The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy...

By T-Bonezesteak2

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This story is my idea for a sequel to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon show. It tells the story of the Ro... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 3

305 4 0
By T-Bonezesteak2

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

The camera cut to the Powerpuff Girls fighting the Rowdyruff Boys. But, of course, the girls won the fight again without difficulty. The fight ended, and the camera cut in the following order:

The Rowdyruff Boys got cuffed, thrown to the back of a police truck with the door slammed that smoothly cut to a judge's hammer. The boys were in cuffs while the Powerpuff Girls looked at them with arms crossed and devilish smugs.

Judge: I hereby sentence the defendants, "Rowdyruff Boys," to fifteen years in prison!

Brick: WHAT?!

Buttercup: Are you also deaf? You're gonna spend your time in prison!


Blossom: Sorry, boys, you have to serve your time; actions have consequences, so don't try to escape it by us destroying you.

The officers then injected the boys with a syringe with orange liquid into their arms. Their faces started to feel dizzy, with their eyes slowly closed as they looked at the Powerpuff Girls.

Buttercup: (smug) See you later in fifteen years!

The screen fades to black with the sound of silence. After some seconds of muffled noises, the screen was the POV of someone waking up and barely opening his eyes. It cuts to Brick's eyes slowly opening before he opens them widely. The camera zooms out and reveals Brick, Boomer, Butch, and other people with orange suits inside the back of a police truck with cuffs.

Brick: Huh?!

Brick looked around in panic, then up, put his hands on his head, lowered them, and looked at the cuffs on his hands. He then tried to break them even though there was no sign of progression.

Random in an orange suit 1: Hey, pal, were you born yesterday? You can't break those cuffs.


Brick tried to fly but with no effect.

Brick: What the-? (jumps in place) HHHHGGGGGNNNNNN...! Why can't I fly?!

The truck stopped instantly, making Brick fly to the truck's back entrance. This also made Butch and Boomer wake up...

Boomer: (snorts) Hng, wha-?

Butch: Aw, I feel like I ate Mojo's cooking. (opens eyes widely) Huh? (looks around) Where are we?

Boomer: (looks around and then at Brick) Whoa, Brick, what are you doing upside down like that?

Brick: (pause, frustrated, and blinks twice) I hate this so much.

The door behind Brick opened, and he fell to the floor.

Police officer 1: Hey, get up, you little shit!

Brick grunted as he got up.

Police officer 2: Alright, ladies, rise and shine; now get out here and form a row! You have the right to remain silent!

Everyone in the truck's back got out and formed a row. In front of Brick stood a large and wide building complex.

Butch: (to Brick) Dude, what is happening?

Brick: Why are ya askin' me? I dunno.

Boomer: (scared) Is Kanye South in there?

Police officer 1: AttenTION! The warden is going to say his piece, and I want everybody quiet as a rock!

The warden walked two steps forward.

Warden: Welcome to Townsville's prison complex. This place is going to be your home for a long time, so if you want to get out faster, act like a goodie-two-shoe prisoner, and maybe we'll consider shortening your sentence. I should also clarify the three children in this row; these are the Rowdyruff Boys, the biggest nemeses of the Powerpuff Girls. But don't worry, with their powers monitored through antidote X, they're practically harmless.


Police officer 1: You will request permission to SPEAK before opening your mouth, shitstain!

A brief pause of silence...

Warden: (clears throat) Now, escort the prisoners to the salon, and then you know the rest.

Police officers in unison: YES, SIR!

Police officer 1: Alright, maggots, get in line, the boys first; MOVE!

The camera cut to the prisoners, with the Rowdyruff Boys first in line just before the leading officers, walking inside the building. The boys looked around the building's interior before the officers stopped next to a door, opened it, and went inside.

Police officer 1: Welcome to the salon, ladies. Before we get you into your cells, we have to remove your individuality by cutting your hair. Don't worry, you're gonna look just fuckin' beautiful.

Black prisoner: Hey, me too? I ain't got nothin' on mah head to cut.

Police officer 1: Shut your mouth, maggot. (to the Rowdyruffs) You boys are first.

Boomer: (smiles) Oh, they're just gonna cut our hair. I thought it's gonna be something bad.

