Book1♡Hello, there Lady Caven...

By miss_lover_girl

24.1K 758 334

You were moving to West England witches is located there. So you were Moving school there too. Gladly your Pa... More

All about your personal in this story.
Your family faces looks like.
Chapter 1 Moving to a another country.
Chapter 2 packing some stuff
Chapter 3 Airport
Chapter 4 Landing on a new Country
Chapter 5 moving to our new lovely home
Chapter 6 Exploring the big town
Chapter 7 the girl I met from the town
Chapter 8 Unexpected guest
Chapter 9 Welcome to Luna Nova Academy
Chapter 10 first Lesson
Chapter 11 Learning to ride a broom
Chapter 12 Broom relay.
Chapter 13 The book.
Chapter 14 Night Fall.
Chapter 15 I lost my wand.
Chapter 16 Pact of the Dragon.
Chapter 18 The big cut.
Chapter 19 The Fountain.
Chapter 20 Stormy night.
Chapter 21 Review.
Chapter 22 Exam.
Chapter 23 Laboratory partner.
Chapter 24 School trip.
Chapter 25 Party.
Signing off for a while.
Chapter 26 The mushroom monster.
Chapter 27 The blue Moon.
Chapter 28 History.
Chapter 29 Prepared for the Festival.
Chapter 30 The Samhain Festival.

Chapter 17 Hair.

509 17 15
By miss_lover_girl

Y/N Pov

I woke up and looked at the clock it was 5:24 am only.

I stand up and stretch my arms and legs I fixed my bed to not look messy after that I changed my clothes to my uniform.

While I was changing I heard Aurora waking up.

"Good Morning sleepy head," I said.

Aurora got up and looked at me.

"Morning," Aurora replied to me with a raspy voice.

I turn around and saw Aurora's hand in her head. "Do you have a good sleep?" I asked Aurora.

"Kinda," Aurora replied to me.

I was confused by what Aurora said. "Uh ok," I respond to Aurora.

While I was combing my hair, I would have taken the hair tie but my sister used it.

I frown at Aurora. "Really Aurora," I responded to Aurora,

Aurora looks at me with an apologetic expression. "Just let me tie my hair for one day please?" Aurora replied to me.

I sighed. "Alright, just one day," I said.

Aurora smiled at me and continue to tie her hair.

I smiled a little at Aurora, I sat on my bed and wait for my younger sister to change her outfit.

I looked at the small mirror and stared at myself for a while. "I look so different when my hair is down," I said.

Aurora looked at me. "You look fine even if your hair is down," Aurora replied to me.

"Uhh alright," I respond to Aurora.

"I'm done with my uniform, let's, go, now, Sis," Aurora said.

I nodded at Aurora and stand up.


No one POVs

Y/N and Aurora were walking into the hallway. Everyone noticed Y/N's long smooth hair,

Y/N ignored what the others said about her hair.

"Y/N looked mature when her hair was down." The girl murmured to her friend.

"She's cute too." The other girl said.

Y/N sighed and grabbed Aurora's hand and walked away fast.

Y/N Pov

I frowned. "How the heck I'm gonna survive while all people are looking at me," I said.

Aurora chuckled. "Don't worry Sis you will get used to it," Aurora responds to me.

I smiled a little. "Alright alright, I will try to get used to it," I said.

I and Aurora walk into the classroom and saw there were a few students inside the classroom.

We sat at the back and wait for the others to come to the classroom.

While we were waiting for the others I notice my hair was in front of my eyes.

I used my hand to comb the front of my hair after I comb my hair I got side bangs.

"You looked like a guy when you're combing your hair like that," Aurora said.

I glanced at Aurora. "So what about it. I'm handsome anyways," I replied to Aurora with a confident tone.

Aurora chuckled and hit my arm. "You are pretty and handsome, Y/N, just the way you are," Aurora responded to me.

I smiled at what Aurora said to me. "Thanks, Aurora you made my heart melt," I said.

We smiled at each other suddenly someone called my name.

"Y/N!" Akko yelled my name.

"Yes, Akko?" I said.

"Come over here!" Akko yelled at me.

I gave her a thumbs-up and walk toward Akko.

"Need something?" I asked Akko.

Akko looked at me. "You look different when your hair is down Y/N," Akko said.

"Oh, really others said I looked mature," I replied to Akko with a calm tone.

Lotte joins our conversations. "Mature? Y/N looks young to me." Lotte said.

"Y/N looked like a different person to me," Akko replied to Lotte.

I chuckle a little. "It depends on people's look at me," I replied to Lotte and Akko with a worried tone.

"That's true," Lotte responded to me.

"I guess so," Akko responded to me.

"Guys I'm getting back to my seat so see you later," I said.

"Alright see you later Y/N!" Akko replied to me.

"See you later Y/N!" Lotte replied to me.

I smiled at them and walk away.


No one POVs

Y/N and the others were listening to Professor Lukic's discussion about potions and ingredients.

Good thing it was the last lesson before break time,

Professor Lukic made a potion in her cauldron it was spreading green smoke.

