By imma_simposter

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"𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍" _______________________... More



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By imma_simposter


I LIVEEE!!! ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ᵃ ˡⁱᵗᵗᵉʳᵃˡ ʸᵉᵃʳ
I have finished the second to last chapter (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
The Fluff and Cringe in this chapter is everything.

EDITED MAY 11, 2023

"Captain of the Guard, I insist you do something" a old woman in hues of red demanded, standing in her carriage, along with her was a crowd who surrounded Phoebus about a list of robberies.

"They took my silver!" A man from the crowd shouted.

"All my coins to pay my landlord. They'll throw us out!"

"-My bracelet"

"Can you describe the bracelet?" Phoebus asked, as he wrote down more information.

"My life savings!" An old poor man spoke showing his pocket.

"All right, have no worry. The King's Guard is on the case. We'll find the culprits" Phoebus announced as his horse began to move from the crowd.

"Where we'll find them, I don't know." Phoebus uttered, as he entered the circus area.

"Wait a minute. String of robberies Begins the moment the Circus comes to town?" He thoughts spoke out loud, "Coincidence? I don't think so."

"How many times have I ever been wrong?" Achilles began to raise his hove and counted the amount of times.

"Achilles, that was a rhetorical question" Phoebus said ignoring the answer.

From the circus, Madellaine and Quasimodo strolled throughout Paris under the moonlight, enjoying Paris and all of it's treats, such as a small play about the upcoming festival and a bakery where they able to taste a ruined but tasty soufflé. Then by a river were couples were on boats enjoying the stream and got to see Quasimodo and Madellaine walk alongside each other.

Quasimodo then went up to a bush and picked up a plant from it showing it to Madellaine.

"I think those are weeds" Madellaine said concerned.

"No. Smell" Quasimodo covered her eyes and lifted the plant to her nose.

"Oh... they smell so flowery. They're wonderful" she smiled holding the plant in her hands.

"It's rosemary. Come on" Quasimodo then went up a few stairs taking her along to a nearby tower. Once inside the two ran up a spiral stair case all the way to the top.

"This is one of my favorite spots in all of Paris. Isn't it beautiful?" Quasi said and asked, as they were half way to the top.

"But I can't see anything" Madellaine said trying to look through the dark.

Quasimodo then leaned in, close to Madallaine's ear and whispered, "Close your eyes. Listen to Paris"

She obligated, and closed her eyes to hear the sound of children playing, laughing, and singing. Quasimodo smiled and opened a door to which Madellaine opened her eyes to see the moonlight shine all over Paris, and Notre Dame, she could hear the town's people laughing, talking as well, and chanting as they work.

"Quasi, it's wonderful" Madellaine said as she marveled at the sight.

She laughed, slightly embarrassed, "Come on, show me more"

Quasimodo smiled, and got onto the ledge of the tower and grabbed a rope supported by a wooden beam. He then extended his hand out for Madellaine, as soon as she took his hand she gasped as Quasi pulled her in and sat her on his shoulder, before the swung onto a rooftop. They laughed as the parted ways and ran on top of the roofs.

Then from Notre Dame the three gargoyles Victor, Hugo and Laverne watched and heard Quasimodo's laughs, and saw (Y/n) and Emerald walk down the streets before they moved away sadly from the front of the cathedral, to another part.

"It's all too sudden" Victor sang putting his stone hand on his head.

"Our kids have grown" Laverne sang along.

"There's nothing more to do" Hugo added slouching behind.

"It's true"

"He's on his own..."

"We've tried to teach him" Victor sang melodramatic.

"We've tried to show" Laverne kept her hands and arms close.

"The things a gargoyle, a gar-guy, and gar-girl ought to know" Hugo pointed out.

"Their gone. They left. And do we feel bereft?" The three hugged each other.

"No!" Their somber mood left as the midnight sky became a tint of pink, and each of the gargoyles started to dance.

"They've fa-la-la-la fallen in love. They've fa-la-la-la fallen in love"

"Sing a rousing rollicking roundelay. For our rip-roaring rhapsody"

"They've fa-la-la-la fallen in love.
They've fa-la-la-la fallen in love~"

"Why should we be blue? Their love is true. So bid the kids adieu!" They all took out white handkerchiefs and waved it away, as they did so pigeons few out from the cathedral, to were the towns people begin to join together, with there significant other.

