Her White Wolf

By Mich2992

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As the universe began to recover from The Blip, it was an entirely new kind of journey for James Barnes. He w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Twenty-Four

277 8 0
By Mich2992

AN: Heavy Smut warning

Another couple of weeks quickly passed and Cleo was doing better and better. The fall season was coming, which meant rain in Wakanda. The village was preparing for the rains as well as the palace, which meant James and Steve were being put to work.

Steve worked to stack sandbags alongside the river that crossed through the center of town to secure it against flooding. He carried multiple bags at a time and made pretty quick progress. As he turned to head back and continue his process, he spotted Bucky coming down from the palace and he waved, wiping his hands off on his pants.

"Hey Steve," James greeted. "How is progress coming? The next storm will be coming in tonight. There's a possibility of losing power at home."

"So far so good," he replied as he rested his hands on his hips. "What's the plan for the power? Do we have a generator, or do we need to make other plans?"

"I think there's a generator in the basement, but I haven't made it down there to work on it since we moved in," James replied. "If anything, we can get a portable one from Shuri or ride it out with candles like we used to."

"Well, we can see about a generator. We should check to see what the candle situation is. This place is so high tech, do they even need candles?" Steve pondered. "Cleo's securing the clinic, right?"

James nodded. "She's making sure the animals will be safe for the night. There aren't any in critical care, so it's not been as stressful for her. But our house might need the candles, I'm not sure. I can message Shuri."

"Yeah, just to make sure we're covered. I mean, you and I are used to candles and being without power, I just don't want Cleo to be miserable," Steve replied. Her comfort was very important to the two of them.

"If we have to have candles, I'm sure we can make it a romantic night for all of us," he suggested as he pulled out his phone to text Shuri.

James: Hey. If we lose power at the house, will we need candles? I haven't worked on the generator in the basement yet.

Shuri: I can give you a portable generator if you'd like one. What is this, the stone age?

Steve nodded as he mulled Bucky's point. It could be very romantic. "It might be kind of fun, actually. Show Cleo a good time like we used to have."

James nodded in agreement as he replied back to Shuri. "Yes, we could."

James: Hey, there is nothing wrong with candles. They can make the atmosphere quite nice.

Shuri: Okay, grandpa :) I'll send a generator up to your house, you all can decide whether or not you want it to burn it down with candles.

Steve unloaded another few bags, completing the section of the barrier he was working on. "We'll need to make sure we have enough food for potentially a few days. If the river washes out any of the roads we might be stuck."

"Yeah. I'll go into the city and shop for us. Make sure we have everything we could need. The markets around here will be struggling with the demand from everyone here."

Steve nodded and rested his hands on his hips again. "Okay. I'll finish down here and then make sure the clinic is good to go for Cleo. Try to make it home before the rain starts."

James nodded as he put his phone away. "I'll get a car if I have to. Be safe, okay?"

Steve nodded. "You too. We'll see you back at the house," he replied.


After another hour or so, the skies began to darken and the wind began to blow harder and harder. Just as the rain started, Cleo and Steve came quickly into the house to get themselves out of the weather.

"Whew! Picking up," Cleo exhaled as she lowered her hood and began to take her coat off. "James?" she called out.

Steve furrowed his brow as there was no answer in reply. "I'm not sure where he could be. Would he be able to hear you from the basement if he decides to work on the generator?"

"You're a super soldier, you tell me," she replied with a questioning shrug. "James?" she called out again as she made her way towards the basement steps. "Hey babe? You down here?"

The reply was faint, but it was there. James had tools scattered about him and the generator partially taken apart as he worked to figure out what was wrong with it.

When she heard James's voice, she exhaled a sigh of relief. She had, of course, convinced herself in those few seconds that something horrible had happened to him so the sound of his voice eased the tension in her shoulders.

She took careful steps down the stairs and made her way to the back corner where the utilities were. "How long have you been down here?" she asked, a few strands of loose dark hair falling into her face as she looked down at him.

"A couple of hours," he answered, smiling up at her. "I'm starting to think this thing needs to be replaced. I'm glad I bought candles at the store."

"As long as we have some source of light, we'll be fine," Cleo replied with a shrug. "You don't have to stay crouched down here. Call it a day, we can just get by with candles."

James stood and wiped his grease smeared hands on his jeans. "We can do that, no problem." He bent down and kissed her cheek. "Is everything taken care of?"

She beamed as he kissed her softly. "Yep. The animals should be fine, we're up on a hill so we won't flood. I can't think of anything else we can do," she replied with a nod. "All we have to do is wait for the power to go out," she joked.

"I need to shower, but when I get out we could all fix something for dinner if you want to, before it gets bad. Have you or Steve eaten?" he asked.

"I haven't, and my guess is that Steve hasn't thought to do it either," she replied, reaching up to brush a bit of his hair back. "I'll take stock of what we have in the kitchen and make a plan."

James nodded, curbing the want to reach up and brush his fingers along her cheek. "Whatever you decide, I'm sure it will be perfect. You go ahead and I'll take a quick shower and clean up."

Cleo climbed the stairs and stopped at the top to kiss James before they parted ways. Making her way back into the kitchen, she found Steve.

