adjudicating the fight before it was anywhere close towards finishing. Despite the endless influx of thoughts bothering and picking at his mind, only few remained fully prominent. The burden of conflict tainted his perception of the battle, with the confusion further becoming more apparent, soon not stopping at his mind alone, but breaking through into his own expression.

Whilst Sans remained still and dormant, still keeping a poised guard in his defense against the obvious defender, the thoughts would continue to press themselves deeper into the mind of the mysterious figure. Aeron would eventually find himself sharply inhaling, fathoming the consequence of what he demanded at play. Grasping the situation, his dazed mind would refocus itself, yet the constant projection of this undying notion that would continue to baffle, and above all else, draw a string of regret from the heart of the Ancient One would prove a weight too far gone within his gut.

How could such a powerful enigmatic being exist?

The simple query would dig itself into his metaphorical brain, definitely holstering its place as a question he'd beg to have answered in the back of his head. Aeron, of course, had an influx of things he'd like to both question and establish with the Skeleton, so, it'd be best if he'd hurry up and finish this.

"...Right then, go ahead."

White sparks would begin to flutter throughout the area, with the sudden burst of energy grasping Sans' attention. Aeron would huff, his gaze closing in on his oppressor. He'd cross his arms into an X, closing his middle and ring fingers into his palm. Sans' eyes would redirect themselves back towards The Ancient One– though, mostly focused on his hand movements. Aeron had already accepted and realized the fact that Sans was a remarkable fighter, so his adaptability would clearly flourish in a battle, especially one similar to this. With the odd gestures, Aeron would concentrate the Prism Magic, focusing the unstinting power and utilizing it to form just exactly what he'd need to win the confrontation.

Yet, Sans, on the other hand... his burning gaze would watch every small gesture Aeron would make, deducting and registering all of them. Whatever he'd dare to attack Sans with, he's established all too well that he'd counter them in a heartbeat. Deep down, Aeron knew this. Yet, in his attempt to at least pose some sort of threat to the Comical Warrior– to draw out some sort of effort, to exert some form of exertion beyond the little he's displayed already, that, above all else, hell, even winning, that was the main goal.

As the embodiment of the power would continue to manifest– drawing out its capability even further, constructing out into a raw manifested crystal wall, before exploding outward with sheer energy, Aeron would draw his strengths out, having to now put them to the test. "You have surpassed my expectations, Skeleton." Grinning, Sans would nod his head in agreement. "And you've only hit me once!" He'd taunt. Groaning in annoyance, Aeron would continue. "...I'm curious to see how you'll try and meet them now." 

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