One Shotss

By Sam137972

61 2 0

These are one shots I created to pass time. I hope you will like them More

Night Out


49 2 0
By Sam137972

It was a bright and sunny day. Not too hot, just the right temperature. A perfect scene to go outside. I decided to go out and enjoy the day, even with just my own company, its not like I have friends that are just one call away right? Ah I remembered I dont even have friends.

I packed my things, brought a book and my wallet with me as I set sail for today's journey. As I head out the gentle ray of sunshine greets my skin which brought a boost of serotonin to my system. A light walk to the nearest cafe cleared my mind from all the stress that was piling up in me.

I see kids running around in the park near by, couples having picnics and dates building up memories together. Some are taking their dogs on a walk. As I passed by, I saw a tall man with glasses petting his dog, I want to pet the dog too.

A few more steps then I entered this minimalistic cafe. Their interior was just explicit. Their furniture and decorations are all in right the places, nothing that could make you think of it as an eyesore. I walked to the back portion of the store where a couch was located then placed my things.

As I sat, a worker came up to me in a spark and asked for my order. He then said that it will be served in a few. I adjusted my position and laid back on my seat, which was very comfortable and started reading. It was about a student focusing on her studies to be a successful accountant but then a tragic truth flashed upon her which changed her view in life. Interesting right?

I read and read until I felt an uncomfortable feeling, like someone was staring at me and my movements. I was being watched.

I scanned my surroundings but found nothing suspicious. I decided to continue reading as my order arrived. I paid for it and thanked the waiter with a smile. Stared at the plating appreciatingly before taking a picture of it. It was cute. I ordered a caramel frappe which they added a little twist to it. It was not the normal caramel color but it was blue!

It was suspicious as I saw the other customers who ordered the same thing as mine but theirs was the regular caramel color. Why was mine different?

I decided to ignore it and not drink the caramel frappe and continued reading. Moments passed as I felt the pressuring stares growing heavier. I put down my book to reach for the frappe, slowly bringing it close to my lips but a hand stopped mine. I quickly looked to my side, surprised to see a man beside me.

I didn't felt his presence approaching? Who was this man who just appeared out of no where? He took the drink from my hands before throwing it to the side. He removed his sun glasses before staring into my eyes.

The man with chocolate eyes, scanned my whole body, like he was making sure that I was okay, uninjured, and safe. Why would he do all this to me? A stranger?

Realizing he is still holding my hand, I pulled it forcefully out of his grasp. Thankfully he didn't held it too tight for me to hurt myself.
He took my book that I placed on the table and scanned it, like sum listening devide or bomb was planted in it. How meticulous is this man?

"Hey" i say trying to gain his attention which worked since he looked at me. "Who are you? Why did you suddenly approached me? And please give me back my book, I swear its safe. No wiretraps or bombs or whatever you are thinking is placed in that."

He just stared at me, maybe weighing the possibilities that may happen. A moment later, he returned my book. "So you read The Girl's Obscured Destiny huh? What chapter are you on? The twist was unimaginable!" He said. I watched him stunned, like he...he read this?

"Uhm... I'm still on chapter 27. So far so good. Her backstory was so tragic!" I replied. He chuckled on my comment. "Ah you're at that part where Colan just sh-" I quickly covered his mouth before he could finished.

"Hey! Dont go and spoil me on the story. You're wasting out all the fun." He chuckled as I removed my hand from his mouth. His chuckle is so pleasing to listen to. "Okay okay I'll stop spoiling what will happen, m'lady. But really that is a great book to bing-" he stopped mid-sentence like he noticed something. His eyes far out of reach.

He pulls me closer, my thighs fully pressed against his. He moves his hands to my neck, putting it in between his neck and shoulders. Goodness, the scent of his cologne filling up my nostrils. It smells like rain with a hint of honey and vanilla, definitely a win. I put my hands against his chest trying to push myself away from him but he tightens his hold on my waist, leaving me with no choice but to stay in that position.

"What's happening? Why did you suddenly pull me out of no where?" I whispered into his ear. He ignores me as if he's trying to track somebody. I felt the air of the cafe shifting, became tense and much heavier.

"Dear sir, what is happening? Please t-tell me is something the matter?" I asked shivering. The atmosphere in the cafe just dropped to a couple degrees lower. "Ah-shh dont worry m'lady everything is safe okay? I'll keep you safe no matter what."

I tightened my hold on him as I felt danger approaching. Who the hell are these people and why are they targeting me? Im not that dumb to not notice that I am the one that they want. I dont even know who sent this dude to me. I do not owe him nor anyone anything

I was surprised when he suddenly flips the table and hid, pulling me along with him. He placed my stuffs back in my bag before handing it to me. I heard sounds of objects hitting the table. I tried to take a peak but he cover my eyes with his big hands, they are surprisingly soft for his big form.

"Mister, what was that? What the hell is happening??!" I screamed at him. I heard him mumble sum curses before facing me. "M'lady, I need you to trust me in this. I am Agent Maxillian Oswald and I was tasked to keep you safe. So please do not worry and lean on me." How can I not worry when I am the target on this??

This Maximillian is quite something, even with his big frame he is still quick. Like how he moved the table and pulled me and my things along with him to seek shelter also placing my things in my bag and in a proper placements too. Is this agent a perfectionist or what?

I scanned the cafe and noticed that the customers that were here earlier were now gone, instead there are men dressed in black with masks on. Who are these edgy dudes?

"Sir Maximillian may I know why these men are after me?" I asked. "That is what I am still figuring out m'lady. What I know from my intel is that they set eyes on a lady that would enter this cafe with a tote bag. And that I would know who exactly that person is if they would serve a blue drink."

Who in the world would know that? Are they psychic or what? "M'lady can you stay here for a bit? I'll finish them off in a minute. Also please close your eyes and cover your ears as this would be unpleasant." I nodded to his request for I have no other choice. Even with eyes covered and my hearing muffled, I could still distinguish cries of pain and some shots from guns firing from all direction. I hope sir Maximillian is okay.

Once it has all settled down, the agent went back to get me. "It's safe now. We can leave this place and find a better shelter." I placed my bag on my shoulder as he took my hand, pulling me with him.

"Not so fast agent Oswald. I dont think I'll let you leave this easily." A man in business suit says from behind us. His hair slick back, matched with an annoying smirk.

"Marcus! Why are you doing this? This lady has not done anything against you nor your family or to your mafia. So why are you targeting her?" Max screamed at this Marcus. Marcus just laughed evilly.

"Why you ask? Cuz its what we do. Now surrender her before you get killed." I heard a sound of a gun aimes at our back pointing at sir Max. In a blink of an eye, the guy holding the gun is dead. Along with 5 of his men.

"W-what?!" Said a shocked Agent. I look back on the dead people then at Marcus. "I knew it!" He exclaimed, staring at his dead allies then at the kunais in my hand.

"I knew that the remarkable agent would still be alive! It would've been a great loss to the society to have you dead, Agent." He smirks.

I smiled at him. "How-what? You're a-an agent?! You m-mean the agent Red? Who was said to be dead 3 years ago? Agent Red with the best records in history?" Maximillian shouted.

I turned to face Max and bent down a little. Throwing my kunai to the poor fella who just moved. "Yes Max. I am Agent Red. A pleasure to meet you." I patted his head and helped him stand up.

"Yes. Yes. Agent Red." Marcus mumbles. "I am Marcus Diaz, the heir for Ace Eagles." He heaves a deep breath before staring at me with a lunatic smile. "And also your older brother, Leona Diaz."

I smiled before pointing my gun at him. "Hello, brother. Nice to see you again."

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