The Arc of Injustice

By TrentenFireCloud

32.9K 755 411

After Jaune's transcripts were revealed by Cardin almost everyone turned their backs on him. The only ones wh... More

Meet the Regime and Insurgents
Battle at the Manor
Return of the Titans
Battle on Stryker's Island
Fall of the Regime
Alliance with a General?
New Family Member
Meeting a Mushroom and a Princess
The Giant Turtle & Journey to the Jungle Kingdom
Arc vs Kong
Bowser's War
Emotional Reunions

Diana's Downfall

2.4K 60 31
By TrentenFireCloud

It's been two hours since the fight on Stryker's Island and since they got new members. Beast Boy is talking to Raven and this universe Cyborg about him helping them get back on the right track of being heroes. Batman 1 finally unlocked his semblance that gives him the power to manipulate shadow and darkness and is in a dark room teaching himself how to control it. Aquaman can now control water as good as Mera in his universe. Superboy learned to use his aura to boost his strength and speed to great heights. Arrow's now able to control his arrows by whistling(like MCU Yondu). Wonder Woman can heal others with a kiss (like recovery girl from MHA only way hotter and not costing any stamina on the patient). Lex learned to have tecknokinesis and created his own nanotech suit (like MCU Ironman AKA the BEST Ironman).

Dick can charge his hands with electricity for more devastating attacks. The rest still haven't unlocked theirs yet but only time will tell.

Right now Summer was in Metropolis, checking to see if there's any trouble with the Regime since the fight at Stryker's. She's on the roof of a building when she saw a yellow streak of lightning running across the city. Knowing it's the Flash she runs to Flash and keeps up with him.

Summer: What do you think you're doing?!

Flash looks at her in shock the she can keep up with him.

Flash: How can you keep up with me? You don't even have the Speed Force!

Summer: Thanks to the Old Gods amplifying my speed semblance, I can now give even Hermès a challenge. Now start talking, what are you up to?

They stop at an abandoned theater in Gotham so no one can listen to their conversation.

Flash: You guys were right about everything, Superman's complete lost it this time with his plan.

Summer: What do you mean by that, what is his plan?

Flash: The people are turning against him for almost killing Luthor. He calls them "ungrateful" and now he wants to destroy both Metropolis and Gotham to show he's in charge for a reason. Then he plans to go to Remnant thanks to Wonder Woman telling him about you aura users. And after that he plans to go to the other universe and take over there.

Summer looks at him with fear at what he said and what Superman might do to her family if he gets there.

Summer: Y-You can't be a-serious!

Flash: I am. Look I'm scared White, and the rest of the Insurgents should be to.

Summer: What do we do then?

Flash: We got to get to the Insurgents and warn them about the situation. I led myself thinking I was doing the right thing, but we're not. I quit the Regime.

Summer: If so then let's go.

They speed to the Insurgents HQ and called a meeting, and they were on guard against Flash until Summer told them he's now on their side. Flash fills them in on their plan to destroy Metropolis and Gothem, and take over the other universe and Remnant.

Flash: I'm telling you Gotham and Metropolis will be history, then he's going after both Remnant and your universe.

Cyborg 1: I can't believe he'd do it, it's insane!

Jaune: I might hate some people on Remnant, but I still have people I care about most there.

Gretchen: I don't want anything bad happening to my brother.

Summer: Same with my family.

Diana: We have to stop him.

Hal: It's gonna be a hell of a fight.

Razer: We can do it if we all stick together.

Batman 1: No, I brought you here to get the kruptonite weapon and it failed. You're going home and I'm destroying the inter dimensional transporter.

Arrow: It won't stop him from coming over.

Batman 1: It'll buy you time to prepare.

Diana: Luthor almost died for us. We won't show dishonor by leaving.

Batman 2: We have an alternative, we bring our Superman here and finish this fight.

Aya: Our chances of success would go up by significant percents.

Lex: Evening the odds.

Batman 1: one Superman in this world is enough.

Jaune: The other Superman isn't a mad tyrant like this one and won't kill. You shouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgment.

Batman 1: I'm not getting you all more involved then I have to.

Gretchen: At this point everyone in this room is now completely involved.

Jaune: Like Razer said we need to stick together or-

Just then an explosion breaks the wall on the other side of the room and villains come in. The Insurgents get ready to fight and in front of Jaune is a man in a what looks like a black leotard with bones and a skull mask.

Jaune: And who are you supposed to be?

(from Panda Redd, it's hilarious check his TicTok he's a great man.)

Dick: Oh it's just him.

Jaune: you know this guy Dick?

Dick: He's just a rip-off Skeletor and literally can't die.


Jaune: I won't believe it till I see it, so let's see it.

Jaune goes up to him and gives a elegant combo of moves and disintegrate him with a powerful blast.

The villains looked at Jaune with fear and ran away. Most of the heroes were about to get at jaune about the no killing until they see the ashes floating and forming into a completely healed and panting Lord Death Man, shocking the ones who don't know about him.


Jaune: Holy shit you really can't die.


Jaune quickly knocks him out before he says anything else.

Jaune: He was starting to get annoying.

Razer: Let's lock him up before anything else happens.

Just then both Diana and Jaune were surrounded in flames and teleported to an old structure with statues of what look like the old goddesses with lion heads on two pillars.

Jaune: Whoa! Where are we?

Diana: We're in Themyscira, home island to the Amazons. But how did we-

???: I brought you both here.

The turn around and see Ares, the God of War walking up to them.