"Generator is kaput, so we'll be going with candles," she explained as she pulled her hair back into a messy bun at the base of her neck. "He's going to shower and then we'll cook something. You want to help me decide what we're having, stud?"

Steve raised an eyebrow at Cleo as he bit his bottom lip at the sound of the new nickname. "Stud huh? I'd be more than happy to help."

"What, you don't like stud? Want me to think of something else?" she asked, glancing at him over her shoulder as she opened the cabinets to take inventory.

"No, I like it," he assured. "I just don't think anyone's ever called me that before."

"Well, you've never had anyone like me around before," she said with an adorable wink. She reached up into the cabinet and pulled out a box of rice. She set it on the counter before gracefully floating to the fridge to pull the door open.

Steve smiled as he watched her move around the kitchen. "What are you finding sweet thing?"

She turned and grinned at Steve. "Sweet thing? I like that," she shared. "I think I can put together some kind of bowl situation," she answered, settling onto her hip as she looked in the fridge. "We could go Mexican, Mediterranean, or...Asian. We have a lot of spices stored up."

"Which one is your favorite?" Steve asked. "Because I'm not a picky person. I like trying all new foods."

Cleo pursed her lips as she considered Steve's questions. "Let's do Mexican," she decided with a gentle nod. She reached into the fridge and pulled out vegetables and ground beef.

"Would you turn some music on?" she asked him over her shoulder as she moved to the counter to begin the cutting process. "I'm feeling like I want to move around a little bit."

Steve grinned as he stepped forward and grabbed the small remote on the kitchen island and turned on the radio. Upbeat music filled the large kitchen, making Steve smile. "Footloose, I like this song."

Cleo began to bob her head to the music and pulled a knife out of the knife block to begin to cut onions and peppers. She swayed her hips and sang a few of the words every now and then, light on her feet as she moved around the kitchen.

"Have you ever thought of learning the dance to this song?" Steve asked above the music just as James walked in wearing a pair of sweats and a tank top.

"I'm sure I could! Want to learn with me?" she asked as she spun on the ball of her foot, spotting James as she did. "Hey! I'm making burrito bowls and just dancin' a little bit."

James smirked as he leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest. "Nothing wrong with that, doll. Both of us used to swing dance all the time."

"Ooh! You'll have to teach me!" she said with a grin as she turned back to continue chopping ingredients. "Does one of you know what to do with ground beef?" she asked with a smirk.

"I do," James answered. "It's not too hard. I haven't charred it in some time now," he chuckled.

Cleo giggled softly. "Great. Can you brown it? And Steve," she said, turning to glance behind her, "could you start rice?"

"Of course," they both answered before beginning to get to work on their tasks. The song changed to something slower, making James start humming along with it.

A smile crept onto Cleo's face as she heard James's humming and turned to glance at him. "You know this one?" she asked, raising a brow. "I know you tend to prefer 40's music..."

James nodded. "I've been exploring a little. I like this one," he smiled.

"That's awesome, I love that you're doing that," she gushed, setting the knife down to get a pan to saute the vegetables. She joined him in humming and swayed her hips to the music, adding oil to the pain before adding the onions and peppers.

After James finished prepping the meat, he let it sizzle in the skillet while he turned and rested his hands on Cleo's hips before gently nipping at her neck. "Believe me, I know you watch Magic Mike when you're by yourself," he whispered. Shuri had told him about the movie.

Cleo grinned widely and laughed a slightly husky laugh. "I have never and would never deny that," she replied. "Pony by Ginuwine is one of my all-time favorites. I definitely get into it when I'm dancing to that song," she shared, leaning her head back to find his lips for a kiss.

He smiled against her lips as he ran his hands downward and over the tops of her thighs before riding them back up. "Maybe we should play it soon."

She giggled, swaying her hips with the music again. "Sure," she agreed, "but not when things are on the stove, okay?" she asked with a wink.

"Of course not," he agreed. "I don't think any of us would want a fire." James looked down to see Eagle watching them, his head tilted slightly, making him smile.

As the vegetables cooked, Cleo returned to the fridge and pulled out a few sauces and cheese. "Can someone take the vegetables off the heat? How's the rice, Steve?" she asked, nudging the fridge closed with her hip in time with the song that began.

Steve quickly checked on the rice and gave it a stir. "Looking good."

"The beef is too," James added as he stirred the beef in the skillet, having turned off the burner to the veggies.

"Great! Do you want me to assemble?" Cleo asked as she reached pathetically to get bowls from the shelf.

Steve stepped up to Cleo from behind, pressing his body against her as he got the bowls down for her. "Sure, hun."

"Mmm," she murmured as she bit her lip, pressing her ass back against him. "Thank you, stud. Get some forks and I'll bring the bowls over." We need to eat so we can play a little more.

He rested one hand on her hip before bending to kiss her cheek. "Sure sweetness."

James grinned as he watched them, happy that they were getting closer. He was about to speak when a loud crack of thunder sounded overhead, making Eagle bark.

"Oh! It's okay big boy, come here," Cleo said to the dog, turning to tap her leg so he'd come closer. She scratched him behind his ears then beneath his chin. "Curl up and take a rest, handsome," she told Eagle.

