They Don't Know about Us

By riniobsessed

15.2K 329 2.5K

Rini One-shots. Maybe some Jolivia and Portwell More

Mission Rini <3
The Talk
The Double Date
A hatred behind love
Panic Attack
Miss you
3 Weeks?!?!
Wedding Bells (1)β€πŸ””
Wedding Bells (2) β€πŸ””
Wedding Bells (3)β€πŸ””
People (not Hsmtmts)
The Incident
I am not going anywhere Angel
Breakups and Makeups
The Meeting
Awkward Moments
Please Don't Kill Me
My therapist would kill me
The Couple
I want...
A Hatred Behind Love (Part 2)
Look Up
I Love You Angel
Is It Too Much To Ask?
Roommates Part One
The Story Of Us
My Life Would Never Be The Same
The Assignment
- love you.
Lime And Soda (1)
Lime And Soda (2)
Lime And Soda (3)
Angels On Earth
Love / Loved
Rules For Life
Rules For Life (2)
In Between

Mission Rini <3 (2)

490 9 20
By riniobsessed

Previously : "Okay the girls are on their way." I say looking up from my phone. " Hopefully with good news. " Big Red says. " Yeah Phineas."


When the girls get here. My girlfriend speaks immediately."Please tell us you have good news?" "At first he kept avoiding the question." I say. Hopefully they don't get mad. "Same with Nini." Gina says. What? Okay next part. "Then he lied about it."I state. Don't get mad. "Same with Nini. I am picking up a pattern."Gina says. Same

"I promise you they are made for each other." Kourtney laughs. Well lets hope that their final verdict is the same. "Then he says that he still loves her and -" I start but Ashlyn cuts me off. "That Nini is the love of his life and that he didn't only lose his girlfriend but his best friend as well?" Ashlyn asks.

Wait What? How did she-? Can she read my mind? "Yeah amongst other things. How did you know that?" Big Red asks his girlfriend. "Nini said that about Ricky amongst other things." Kourtney answers. She was right. "Kourt you were right. They are made for each other."I breathed out. "I am hardly ever wrong Armie-Hammer-wanna-be." She points at me.

Okay then. "Back to the topic." my girlfriend states. I must say that it is good to call her that . Back to the topic. "So how are we going to get them back together again?" Gina asks. "Well we know we are locking them in a room together."Ashlyn starts. Yeah but wher- "Why don't we use the bomb shelter?" Ashlyn finises. That could work. "Sounds good." Red agrees. "When should we do it?"I ask trying to get the rest of the plan. "Today. I asked Miss Jenn to have the room and she said yes. We can do it in a few moments." Kourtney answers, How did she do that so fast? Before I can ask, Gina asks. "How are we going to get them here?"Okay think, think. "I will text Ricky and you text Nini ." I say. "Ok." She replies.

So the plan is Ricky is going to walk through one door, I will lock it. Nini is going to walk through the other and Gina is going to lock it. Please let it work.


Nini's POV :

"EJ where are you?" I hear someone say as I say "Gina are you here?"that voice. "Nini? What are you doing here?" Ricky says. Of course I run into him. "Ricky um Gina um asked me to come here." I state nervously. 'What are you uh doing here?" I ask avoiding eye contact. "EJ, he uh asked me to come here." He says like he is just as surprised as i am . "I think I am going to uh look for him."he says. "Yeah, I think I am going to find Gina."I walk to the door I camw in but soon realised that it was locked. "RICKY!!" I yell.

I hear quick footsteps I assume he is running to me. "Yeah. Are you okay? What is wrong?" He pants. Aww he is so caring. "I am okay" I start and see him physically relax. "but the door is locked."I explain. Ricky sighs and states "The other one is locked as well." We are screwed. I am screwed. Then a thought comes to mind and I decide to speak it out. "Do you think that maybe Gina and EJ locked the doors?" the moment I say that he gets a text. "I just got a text from EJ." he says. "What does it say?" I ask. He shows me the phone to read the messages.

Great. "So that means we are stuck in here until-"He starts "until we can not be awkward."I finish for him. Yeah so we are going to be stuck in here for awhile. "Which I don't understand because because we are not awkward."He says. Is this boy serious? We haven't spoken for awhile and we avoid each other . "Well- " I start but cut myself off. "Nevermind I am going to put some music on." I say walking away. "Ok."He responds

I sit on my phone for about 10 minutes, I sigh. "So they are really not letting us out until we talk."I say. "Looks like it." he replies. I get a text message from Gina so I open it to read it.