Diana: YOU! We've got no time for your medicine!

Ares: Calm, please. We have much to discuss.

Diana: I won't tolerate your lies like my mother did, War God!

But before Diana could get in fighting stance, Jaune go between them and decided to be the reasonable one.

Jaune: Wait! Let's at least here him out. If he helped Aquaman back in Atlantis chances are he might help us here.

Ares: You already prevented the others from wasting their energy with the ambush, but if you truly wish to stop the Regime, you need my help.

Diana: ...Talk, and be quick about it.

Ares: I assume Flash told you Superman's plan?

Jaune: Yeah, he and Summer just told us before we got attacked.

Ares: But do you know how he intends to execute his plan?

Diana: Not yet, if you hadn't brought us here.

Ares uses his fire to show a projection of all the Amazons gearing up and ready to fight. Diana and Jaune look in shock that the peaceful and caring Amazons are being used for war.

Diana: By Aphrodite.

Ares: Shocking, isn't it? The great Amazon army preparing to subjugate an entire continent.

Diana: I can't... How could she... I...

Jaune: If she's using her own people to fight the Regime's battles then I was right about her being a true villain to the world. She has no honor or compassion in her body.

Ares: if only someone were able to stop her.

Diana: Why would you have us do that? The conflict would re-energize your magic.

Ares: Because if Superman consolidates his rule, The conflict which fuels my power will cease permanently.

Jaune: I'd say thanks, but this battle benefits you as well with you keeping your powers.

Ares: No need. The enemy of my enemy-

Diana: We are never friends. Our interests temporary align, nothing more.

Ares: ...I'll leave you too your work then.

Jaune: Wait. I need to know something.

Ares: And what would that be?

Jaune: If you feed on conflict, then why didn't you try going to Remnant to replenish yourself.

Ares: When Dark and Light left Remnant and shattered your moon, they also made sure no other gods could go there claiming the planet as a "lost cause". It must've took all the other gods power just to get you to them.

Jaune: Of course they would do that. If I meet them I'm gonna beat the living shit out of those two for screwing Remnant over.

Ares: I'll be sure to tell Zeus when I see him. For now, good luck.

Ares disappears in flames and leaves them to stop Evil Wonder Bitch. Meanwhile the Amazons gather their equipment and are ready to fight.

Evil Bitch: Haste my sisters, we cast off within the hour! Take that to the Athena, slope 51. After drop off, meet at the south pier. Mora's team needs help with a inter-ship weapons transfer. MOVE!

Everyone is rushed and running everywhere until they heard a familiar voice stoping everyone.

Good Diana: DIANA!

Everyone looks up to see Good Diana and Jaune floating down and ready to fight. As they land the Amazons couldn't help but eye Jaune curiously and with small blushes. They could all tell he's a aura user and he was really handsome.

Good Diana: Your armies will stand down! They will not abet this madness!

Evil Bitch: You hold no sway here pretender, I am in command! And men are forbidden here on the island! sisters, execute him!

They get closer to them but Jaune unleashes a lot of aura and all anyone could see is an intimidating shadow that even frightens both Wonder Women.

After a few moments he stops the power up and smiles at Regime Diana.

Jaune: What's wrong, still upset you couldn't hit me last time?

This really pissed her off and she was about to attack, but Good Diana starts talking.

Diana: You slain Amazon honor! We're to temper mans aggression, not enable it!

Evil Bitch: After Metropolis, I realized the cold truth. Mans aggression can not be tempered, only quelled.

Diana: slaughter the innocent? Just like Hyppolita, you have bean beguiled in life.

Evil Bitch: ...Your world's Amazons must be weak-willed if you are their queen!

They both charge at each other and fight at even playing fields and are both evenly matched.

Diana: We are to give service... help the innocent... save the lives of friend and foe... that is our way!

Evil Bitch: You lecturer me, on the meanings of being an Amazon?!

Diana: I don't seek to lecture, only to dispose.

And with that they continue to fight with everything they got. Jaune looks at the fight with a smile, knowing that Good Diana is gonna win. He then looks at the Amazons who still have weapons drawn at him and finally decides to talk to them.

Jaune: You can lower your weapons, I'm not gonna do anything.

Amazon Warrior: How do we know you won't interfere in the battle?

Jaune: If you don't believe me then you can check for any weapons on me. But I'm just telling you, I don't have any and I'd only interfere with the fight if it gets out of hand.

Jaune puts hi hand up with an Amazon checking for weapons and found non, but was blushing furiously from feeling his muscles and abs. Once she went back to her sisters, she whispered to about his body and they all couldn't help but blush. Everyone then looked to see that Diana won the fight against her Regime counterpart with her glowing pink.

Diana: Now to rebuild what you destroyed.

The Amazons ready their weapons incase they attack them next.

Diana: Hold my sisters, hold. While I'm not if this universe, I am Amazon. And I tell you now that this path is folly! We are to unite the world's people, lesson man's rage... overcome them... with compassion and love. *points at Evil Diana* She has enabled one man to inflict his on the entire planet. Let him be consumed by his darkest passions, rather then extricate him from despair. Sisters, let us return to the right side of history. Let us enter battle. But as humankind's protector, not its destroyer. We are Amazons, we are here to save mankind!

All the Amazons cheered in motivation while Jaune couldn't help but thing of Remnant and the friends and family he still has their. When this is over, he's gonna make a portal back to Remnant and make sure they're okay and maybe help them bring peace to Remnant. For now, he'll just focus on stopping the Regime once and for all.

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