The Truth is Not What it Seems

De Musicannimals

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Lilly Evans is a muggle-born. Lord Voldemort can not fall in love. James and Lilly Potter are dead. Peter... Mais

Samhein 1981
Ch. 1-Where to Begin
Ch. 2
Ch. 3-Continued With Family
Ch. 4-Hogwart's Express and The Sorting
Ch. 5-Opening Feast, First Morning, and the Discoveries of a Lifetime
Ch. 6-Budding Friendships and Enemies
Ch. 7-Quidditch Trials
Ch. 8-The Office
Ch. 9-Truths and Action
Ch. 10-The Philosopher's Stone
Ch.12-A Howler, broom, Flashback, and More
Ch. 13-First Quidditch Match and Detention
Ch. 14-Yule and the Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 15-Reactions to the Truth

Ch. 11-Samhain 1991

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De Musicannimals

Samhain, or Halloween as Dumbledore insists we call it for the muggle-borns' benefit, comes much faster than Harry had hoped. Despite his parents still being alive, Samhain marks the day Harry was torn away from his parents and sent to live with the Dursleys. The day that resigned Harry to having to grow up with those blasted muggles. The 31st of October is always greeted by Harry rather un cheerfully. It doesn't help that things always go wrong for Harry on that day, and this year started no differently.

To begin, Harry wakes up on that dreadful morning of 1991 almost twenty minutes late. So much for Nott, Malfoy, and Zambini waking him up though Harry didn't expect them too. Ever since he started associating with other houses and discarding the unspoken rule of blood purity, the other Slytherin seem to view Harry as a piece of dung they couldn't get away with. His roommates must have thought being late to class a deserving punishment. As it just so happens, Harry completely misses breakfast, and is late to Potions by 5 minutes receiving a detention from Professor Snape. Sitting down at his cauldron not missing the giggles circulating throughout the classroom, he resigns himself to having a terrible day before beginning to take notes on the wiggenweld potion.

Charms though earns the title for starting the worst part of the day, and it doesn't even happen to him. For whatever reason Ronald Weasley, the prejudiced fame digger decides to sit next to Hermione in the front row on a day where all houses are present because Flitwick has an engagement later. All seems to go well until the practical part of class where after failing to complete the levitating charm on the first try, Ron ever impatient, begins hitting his wand all over the place.

Hermione quickly puts a stop to this by grabbing Ron's wand arm and says, "Stop! Stop! You're going to take someone's eye out. Relax, no one else has completed the charm yet. Besides, your saying it wrong. It's LeviOsa not LeviosAr."

Ron slowly turning as red as his hair despite no one paying attention to the pair and at having a muggle-born correct him shouts back, "Well you do it if your so clever! Go on!"

Hermione turns back to her feather and speaks in a clear voice doing the swish and flick motion, "Wingardium Leviosa."

Concentration present on her face, the feather levitates in the air following Hermione's wand movement. Ron mumbles in his seat something unkind about know-it-all Ravenclaws.

Professor Flitwick noticing Hermione's feather cries out, "Oh, well done! Look everyone! Miss Granger has done it! Splendid!"

Seamus who is sitting next to The-Boy-Who-Lived fueled by Hermione's show attempts the spell. The feather blows up right in his face and some land on Harry's robe and hair! Great! Didn't he tell you that Samhain always ends up as a bad day?


Shortly after Charms, while walking across the courtyard, Aaliyah, Neville, Harry and Hermione are in midst of conversation. Ron, Seamus, and Dean walk a little farther ahead.

Ronald speaks loudly knowing Hermione is walking behind him because he glances back before speaking. "It's 'LeviOsa', not 'LeviosA'. No wonder the mud blood has no friends."

Before anyone can stop her, Hermione runs away clutching her books to her chests, tears streaming down her face.

"Hermione!" Neville calls running after her glaring at Weasel on his way.

Aaliyah though has a different plan. She marches right up to the Gryffindor, stands over him, and everyone expects her next words to be "What did you just call her?" Instead Aaliyah winds her hand back and punches Weasel right in the nose sending him flying to the ground! The boy cries out in pain as he holds his broken nose and curls up into a ball. Aaliyah stands over her victim a cruel grin upon her face. Not so brave now, huh the face obviously says.

"Miss Gushkin," Professor Mcgnagall's stern voice rings out from across the courtyard. Seamus and Dean pick Ron off the floor as the head of Gryffindor walks over to the scene. "10 points from Hufflepuff and detention!" She screeches. Despite the pain he is in, Ronald manages a smug smile at the Hufflepuff.