Butch: What do ya mean? (Boomer opens his mouth, but Butch cuts him) No-no; you know what? I don't wanna know.

Boomer: Uh, ok. What about you, Brick?

The camera cut to Brick with a nervous expression and gulped.

Boomer: Um, Brick?

Brick: Oooohhhh, no, I am NOT cutting my hair!


Both police officers grabbed and held Brick forcefully, leading him to the chair. He struggled but to no avail; then, one of the officers held and activated a hair trimmer. It gets closer and closer to Brick...

Brick: (panic) No! No! No! No! NO! NO! (close up of his mouth) NNNOOOOOOOOO!

The camera cut to a ringer and then a walking officer with a paper passing by prisoners in a row.

Police officer 3: (stops and faces the prisoners) Alright, ladies, let's get you into your cells. First are the Rowdyruff boys! (pause) Uh, where are they?

The camera cuts to his POV; he looks right, left, then right until he stops and then down. The Rowdyruff Boys were bald, and Brick had a frustrated and grumpy expression.

Police officer 3: (clears throat) Right. Prisoner 624 "Boomer," You will be led to your cell with officer Mitchel; Prisoner 625 "Brick" will be with officer Edward. And finally, prisoner 626 "Butch" will be with officer Cormack. Should they show resistance, inject them with antidote X. Now, go.

The police officers went to each Rowdyruff and led them in different directions.

Boomer: H-Hey! Why are you guys going that way?!

Officer Mitchel: Zip it, kid.

Butch: I don't wanna be left alone! At least lemme join Brick or Boomer!

Officer Cormack: Shut it up.

Brick: Tch. Later guys.

Brick sighed as he got closer to the camera, making it cut to a black screen. It's then cut to Boomer, then Butch, and finally Brick in a way like a comic panel (two cubes showing Boomer and Butch, and then the third and bigger one showing Brick). They're walking through the halls and passing by cells with prisoners.

Each arrived at their cell, entered, and then the door closed on them. The boys looked at their surroundings...

Butch: Well, this sucks.

The sound of a buzzer made the camera cut to the prison's courtyard; It focused on Brick slowly walking and looking around. Then Brick heard a familiar voice...

Boomer: Brick?

Brick: (turns left) Hm? Oh, Boomer.

Boomer: What do we do, Brick? Do we stay here?

Brick: Tsk, what are ya, dumb? Hell no! We're gonna get outta this stinking place. But first, we're gonna need Butch. (yells) Buuuuuuttttcchhhh!

Boomer: Buuuuuuttttcchhhh! Where are yyyyoooouuuu?

Butch: (running towards Brick and Boomer) Ayo! I've been lookin' for ya dudes! This place is shit; I wanna get outta here.

Brick: And why do ya think we called ya here for? Tea time? (inhales) So, any ideas?

The Rowdyruffs had thoughtful expressions for some seconds, but it was short-lived because they heard yelling and cheering sounds.

Boomer: Hey, you guys hear that?

Brick: Yeah, let's go check it out.

The boys went and arrived at where the sounds were coming from. There was a big circle of prisoners, and in the middle were two shirtless people. One was giant and fat, and the other was slightly smaller in height but very muscular. The fat one was grinning widely and "cracked" his fists, but the muscular one just stared at him frowning.

Random prisoner 1: CMON, FIGHT!

Random prisoner 2: TWIST HIS DICK!

Boomer: What's going on over here?

Brick: Looks like it's a fight.

Butch: Oh, hell yeah! Let's watch this before we break out.

Boomer: Yeah, I wanna watch a fight! Uh, who do we cheer for?

Butch: Duh, whoever's winnin'.

The camera cut to the fat guy.

Fat prisoner: (grinning widely and cracks his fists) Hehehehe, ready to get squashed, you little wussy?

The muscular one got in a fighting pose similar to a boxer's. The camera cut to Butch.

Butch: Oh, the fat guy's gonna win for sure.

The camera cut back to both prisoners.

Fat prisoner: (charges) Die, you little shit!

The fat prisoner charged at the muscular but shorter prisoner, but he easily dodged it. It repeated 3-4 times before the muscular one beat the ever-living shit out of him through professional boxing, wrestling moves, punches, and kicks while also dodging his attacks.

