In Love With Him

By xxxbbyxx

1.2K 42 2

Emilia is a 17 year old girl that lives in Rome, Italy with her father. Her father is abusive, Mentally, and... More

beach house


71 3 0
By xxxbbyxx

André starts driving.

André: Happy Birthday, Emilia.

Emilia: Thank you.

André: I got you a gift.

He opens the glove compartment and pulls out a box.

It was an iphone box.

He hands it to me.

André: It's all set up and you can change the password but its 7324. You have all of my brothers numbers and my mom's and the girls.

Emilia: Okay!

I unlock it and well it's an iphone. I like it. It's an iphone 12 pro max.

I smile and I put it in my little bag.

It's fun being an adult, and doing adult things.

André: Okay so this place we are going to. Do not take any photos of anyone and don't post anyone!

Emilia: Okay!

We pulled up to the ball and André helped me out of the car. I still hated André for kidnapping me but I also care for him.

He lead me into the building.

??: Name?

André: André Guido.

??: Alright and she?

André: My plus one, Emilia.

??: Okay. Have fun. Oh and guns or any weapons in here.

André rolls his eyes and puts his gun and pocket knife in the bin.

??: You to.

André she doesn't have anything on her.

??: Okay. Walk through the metal detector and then go ahead in.

We walk through the metal detector and we head inside. We meet up with everyone.

We find a seat.

I sit next to André and Skyler.

Blah blah blah. We danced and had fun.

We headed home and I went up to my room.

I wanted to go swim so I put on my bathing suit

I tie my hair up and I walk downstairs. Andre was nowhere to be seen.

I walked outside to the backyard and I got into the hot tub.

I swam around in the hot tub.

I leaned back and I closed my eyes.

I heard walking.

I opened my eyes and André was getting in the water.

Emilia: Hi.

Andre: Hello.

He got in and sat across from me.

Andre: Did you have fun today?

Emilia: Yes. Did you?

Andre: Kinda.

Emilia: What do you mean kinda?

Andre: Just meeting my opponents at the ball always makes me uncomfortable. Especially bc you where there. I don't want you to get hurt.

I swam closer to him.

Emilia: Hey, I'm not going to get hurt. I promise!

Andre: You don't know that. This is a horrible life style to be in. I want to quit but I can't. It's my family business.

Emilia: I know but I will help you through this, it's going to be scary.

Andre: I know. But I thought you didn't like me?

Emilia: Ehh, you're okay.

We both giggle a little bit.

We look at each other.

He grabs my face and kisses me.

For some odd ass reason I kissed him back.

Andre pulls away.

Andre: I'm sorry!

Emilia: It's okay. I actually kinda liked it!

Andre: Really?

Emilia: Yeah.

Andre: Emilia, it's getting kinda late.

Emilia: Do you fine anything about me, attractive. Because every time we get remotely close to me in any sexual manner you always back off and go to your room or to your office.

Andre: Not true.

Emilia: Yes very true. You never touch me. The only time you touch me is when your leading me into a building or something.

Andre: I just kissed you didn't I?

Emilia: Yes, But still. My point is still, a point!

Andre: Yes I do find you attractive, very attractive. But you just turned 18 today. I can't touch you in a way you want to be touched. It's agents the law.

Emilia: So is killing people. Killing people is a lot worse than being with me in a sexual way.


Andre: Emilia, it's getting late. You should go to bed.

Emilia: No, And it's only 11:30.

Andre: Yes late.

Emilia: Fine, Don't come into my room.

I got a new room.

I got out of the hot tub and I stormed into the house and I went upstairs to my room.

I closed and locked my door and I took off my bathing suit and I put on some underwear and didnt sleep with a shirt or bra on.

I laid in bed and I covered up. I plugged in my phone and I laid in bed.

I flipped back and forth on my sides and I just couldn't get comfortable.

I laid on my stomach and I finally felt better.

I fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later to my door being unlocked.

I sat up and I covered my bare chest with the sheets.

I seen the door open and a tall shadow standing in the door frame.

Who is it?

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