Lost Wonders (Stray Kids x Ho...

By Lix_Lovrr

1.8K 87 19

⚠TW; Disturbing topics, talks of suicide, mentions of murder/distortions/cults⚠ Being trapped with nowhere to... More

No Turning back
Longer wait
Wrong Move
Thin Wire Left
Weeping Boy
Weeping Boy Pt.2
🎃Halloween Special (one shot)🍬
🦃Thanksgiving Special (one shot) 🍗
🎄Christmas special(one shot)🎁

The Red Dream

168 8 1
By Lix_Lovrr

TW; Disturbing topics and sleep paralysis is mentioned

If these TWs don't disturb you then you can read ahead

enjoy :)

Hans Pov

I got nervous when Felix left my home to go somewhere with Changbin, I've been having nightmares and sleep paralysis so its increasingly difficult to get any rest. Although they were just dreams, they gave me this weird feeling as if the dreams were trying to warn me. I didn't want to sulk for too long so I just went to go to take a shower. 

As I was in the shower the thought kept lingering that something was coming my way, it made me on edge, and I know I would be up at night thinking what it could mean. 

When I got out, I noticed Felix wasn't back but maybe he's just taking longer.

I waited

And waited

And waited

But nothing, it was almost 1 am and I decided to sleep, hoping he would come home in the morning. Laying down, I couldn't help but think if he was in trouble or lost. These thoughts kept lingering as my eyes grew heavy and I eventually fell asleep.


I hear muffled screams but see no one, 'It's dark' I mumble and suddenly, a small dim red light turned on and I see Felix tied up in a corner along with Changbin, Minho, and Hyunjin.

They all have a piece of cloth between their teeth being tied behind their heads. "Felix?!" I scream but he never looked up, "Changbin!" same thing he never looked up, "Hyunjin! Minho please answer me!" yet again nothing. After a while of screaming their names to get their attention I came to the conclusion that they can't hear me.

I see a man enter the room with a hood on and a mask and take out the cloths out of their mouths. He stares at me as if I'm the audience and gives me a malicious smirk as he begins the speak, "Lets see hm, I know you and this one are very close and have been basically since you were in dippers" he pulls Felix by his hair as he shows him off to me. He then pushes him down and grabs Changbin and Hyunjin by their hair "Or how about these two they put up a challenge to get and very stubborn, no wonder you three get along so well" He throws them down as he lets out a manic laugh that is sending shivers down my spine.

He walks up in front of Minho as Minho gives him a glare, but the man scoffs at him and grabs him by the back of his head, "Hm, what do we have here? seems like this one is more precious to you hm?" the man laughs.

I'm just frozen in place, and I really can do anything to stop this as the man brings a knife closer to Minhos throat I suddenly scream out

"STOP" I woke up in a sweat, breathing heavily, I looked around and saw I was in my room. I got up and ran to look around the house for Felix, since it was 2 am he shouls be back by now right? , Nothing it was quiet. Grabbing my phone, I called his number but no answer, again and again I called but nothing. I started to get worried, so I called jeongin but nothing too, Then I called Seungmin.

"What?" he groaned "Have you heard from Felix, Changbin, or Jeongin? I can't get a hold of them" "no? I haven't heard from them" I thought for a bit "Do you know where Chanbins parents live?" 

Later, at 9 am I got in my car typing in the address Seungmin gave me, following around I noticed How the streets were completely empty. I take any thoughts out of my head and focus on the road.

I pulled up to the home and quickly knocked on the door, after a few seconds a women opened the door. "May I help you?" the women asked "Hi, Im Han Jisung, I'm Changbins friend" I gave her a small smile and she invited me in. 

"I was here to ask if changbin came home because he won't answer my calls and a friend that went out with him isn't answering either" "No, I'm sorry, He never came home and I'm starting to get worried too" I sat for a while and simply nodded and thank her for complying with me. We parted ways and I decided to Head to seungmins home.

When I Got to his home, his mother answered the door and let me inside. Seungmin was shocked to see me and told me to follow him to his room. We sat on his bed in silence for a while until I spoke up "I think something happened to them..."

He gave me a confused look but then realized who I was talking about "Ji, I know you're paranoid but-" "I'm not paranoid Seungmin! I'm tired of everyone saying I'm not! Felix, and the others haven't messaged or text and I'm getting worried something may have happened to them" I snapped back at him.

"Well, you can only report to the police that they're missing, otherwise there's nothing we can do" I sighed I guess he was right. What more can I do?

I went to the police station to give information to them so they can file a missing person report for them, soon I went back to my apartment since it started getting late.

Later on, Felix still didn't come back as expected. The loneliness felt so odd, usually I didn't mind but now for some reason I didn't feel safe.

I didn't feel like eating so I just took a shower and went onto bed. I already knew I was going to have a nightmare or sleep paralysis. I wanted to get it over with so I forced myself to sleep but couldn't, something was keeping me up. I decided to get up and get some melatonin to help me sleep.

As I was trying to get the pill out of the container, my eyes kept wondering to my window. I decided to see if it was locked, it was then I went to check my door, locked too. I sigh out of relief and go ahead to take my pill. I lay back in bed with the same feeling still lingering in the air, but after a while I did drift off to sleep.


My eyes flutter open as I slightly stir and squirm trying to move but I realized that I'm tied. My eyes are on the floor as I see a pair of shoes Infront of me and my eyes follow the legs to see a hooded man. "Thank you" he says in an almost whisper tone, "F-for what?" I reply. "You made it so much easier to get to you, you left your window unlocked and I got into your apartment and locked it to make it seem like it was already locked" he lets out a low chuckle that sends chills down my spine. He walks to the door and before he closes it he says "Welcome Jisung" then he slams the door shut. 

I woke up in a room with a dim lighting, I looked around 'am I still dreaming?' I bang my head on the wall in an attempt to wake up. "Wake up damn it" I mumbled, "Stop it idiot" I shoot my head to the muffled voice to see Minho staring me down. "This isn't a dream" he said, and I looked around to see Felix, Changbin, and Hyunjin. I let the reality sink in for a few seconds then I started panicking 'This is real?'.

Tears started to run down my eyes without me even noticing "oh god..."


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