Meanwhile, the Rowdyruff Boys were in awe of the situation and said nothing compared to the other prisoners around them. The fight ended when the muscular guy punched the fat guy deep in the stomach.

Butch: Holy shit, dude.

As Butch finished his sentence, prison guards arrived at the scene.

Prison guard 1: HEY! BREAK IT OFF!

Prison guard 2: The party's over; all of you go over someplace else! And both of you (points to the fat guy and the muscular guy) you're comin' with us!

The prisoners went in different directions, and the two that fought each other were forcibly led and escorted by the prison guards.

Butch: Over already?! Llllaaaaammmmeeee!

Boomer: But how did the smaller guy win? The fat guy was much bigger than him.

Butch: How should I know?! Tsk, I'm done with this; let's get outta here, Brick.

Brick looked at his own hands and had a facial expression as if he had a revelation.

Brick: Hmmm...

Butch: Uh, Brick?

Brick got in a fighting pose, trying to mimic the muscular prisoner's one. He punched the air once.

Brick: (mumbling) Ok, so I do this... (punches the air twice) And then... (punches the air thrice) And then... (kicks the air) Ooh (trips).

Brick tried miming how the muscular prisoner fought by punching and kicking the air but failed miserably. However, that didn't stop him from trying as he got up and did it again.

Boomer: Uh, what are you doing, Brick?

Brick: (turns to Boomer and Butch) I think... Yeah-yeah, that's it!

Butch: What's "it?"

Brick: That's it! The thingy it!

Butch: "Thingy it?"

Brick: That's the thingy thing of all things of thingy-thingies of thingy it!


Brick: My dudes, let's actually not get out of here just yet.

Butch and Boomer in unison: What?!

Butch: Did you get infected by Boomer's stupidity?!

Boomer: Yeah, (changes expression) I mean, hey!

Brick: Listen, I just realized: once we get outta here, what will we do then? Get our butts beaten again by those Powerpuff sissies? NO! We need to get better at this; We need to fight like that guy we saw winnin'; we need to get better at ass-kicking! And this place is gonna be our training ground. So what do ya say? You guys with me?

A brief pause...

Boomer: What's a "training ground?"

Brick: It's basically a place where you get better at somethin'. (Butch and Boomer looked at Brick, confused) What? I heard it from some grown-ups.

Butch: Ok, but how are we gonna get better at this?

Brick: (thoughtful expression) Hmm...

Brick looked around and saw prisoners working out.

Brick: I think I got an idea.

Then a montage began of the Rowdyruff Boys working out and training. This music started to play:

The boys trained anytime and anywhere possible; at the start, they struggled, only relying on copying others' moves and workouts. In addition, they also copied fighting moves from prisoners, but they struggled in execution. However, their performance improved over time; their fighting moves got more refined, and they now have their own set of workouts every day.

At the points where they seemed to almost give up, they got back up and did some more workouts and sparring with each other; They did it on sunny, rainy, and snowy days without stopping. As the music reached its middle part, the boys seemed experienced in what they did by showing that they were doing more workout sets and refined their fighting moves. They did all this without their powers as they were injected with antidote X almost weekly.

In addition, it also shows a comparison between the Rowdyruff boys and how they lived their time in prison and the Powerpuff Girls with some other kids spending time outside. In short, while the boys worked out and only experienced pain, the girls and other kids experienced what any normal kid experienced on a normal day.

When the guitar part came, it showed an edit of the Rowdyruff Boys making flashy and refined fighting moves like in some movies. The music ended, and the screen faded to black. White writing appeared on the screen and said: "a year and a half later..."

The screen instantly cut to Brick and Butch sparring with each other while Boomer was sitting on the ground; they were in the prison's yard. They threw punches and kicks at each other, but Brick knocked Butch to the ground in the end. Quick note, the boys were shirtless, their bodies were more muscular than before, and their hair grew back to what it was.

Butch coughed twice, and Brick reached his hand to him. Butch got up with Brick's help, and they both smiled while frowning.

Butch: Damn, dude, you're tough.