When Cleo stood again, she began to put the rice into bowls before adding the ground beef, the veggies, and two different salsas before she carried them over to the table. "Dinner bell!"

James smiled as he turned to grab a bag of chips and the salsa. "It smells good sweetheart."

Steve nodded as he grabbed a bag of tortillas from a cabinet and walked over to the kitchen table. "I'm starving."

"Eat, eat," Cleo encouraged as she sat between the two men at the table. As they all sat together, Cleo took a few bites before she sat back a little in her seat. "Did you guys have thoughts about what you wanted to do tonight?" she asked.

"I haven't really thought about it much," James answered as he let Eagle have a bite of beef, letting him lick his fingers. "Do you have an idea?"

She shrugged as she took another few bites. "Not really. I'm kind of hoping the power goes out," she admitted with a guilty smile.

Steve looked up from his bowl and gave Bucky a smirk. "We are too."

James licked his lips as he kept eye contact with Steve. "I'm sure we could find something to do if it does."

Cleo looked up to catch the two men making eye contact and she smirked suspiciously. "I'm sure we could..." she mused. Ironically the lights flickered a little and she giggled.

"We might get our wish," Steve teased.

James nodded as he looked upward towards the kitchen lights to see them flicker again as another rumble of thunder sounded throughout the house. "We just might."

Cleo took a few more bites of her food to finish her bowl, the music flickering as the lights did. "We might want to light candles now, huh?"

"It's not a bad idea," Steve agreed as he finished off his food and stood to take his empty bowl to the sink. He turned to the bags that sat on the kitchen island, which were full of candles.

"You guys' light candles, I'll take care of dishes before the power goes out," she said, finishing her dinner. She stood up and waited patiently to take James's bowl with her as well.

"What do you think? Living room, bedroom, bathroom?" Steve suggested, raising his brow.

James handed Cleo his empty bowl and nodded as he heard the house creak as a large gust of wind whipped outside. "That sounds like a good idea. But we might want to hurry. Just put them in safe places so nothing catches fire."

The three of them took on their tasks with urgency, and it wasn't a moment too soon because the lights flickered a few more times before they finally went out completely. Cleo was drying her hands when the music dropped out and the glow from the living room drew her to it.

"I have to admit, this is... kind of nice," she said as she gracefully sauntered in.

James and Steve had placed out as many candles as they could, lining the mantle of the fireplace and the different shelves in the room. Pretty much any place that Eagle wouldn't be able to reach. The glow of the room made James smile. "It does make things... intimate."

Steve glanced around with satisfaction, the warmth reminding him of the old apartment that he and Bucky had shared.

Cleo stretched out of the couch, propped up in the corner with her legs laid on top of one another to her side. "This used to happen a lot back in the 40's I would guess?" she asked. "Candlelight is familiar." She could feel how comfortable they both were, and it relaxed her in kind.

"It was quite common," James nodded. "There were quite a few times that we went without power. Whether it be that we couldn't afford to pay for it, or a storm coming through would knock it out."

"I couldn't work a lot and I was also sick a lot. Talk about a drain on the wallet, huh?" Steve said as he rested on the opposite arm of the couch that Cleo was resting on.

"Don't blame yourself, Steve," James countered as he walked over and sat in the middle between Steve and Cleo. "I don't."

Steve sighed and nodded, knowing how Bucky felt. "I know, I know how you feel," he acknowledged, leaning in to rest his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Wasn't like I could have done much about it. I tried to die on you more than once."

Cleo laid back comfortably as she watched the two men reminisce. Steve carried so much guilt associated with James. She didn't interrupt, choosing to just watch for now.

"Just like I told you not to do anything stupid more than once," James laughed. "But if you listened to me, neither of us would be sitting here."

Steve smiled and gave the other man a nod. He was right. "And I am really happy to be here now with both of you," he said with warmth.

"So, what did you guys do to pass the time back then when the power was out?" she asked, one of her fingers twirling some of her long dark hair around it.

James made eye contact with Cleo and gave her a mischievous smile. "We would read by candlelight, play a game or... have a bit of fun if we were up to it and we had the privacy."

More of a smile pulled onto Cleo's lips and she sat up just a bit, smoothing one leg over the other. "Oh yeah? What kind of fun did you get up to?" she asked, knowing the answer but looking to tease.

"Oh, I don't think that would be too hard to figure out, doll," James replied. "We got up to plenty of fun. We even had a couple of toys too."

"Ooh, what kind of toys?" she asked, biting her lip as she smiled.

Steve shifted from the arm of the couch down onto the seat next to Bucky. "Well, things weren't nearly as advanced back then," he explained.

"They had rubber ones, but they were expensive. A lot was plastic... or we made our own," James admitted.

"Like things around the house?" she asked nonjudgmentally, genuinely interested in what the two of them had shared.

James nodded. "Steve's favorite was one that we put together by putting a flat base on a ball with glue. I can't remember what the ball was from though.

"The adornment from a bed," Steve answered. "It wasn't overly large or anything."

"You guys know that I have toys, don't you?" Cleo asked, wondering if maybe she'd never shared that. "I have some in the closet."