"Oh, wow. Just across the square. Look at Quasi there~" The villagers sang as they witnessed Quasimodo and Madellaine balance on a piece of décor, behind a full moon.

"Love has nailed him" Hugo sang flying slightly at the cathedral.

"Oh, wow. Sighing when he talks. Flying when he walks" Quasimodo fell losing balance, cause the rope they were standing on to move, Madellaine soon followed took a fall and landed into his arms.

"Love's derailed him, ha!"
Lighting struck and it began to pour, and all of the villagers began to take cover.

"He's fa-la-la-la fallen in love"
"Oh, wow"

The people continued to sing separately, in a harmonious tone, Madellaine and Quasimodo watched water go onto them but Madellaine shrugged tilting her had up and opened her mouth to catch the water, Quasi mimicked her actions and laughed along with her.

"He's fa-la-la-la fallen in love"
"Just across the square."

"Sing a merry madrigal melody"
"Look at Quasi there"

"For his marvelous malady"
"Love's derailed him"

"He's fa-la-la-la fallen"
As the rain poured more and more, Quasimodo with Madellaine in his arms slid down a railing and into a large puddle that formed, and began to dance around with Madellaine spinning around and around. The villagers that hid under a tent spotted the two and joined in on the dance, and continuer to sing.

"Quasimodo's fallen in love!"
The song ends there with loud thunder and the villagers fleeing off for shelter, and in the crowd Quasimodo held onto Madellaine's hand and the two ran back all the way to the cathedral, laughing.

"They're coming. Come on, go, go, go. Spread it out. Spread it out" Hugo whisper shouted, as he and the other gargoyles hopped around and moved.

Quasimodo and Madellaine soon came up the stairs, drenched from the rain, and Quasi then lead her to a curtain with a light behind it.

"You can dry off here" he said with a smile opening the curtain.

"Put it there, mon frère!" Hugo said coming up being Quasi with his hand out. Quasimodo took off his purple cape and tossed it back to Hugo, who got drenched from it.

"So, what's the plan?" Hugo asked, muffled.

"Plan? Uh.." Quasimodo thought about it before Victor and Laverne showed up.

"A little soft music?" Victor suggested playing a violin.

"A little candlelight?" Laverne lit up a candle causing Quasi to smile more.

"A cosy tête-à-tête by the fire?" Hugo added placing a bunch if pillows on the floor. As he fluffed a pillow, Laverne and Victor came along, then a sneeze by Madellaine followed.

"Gesunsheit!" The three said in unison.

"Thank you" said Madellaine, causing Quasimodo, Laverne, and to pause.

"You're welcome" Hugo replied before getting it in the head by Laverne, who shushed him.

Once Madellaine was done, her gaze went onto La Fidèle, she went up a ladder to get a closer look at all the colors coming from the bell.

"Oh, it's beautiful" Madellaine sighed.

"Yes, you are" Quasimodo said with sore eyes as he followed Madellaine, realizing what he said he shook his head in a stutter.

"I-I-I mean, yes, she is. La Fidèle. That is her name. La Fidèle, "The faithful one"." Madellaine looked at bell, feeling guilty before moving back due Quasimodo moving the bell towards her.

"But she's even more beautiful on the inside" He said but looked worried of what Madellaine may say. Madellaine smiled tilting her head.

"I'll show you" Quasimodo said, Madellaine move into the bell slowly as Quasimodo lowered the bell.

"Whoa... This must be worth a fortune" she said moving over towards another jewel, and looked at her reflection, she moved her head in different angles until she stopped at one, and saw blue eyes that belonged to Sarousch, she gasped lightly and held herself looking down.

"You should get warm" Quasimodo said putting a hand on her shoulder, with a smile.


Towards a crackling fire Quasimodo came behind Madellaine with a purple blanket, and placed it on her shoulders, before sitting beside her.

"You're very kind" Madellaine looked over to Quasimodo who blushed looking away from her.