Brick: Heh, same to you two. (Boomer got up) Come on, we still got some push-ups to do.

Muscular prisoner: Yo. (the boys turn to him) Rowdyruff Boys?

Brick: Who are you?

Muscular prisoner: Call me Tyler; not important. So straight to the point; Do you want to escape from here?

Brick: Tempting, but no. We've got to get ready to fight the Powerpuff Girls.

"Tyler": Uh-huh, and what if I were to tell you that the police changed your sentence?

The boys got surprised.

Butch: Sentence?

Boomer: They changed the sentence "I like apples?"

Brick: (facepalm) Tsk, he means our punishment, Boomer. (to "Tyler") But what do ya mean they changed our sentence?

"Tyler": I mean that the police changed your punishment because of all your little workouts over the time you've been here. The fact that you three are getting stronger made them scared, and reconsider your sentence. From what I've heard from an inside contact here, they decided to destroy you and cover it up as an accident.

Rowdyruff Boys in unison: WHAT?!

Boomer: (afraid) They're gonna kill us?!

Brick: Hold it! We've already been fooled once! How can we trust you?!

"Tyler": Look, you have no reason to trust me, but at least remember what I said.

Brick: Tsk, whatever, man. Let's get outta here, dudes.

The Rowdyruff Boys walked away.

"Tyler": I know where they keep your powers at. (the boys stopped but didn't look back) It's in a safe in the warden's office.

The boys continued walking; the camera focused on "Tyler's" face before it cut to the dining room with the boys in line for the food.

Boomer: Um, Brick?

Brick: What?

Boomer: Maybe we should escape.

Brick: Aw, come on, don't tell me you believe that guy, huh? He just randomly came to us and told us we're gonna die, and you believe him.

Boomer: B-But-.

Brick: Look, Boomer, ya have any question, ask us and not some random stranger; he'll probably just fool us again if we believe him.

Boomer: But what if he is right?

Brick: Then we fucking deal with that problem; are you not a Rowdyruff boy?

Boomer: But I don't wanna die.

Brick: Then don't die.

Boomer: (sigh) Ok.

The Rowdyruff Boys advanced as the line did too, and it was their turn to get their meal. Quick note: While the boys talked, the dining room employee who served the food frowned at them with his eyes a bit closed and pulled out of his pocket a walkie-talkie, unbeknownst to the boys.

Employee: (quietly to the walkie-talkie) The boys know.

???: You have clearance for termination; I'll be on my way here.

The employee put the walkie-talkie back in his pocket. Brick arrived...

Brick: (to the dining room employee) Hey man, the usual for us.

The employee said nothing but looked directly at Brick.

Brick: What? Somethin' on my face?

The employee reached his hand to his pocket and slowly pulled out a gun, and aimed at Brick.

Brick: Oh, hell no!

Brick threw the square-shaped metal plate (the ones you normally see on cartoons in dining room scenes) at the employee. He fired a shot but missed; Brick jumped to the counter, grabbed his hand, which had the gun, struggled a bit, jumped down, pulled him, then kicked him in the face, which made the employee let go of the gun.

Brick: Ok, pal, explain! Why did you pull a gun on us?! (the employee is getting up but with no answer) Answer me!

Butch: Uh, dude, you gotta get here.

Brick grabbed the gun, jumped over the counter, and was surprised to see all the prisoners in the room standing and looking at the Rowdyruff Boys. They all had menacing looks; Brick jumped down and regrouped with Butch and Boomer.

Brick: Damn it. What is this?

Boomer: I told you that guy was right.

Brick: I don't care if he was right or all the wrong things of what you've just said. (to the prisoners) Hey! What's this all about?! Are yall tryna kill us?!

The room was silent for a second until it broke by the sounds of footsteps. It then revealed that it was the warden with police officers behind him.

Brick: I-It's you!

Warden: Before I end your lives, tell me, who told you about this? Do that, and we'll make your deaths painless.

Brick: (grunts and aims at the warden with the gun, and he is shaking) Like I'd tell ya! We're gonna die anyway!

Warden: Hmph, do you really think you are ready to kill someone?

Brick: If that'll keep me and my bros safe, then yeah!

Warden: Oh? Then please, demonstrate.

