Unstoppable || Stranger Thing...

chaseatlanticfan69 द्वारा

879 20 11

After escaping Hawkins lab with Eleven they make there way out of the chaos and into a normal life but nothin... अधिक

Chapter one:The vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter two:The weirdo on maple street
About Y/N
Chapter 4: The body
Chapter five: The Flea and the Acrobat
Chapter six: The Monster
Chapter seven: The Bathtub Part 1

Chapter three: Holly, jolly

69 2 1
chaseatlanticfan69 द्वारा



The next morning, El was playing with the supercom while I pretended to watch her, but really I were listening to the boys talk.

"We just tell our parents we have AV Club after school. That'll give us a few hours for Operation Mirkwood." Mike said, once again, that the topic of school caught my attention.

"You seriously think that the weirdos know where Will is?"

"Just trust me on this, okay?"


"Did you get the supplies?"

"Yeah. Binoculares... from Nam. Army knife, also from Nam. Hammer, camouflage bandana, and the wrist rocket"

"You're going to take out the Demogorgon with a slingshot?" I chimed in.

"First of all, it's a wrist rocket. And second of all, the Demogorgon is not real. It's made up. But if there is something out there, I'm going to shoot it in the eye." Lucas shot the sling, causing everyone in the room to jump, "-and blind it."

Mike sighed and moved on. "Dustin, what did you get?"

Dustin smiled, grabbed a backpack full of snacks, and poured them out on the table. "Well, alrighty. So, we got Nutty Bars, Bazooka, Pez, Smarties, Pringles, Nilla Wafers, apple, banana, and trail mix."

I smiled at the dorky smile he had on his face. I knew Lucas and Mike would blow up on him, but I don't know why. I can see where he's coming from; why wouldn't they?

"Seriously?" Lucas said in an unimpressed tone.

"We need energy for our travels. For stamina. And besides, why do we even need weapons anyway? We have them." Dustin said, pointing to me and El.

"She shut one door!" Lucas yelled, not even acknowledging me. Lucky for me, Dustin had my back.

"She did it without touching it. And Y/N got into your mind. Are you kidding me? That's insane! Imagine all the other cool stuff they could do. I bet one of them could make this fly!"

He grabbed a toy space ship and stood in front of El. "Hey. Hey. Okay, concentrate. Okay?" He said this before dropping it, expecting it to float in mid-air.

"Once more, concentrate." He dropped it again before moving to me.

"Okay, how about you?" He dropped it again while Lucas whispered, "Idiot."

"Okay, one more time. Okay. Use your powers, okay?" When he said that, it made me feel bad for him, so I sighed and sat up, making him gain some confidence.

He dropped it, and before it hit the floor, my hand raised, and it was surrounded by a glowing purple smoke. my hand was raised along with the ship.

my hand moved in a few twirls, and the ship followed the movements before dropping.

Mike ran over to the ship to put it away.

As he grabbed it, he said "I'll admit that was pretty cool. But they're not dogs."

I looked at Dustin and smiled, and he quickly returned the gesture. Lucas just rolled his eyes.

"Boys! Time for school!" Mike's mom yelled.

It was like the boys forgot everything that just happened as they packed up their things for school.

Mike came up to me and El. "Just stay down here. Don't make any noise, and don't leave. If you get hungry, eat Dustin's snacks, okay?"


"Coming!" We two looked at him, taken aback by his yelling.

"You know those power lines?" Mike said it as if nothing had happened.

"Power lin-?" El couldn't finish because I covered her mouth before Mike explained what a power line was. "Yeah."

"The ones behind my house?"


"Meet us there after school."

"When is after school?"

"Oh, um, 3:15."

I nod. El still looked confused.

Mike took off his watch and grabbed El's arm.

With anyone else, I probably would have hurt them, but Mike has done so much for us two in the past three days that I let it slide.

He put the watch on El. "When the numbers read three-one-five, meet us there." He said it softly.

"Three-one-five." El repeated

"Three-one-five." Mike repeated it back with a smile.

Mike then turned around, grabbed his backpack, and ran up the stairs.

Me and El looked at each other and giggled.

✪ ✪ ✪

A few hours later, I were on the couch above El, who was on the floor practicing her powers by making the ship I had made fly earlier hover.

By this time, we had eaten all of the snacks Dustin brought.

"I'm bored." She says this as she turns to grab the supercomm from beside me.

"What's so fun about that thing anyway?" I asked El, but she didn't answer; she just started fiddling with the switches.

"It's not working." El said, dropping the supercomm and looking toward the stairs, smiling.