"Do you... Really think there's more to me than what you see? That I have something else to give?" She asked holding onto the blanket.

"I do" Quasimodo smiled in response, Madellaine looked at him for a moment bit before he turned away.

"I know I'm not much to look at" Quasimodo said looking down and away.

Madellaine looked at him sympathetically before raising his chin making him look at her, "I've never met anyone like you, Quasimodo"

She said giving her hand to him, "I mean, you understand the world better than anyone I've ever known"

"Do you really think so?"

"I do"

They sat there in silence for a bit before Quasimodo spoke, "I made this for you", Quasimodo then placed the wooden figure he made of her onto Madallaine's hand.

"Now you can always see yourself, through my eyes" He said as she brought the figure to her chest, and with that a single tear went down her face causing Quasimodo to worry.

Madellaine whipped her tear and started to get up, "Well, I should... I-I-I mean, I'd better... I-It-s late and, well, I'm... I'm babbling again" she sighed ending her stammer. Quasimodo stood as well thinking he did something wrong.

"Stupid me" she sighed before shaking her head, but looked once again at the figure, "No. No, maybe I'm not"

"Thank you" Madellaine said softly and gave him a kiss on his forehead, causing him to smile widely.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She said before leaving. Quasimodo was stunned and clasped his hands together, with his smile bot leaving.

"Ohh. It does my heart good to see our boy like that?" Laverne smiled looking at Quasimodo who seemed to be impersonating a gargoyle.

"Yes" Victor agreed, "He does seem to have a certain savoir faire"

Hugo came along and patted Quasi's elbow, and as if he cracked Quasimodo fell limp onto the floor without a single expression other than his sore eyes and smile.

"I hope its not contagious" Hugo blurted.


"(Y/n)?" Emerald shouted from there now messy bedroom, "Did you wash our cloths by any chance?" He asked loudly, but got no response. Emerald stood up from looking under the bed. While it continued to pour, at another side of Paris, (Y/n) watched from a window as the rain hit hard in her home that she shared with Emerald. She sat on a few pillows with Djali laying on her lap and was covered by a blanket, with a few candles lit up.

On a normal rainy day the sound would help her with whatever was going on but in her case the sound wasn't helpful, if anything she worried about Quasimodo, worried about the woman he spoke to... Will she hurt her brother? He has been through much as it is and with the upcoming festival all we can do is prepare and hope that every runs smoothly. Rather than stressing she began to shut her eyes slightly and began to enjoy the hard and light taping of the rain on the window.

But from a room that she and Emerald shared, her lover was stressing and wrecked the whole room trying to find a little trinket, that he swore he had. Emerald quickly walked out of their bedroom and into the living room, "Darling?"

That's when he saw (Y/n) in a deep sleep laying on her side with only her arm to cover her head. Emerald sighed and shook his head holding in a smile. He walked over towards her and sat behind her, pulling her close to him and held her as she slept. He placed the blanket on top of her and himself and rested his chin onto her head, his worries left him instantly, but that burning thought invaded him a bit.

"Where did I leave it?"


The next day. At town square...
"Come see the lovely (Y/n) in her danse D'amour!~" Clopin announced then taking out a puppet he warned, "Careful, or you may lose your heart"

Then up on a stage, people of Paris gathered in the town to watch, (Y/n) who stood in place swaying her hips and shaking her tambourine in the air. Zephyr juggled three balls and Djali stood by his side. (Y/n) continued to move to the beat and dance around, once children started to call her name, (Y/n) gestured them onto the stage were they circled around her and laughed.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) you've got to help me!" Quasimodo said behind a curtain on the stage, looking worried. (Y/n) turned to her brother with a smile on her face.

She turned down to a little girl on the stage with her and gave her the tambourine, "Let's go"

Quasi and (Y/n) walked from the stage to a colorful tent with Zephyr and Djali following behind. Once the siblings got in Quasi sat down on a chair tucking his head between his arms.

"Quasi what's is it? What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked putting a hand om his hunched back.

"I think I'm sick" Quasimodo responded, "I feel awful... And then wonderful! And then wonderfully awful. And-- and awfully wonderful" he said getting jumpy.

"Euphoria" (Y/n) whispered smirked.