Aaliyah does not reject, but she pulls herself higher and tells the professor, "Alright. Professor, Ronald was bullying my friend Hermione Granger and dared to call her a mudblood." She sends a glare to the boy.

Professor Mcgnagall rounds on the young boy. "Is this true Mr. Weasley," she barks.

Ron shakes his head still crying from the pain and mumbles, "N-no."

Harry steps forward. "He's lying. I saw it, and I can give you the memory if you want."

"Very well," Mcgnagall speaks. "Step forward if you will Mr. Potter." She pulls out her wand and summons a small container. Touching the wand to Harry's forehead, she pulls out a strand of memory before placing it in the canister. She turns towards the other three boys. " I will review the memory. For now, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Finnigan, please take Mr. Weasley to the hospital wing."

"Yes Professor." "Of course."

As Mcgnagall strides away and Seamus and Dean lead Ron away, Aaliyah turns towards the Professor her arms wide. "I still have detention!" She cries in denial.

Professor Mcgnagall stops and turns to face Aaliyah. "Yes you do. Despite Mr. Weasley's horrible actions, violence is never the answer. Especially in a school setting Miss Gushkin."

Harry sides up next to Aaliyah. "Did your father teach you that?" He asks referring to Weasel.

"No," she says. "Dad would never lower himself to fist brawl. I learned it from Mum." She then runs off to find Hermione and Neville leaving Harry to imagine Helga Hufflepuff hitting someone in the nose. It could only get worse from there.


The Samhain feast as Harry mentally calls it is well under way. Despite this being the anniversary of his parents' 'deaths', he has not received one 'I'm Sorry for your loss Harry'. Instead, they party the death of two wonderful people and a young boy becoming an orphan. Disgraceful and disgusting. For now, Harry absently eats the food laid out and tries to ignore Neville's sympathetic glance, at least one person remembered, as Harry mentally compiles his list of grades that would be sent out tonight. Every two months, Hogwarts sends out progress reports on the last day to the parents or guardians. Harry knows the Dursleys will have no idea what the grades mean, but will burn it anyway without looking and tell everyone he is failing. With Aaliyah and Helena still with Hermione in the girl's bathroom and not wanting to have a conversation about his parents with Neville, he resigns himself to having no friends or family anywhere in sight. OR SO HE THINKS.

Shortly after coming to this conclusion, he notices the girl Slytherin Prefect walking towards him. At least, that's what it looks like. Harry has only seen the girl in passing, and after the opening feast when she and the prefect lead them to the Slytherin common room. Then, for the second time since starting Hogwarts, Harry feels someone enter his mind using Legilimency. A crystal clear voice floats through his mind telling him something very surprising, something he would remember for a long time. It says,


SAY WHAT??!!?!

Just as quickly as the voice came, Harry can feel the presence leaving his mind. He has no doubt though that the owner of the voice is the Prefect coming closer. The fifth year stops before the Hufflepuff and Slytherin first years. Neville's face sets in a firm line trying to be brave obviously thinking it's another Slytherin here to scold Harry for hanging out with other houses. The girl proves him wrong.

"Neville Longbottom, correct?" She asks actual genuine kindness in her tone. Yup, it's definitely the voice from Harry's mind. "The heir of the noble and ancient house of Longbottom, yes?"

Shock lines Neville's face. It's been a while since people greeted him politely besides his friends. Longer still since they recognized House Longbottom as one of the sacred 28, since their fortune had diminished greatly over the generations. Now House Longbottom had the assets of a middle class family and has to work to bring in the money. Not one pure blood family, especially the other 27 think them worth their time. Yet, this Slytherin Prefect did and respected him enough to take notice of his house's political power. Perhaps that is why Dumbledore had partially ruined the Longbottoms? Because they were a threat? Something to think about, Harry decided.

When Neville doesn't answer, the girl continues. "Would you mind Heir Longbottom if I talk to Harry for a moment? He'll be back in a bit."

Neville still shocked and being addressed as Heir Longbottom doesn't help makes no move to confirm nor deny. Harry wonders if this is her plan all along. Address Neville as he deserves, so that he will be so shocked that he doesn't protest.