I sigh knowing she is right. "Ricky. Can we please talk?" I ask quietly but loud enough for him to hear. "I mean they are not going to let us out, so we might as well talk ."I continue more nervous than before. "So how have you been?" he asks awkwardly. Man I am having a bit of deja vu from that room in that theatre. "I have been good, I guess." That is a lie, I have been miserable. "You?" I choke out. "Good. I guess" he says. "Why is this so awkward? We have known each other since kindergarten." I choke out again. "I don't know." he sounded so deflated.


I was sitting alone in the corner of the classroom, when a boy came up to me, he had brunette curls with honey eyes and a bright smile. "Hi. My name is Richyrd. Whyt is yours?" he says mispronouncing some of the words. I smile at him and say. "Hi. I am Nina." "It is nice to meet you Nini." "It is Nina" I correct.

He looks down bashfully "Sorry I hyve trouble with my vowels." He apologizes. I didn't mean to make he feel bad. "It is okay. I actually like Nini better it sounds less grown up." I say and he laughs. "so thank you Ricky." I say . "Who is Ricky?" He asks confused . "You silly." I giggle. "But my nyme is Richyrd." he says. "Yeah but no one under the age of 50 should be named Richard. It makes you sound like a grandpa."I shrug my shoulders as i giggle. "You are so right."He laughs with me. "Ricky. I like it." He smiles.

-----Flashback ends--------

"What are you thinking about?" Ricky's voice breaks me out of my trance. "The day-" my life changed. I want to say that but I can't. "-we met." I smile at the memory. "I haven't see you smile in a while." he says with a smile. That darn smile send butterflies to my stomach every time.His statement is true I haven't smiled in a while. "I guess I haven't. When was the last time you saw me smile?" I ask even tho I already know the answer. The day we-. "Uhh- The day we broke up. When I came into your tree house." he says and he is 100% correct.

"Our tree house."I correct him. It wasn't my tree house it was ours. " Well if you have figured out how long it has been since I have smiled. Have you figured out why I haven't smiled since that day?" I ask even tho again I already know the answer. "No. Not really. Could you please tell me?" He asks politely.

"Because of you."I say while avoiding eye contact.

His face quickly turns into panic. "Me?" he asks. I nod. "What ever I did I am sorry." He says. "Ricky, I can't hide this any more." I take a deep breath. " I love you. You're my best friend. You are the love of my life. I have always loved you and always will." I confess.


I am suddenly back in my room and back to the girl who he broke her heart . Tears start to fall down my face. "Oh?" I choke. "No Nini, Gosh I love you so much. I always have and pretty sure always will. You're my best friend. You're the love of my life." He says, while he was saying this he crossed the room and cupped my face and wiped away my tears.

"What do we do now?" I ask with the biggest smile on my face. "Well I didn't know you felt the same.."He starts. "Me either." I laugh."But now that I do, letting you go was the stupidest thing I have ever done." He got on his knees and says "Will you be my girlfriend again?" "Of course I will." I say as he stands up and I jump into his arms.

"I love you Angel."I say.

"I love you too Princess." he replies

He smashes his lips onto mine as his arms wrap around my waist to pull me closer. My hands find their way to his soft honey curls as they start to thread through them. The kiss is filled with passion and love . We have probably been kissing for about 5 minutes and I don't want to pull away.

"Okay you can stop making out now." We pull away when we hear that. We turn our heads and see all our friends . We smile at him but don't release from each other's embrace. "I am so glad you guys are back."EJ says. So am I. "Yay. The Rini ship is sailing!" Kourtney screams. What the hell. "Yeah it is!" Big Red agrees screaming as well.

"Multiply questions. One, What is Rini?And two" Ricky starts.

"You guys did this because you knew we still love each other?"I finish for him.

"Rini is your ship name and yes we did." Ashlyn answers both questions. " Well thank you." Ricky and I say together. "You gave me back the love of my life." I say. "Same here.And my best friend." Ricky pecks my forehead. Que to the butterflies. "You guys are made for each other." Kourtney says and I couldn't agree more. "Should we go to slices?" Gina asks. "Sounds perfect."EJ says. Everyone agree and we head to slices.

So yeah that is how we got back together again.

So this is the second part of Mission Rini <3. I hope you enjoyed it.

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