"I can't eat, I can't sleep" Quasi said excitingly, changing his breath, while (Y/n) took a seat and sat a table, with a crystal able in the middle of it.

"I see, and it hurts to breathe, but you don't care?" his sister questioned.

"Yes, yes exactly. What do I do?" Quasimodo asked, sounding panicked.

"--You have to tell her how you feel" Emerald spoke entering the scene, he moved swiftly to (Y/n)'s side, and rested his arms on her shoulders. Quasi shook his head leaning back appalled by Emerald, while Zephyr and Djali looked at one another. "How can I?" he asked, before sighing, "What would she say?"

"Sorry, we can't help you on this one." (Y/n) replied, sadly smiling to her brother, before getting up from her seat and moving towards Quasimodo raising his chin, "You'll have to find out yourself"

"But I--"

"Hey... you're ready" (Y/n) finished, as she lead Quasimodo to the entrance of the tent holding his hand, with Emerald putting his hand onto Quasi's hunch. Before (Y/n) could take Quasimodo outside Phoebus barged into the small tent.

"That circus is responsible for a string of robberies" Phoebus claimed.


Zephyr began to smile and juggle his balls, "I like the circus papa. I want to join, and..."

"Absolutely not." Phoebus spoken strictly, pacing himself, causing Zephyr to stop juggling. "Those people..."

"Those people?" (Y/n) questioned flaring and threating getting close to Phoebus, "How can you lump people together like that?"

"But the gypsies weren't guilty of crimes like these circus people" Phoebus tried to reason.

"Madallaine's not. She's different" Quasimodo defended.

"Well, maybe" Phoebus spoke, "and maybe she's using you to get something else"

"You don't think she can be interested in me just for me?" Quasimodo asked.

"Oh, of course she could, yes, anyone could, but look at the facts!" Phoebus reasoned again but tried to prove his point.

"Find some, and I will" Quasimodo snapped slightly, angrily leaving the tent. (Y/n) immediately ran out to follow, Emerald looked back at Phoebus giving him a look before following, Zephyr stomped his feet and walked put, then Djali kicked a ball to Phoebus's head who then walled out grabbing his horse, along then came Emily.

"Achilles, do you believe this? Everybody is mad at me" Phoebus spoke out loud.

"It happens very often, like that time you didn't bring home food from the market place" Emily spoke as she got onto and m impersonating Achilles, as he counted.

"Rhetorical!" Phoebus said pulling on Achilles' harnest eyeing him and his wife.

"I love you too, Phoebus" Emily smiled as she petted Achilles, while her husband started walking of with them.

Back at the circus Madellaine balanced herself confidently with a smile on her face, however the smile went away once a shadow covered her light, causing her to stagger and almost lose her balance.

"What are you doing now, my little cabbage?" Sarousch asked

"Practicing" she stated in response.

"Why strain yourself?" Sarousch rolled his eyes before walking towards a mirror, "Did you find out where the monster keeps his bell, trinket?"

"He is not a monster, and I am not your trinket" she said retorted, turning around. Sarousch seem led stunned but that changed quickly to frustration.

"I mean to have that bell" Sarousch ordered.

"I want nothin more to do with your thefts" Madalline glared as she moved along the rope.

"Oh really?" Sarousch questioned raising his voice, "And how will you survive out there? On your looks?"

"Quasimodo sees something you don't" She fired back, once again.

"Does he? What if he were to have an unfortunate accident?" Sarousch threatened, causing Madalline to lose balance and fall of the rope and onto the ground.

"If I have to go up there with my men and go do it the hard way, the hunchback may get hurt" two muscular jester then picked up Madalline and then brought her to Sarousch.

"No! You can't!... You wouldn't" she said hanging her head.

"If you want him alive" he grabbed her chin and lifted it up, "Then lure the bell-ringer away, while I steal La Fidèle. Lead him out of harm's way"

Madellaine looked at him, slowly she sadly nodded, leaving Sarousch in triumph. His henchmen released Madellaine who collapsed onto the ground, tearfully and in sight she saw the wooden figure that Quasi crafted for her. She grabbed it and sighed sadly and held it.


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