After waiting a second more, she grabs Harry by the arm. Surprising she doesn't drag Harry, but waits for him to get up and they walk out of the Great Hall. Harry has a feeling that she holding his arm is more a safety net in case he tries to escape. Soon, she pulls open the door to an empty classroom and pushes Harry in the room when he doesn't go in himself. Slytherin Prefect locks the door, throws up privacy and anti-eavesdropping wards, and for extra measure, more complicated locking spells that Alohomora won't open. She tuns around to see Harry pointing his wand at her in a duel stance.

"I guess I should have expected this reaction," she says holding her hands up. "I'm not going to hurt you Harry. I'm your aunt."

"Your my what?!"

"Aunt, Harry. Lilliana's little sister."

Harry does recall his Mum telling him that she has a much younger sister and brother at Diagon Alley. He does remember his mum saying that her sister is at Hogwarts now, but he had been so excited to actually see his family that he spaced whatever else she had said about her. He throws up his mind shields. They'll weak but hopefully keep the girl out while he tests if she truly is his aunt or not. If he strains his mind, Harry can remember his aunt's name.

The-Boy-Who-Lived feels no presence or hole in his shields as he asks the Slytherin Prefect, "What's your name?" If she answers Evans then she is not his aunt, if she answers Riddle, well that either means further proof she is his aunt or his family is in big trouble.

"Aurelia Chelsea Riddle," the fifth year replies. "Daughter of Chelsea Riddle neé Selwyn and Tom Marvolo Riddle AKA Lord Voldemort. But everyone thinks my name is Audrey Evans daughter of Marcus Evans and Emma Evans. I changed my first name to Audrey while at Hogwarts not only because if someone found out the name of Voldemort's second daughter, I would be safe, but also because for whatever reason my nickname for as long as I can remember is Audrey. I have a younger brother named Kayden who will be starting Hogwarts next year. Your mother is Lilliana Merope Potter neé Riddle AKA Lilly Potter neé Evans, and your father is James Potter. Your great grandfather and father's grandfather is GELLERT GRINDELWALD as your grandmother and my godmother is Euphemia Potter neé 'Braithewaite."' she put this in air quotes. "But as she was adopted when she was eight her birth name is Euphemia Grindelwald as she constantly points out and is the daughter of Gellert and Ariana Grindelwald neé Dumbledore. Sorry, once I get started it's almost impossible to stop. I think that's enough proof don't you?"

"Gellert Grindelwald is my what?" Harry asks sliding down against the wall.

"I guess you didn't know," Aurelia no Audrey observes.

Harry shakes his head. He begins to examine Audrey. Her hair is long and dyed a dusty peach, lilac, and a multitude of different colors making amazing unicorn hair. Her posture and facial structure reminds Harry of his grandfather while her eyes are the same striking blue as his mother and grandmother.

Hair: and

Eyes: the top one

Before Audrey can reply, a voice rings out, "Audrey where are you?"

"Coming Perc!" She hollers back. "Give me a moment."

An affronted look shines across Harry's face as Audrey turns back to her nephew. "Your friends with a Weasley?" He cries in poorly hidden disgust.

"Best mate," Audrey replies confidently getting off from the floor signaling the conversation is at it's end. "Besides the Weasleys aren't all bad. You'll figure out that some of them are pretty great soon I bet. Anyway, I have to go. I know I gave you a lot of information tonight, so my advice would be to give you time to process it and write a letter to your parents. If you do, say hi to my sister from me will you?"

At Harry's nod, Audrey walks over to the door and reverses the charms and takes down the wards. She slips out the door, and Harry soon follows. As he walks back to the Great Hall, he notices Audrey walking with the Gryffindor prefect his red hair and freckles making him a Weasley. For a moment, Harry stands there watching the two hidden in the shadows. There's definitely chemistry there. A Riddle and a Weasley, who would have thought?


Of course all good things have to come to an end. This one with a troll. Harry, still wrapping his head around the fact that Grindelwald is his great grandfather and his great grandmum is Ari Dumbledore, (isn't that Albus Dumbledore's sister) just makes it back to the Great Hall in time for Professor Quirrell to come running through the doors!

"Troll!" He yells in clear fright. "Troll in the dungeon!" Then he proceeds to take on a fainter approach literally. "Thought you ought to know." He collapse in a faint.


Harry faintly makes out Draco Malfoy screaming like a girl and would laugh if the situation wasn't so dire.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yells his firm voice echoing across the walls. Everyone does so. Harry has a mad urge to scream just to annoy him. "Teachers come with me to the dungeons. Prefects escort the students to their dormitories."

Harry desperately searches for Aaliyah in the sea of students despite knowing she is still in the bathroom with Hermione and Helena. The bathroom! He'll have to think about it later! Aaliyah is always better at challenging authority. I guess Harry will have to do.