"El, no. You heard Mike, 'Be quiet and stay downstairs'." I said, mocking Mike voice.

"I don't care, I'm going!" She charged towards the stairs.

"Oh, god." I said you followed after her.

Once I got upstairs, El looked for anyone, then ran right for the Lay-Z-boy, pulling me with her.

While she played in the chair, I picked up the phone and held it to my ear without dialing a number.

I heard a tone, and mimicked it. I put the phone down when El walked over to the TV.

She ran her finger down the buttons before clicking one, then another, then another, then another, then another, then another, then one more, before she stopped at a Coca-Cola ad.

I knew she was having another flashback.

El's mind

She was in a room with Papa, a Coca-Cola can in front of her, and a few other doctors around.

Her head was strapped into a all-too-familiar machine. They never told me or anyone else, for that matter, the name of this machine.

Papa nodded his head, and she focused on the can. Monitors were beeping all around her, but in a matter of seconds, the can was crushed and her nose was bleeding.

Papa looked at her with a slight smile while she wiped her nose.


I turned off the TV and hugged El. She hugged back for a second, then got up and went upstairs.

She opened the door to some girls room, which I would think was Nancy's room.

She opened a box, and it started playing music that startled El, causing her to drop the lid, but she opened it again and smiled, listening to the music before closing it and walking away.

I was standing at a wall of pictures that she had. El came up behind you.

I looked at all the pictures of her growing up, and I thought back to what being normal would be like.

El was on the verge of tears, but she turned around and walked out to go back down the stairs so they weren't late when the boys got home.

✪ ✪ ✪

After an hour, me and El went outside to wait for the boys.

We were about three minutes early, so I sat with my heads against the poll that leads to the power lines.

After a little bit, it was 3:15. El started pacing back and forth and breathing heavily.

I stood up and grabbed her shoulders. "El, calm down; they'll be here; just give them another minute. And you're making me dizzy." I said I was trying to calming her down in the same way Mike did just a day ago.

I sat back down and closed my eyes. El took this as her chance to continue pacing while saying, "3:15." over and over again.

I got bored and read El's mind. She was having another flashback.

El's mind

She was looking at a cat that was meowing and hissing at her.

I had been through this test before; she was supposed to kill the cat.

I knew El would never hurt another living, breathing creature unless it was absolutely necessary, so it was no surprise when she started crying.

She kept looking at Papa like he was going to stop it.

After another minute of crying, she ripped off the michine, shaking her head.

I were proud of her, but you knew what this would lead to.

El was being carried away by two men in all-white clothing. She was crying, not sobbing, and yelling the name Y/N hated the most, Papa. Just then, he appeared around the corner.

Y/N recalled this very moment when El was carried right past Y/N and El's cell, which they liked to call a 'bedroom'. Y/N was excited to see El, but when she saw her go right past, Y/N knew immediately where she was going.

This place was the acute cell. The guards called it a cell, even Papa.

"Four!" El screams Y/N's old name, and they scream hers right back. "Eleven!"

And that was all Y/N saw, but now she was seeing a whole other point of view.

This time was different.

This time, when she was thrown into the cell, she used her powers and flung the door open, making one of the men who was caring her fly into the tile, making a dent.

The other man held up a gun to her, but before he could do anything, she moved her neck to the side, causing him to fall to the ground.

She was bleeding out of her left ear and both nostrils. Papa walked over, looking at the damage she had done, clearly impressed, and then he looked at her.

He walked over to her and grabbed her face. She was visibly scared but too tired to do anything; all she could do was cry, as he said, "incredible."

He picked her up and brought her back to your guys room, which you weren't in due to testing, but she now wished she were there for El.


Both of us jumped when we heard Mike yell, "El! Y/N!"

I stood up and looked at El. I could see she just realized I read her mind.

"You guys okay?" Mike asked. We both nodded.

"Hop on El. We only have a few hours," he said, patting his bike seat.

El walked over to Mike and got on his bike.

"What about me?" I asked. Lucas looked at me with a 'catch on' look.

"Y/N, you're riding with Lucas. He's the only other one with a bike you can ride on." Mike said it with a sorry look.

I sighed, got on Lucas's bike with him, and rode off.

✪ ✪ ✪

We had gotten off the bikes because we couldn't ride them up the hill.

There was enough space for multiple people to be next to each other, but Dustin and Lucas were next to each other in the back, along with El and Mike in the front, so I was alone in the middle of the four.

I heard El ask Mike, "Why did they hurt you?"

"What?" He asked.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that she pointed at his chin. I didn't see what was wrong with it, though.

Mike started talking again. "Oh, that. Uh, I just fell at recess."