Brick was shaking while holding the gun. It went on for five seconds before he shot but knocked him back because of recoil. Ultimately, he missed and hit the ceiling.

Warden: Such a disappointment. Let us make this situation much more interesting. Fellow prisoners! Whoever brings me the Rowdyruff Boys, his sentence will be shortened!

The prisoners made sounds of delight and devilish laughter and slowly started to walk towards the Rowdyruff Boys. The boys were in their battle stances.

Butch: Shit, what do we do, dudes?

Boomer: Do you have an idea, Brick?

Brick: Honestly, just survive this shit.

Butch: Wow, rrrreeeeaalllllyyyy great thinkin' there, leader-boy.

Boomer: Well, it's been nice hanging around with you guys.

Butch: (to Boomer) Don't you even think about saying that!

This music started to play:

The prisoners on the front line started to run towards the Rowdyruff Boys.

Brick: Here we go!

The Rowdyruff Boys also started to run towards the prisoners, and a fight started. In contrast, the rest of the prisoners just watched as if they were waiting to get in and had devilish expressions and delightful laughter.

At first, even though they struggled, the Rowdyruff Boys were holding their own. Unfortunately, as the song ended and Brick kicked a prisoner in the face, they were tired and bruised; all the other prisoners were lying on the floor around the boys. However, the prisoners got up as if what the boys did was nothing.

Brick: (coughs) What? What are ya made of?

The prisoners got closer to the boys, and one kicked Brick in the face, which knocked him down too.

Boomer and Butch in unison: Brick!

Two other prisoners kicked and knocked down Butch and Boomer too. The rest ganged up on the boys and kicked and punched them. The camera cut to two doors being kicked open, and the Rowdyruff Boys got sent flying out of it; They were now in the prison's courtyard. Struggling to get up and walk, the boys tried to escape the mob of prisoners and corrupt police officers. It was evening time outside with the sun setting and the orange sky.

No matter how hard the boys tried, it was futile; the mob got close enough, and the prisoners beat them up again. They stopped, stepped back, and the camera showed the Rowdyruff Boys with bruises, wounds, scars, and clothes torn apart. The boys struggled immensely getting up.

Random prisoner 1: Eh, it's beginning to get boring.

Random prisoner 2: How about we just kill 'em now?

Pedo prisoner: Hold up, I wanna get some of that Rowdy boy booty.

Random prisoner 3: Nobody cares, ya pedophile. Come on, let's kill 'em!

The mob gets close...

Brick: Fuck. I guess this is it.

"Tyler": (from afar, behind the mob) Hey! Rowdyruff Boys!

Random prisoner 4: Eh?

The mob turned around and saw "Tyler," He had 3 half-full syringes with black liquid, and they were inside a glass box.

Warden: (gasps) That's the Rowdyruffs' powers! Stop him!

"Tyler": Jump and catch!

"Tyler" threw the box high in the air towards the Rowdyruff Boys, and the prisoners tackled him.

Brick: Come on, boys, let's get it!

The Rowdyruff Boys ran toward the box, now going down to the ground.

Brick: Stop! (the boys stop and look up at the falling box) Alright, gimme a boost up!

Butch and Boomer joined their hands and created a "hand platform."

Warden: Kill the Rowdyruff Boys! Don't let them get their powers back!

Brick ran to the platform; Boomer and Butch lifted their hands in unison, which made Brick jump high. Meanwhile, the mob started to run towards the boys, who were far away from them. Brick grabbed the box and fell down, but Butch and Boomer grabbed him.

He stood up, opened it, and pulled out the syringes with color stickers for each Rowdyruff. They injected themselves with all the liquid inside just in time; some prisoners grabbed the Rowdyruff Boys and slammed them to the ground.

The prisoners, yet again, punched and kicked the boys. However, some seconds pass; the camera focuses on Brick, Boomer, and Butch; the punches and kicks start not to faze them. They then grabbed the hands around them, got released from the grips, stood up, using the people that grabbed them as wrecking balls for crowd control, and finally threw them at other prisoners.

This music started to play:

Random prisoner 5: Shit, they got their powers back!

Brick: (breaths heavily and gets in his fighting stance) Hehe, you motherfuckas; you've had your turn for now.