Speaking up the still silent hall Harry says loudly, "Headmaster the Slytherin and Hufflepuff dorms are in the dungeons!"

He's ignored by everyone except the Slytherins who look like they're seeing Harry for the first time, Percy who looks like he's about to agree, Audrey who grins at Harry, and the Hufflepuffs who send Harry grateful smilies and nods.

"The girls are still in the bathroom! What are we going to do?!" Neville asks. "Should we tell a professor?"

Harry looks across the Great Hall. The students are storming out of the Great Hall like a hurricane. They would never get there in time. "First," he tells Neville. "We try to survive this!"

The two boys get pushed out of the Great Hall in the wave. They walk down the hallways trying to escape the panicking students racing to their dorms when they notice the troll heading towards the bathroom! Without exchanging a glance or word, the two race off towards the bathroom.

As they near the bathroom they hear Aaliyah's voice tell someone, probably Hermione that "At least he got detention and a letter sent to his parents for saying the M word."

The troll barges in just seconds before the boys. Hermione screams! Helena whips out her wand and cries level-headed, "Petrificus Totalus!"

The troll drops frozen his club dropping as well! Now screams are present from Harry and Neville as well! Aaliyah takes out her wand and both children of the founders yell, "Wingardium LeviOsa!" Both boys are lifted off the ground and moved to the other side of the bathroom! As Harry lands he truly realizes realizes who their parents are and the amount of power they must process. The troll hits the ground with a resounding THUD! For a minute, they all stand there looking at the frozen troll.

Then Aaliyah says, "We should go," and they all hurry out of the room and around the troll Aalyiah saying "Follow me."

She leads the 4 down the hallway and turns right at the first crossroads. She walks up to a certain painting of a sailor. The Hufflepuff pushes the painting to the side ignoring the outburst from the painting itself, presses her hand against the wall where the painting was, and mutters, "Fortis."

Harry vaguely recalls that fortis is latin for brave as a door appears where the painting was. Everyone tumbles inside the secret passageway. Aaliyah quickly explains as she leads them through the maze that the passageways go throughout the entire castle, that where they came through was only one entrance out of hundreds, and that Godric had invented the passageways because he was always late and didn't want to face the wrath of Helena's mother Rowena. She slows in front of a doorway. She tells everyone that this is the entranceway to the Hufflepuff dorms.

She asks Helena if she 'knows the way?' Helena responds with "Of course. I know these passageways like the back of my hand."

As Neville and Aaliyah disappear, Helena leads Harry to the Slytherin dorms before leading Hermione and herself to Ravenclaw's. Harry walks through the door to find himself in the hallway leading to all the boys dormitories. The door disappears behind him. Harry faintly hears chatter next to him, so he guesses everyone regrouped in the common room. Harry breathes a sigh of relief as he walks up the stairs. The common room is packed tight with Slytherins therefore no one notices as Harry comes from the dormitory. He blends in at roll call and head count that Audrey and the boy prefect preform. No one is caught.

After the prefects tell everyone to head to their dorms, Audrey walks over to Harry and roughly pulls him aside. "What the bloody hell happened? Where were you?" She asks her voice dropping in anger.

"My friends and I kind of defeated the troll?" He replies sheepishly his answer coming out more as a question.

"Are you okay?" Audrey asks suddenly worried. Then she pulls herself together and switches back to anger.

"YOU DID WHAT?" She roars albeit quietly as she doesn't want other people to notice.

Harry gulps. Audrey had definitely inherited his grandfather's temper. No else was caught that night.

———————————————————— AUTHOR'S NOTE!..............................................

If you haven't noticed I'm a sucker for Percy Weasley fics. I've read so many where the Weasleys are bullies or neglect Percy that I can't imagine the Weasleys as I used to. Be prepared for major Weasleys bashing in the future. Also, if you are a die hard Potter fan like I am (I do NOT support J.K. Rowling's views) you know that Percy ends up marrying a women named Audrey maiden name unknown. That's right! Whether you like it or not, Percy and Audrey are Endgame! I also have major plans involving Grindelwald and Ari! I always hated how Albus treated Ari, so I want to get my revenge by her becoming a super powerful witch and falling in love with Gellert. SPOILER ALEART: (Ari survives the killing curse!) There will also be flashbacks involving James' Mum as a Death Eater and references to her heritage! Stay tuned because most of this will happen WAY down the road.   

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