James raised an eyebrow at Cleo. "That was never shared with me."

Her grin grew and she loosely spun her fingers in her hair. "I have a few things I can go grab if you guys want to see them," she offered, eyes floating between the two men.

Steve smirked as his eyes darkened. "You're more than welcome to show us, sweetness."

"I'll be right back," she said with a grin, sort of rolling off of the couch before she headed upstairs. She could walk up and down them now, which she was grateful for.

Steve turned his eyes to Bucky's as Cleo climbed the stairs, hand moving to rest on the other man's lower back. "I haven't even thought about what they might have out there now..."

"Me either," James replied. "I'm sure things are a lot more advanced than they used to be."

"We can start slow," Steve acknowledged for the both of them. He looked up as he heard Cleo's footsteps descending the stairs and he felt a flush of boyish nerves in his belly.

Cleo had changed up in the bedroom and she walked back into the living room in a silk bathrobe, a black teddy underneath. In her hands she held a shoebox and as she poured herself back onto the couch, she set it between them before opening it.

"Take a look," she said, unable to keep herself from flirtatiously biting her finger. Inside the box were an array of items. A glass dildo, a vibrator, a set of cock rings, and a finger stimulator were all tucked neatly inside.

James picked up the toy made of glass and rolled it in his palm. "This isn't painful?"

Cleo sat up and stretched her arm across the couch to lean on it a little. She shook her head adamantly. "When you're well lubricated, it's so smooth in and out."

"What is all of this other stuff?" Steve asked curiously as he took the glass toy in hand when James passed it to him.

Cleo nearly giggled as she sat up onto her knees, pulling each thing out of the box. "This," she explained as she held out the finger massager, "is for pinpoint stimulation. So I could... put it on my nipple, or on my clit and it vibrates."

"That's... unique," James commented as he let Cleo put the item in his hand once she turned it on. "It's strong..."

"It is," she agreed. "They don't all vibrate that hard," she explained as she reached into the box and pulled out a rubber vibrator. "This is gentler," she said as she turned it on.

Steve took it from Cleo and smiled softly. "This is gentler."

"And these," she continued as she reached into the box, "are for men's pleasure." In her hand we're two cock rings, each able to vibrate.

"What are they?" James asked as he took one of them in his hand, playing with the bendable silicone ring. "You called them a cock ring, right?"

Cleo nodded. "Yes. They slip onto your cock, and you can make them vibrate if you want to. I could... put them on you both if you want," she offered, chocolate doe eyes yearning for them.

Steve licked his lips as he eyed what Cleo held in her hand, adjusting himself in his seat, already aroused. "S-sure."

Her smile grew at Steve's response, and she lowered herself from the couch onto the floor, crawling over to the tall blonde man before she moved in to undo his belt. Glancing up at James, she gave him a wink. "You're next."

James grinned and nodded as he watched Cleo's every move. "I am ready for you, baby doll."

She turned her attention back to Steve and pulled his pants down from his hips, heat escaping from his groin as his erection sprung out. She then brought the cock right to her lips and smoothed her tongue over it to wet it.

"Ready?" she asked, her smile growing as she slipped the ring over his cock, rolling it up the shaft. Gently his cock grew stiffer, the light pressure of the ring changing the blood flow.

She turned to James then, just next to him. "Give me that cock, baby."

Steve panted as he sat back and watched as Cleo pulled down James' pants and did the same to him. "This feels... good."

"It's gonna make you harder than you've ever been," she explained to the two of them and she slid between them on the couch, robe completely falling open to reveal the black teddy she wore. "If you want, you can flip on the vibrator. It's on the bottom."

James looked Cleo up and down, licking his lips before biting his bottom lip. "Preparing for something baby doll?"

She smiled darkly and shrugged innocently. "No, no... I just want you guys to play with whatever you want on whoever you want," she explained, biting her lip.

He chuckled and eyed Steve before reaching for Cleo to gently pull her into his lap. "What if... we shared you?"

A different smile curled onto her lips as she glanced coyly at Steve, biting her fingernail before she turned back to meet James's eyes. She nodded and dropped her arms to allow her robe to slip off. "Please do."

James practically growled as he bent to kiss her slowly, running his hands up and down her sides. "What if we shared you at once?" He whispered.

She breathed against his lips, a shudder moving down her spine. She nodded and turned her head to take in Steve's expression, heat rising in her body. "My body is yours," she replied, speaking to the two of them.

"Sounds like we'll need to prepare you, sweetheart," James purred. He used his nose to tilt her head so he could reach her neck, pressing licks and kisses to her skin.

"Yes," she breathed, her body melting against him. She felt Steve move in behind her and she offered no resistance as the super-soldier flipped her around so that she was straddling James with her back against his chest.

"Where do you want to work, Buck?" Steve asked, smoothing his hand up Cleo's thighs as he pushed her legs apart.

James kissed Cleo's shoulder as he met Steve's eyes. "I'd love to claim her little ass again," he admitted.

Steve grinned as he acknowledged Bucky's desire. "I haven't had her pussy yet, so I'll gladly take that," he replied from between Cleo's legs.

