Mahabharats Unknown Mistress

By Rubaloshyne

59.5K 2.9K 593

The greenish-blue orbs stared at the group gathering below as she hide behind the curtain watching the crowd... More

Chapter 1 ~Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Book 2
Annoucement !!

Chapter 29

1.7K 89 30
By Rubaloshyne

Draupadi stood regally next to Yudhisthir who was smiling as Gandhari did the aarti.

She glanced at Kunti who was looking slightly apprehensive while at the same time with a proud demeanor.

Draupadi pursed her lips together as she looked back and saw Duryodhan and his uncle's wide smile.

' Something's wrong,' Her mind chimed causing her to feel eerie with the whole invitation.

Draupadi's phoenix like eyes looked around and saw the one man she can't forget.

Karn. The one man that she loves and hates. The one man that caught her attention but his birth status or rather her birth purpose clashed.

Draupadi tilt her head slightly as she saw the face of the Angraj. It seemed as tho a thousand arrows has pierced his back. Draupadi bite the inside of her cheek as she observed the man known as Duryodhan's mithir.

" What are you doing!?" Kunthi whispered causing her to blush slightly. Kunthi narrowed her eyes at Draupadi and hooked her arms with her daughter in law as they began walking into the castle.

The ladies were ushered into Queen Gandhari's room and Draupadi smiled fakely as she watched both Gandhari and Banumathi fawn over Subhadhra.

Her forehead wrinkled as she pushed her hair behind her face. Her stomach tensed with uncertainty as she thought back about Karn.

Draupadi let out a startled sound and turned to look at Kunti who was staring at her with curiosity. Banumathi smiled softly and cleared her throat before inviting both Subhadhra and Draupadi into her private chambers.

Draupadi nod her head absent mindedly and walked with the other women. They were passing down the corridor and Draupadi didn't realise that the ladies had left her.

" What the-" Draupadi's eyes widened. She took a sharp breath  and stumbled over her sentence as she eyed her sister.

Aaratrika gave a small smile before leaping into Draupadi's arms. Draupadi's  chest tingled as she felt a strong kick causing her to look at Aaratrika to gulped and moved away slightly.

" How long are you ?" Draupadi asked softly as she patted Aaratrika's abdomen causing the girl to take a sharp intake of breath.

" going to be 9 months now," She muttered causing Draupadi to exhale her breath.

Aaratrika gulped and glanced left and right before taking a hold of Draupadi's hand and began waddling away.

Draupadi blinked when the girl brought her into another house. She ushered Draupadi to sit down and passed a plate of delicacy infront of Draupadi.

" Radhama made this," Aaratrika said causing Draupadi to bite her lips slightly.

" Angraj's mother ?" Draupadi asked Aaratrika who nod her head.

Draupadi nod before her postures began to get rigid again. She scratched the  back of her neck as she eyed Aaratrika with a frustrated snort.

" What are you doing here ? Didn't you leave with Maharaj Balaram ?" Draupadi said with a sneer causing Aaratrika to look at her with a heavy sigh.

" Where else could I go ? " Aaratrika said causing Draupadi to snort.

" Back home ! I told you I can talk to father," Draupadi said as rubbed her temples.

" He might accept me...but these little ones ?" Aaratrika asked patting her stomach causing Draupadi to purse her lips. Aaratrika let out a chuckle and shook her head.

" Why are you here Aaratrika?" Draupadi asked in a resigned voice.

" I heard about the rajasuya yagna. Draupadi why did you say those words to Duryodhan?" Aaratrika asked causing Draupadi to stand up.

She stood tall and her chin jut out in pride. Her skin became mottled with rage as she looked at Aaratrika and bared her teeth.

" You came here to tell me that I am wrong !? After all that I had done for you, you still wish to hurt me !?" Draupadi sneered causing Aaratrika to look at her with a helpless face.

" Draupadi-" she began when Draupadi snarled and pushed her hand away.

" Draupadi suffers humiliation but nobody asks why and Draupadi shouldn't open her mouth yet if Draupadi tells something it automatically becomes wrong ?! I saved you from being raped and kill! I nutured you knowing that the child might be my husband's and yet Aaratrika, you can't never appreciate it. Its always your precious Duryodhan or Yudhisthir! You could have gone back home! Marry and life happily but no! You had to ruin my life!" Draupadi said.