Sucy was enjoying the smell of the potion except for Y/N and the others.

Suddenly, Diana cast a spell that makes the smoke don't block her way.

Y/N closes her notebook and swings back and forth to get off the awful smoke.

Meanwhile, Aurora didn't bother with the green smoke because she was wearing a facemask.

Finally, the bell rang, and the students close their notebooks and left the classrooms fast.

Y/N Pov

I and My sister were walking in the hallway to get to the cafeteria.

I frowned at Aurora, "I can't believe you have a facemask earlier. While I'm suffering breathing at the green smokes earlier." I said.

Aurora laughed at what I said to her.

"Hey, it was not my fault you didn't ask me if I have an extra face mask, HAHAHA," Aurora replied to me while laughing.

I groaned and walk away while Aurora still laughing.

I was in the cafeteria getting food I saw the last pudding. I was gonna grab the dessert suddenly someone's hands collided with my hand.

I looked up and saw Diana was gonna get the dessert.

Diana was surprised to see me she quickly fix her voice.

"Hello! Y/N I didn't see you there my apologies." Diana said.

I chuckle a little. "Hello, their Lady Cavendish. It's fine no need to forgive me I would have taken the dessert but you seem to like the pudding." I replied to Diana with a soft tone.

"N-no It's yours now you were the first one who grabbed the dessert," Diana responded to Me.

I grabbed the pudding and put the pudding on Diana's tray.

"It's yours now I'll just be next time if there's a pudding again," I replied, to Diana.

I use my hand to comb my front hair again because it was blocking my eyes again.

Diana noticed it. "You look wonderful when your hair is down Y/N," Diana spoke to me.

I blushed a little. "Hehe thanks, Lady Cavendish," I said.

She gave me a sweet smiled and walked away.

I felt my heart, beating quickly I hold my chest to make it stop.

I walked to the table and sat while I was eating my food I saw some random girls staring at me far away.

I ignore them and continue to eat my food.

Diana Pov

We are on the second floor of the cafeteria.

I was eating my food suddenly Hannah asks something to me.

"Diana, did you see Y/N earlier?" Hannah asked me.

I look at Hannah. "Yes I saw her earlier," I replied to Hannah.

Barbara was glancing at Y/N. "Y/N looked like a different person when her hair is down," Barbara said.

"I agree," Hannah replied to Barbara.

While Hannah and Barbara were talking about something I felt myself staring at Y/N.

I admire Y/N for a while. 'Y/N looked gorgeous when her hair is down.' I said in my mind.

I realize that I was thinking Y/N. 'What am I thinking? Diana gets to yourself she's just a friend of yours.' I said in my mind.

I looked away quickly and continue eating my food.


Y/N Pov

I was in the forest with Professor Ursula helping me to train my magic.

"Alright Y/N you trained well would like a duel with me?" Professor Ursula asked me.

I put my hand on the back of my neck and sighed. "Well, I'm still not ready to duel with you Professor Ursula maybe next time?" I replied to Professor Ursula.

She smiled at me. "Alright I will not force you L/N." Professor Ursula responded to me.

"So Professor Ursula what training am I gonna do today?" I asked Professor Ursula.

Professor Ursula glanced at me. "Well, your training today is..." Professor Ursula replied to me.

Professor Ursula takes out her wand and point at me quickly. "Incedio!" Professor Ursula cast a fire spell.

I quickly take out my wand and cast a spell quickly. "Aguamenti!" I cast a water spell.

The fire faded away because of the water.

Professor Ursula smiled at me. "Your learning today is fast reflexes." Professor Ursula said.

I looked at Professor Ursula with a worried expression. "So it's like I'm dueling you?" I replied to Professor Ursula.

"Kinda..." Professor Ursula said.

I sighed and walk backward. "If you say so, Professor Ursula," I responded to Professor.

Professor Ursula was reading the book my father gave me and quickly close it.

Professor Ursula points her wand at me and quickly cast a spell. "Incarcerous!"

A rope appears in thin air and quickly gonna ties me up.

"Incedio!" I cast a fire spell to burn the rope in thin air.

I quickly point the wand at Professor Ursula and cast a spell. "Expelliarmus!" I yelled.

Professor Ursula's wand knocks out in her hand.

Profess Ursula got her wand suddenly I cast a tickled spell on her.

"Rictusempra!" I said.

Professor Ursula suddenly laughs and giggles.

Professor Ursula looked at me. "N-nice one Y-Y/N HAHAHA." Professor Ursula responded to me while laughing.

Professor Ursula fell to the grass and laughed so hard.

"Don't worry Professor the spell will stop at any second," I explained to Professor Ursula.

I sat on the grass and adored the view while the wind was hitting my long smooth hair.

Professor Ursula stop laughing and looked at me. "It's been a while since I laughed like that." Professor Ursula replied to me with a soft tone.

I glance at Professor Ursula. "It's my pleasure to make you laugh again, Professor," I said while smiling.

She smiled back at me and started to get up.

"Come on L/N let's go now we continue our training tomorrow," Professor replied to me.

"Alright, Professor Ursula," I said while getting up.

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