"Warm me up, boys," Cleo breathed excitedly.

"Did you happen to bring the lube with you, sweetheart?" James murmured into her ear before flicking his tongue along her earlobe. "Might use a toy first... let Steve have some extra fun with you."

"There's some in the box," she replied heatedly, nodding to it. She turned her darkened eyes down to Steve's and she held them. "I'm excited to feel you, stud..."

Steve grinned mischievously back at her before turning to get the bottle of lube out of the box and the silicone vibrator. "Likewise, sweetness."

Cleo had made the decision upstairs to wear the teddy alone. No underwear or bra was in the way, just the sheer black lacy fabric. "Are you gonna play with me, Stevie?" she asked darkly, her legs spreading more fully for him.

Licking his lips, Steve nodded as he reached to run his fingers slowly through her folds. "Damn Cleo... you're so wet already."

Her eyes closed at the sensation his fingers brought, causing her to bite her lip. "Mmm... the two of you keep me wet most of the time," she told him, though she was really speaking to both of them. "Have you ever played with a pussy, Steve?" she asked, reaching one arm up to wrap around James's neck behind her.

Steve chuckled and nodded. "Yes, I have." He met her eyes as he slowly sank two fingers into her, relishing in the moan she made.

Cleo's lips fell open and she arched her back against James. "Mmm, yes. Good boy," she breathed, feeling her pussy shudder a little around his fingers.

With slow movements, Steve pumped his fingers inside of her. "Don't get too excited, there's a lot more to come," he assured.

She kept her breathing as slow as she could, doing her best to heed his words. "I'm sorry, I'll try to behave," she said to him, her fingers playing in the base of James's hair.

Steve slowly removed his fingers before licking them clean with a moan. "Let's see if we can get you ready so Buck can join the action." He took the lube and put some in his hand before lining up the toy then slowly lubed up her ass. "How do you feel, sweetness?"

The sensation of his fingers near her ass brought goosebumps to her skin. "Mmm, I feel hot and excited," she told him as she watched his work from above.

"Should I use my fingers first?" He asked quietly, not wanting to hurt her. "Like I do with Buck?"

Cleo nodded. "Start with fingers. It helps to stretch me out," she told him, reaching down to run her fingers through his hair.

Steve nodded before bending over her to kiss her softly while he slowly inserted one finger into her before pumping slowly.

Steve's lips were so soft and supple; his kisses were different from James's. There was something more tender about them. She made a sound into his mouth as his finger entered her and she relaxed her muscles, urging herself to open up.

"That's it, sweetness," Steve encouraged as he pulled away slightly. "I want to make you ready for Buck here... he's dying to be inside you." He gently added another finger, enjoying her moan.

"Ooh, is that true baby?" she asked James as she arched her back, doe eyes meeting his as she turned her head. "Do you want to be in my ass?"

James moaned softly, pressing his hips against her as he turned his head to capture her mouth. "Yes," he breathed once he pulled away. "Hell, yes. But I also want to see Steve play with you."

"There is plenty of me to go around," she told him heatedly, grabbing his hand to place it on her chest so he was feeling her more fully. She groaned as she felt Steve's fingers thicken inside of her, telling her he'd inserted a third finger.

"You sound so pretty, baby doll," James murmured as he ran his lips along her cheek before kissing her shoulder.

Meanwhile Steve slowly withdrew his fingers before making sure the toy was lubed up. "Are you ready for this?" He asked.

"Thank you, baby," she murmured, eyes drawing down to Steve again. She bit her lip, nodding as she exhaled deeply to keep her muscles relaxed. "Mm hmm, I'm ready."

Steve turned and kissed her knee while he slowly rubbed the toy against her backside before gently pushing it inside, listening to her moan. "That's it, Cleo."

"Oh my god..." she murmured, hand plunging back into her hair. She was getting used to this kind of intimacy more easily now, and she found that she enjoyed it. Especially the sounds it made the boys make.

James kissed Cleo's neck as he reached to slowly rub circles around her clit. "That's it baby doll, can you take all of it? Like you take me?"

"Mm hmm," she replied as she bit her lip, the stimulation of her clit helping her relax even further. "I can take it, yes, oh god," she whimpered.

With a nod, James watched as Steve slowly pushed the toy in until it bottomed out. "Such a good girl," he whispered. "Preparing yourself to take me."

Steve licked his lips, enamored with the sight as he slowly began to thrust the toy within her. "Beautiful, sweetness."

"Fuck," she breathed, mouth dropping open as a moan escaped into the room. "I'm ready for you, baby," she told James, capturing his lips in a heated kiss.

James gently lifted Cleo upward as Steve slowly removed the toy only for James to slowly lower her onto him with a moan. "Jesus, baby doll. You're swallowing me."

Desperate sounds escaped Cleo as she felt James's hardened erection enter her. "I can take all of you, baby," she said with breathy confidence. "Is this how you want me? On your lap like this?" she asked.

"Yes," James answered as he bent to kiss her shoulder. Slowly, he let her body swallow him completely until bottoming out. "How does it look, Stevie?"

Steve felt like he was sweating as he smiled up at his lover. "It looks so hot," he replied, unable to keep the heat from his expression.

