The Truth is Not What it Seem...

By Musicannimals

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Lilly Evans is a muggle-born. Lord Voldemort can not fall in love. James and Lilly Potter are dead. Peter... More

Samhein 1981
Ch. 2
Ch. 3-Continued With Family
Ch. 4-Hogwart's Express and The Sorting
Ch. 5-Opening Feast, First Morning, and the Discoveries of a Lifetime
Ch. 6-Budding Friendships and Enemies
Ch. 7-Quidditch Trials
Ch. 8-The Office
Ch. 9-Truths and Action
Ch. 10-The Philosopher's Stone
Ch. 11-Samhain 1991
Ch.12-A Howler, broom, Flashback, and More
Ch. 13-First Quidditch Match and Detention
Ch. 14-Yule and the Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 15-Reactions to the Truth
End of The Year and Announcmet

Ch. 1-Where to Begin

241 9 1
By Musicannimals

  There is one person Harry blames for what happened that October night. One person he blames for him living with the Durselys. One person who Harry blames for all that has happened to him. And there is one person Harry blames for people giving him the title The-Boy-Who-Lived. That person was someone Harry had vowed to exact his revenge on the moment he walked through Hogwarts door. Harry would make it seem like he trusted the man. He would make the man believe he saw him as a hero and mentor. Harry would pretend to turn into another one of his puppets never questioning him or his motives. Revenge will be sweet Harry reminds himself every morning of his horrid life. In the end, the man would never expect in a thousand years for Harry to betray him. That man was the great Ablus Dumbledore.

The Most Brilliant Birthday Ever-Harry's Prov.
It had been almost a week, since the letters started arriving. With no response, I know Dumbledore will be sending someone to give me my letter in person. My only hope that it was someone who didn't have any beef with my grandparents or worse yet:my parents.

My birthday is tomorrow, and the Durselys and I are currently in a shack in the middle of a stormy lake. It was amusing that Vernon had thrown us all in the car and had tried to lose the wizarding world. Like that would ever work. Now, I was on the dirty floor with Dudley's snores damaging my ears.
In order to distract myself, I pull out my backpack. The backpack was something that had been in my hands on that Halloween night, and the Durselys could not get me to rid of it. It's been a tradition of mine to look through it the night before my birthday. I had stashed the backpack in the dark corner besides the fireplace. The pack is red and green with white straps. Inside are the presents I had received for my first birthday. From my parents, I had received a scrapbook with much room left for my time at Hogwarts. Pictures were already there of my first year of life, my parents, and my uncles. From my Uncle Padfoot, I had gotten a tiny broomstick which I had raced around all day. Uncle Peter had gotten me a thick book of children stories both muggle and magical. Uncle Moony gave me an enchanted teddy bear, and my grandparents gave me a toy wand that allowed me to do simple spells. My favorite object in the backpack is a letter from both my parents explaining what happened on that October night and a second piece of blank magical parchment. Much like my grandfather's diary, the parchment allows me to communicate with whoever owns the matching piece of parchment. The parchment has allowed me to stay in touch with my family as the years go by. Starting down at the parchment now, words in my mum's handwriting begin to appear.
Harry, It reads. Quirrel has informed us that Dumbledore has sent Hagrid to bring you to Hogwarts. Why haven't you been answering your letters? By the way, Happy Birthday. I can't believe your 11 now!

Mum, the Durselys wouldn't let me answer the letters. And thanks.
Then, I carefully put away the parchment before Mum can respond back. Hagrid. Interesting. Mum had told me that he was a nice fellow, but also lousy with loyalty to Dumbledore. That would have to change, if I didn't want to die surrounded by idiots. Apparently, he was the person framed for opening the chamber of secrets in his 3rd year. Fools, the lot of them. Like Hagrid is the heir to Slytherin. The day that happens is the day I proclaim my loyalty to Dumbledore and mean it.

Dudley's watch rings signalling midnight just as a noise bangs through the night. Hagrid is here. Sprinting up and grabbing the bundle of clothes I had placed in my backpack before leaving the Durselys, I check to make sure everything is there. Good. Time to leave the Durselys for nine months. The banging of Hagrid's feet come closer, and my "relatives" begin to stir. Before they can block my escape, I skid across the floor to the door and run outside just moments before the door comes tearing off. At least Dudley's gang is good for one thing. My reflects are naturally sharp, and I am able to roll out of the way before the door comes bounding down on top of me.
"Are you Hagrid?" I ask though I already know the answer. For how could anyone else be mistaken. Hagrid is 3 times the size of the tallest man in the world and has to duck to fit through the door that is over 7 feet tall.
"Yeh, tha' be me," Hagrid's mispronounced words ring through the raging storm without turning around. "Who asks'?"
"I'm Harry. Harry Potter," I say unsure as I squeeze around his body to get back into the shack. Doesn't he recognize me? Aunt Petunia once let out that I have my mother's eyes, and from the pictures I've seen in the scrapbook, I'm a carbon copy of my dad.
Hagrid's face lights up with recognition before his face turns to guilt. "Sorry about that," He says putting the door back up. "Are yeh okay? Can' believe I almost hit yah."
"I'm fine," I say ignoring my soaked and muddy appearance. "Quick reflects. I'm ready to go shopping in Diagon Alley whenever you are."
"Then whys yeh havn' been answering yeh letters?!" Hagrid seems to get madder as the seconds go by. He must think I'm a spoiled brat who didn't answer my letters, so Hogwarts would make a fuss about not getting The-Boy-Who-Lived into their school. So much for a first impression.
"My charming relatives," I begin my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Wouldn't let me get near a letter before they burned it, let alone respond to one. "
Hagrid rounds on to the Durselys who haven't said a word the entire time, and I flash a smug smirk in their direction.
"Wha't does he mean yeh burned his letters?!"
Uncle Vernon looks at me with his face about to pop like popcorn. "You know about magic?' he roars.
"Of course," I respond smugly before taking on a harder edge. "Despite what you two think I am not incompetence and do know the truth about my parents. You didn't think the bag they left me with explained who they were? Really? Saying that my parents died in a car crash is the best you can come up with?"
"YEH SAID THT' LILLY AND JAMES POTTER DIED IN A CAR CRASH?!!" Now that scream could go against my grandfather's. This is going to be quite the show.

One screaming at the Durselys, a dog tail for Dudley, a cleaning and drying spell later, Hagrid and I are currently in London about to enter Diagon Alley. This will be fun.

I, I know. Short chapter and it's late. I tried to not stay to closely to the book which is why I started at Harry's birthday. This must have been my fourth or third draft. Definitely the hardest chapter to write. Next up Diagon Alley. Also, for those who want to know about the reference last chapter, it was Star Wars. "The Dark Side." *Input Vader's voice.* I know my Grammer is bad, but please keep reading. Also, how did I do with Hagrid's speaking? Constructive Feedback please. 

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