Random prisoner 6: Huh?

Brick: (wipes his mouth) Get ready; IT'S OUR TURN NOW!

Warden: What are you idiots doing?! KILL THEM! KILL THEM!

The mob started to run towards the boys.


The Rowdyruff Boys started to run towards the mob and scream their battle cries. As the music dropped, the big fight started! Although the boys got some of their powers (strength and speed), they still couldn't fly, have immense strength and speed, or have superpowers (laser eyes, for example). But what they could do was high jumps and leaps.

Throughout the fight, the boys used different fighting methods.

Brick used only his fists and brute power, Butch made acrobatic moves while fighting, and Boomer mostly used objects around the environment as weapons.

So yeah, punches, kicks, etc. Through the song's middle, the warden called for reinforcements, more police officers, and prison guards. Even though they gave the boys a harder time than the prisoners, they still beat them. The fight ended with Brick punching the warden in the face until he was knocked out.

The Rowdyruff Boys breathed heavily.

Boomer: (breathing heavily) Is that all of them?

The camera zoomed out, revealing a LARGE number of bodies. The camera returned to the Rowdyruffs.

Brick: I think so. But let's get outta here! Quick!

Brick ran in a direction, and Butch and Boomer followed him. They ran towards the fence; Brick punched a hole through it and escaped with his brothers. The camera cut to a cabin inside, and the door opened violently; The Rowdyruff Boys staggered inside and laid down on the floor. It was nighttime.

Boomer: (breathing heavily) Hehe, we're home.

Brick: Shut up, Boomer. I wanna sleep.

Butch: Me too, dude.

The camera cuts to Townsville's view.

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

The camera cut to a gas station just outside the city of Townsville. The Rowdyruff Boys were near a soda machine drinking. Quick note: they were still shirtless because they didn't have superpowers to steal and get new clothes.

Narrator: Oh no! The Rowdyruff Boys have escaped! What tyranny will they release now?!

Butch: (drinks soda, burps, and sighs delightfully) Ah, nothin' like a bit of outside soda in the morning. Am I right?

Boomer: Yeah, I hated the food in prison (drinks).

Butch: So, Brick, we gotta get our superpowers back. Ya got any bright ideas?

Brick made a thoughtful expression, which then turned into a smile.

Brick: I know just the place. Follow me.

Boomer: Uh, question. Can we stop and take snacks on the way? I'm hungry.

Brick: When we get our powers, Boomer. We can't fight the girls like this. (pauses) But you can take some sodas with ya.

Boomer: Whoopee, sodas!

Brick started walking, Butch followed him, and Boomer joined a bit later since he grabbed a few soda cans. The camera cut to the Powerpuff Girls' residence and then zoomed out to reveal the Rowdyruff Boys standing in front of it.

Brick: The girls' house. They probably got some of that black stuff.

Boomer: (drinks soda) Hm. Guys, I hear music from there. Should we check it out first?

The camera cut to the boys peeking from a wall into the Powerpuff Girls' yard. They saw it was a birthday party with people dancing and eating refreshments. The Powerpuff Girls and the professor were also there.

Brick: (devilish smile) So it's a birthday party. Hehe, perfect; nobody will stop us now. Come on, let's go inside.

The camera cut to a dark room where the boys opened its door, and its lights turned on. They went down the stairs.

Brick: Ok, look for something black or anything that looks interesting.

Boomer: Hm, what about that (points with hand) door over there?

Boomer pointed at a door with a sign with the letter "X" in black. The boys went there and opened the door. Inside they saw multiple bottles of black liquid.

Butch: Holy shit! It's like a farm of that black stuff!

Brick: All the better for us.

The boys grabbed a bottle each.

Brick: Drink up, boys.

The boys drank all of the liquid from the bottles. As they finished, nothing happened at first; they just looked at each other awkwardly. But then they grabbed their heads and grunted, and while this happened, they started to glow for some seconds (Boomer in blue, Brick in red, and Butch in dark green). Then it ended with them breathing.

Butch: Dude, I feel my head was going to explode. (zips and floats to Boomer) Boomer, gimme some of that soda. (notices that he's flying) Hey, our powers are back!