James turned to nip at Cleo's neck as he slowly began to lift her up and down on his cock. "Does she swallow me well, Stevie?" He asked, enjoying the list forming in Steve's eyes.

Steve's eyes were fixed on the sight of Cleo and Bucky together. He didn't realize how hot it would be to see his lovers together. "So well, all the way up to the hilt," he replied with desire, licking his fingers before he reached out for Cleo's clit, rubbing it in a circular motion.

Letting his head fall back against the couch, James moaned loudly. "Take your pick Stevie... you have many options in front of you."

Steve grinned and closed the distance between himself and Cleo, catching her lips to kiss her hard while she rode Bucky. "What if I fucked you at the same time?" he asked against the younger woman's ear.

"Please," Cleo replied with a desirous moan. "Both of you can fuck me."

James grinned as he held onto her hips, stilling their movement for Steve to get in place. "Come on big man."

Steve rose to his feet and positioned himself between Bucky's legs. "Ready sweetheart?" he asked Cleo, who bit her lip as she nodded. He took his cock in his hand and rubbed it against her, groaning at the warmth of her pussy before he pushed himself inside of her.

James ducked his head and moaned, able to feel the pressure from Steve's cock. "Oh... shit. How do you feel, Cleo? Are you okay?"

"Ooh my..." Cleo exhaled, unable to get any other words out. She nodded in response to James's question. "I'm okay," she assured him as she relaxed her body fully. These two could throw her around like a rag doll and she didn't hate the idea of that.

Steve bent forward to kiss Cleo before kissing James as he slowly began to roll his hips with a moan. "This is... shit... I can feel you Bucky."

The sensations of the two of them inside of her nearly made Cleo's eyes roll back in her head. "Fuck," she cried as Steve's cock pressed against her g-spot, the resistance from James's making it more intense.

James panted as he turned his head to kiss Cleo's cheek. "Such a dirty mouth, baby doll. Let us know what you want."

"Just keep going," she whimpered, her body along for the ride as she began to bounce again.

"She's coming apart at the seams, Buck. We must be doing something right," Steve said with uneven breaths.

"Oh, I think she's loving it, Stevie." James halted his movements, staying buried to the hilt. "Give her a bit more Steve. Hell, you can give me more if you want to."

Steve's eyes flashed with heat before he leaned in and caught Bucky's lips intensely before grabbing Cleo's hips more securely. Gripping her sides, he leaned over her a little and began thrusting feverishly.

James groaned into Steve's mouth as Cleo's cries of pleasure filled his ears. When Steve pulled away, he let his head fall back helping Cleo bounce to get friction for himself and for her. "Fuck Stevie... she's close... but I need more..."

Steve could feel the mounting pressure inside of Cleo. "What do you want, big guy?" he asked as he felt Cleo begin to clench down on him.

"Oh my... fuck," Cleo cried as her body went into shudders.

"The... the toy?" He suggested. "I'm so close." James was close to whining as he gripped Cleo's hips a bit harder, hoping he wasn't hurting her.

Steve reached to his left and picked up the already lubricated toy and as he slowed his thrusts, his hand focused on reaching beneath Bucky as he pressed the toy against his ass. He hit a button to make it vibrate. "How's that?"

"Oh!" James' eyes squeezed shut and bit his lip until he could taste blood. "Fuck Stevie..."

The reaction from Bucky pulled a groan of his own from Steve and he pressed even a little harder against the other man's opening. "Are you gonna come?" he asked heatedly.

"I... I'm right there," James panted.

Bearing down just a little more, Steve pushed the tip of the toy into Bucky, the vibration strong enough to hear. "Come for me, soldier," he said intensely as he leaned over Cleo to kiss his lover hard.

James moaned loudly as his movements stilled, his orgasm blindsiding him. "Oh... fuck," he gasped, screwing his eyes shut in utter bliss.

Cleo could feel his release inside of her and released a sensual sound as he exclaimed like that. She loved when they came hard.

Steve kept the toy where it was for a few long moments, allowing Bucky to ride out what looked like an incredible orgasm. He leaned in a little further and placed a few love bites on the other man's neck.

James tilted his neck, letting Steve have his neck to do as he wished to him. "Stevie," he moaned. "I'm still hard."

Steve nuzzled his head beside Bucky's and turned to whisper into his ear. "Do you think you can come again?"

"I don't know," he admitted. James slowly ran his hand up and down Cleo's stomach, feeling her tense in response. "Do you have more in you, Cleo?"

She turned her head and her eyes fluttered open. "I can barely even talk," she murmured, nearly drunken smile on her face. "I think my body has given out," she added with laughter.

He chuckled softly and kissed the side of her head. "Do you want to sit the next one out?" He asked softly.

She nodded and laughed faintly again. "You guys go at it," she encouraged, tilting her head to find James's lips before she turned and found Steve's.

James waited for Steve to remove himself from Cleo's body before gently lifting Cleo enough to remove his cock from her ass. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. "You're not in pain?"

"No, not in pain," she assured him. Was it completely true? Eh. But the pain she was in gave her the reminders of their encounter and she liked how it lingered.

