Return Of The Queen

By Vani_ki_kahani

141K 6.3K 1.5K

"In the process of letting go you will lose many things , but you will find yourself" More

Character Sketch - 1
Character Sketch 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Character Sketch 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Character Sketch 4
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Character Sketch 5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Character Sketch 6
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character Sketch 7
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
To My Readers
~ Aesthetics ~
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 26

2K 119 29
By Vani_ki_kahani

Next Morning ,
At Lakshmi Narayan Chawl , Delhi

Meera was getting ready to go out . She was in a hurry . Alia saw her .

Alia - Where are you going ?

Meera - Why should I tell you ?

Alia - Don't you dare question me ! It's bhai's first day of job and you are going out !

Meera - Your so called Bhai doesn't consider me anything so why will I stay here and waste my time ?!

Hearing the shouts the rest of the family also gathered around them . They were a little astonished hearing Meera's words as she had never talked in that tone with anyone let alone Alia .

Abhi - Meera what is your problem ?! Alia was just asking .

Meera - She shouldn't ask me anything !

Abhi - Meera ! You are crossing the limits of misbehaviour !

Meera - Do I look like I care ? No right ? Because I don't !

Meera took her bag and went . Abhi also went to his new work place .

Mitali - I have to be careful around Meera too now .

Alia locked the second room and called someone . The only person who could help her right now .

Alia - Hello Tanu ?

Tanu - Alia . Why did you call me ?

Alia - I need your help .

Tanu - And why do you think I will help you ?

Alia - You also have profit in this . You want Pragya's destruction and I want that too .

Tanu - Cool . Tell me the plan .

Alia told her plan to Tanu , who instantly agreed to it .

At Raisinghania Mansion, Delhi

Vansh again started his story . Pragya was listening to his each and every word carefully .

Vansh - Meera and I grew up . Dad wanted to get Meera married . He even asked her if she liked anyone . But she said no . So , dad fixed her marriage with a guy of his choice . Everything was going smoothly but on the wedding day something happened .

Pragya - What ?

Vansh - The bride ran away with her lover . Meera had ran away , she had withdrawn all the cash from her bank account , taken all her jewellery , left her phone behind so that we couldn't trace her . For the first time in my life I had seen dad's head and eyes low infront of everyone .

Pragya - I can't believe Meera did something like this .

Vansh - Dad couldn't take all the shame from Meera's elopement . He got a heart attack . Fortunately he got saved but one day Meera called him . He asked her to return home with her husband . And she replied that she hated him as he wanted to force her into a marriage . Dad broke down completely and got his second heart attack but this time he died . After that nobody talked about Meera . Mom started to hate her precious daughter . I also hated Meera .

Pragya - That is so sad . I never knew anything about this .

Vansh - It's okay . Let's not talk about this further .

Vansh left for some work .

Pragya - Where is Meera's husband then ?

At YuvAn Publications , Delhi

Yuvraj was observing Maya . This was the first time he had met such a mysterious girl . The first one who didn't fall for his charms . Ananya his best friend talked about Maya as if she had a crush on her .

Ananya - And you know Yuvraj , Maya shook hands with me .

Yuvraj - If you continue with this behaviour of yours then Maya will surely get scared and run away .

Ananya - Hey !!

Abhi entered inside the building . He was amazed to see such a big office . He saw Ananya and Yuvraj .

Abhi - Good morning sir , ma'am .

Yuvraj - Good morning Mr.Mehra . You should start your work now .

Abhi - What is my work sir ?

Ananya , taking some papers in her hand - Get photocopies of these for now .

Abhi , taking the papers - Sure ma'am .

Maya was seeing all this . "Smile as much as you can because soon it will be my turn to smile and yours to cry . Your sister destroyed my Manav's life now I will destroy you and your whole clan ." She thought to herself .

At Sun Rise Cafe , Delhi

Meera was desparately waiting for someone . She didn't have any clue why that person had called her here but she was happy from inside .

A man came and sat infront of her . Meera looked at him and smiled but was met with a cold stare in return .

Meera - Why did you call me here Bhai ?

Vansh - I won't beat around the bush . The point is you wanted forgiveness right ?

Meera - Of course I do .

Vansh - Will you do anything to get it ?

Meera - I will . I just want mom , you , bhabhi , Prachi , Pankti and Arya to forgive me . I can't apologise to papa but I wish I could .

Vansh - Then do a work for me .

Meera - Work ? What type of work ?

Vansh - You have to spy on some people .

Meera - Who are these people ? Do I know them ?

Vansh - Your in laws .

Meera - No . How can I do this ? I can't .

Vansh - Fine . Forget that you will be forgiven .

Meera , thinking for sometime - No wait . I will do it . Should I keep an eye on everyone of them ?

Vansh - Abhishek , Alia , Rhea and Raj you have to spy on them .

At DLF Promenade , Delhi

The Raisinghania sisters were doing shopping for the upcoming functions . Rhea also had went there even if she had very little money left still she had to brag about her richness .

Pankti accidentally stumbled into her .

Rhea - Do you have eyes or buttons ? Can't you see that I am going .

Pankti - What are you doing here ? You don't even have the worth to stand here .

Rhea - Keep that tone to yourself ! I am Rhea Ranbir Kohli ! I can get whatever I want !

Arya , sarcastically - Fine go and buy a Chanel bag than show me your ugly face .

Rhea went to slap Arya but Prachi caught and twisted her hand .

Rhea - Ahhh ! Prachi ! Leave my hand ! I will call the security !

Prachi - You should have thought thousand times before trying to lay a finger on my sister !

Rhea - She is my sister too !

Arya - Yuck ! Hold a second I will puke if she called me her sister !

Prachi threw Rhea away . The Raisinghania sisters left from there . Arya showed her tongue to Rhea .

Hi readers ,

Here is the next update . Hope you all will like it .

Kindly vote and comment if you liked the chapter .

Till then ,
Lots of love 💕
Take care of yourself
Your author

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