Her loud voice attracted the other ladies. Banumathi looked shocked seeing Aaratrika while Subhadhra looked surprised.

" Aaratrika," Subhadhra said warmly causing Aaratrika to smile and nod her head.

Draupadi let out a snort causing Subhadhra to look uneasy. Banumathi's eyes widened as she jerkily pointed towards Aaratrika's stomach.

" What are you doing here!" Kunti exclaimed while in the same time Radha appeared and fretted over Aaratrika. Kunti's eyes widened as she saw Aaratrika's bulging belly.

" I am fine Radhama," Aaratrika said and looked at Draupadi.

" My life and my children's life are the alms you have given me sister. I will never forget that," Aaratrika said with a raw voice causing Draupadi to flinch.

" Why did you come back!?" Banumathi exclaimed causing Aaratrika to glance at her while Subhadhra looked at Banumathi and Kunti.

Aaratrika however ignored the woman and looked at Draupadi.

" I came here to try to talk to Duryodhan. To stop him from whatever plan he had concocted to take revenge for your words!" Aaratrika said causing Banumathi to snort.

" You ? You who proclaimed to love Duryodhan?" Kunti said causing Aaratrika to close her eyes and shake her head in a slow motion.

Aaratrika's chin trembled and mouth parted open as she hunched down, chocking a sob. Draupadi flinched as she stared guilty at her sister. Aaratrika wiped her tears and looked at her with a wobbly smile.

" I said I hate you before....I did many times I hated you for stealing away the limelight, the attention, the man I had a crush on but I wasn't a mother then," Aaratrika said and chocked on her breath.

Draupadi's eyes widened. She looked at her with wide eyes while her face turned slightly pale.

Aaratrika wiped her tears as she felt the trembles in her limbs. She hung her head low and let out a small whimper.

" Believe it or not Draupadi but I came  to stop him. I don't know what is going on with him but I don't want to hurt you," Aaratrika said and waddled away.

Radha exhaled her breath as she eyed the other ladies.

" Aaratrika came back to visit her parents and brother. She wanted to meet Draupadi so she snucked inside. Indraprasada Maharani, she went last night to visit Duryodhan and when she came back, she looked like a ghost.  I don't know what's the animosity with you but this time she came back for you," Radha said and bowed lowly before walking away.

Draupadi shook her head and walked away. Her eyes blinded with tears of guilt and rage. Her mind flashed forward the words Aaratrika said and she felt her body quivering in guilt.

In her haste, she didn't look properly and ended up nearly falling on the ground. Her eyes widened and her face flushed as her hips was grabbed and pulled into a hard chiseled chest.

Draupadi looked into the eyes of her saviour. That moment it felt like time has stopped while they gazed into each others eyes.

" Karn!" A loud voice called causing them to quickly detach from each other.

Draupadi's face flushed while Karn looked at her with a weird expression.

" In the Pandav's Maharani okay ?" Karn inquired with a soft smile.

Draupadi parted her lips softly as she looked at the man infront of her. In that instant she felt a hand gripping her. Draupadi swallowed her saliva as she saw Kunti gripping her arms before looking at Karn with a weird expression.

Draupadi pursed her lips and walked away without answering the man. Karn clenched his fist as he watched the haughty princess walking away. His eyes narrowed seeing her flicking of her shawl as though an insect had crawled over her.

Aaratrika walked along the corridor. Her heart felt heavy as she recalled the accusations made by her sister. She wiped her face and patted her stomach as she waddled slightly.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she saw a flash of woman running hysterically. Aaratrika waddled towards the direction of the woman.

" What happened?" Aaratrika shouted causing the maid to turn around. Her eyes widened seeing its a maid from Panchal.

The maid who didn't recognise Aaratrika simply told her that Draupadi is in danger and she has to find Queen Gandhari.

Aaratrika's heart thrumped. She felt a chill as she heard the woman's cry.

' Something's wrong,' Her mind chimed causing her to turn around and waddled away.

Aaratrika's uneasiness began to increase as she saw the main hall leading towards the sabha was empty. She increased her pace along the corridor. Her stomach quivering as she felt an adrenaline rush over her body.

As she neared the chamber, her eyes widened as she heard Draupadi's anguished voice. She pushed the door opened and waddled inside gasping as she saw the heaps of sari on the floor with Draupadi looking fiery with her hair opened wildly holding her saree pallu.