He gently kissed her neck as he let her slide out of his lap and sit beside him, giving Steve a bit of space to play. James looked up at Steve and licked his lips. "Stevie... you look ready to pounce."

Steve grinned guiltily. "It's always been hard for me to resist you," he replied with a growl in his voice. He took a few sure steps in and leaned in towards Bucky, hands on the back of the couch on either side of the other man's head. "Do you want to turn over or should I?"

James licked his lips. "What do you want? To fuck me? Or for me to fuck you? Either way these toys can give us a bit extra." He looked over at Cleo, watching her take them in. "Our girl could always tease us if she's up for it."

"Hmm..." Steve mused, leaning in to nip at Bucky's earlobe. "You came fucking Cleo, maybe you can come again if I fuck you," he said heatedly.

"What kind of tease do you want, baby?" she asked, willing to play along.

Grinning mischievously, James looked over at Cleo. "You have a whole box of things you can use baby doll."

"Do you want me to use them on myself or on you?" she asked, managing to sit up a little and pull the box in her direction. "Those cock rings vibrate. You might want to turn them on."

James nodded before reaching for Steve's ring to turn it on, feeling his cock begin to vibrate in his hand. "On us, baby girl. If you're up for it."

"Oh god," Steve gushed as he felt the vibrations. "Wow," he breathed before he reached out and turned Bucky's on. "Can you hand me the lube, gorgeous?" he asked, glancing to Cleo.

Cleo sat up and obliged, turning her attention back to her collection to decide what to do.

"Shit that feels good," James moaned as he watched Steve take the lube in his hand. "What're you up to?"

Squeezing lube into his hand, Steve turned his eyes up to Bucky. "You're only a little warmed up back there. I thought I'd help you out," he answered. "I can use my fingers, or we can use a toy."

James smiled and nodded. "I'll leave that up to you."

Smiling a little darker, he picked up the toy he'd been using with Bucky before. "Flip over, soldier."

With a nod, James turned over. He propped his arms on the back of the couch while his knees rested on the cushions.

Steve moved in behind him and lubed up the vibrator, for now leaving it off. Reaching out, he smoothed a hand over Bucky's muscular ass and gripped it firmly before he pressed the tip of the vibrator against his opening and gently began to insert it.

James gasped, feeling the coolness of the toy before pushing back against it with a moan. "Stevie."

"Already so eager," Steve replied, offering resistance as Bucky pushed back against the silicone toy, in a way allowing his lover to decide when he wanted more.

Cleo crawled from the couch to the floor, the smooth glass dildo in her hand. "Look at you take that," she purred to James as she reached him. "It's so fuckin' hot, baby."

"It feels good," James moaned as he rocked his hips, riding the toy as Steve held it still.

Leaning in, she caught his lips in a heated kiss before she crawled over to Steve and grabbed his lips greedily, tongue exploring his mouth.

Steve groaned as he kissed earnestly. He used one hand to wind his fingers in her hair while the other kept the toy still so James could ride it.

"How about you join the train?" she suggested with naughty grin. "And you back up into this..." She raised the clear glass dildo to her lips and took it into her mouth, vigorously moistening it.

"Cleo..." Steve was at a loss for words. His mouth had gone dry but precum leaked from his cock in excitement. "Yes," he mustered, then nodded.

"Just relax cowboy," she all but moaned, sitting back a little so she could slide the glass object between his ass cheeks, teasing at the entrance.

Steve gasped, his body jumping slightly. "It's cold," he chuckled.

She laughed a little herself. "Your body will warm it up," she assured him as the tip found his entrance. "How are you feeling, James?"

James smiled as he backed further onto the toy, wanting more of it. "Good," he moaned out.

"Good boys," she murmured before she pushed the dildo gingerly into Steve. "Why don't you reach forward and grab his cock?" she whispered into Steve' ear.

Steve moaned, enticed by the coolness of the dildo, making him push back into it as he bent forward. He wrapped one arm around James to grasp his cock and pump it slowly. "Cleo..."

"Yes, stud, that's it," she encouraged, slipping the dildo further inside of him. "I've got you too, baby," she said as she reached to grab Steve's hard cock to stroke it.

With a groan, Steve tried to rock back on the dildo, but found it to be rather difficult to do so while continuing to pleasure Buck. "Cleo, honey, we might have to find another way of doing this."

"You could stay still, and I can pretend like I'm fucking you," she offered. She could thrust into him, as James was backing up into his hand.

The mere thought made Steve swallow thickly. "How would you do that?"

Pushing herself up onto her feet, she maneuvered around him until she was standing directly behind him. "By standing behind you and taking your ass. I'll take control of your movement, or lack thereof..."

Steve could feel goosebumps rise on his skin, feeling as Cleo gripped his hip. Meanwhile James looked over his shoulder as he bottomed himself out on the toy Steve held, pleasure rolling through his body.

Cleo felt powerful as she lined up the toy with Steve's ass. She centered her hand that gripped it on her pelvis and slowly she thrusted her hips forward, gently sliding it inside of him.

"Fuck," Steve gasped. The vibration coupled with Cleo's movements, and now the toy... he wouldn't last long.

James panted and whined. "Steve..."