I knew he was lying, so you read his mind.

Mikes memory

The boys were looking for rocks for the wrist rocket at the back of the school.

"How about this one?" Mike asked about bringing a rock to Dustin so it could be approved.

"Too big for the sling." Dustin replied before continuing to look for rocks.

"So, do you think Eleven and Y/N were born with their powers, like the X-Men, or do you think they acquired them, like... like Green Lantern?"

"They're not superheroes. They're weirdos." Lucas said.

"What does that matter? The X-Men are weirdos." Mike retorted.

"If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Mike, seriously?"


"It's obvious that you favor Eleven over Y/N. And you look at her all, like," Lucas starts to mimic Mike's voice. "Hi, El! El! El! El! I love you so much!" He continues hugging Mike before getting on one knee. "Would you marry me?"

"Shut up, Lucas."

"Yeah, shut up, Lucas." A random voice comes from nowhere.

The boys all turn, and it's Troy and his minion James.

"What are you losers doing back here?"

"Probably looking for their missing friend."

"That's not funny. It's serious. He's in danger."

"I hate to break it to you, Toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead. That's what my dad says. He said he was probably killed by some other queer." The two boys laugh.

"Come on. Just ignore them." While Mike was walking away, Troy tripped him, causing him to trip and hit his chin on a rock.

Lucas and Dustin run over to him and help him up, while the two boys walk away laughing.

"Are you all right?"


Dustin bends down and picks up the rock Mike hit his chin on.

"Hey. How about this one?" Dustin asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah. This is it."

"This is the monster killer!"


Mike could probably tell I read his mind because he looked at me as I wiped my nose.

"Mike." El spoke up.


"Friends tell the truth."

"I was tripped by this mouth breather, Troy, okay?"

"Mouth breather?"

"Yeah, you know, a dumb person. A knucklehead."


"I don't know why I just didn't tell you. Everyone at school knows. I just didn't want you to think I was such a wastoid, you know?"



"I understand."

"Oh...Okay, cool."

"Cool." And with that, they stopped talking and just walked.

✪ ✪ ✪

It was nighttime, and we were still walking. El was leading the way to, supposedly, Will.

After two hours of walking, they stopped at a house. "Here," El said, pointing to the house.

"Yeah, this is where Will lives." Mike is confused. Well, I wasn't the only one.


"No, no, this is where he lives. He's missing here. Understand?"

The boys and I catch up. Only I heard the conversation Mike and El just had.

"What are we doing here?" Lucas asked in his usual mean voice.

"She said he's hiding here." Mike said.


Dustin finally enters the conversation. "I swear if we walked all the way out here for nothing-"

"That's exactly what we did. I told you she didn't know what the hell she was talking about!" Lucas yelled.

While Mike turned around to look at El, I walked over to stand next to her. If Lucas blows, I need to be there to protect her. She was the only family I had.

"Why did you bring us here?" Mike asked El, but you were also looking for answers.

El stuttered; she knew Will was there.

"Mike, don't waste your time with them."

"What do you want to do then?"

"Call the cops, like we should have done yesterday."

"We are not calling the cops!"

"Hey, guys?" Dustin says he's getting my attention. I started to notice what he did, and you went to stand next to him.

I shut out the boys fighting. "Guys!" I yelled, grabbing everyone's attention.

They all looked to see police cars and ambulances speed by. They all get on the bikes they can fit in and set off after the sirens.

we were riding through the woods fast when we stopped.

All the police cars surrounded a lake. We guys hid behind an ambulance so we wouldn't be seen.

We all watched as they pulled a kid about my age out of the water. "It's not Will. It can't be." Mike said he was trying to convince himself it wasn't Will.

I had never met Will, and yet I broke out in tears, as Lucas said. "It's Will. It's really Will."

They all went behind the truck, and El tried to comfort Mike.


"'Mike'? ' Mike, what? You were supposed to help us find him alive. You said he was alive! And you, why are you crying? You didn't even know him! Is it because you're guilty of lying to us? What's wrong with you two? What is wrong with you two?" He yelled at you and El.

"Mike..." El whispered softly.

"What?" Mike said before running back to his bike.

The boys protested at Mike's attempt to walk away. "Mike, come on, don't do this, man."

"Mike, where are you going? Mike!

After a minute of yelling at me and El, Lucas dropped you off at Mike's house. You two snuck into the basement and went to sleep for the night.

✪ ✪ ✪

A//N: So next chapter, I was wondering if ya'll wanted to get to know Y/N better, like her powers and her childhood. If so, I'll make that its own chapter. This chapter had 2830 words.

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