" What have you done!?" Aaratrika shrieked as she stared at Duryodhan.

Duryodhan swallowed his saliva. He turned his head away while Karn looked deeply ashamed.

" What have you all done!?" Aaratrika shouted as she scanned the room.

" Why are you all like this! What's going on!?" Aaratrika asked Yudhisthir as she eyed the Pandavs who was standing with their head down.

" Their slaves to Duryodhan," Shakuni said with a slippery smile causing Aaratrika to look at them in horror.

Vikarna cleared his throat and told the incident about the dice game and how Duryodhan had won and Yudhisthir began betting on his castle and his brothers and finally Draupadi.

" How..How could the king allow this! Your own Kulavadhu ashamed in your own Palace?" Aaratrika asked causing Dhrisdhirasta to frown.

Aaratrika narrowed her eyes at Bheesmacharya who kept quiet.

" Why didn't you stop him Pitamah! A game! How could a game lead to this!?" Aaratrika shouted causing the man look away ashamed.

" Duryodhan...why?" She asked in a helpless tone causing Duryodhan to bite the inside of his cheek.

" He lost them. He decided to gamble," Duryodhan said causing Aaratrika close her eyes.

" You showed you thighs to her! Your own Bhabhishree!" Bheem snarled while Dusasan shouted at him.

" What! Duryodhan..." Aaratrika began when Duryodhan narrowed his eyes at Aaratrika.

" Your sister who called you a wh*re and your talking on behalf of her!" Duryodhan snarled causing Aaratrika to narrow her eyes.

" My sister Duryodhan! She can call me anything! Do not justify this! What you have done is the greatest sin ! A woman maybe a mother, a wife even a prostitute,  you ask for her permission before disrobing her !" Aaratrika snarled.

Draupadi laughed vindictive and glared at Karn.

" Tell your pyare brother that!" She spat causing Aaratrika to look at Karn with shock. Karn pursed his lips causing Aaratrika to glance at the entire sabha.

Her eyes narrowed towards Shakuni who seemed to be the only man looking happy.

" Whose idea was this Duryodhan! Shakuni is poisoning you with his vile-" Aaratrika began when Duryodhan slapped her face.

" Shakuni mama is the only one who truly care about the Kauravs! Don't you dare talk ill about him!" Duryodhan snarled.

Aaratrika's eyes turned red. She narrowed her eyebrows at Duryodhan before turning towards Dusasan.

" Pull my pallu," She said causing Duryodhan's eyes to widened while Yudhisthir looked at her with frightened eyes.

" I said pull my pallu!" Aaratrika screamed causing Draupadi who was brimming with anger to deflate a little.

" Aaratrika-" Draupadi said and blinked when Aaratrika snarled at her to shut up.

Dusasan swallowed his saliva and began to pull her pallu causing Duryodhan to clench his fist. Aaratrika tried to hold her pallu while the man pulled her pallu causing Duryodhan to shout and push his brother away.

" Why not Duryodhan? If Draupadi slept with five men then I slept with two...I am even carrying children so at such I must be a wonton woman too," Aaratrika said causing Duryodhan to look at her in shock.

When he walked forward, Aaratrika slapped his face causing him to stagger away. The pregnant woman turned around and glared at Yudhisthir.

" When you gambled and lost yourself you lost the right to gamble anyone else! " She told Yudhisthir who swallowed his saliva.

" Aaratrika-" Yudhisthir began when she snorted.

" Why Yudhisthir! You listened to your mother, your wife about not marrying me ! Couldn't you have listened to your brothers and stop the gamble! ? Why! You know that Duryodhan will be itching for revenge! Why did you not stop!?" Aaratrika shouted as she punched Yudhisthir's chest causing the man to close his eyes.

" Why are you interfering ?" Bheesmacharya boomed causing Aaratrika to snort.

" Because the men in Hastinapur doesn't have the ability to rectify the right and wrong. You want to question me when you didn't open your mouth during the dyut sabha !?" Aaratrika snarled.

" I was wrong to have left Mathura ! Draupadi is right. I am a foolish and stupid woman. I thought my so called love would stop either of you from doing something harmful but you called me a wh*re," Aaratrika said pointing at Duryodhan.