"That's right, boys..." Cleo said heatedly as she picked up the pace of her thrusts into Steve. "Come for me, both of you."

"Oh my god," Steve moaned, letting Cleo control the thrusts of the toy. "I'm so close."

"Me... too..." James gasped before groaning loudly as he spilled onto Steve's hand.

"You need a little more?" Cleo asked with a nearly drunken smile before she fucked him even faster from behind. "Fuck, this is so hot...". Definitely buying a strap-on.

Steve gripped tighter onto James' hip as his mouth fell open in utter bliss. "Oh god... don't stop Cleo. Baby don't stop."

James reached to remove the toy from his body before turning to crouch down in front of Steve and take his cock into his mouth.

"Yes, yes, oh my god, you're so hot," Cleo breathed, bucking against Steve's ass. "James, shit...". The sight of him taking Steve into his mouth was explosive.

Steve used his clean hand to thread it into James' hair as his head dropped. "Oh fuck... mmm just like that," he gasped. "I'm so... so..." Steve moaned loudly, seeing spots behind his eyes. "Coming... coming!"

Cleo bucked against him hard as he moaned, a moan of her own mixing into the space of the room. As Steve grabbed James's hair, Cleo smoothed her hand up Steve's back to gather into his hair. "Fuck, oh my god, boys..." she breathed intensely, slowing her pace with the glass dildo before eventually pulling it out.

James slowly cleaned Steve up with his mouth before pulling away to look around him at Cleo. "You're close again," he stated, noting the tenseness in her body.

She ran her fingers through her long dark hair and met James's eyes, nodding surely. "Uh huh, you two... you turn me on so much."

James slid to where he sat on the floor, against the couch while Steve moved to rest on the couch near them. "Do you want a little help, doll?"

"Mm hmm," she replied eagerly as she reached for James and kissed him rabidly, hands plunging into his hair.

He pulled her into his lap, instantly kissing her back, his stubble rubbing against her jaw as he moved to kiss down her neck. "What do you need, baby?" He whispered. "Do you wanna toy to ride?"

"Yes, baby, yes," she answered with a whimper. "I'm so hot, baby..."

"Pick one out, sweetness. Do you have another that's clean?" He reached between them to rub slow circles around her clit but not touching where she liked it most.

"Just rinse one off," she said a little breathlessly, looking up to Steve on the couch. "Would you, stud?"

Steve looked over at Cleo with a smile, his face still looking utterly blissed. "Which one do you want, sweetness?"

"The vibrator," she told him, gesturing to the one that he'd been using with James. "Oh my god... I'm so hot, baby..."

"He'll be right back with it," James assured as he continued to run around her clit. He slowly slid one finger inside her heat before circling again.

"Ooh..." she exhaled, head dropping as she felt his fingers and it didn't take Steve long before he returned with the clean vibrator, and he handed it off to James.

"Ready to lose yourself again?" the blonde man asked before he leaned down and caught Cleo's lips before he sat on the couch.

"Um hm," she agreed excitedly, spreading her legs for James.

James positioned the toy upright just below her. "Lower yourself down, doll. If you need it hard and fast, I'll have you lay back against Steve."

Cleo moistened her lips with her tongue before she straddled fully over the vibrator. Carefully, she lowered herself onto it and as her body swallowed it, she turned her eyes up to find James's. "Turn the vibration on," she asked him breathlessly.

With a Cheshire grin, James pushed the button on the bottom of the toy and watched as her head fell back in pleasure. "That's it," he whispered. "Take what you need sweetheart."

"Shit, yes," she moaned, the vibrations making her toes curl. As she sat on it, she began to bounce up and down, slowly at first but rapidly increasing.

"You look so beautiful, Cleo," James purred as he smiled at her.

Her breaths grew more ragged the more she pumped up and down on the vibrating toy. "Lick my nipples," she nearly begged, needing just a little more stimulation to go over the edge.

James silently bent down to gently pull one nipple into his mouth to flick at it with his tongue, her moans like music to his ears.

"Uh huh... uh huh," she urged, feverishly panting as she bounced herself up and down. "Oh my... fuck, baby, I'm coming," she cried just before her head dropped back in ecstasy.

"Gorgeous," James murmured as he lifted his head to kiss the base of her throat. He let her ride out her high before he turned off the vibration and let her calm down just as a loud crack of thunder shook the house.

Steve sat up to watch the lightening light up the sky. "Wind is picking up. Looks like we're getting into the storm now," he said, sitting forward as Cleo relaxed her body against James' chest.

"We're tucked in safely together," Cleo remarked with a yawn, brow glistening in the afterglow.

James ran his human hand slowly through her hair as he kissed her temple. "Mmm should we shower then go to bed?"

Both Cleo and Steve nodded but neither moved too quickly. "I think my legs are wobbly," Cleo said with a soft laugh.

"We've had an adventurous night," Steve chuckled. "I can clean up in here while you get the shower started. I'm sure it's big enough for us to share?"

Cleo nodded. "It is. I'll meet you guys up there," she told him as she got to her feet carefully. Stopping in front of Steve, she reached for his chin to pull him down to kiss her before she moved to James and did the same. I can't believe I have both of them. 

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