Boomer: Really? (floats) Hey, you're right!

Boomer flew around, but then he accidentally sped up.

Boomer: And we're quicker too! (looks around) Uh.

Boomer found himself inside a shower with a naked lady.

Boomer: Oh, hello.

The lady screamed, which made Boomer scream too, and returned to his brothers.

Boomer: So, uh, yeah, we're faster too.

Brick: (rapidly punching and kicking) Oh, this is perfect! Boys! Time to go crash the girls' party!

Butch and Boomer: YEAH!

Brick: BUT FIRST...! We need clothes.

Boomer: Oh.

The camera cuts to the professor giving a present to the Powerpuff Girls.

Professor Utonium: (puts the gift on the ground) Here you go, girls! Your first present. This is from (pauses and reads) Robin Snyder!

Powerpuff Girls in unison: Thanks, Robin Snyder!

Robin Snyder: You're welcome, girls.

The girls opened the present, and it was a big unicorn plushie.

Bubbles: Ooooh, unicorn plushie! I will love you and pet you and call you Peter.

Professor Utonium: Time for your next present; there's much more where that came from! (puts the large gift on the ground) This one is from (pauses and reads) the Amoeba Boys!

Blossom: (sighs) For a second, I thought you said, Rowdyruff boys.

Bubbles: (excited) Then what's in this gift then?

Buttercup: Maybe we should open and find out, Bubbles?

Bubbles gave Buttercup a frustrated look for a second.

Blossom: (opens the present) And it's...! Oranges.

Bubbles: Well, It's almost winter, and we'll have lots of orange juice.

The camera zooms out to reveal a TV and the Amoeba Boys watching on the street.

Bossman: (devilish laughter) Hahaha! They don't know that these are lemons colored orange! Once they taste it, their taste buds will be sour all day! Hahahahahahaa!

Slim: Y-yeah, lemons, and stuff, hehe.

Junior: Yeah, lemons!

Awkward silence...

Junior: Should we give them paper next time?

Bossman: Uh, yeah, sure. Paper, it is, hehehehehe.

Narrator: Oh, please, even I know what to do with lots of papers.

The camera cut back to the girls.

Blossom: Well, I might as well consume some vitamin D for my troubles.

Blossom reached her hand to grab an orange, but something grabbed her.

Blossom: Wha-? Hey!

It was revealed to be the Rowdyruff Boys with devilish smiles emerging from the box. Brick was the one grabbing Blossom's hand.

Brick: Missed us?

Brick aimed a punch at Blossom's face, but she dodged it. She then used acrobatics to try and kick Brick, but he also dodged. Brick let go of her arm; Blossom aimed a kick at him, but he dodged again. He aimed a punch at her, but she blocked it by crossing her arms and got knocked back without falling.

Blossom: The Rowdyruff Boys?!

The Rowdyruff Boys stepped out of the box and stretched.

Brick: Yes, that's us; good ol' Rowdyruffs!

Buttercup: So you can't stay in prison either, huh?

Brick: Like I said before, and I'll say it again: Ya can't stop a good thing, babe.

Blossom: Fine, if you can't stay and serve your time, then we will destroy you. Too bad, really; I wanted to see you guys reformed after all these years.

Brick: Don't care, didn't ask; let's fight! Oh, and by the way, (angry expression) don't think we're the same Rowdyruff Boys you fought back then. (pause of silence while the girls and boys are in their fighting stance) Time to pay for what you and the stupid townies did to us. BOYS! LET'S GIVE 'EM A ROWDY SEQUEL THEY'LL NEVER FORGET!

The Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys charged at each other, creating a flash, which made it cut to the end screen.

Narrator: Oh, boy, the boys are back in town for good. So we hope our days will be saved thanks to The Powerpuff Girls and not doomed thanks to the Rowdyruff Boys!

The end screen, this time, had the Powerpuff Girls looking menacingly at the confident Rowdyruff Boys.

End of episode 3!To be continued...!

Post-production notes

I'm back! Did ya miss me? Probably not, not important :). Anyway, this is episode 3, and after a LONG time of trial and error (and studies), I think this idea serves the episode its purpose. See yall later on the next episode...

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