" You never even tried to stop me from leaving Indraprasada. So I know I am not in both of your hearts," Aaratrika said with a shivering voice.

" The snake has curled up and holding you as a prisoner Duryodhan. Your anger and your blind trust will bring you damnation. My children and I won't be involved with Hastinapur," Aaratrika told Duryodhan who was stunned.

Aaratrika walked towards Dusasan and grabbed the dagger from his waist and waddled towards the throne. Duryodhan and Yudhisthir watched with horror as she slashed the blood and clenched her fist. Her blood dripping on the throne of Hastinapur.

" My children do not have the royal blood of Pandav or Kaurav. From now until my last breath, I renounce any affection or love that I had for both Kauravs and Pandavs," Aaratrika said and waddled away.

" Aaratrika-" Karn called out causing her to shake her head.

" Duryodhan and Yudhisthir I could understand but you disappointed me brother," Aaratrika said in a heavy tone and walked away.

" Subhadhra let's leave," Aaratrika said causing Kunti to narrow her eyes at Aaratrika.

" Who are you to bring my son's wife away ?" Kunti said causing Aaratrika to look at her with irritation.

" Your son is a slave! Your eldest daughter in law was humiliated and you are questioning me ? Arjun is slave and what is Subhadhra going to do here !? Whose going to protect her ?" Aaratrika snarled viciously at Kunti who looked taken back by her sudden behaviour.

" Slaves who has wives belongs to their master," an oily voice said causing Aaratrika to turn around and stare at Shakuni with a murderous look.

" I dare you to try to lay your hands on Maharaj Balaram's sister Gandharaj!" Aaratrika snarled causing Shakuni to narrow his eyes at Aaratrika.

" I was only stating the fact," Shakuni said with an innocent smile.

" Subhadhra is innocent. She can stay here while we think about the predicament of the Pandavs," Shakuni said.

" Yes, she is the daughter in law of the kuru clan and as such-" Dhrisdhirasta began when Aaratrika let out a sharp laugh.

" At such horseshit! Kuru clan ! I saw how kuru clan treated their kulavadhu! There's no way I will allow Subhadhra to stay here especially when her husband is in no position  to take care of her!" Aaratrika said.

" Who are you to decide that ? Subhadhra will stay here and if Maharaj Balaram comes and decides to bring her back then by all means he can," Shakuni said with a simpering smile.

Aaratrika smiled widely as she looked at the Gandharraj. She glanced at Arjun who was clenching his fist but kept quiet while Duryodhan looked confused.

" Who am I ? I am his mistress. Duryodhan you of all people should know that if I bring his sister back home, he will shower me with gifts ! After all a wh*re like me only knows how to seduce people right?" Aaratrika said with a simpering smile causing Duryodhan to flinch.

"Khaki! The chariot is ready!" Pradayumna shouted as he ran towards the chamber.

" Subhadhra mausi let's go," Pradayumna said and held her hand causing Subhadhra to swallow her saliva.

" Krishna will make sure you meet with Arjun. Now let's leave," Aaratrika whispered softly to Subhadhra who nod her head.

" Try and stop me," Aaratrika said when Shakuni made a protesting noise.

" The children in my stomach are almost 9 months now Duryodhan," Aaratrika said to Duryodhan jerked and stumbled slightly while Dusasan hurried to catch him.

Aaratrika walked towards Draupadi and pulled her into a tight hug.

" I am sorry sister," Aaratrika told Draupadi and glanced at Yudhisthir before shaking her head.

The ride was silent with Subhadhra's sniffles while Pradayumna tried to console his aunt. Aaratrika sat still on the chariot. Her heart broken into pieces and her mind became numb. She placed a hand on her stomach protectively and gripped Subhadhra's shoulder giving her a silent support as the chariot continued to travel.

The stress and heartbreak took a toll on her body and mind. Halfway to Mathura, her water bag broke causing her to scream in pain as she clutched her stomach. Subhadhra tried to help her alleviate her pain while Pradayumna urged the charioteer to ride fast. He kneeled next to Aaratrika and placed his hand on her stomach urging his cousins to stay inside until they reach Mathura.

I couldn't sleep until I update this chapter.

Slight even changes but the main things happened. My version of Karn insulting Draupadi was using the Palace of Illusion version and I omit to write it down because I dislike that part.

I hope everyone liked this chapter.

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