His Little One✔️

By jhenny_pink

2.4M 74.6K 3.8K

"I think you've already starved me enough, Amia, just one taste. I promise I won't bite." Marcello implored... More

1. Breaking the rules.
2. Baby blue eyes.
3. Marcello.
5. Keep my distance.
6. A message to send.
7. The urge to kiss him.
8. What he's made of.
9. Belonging to him.
10. Quality time together.
11. The peace treaty.
12. A very furious Marcello.
13 His dominance.
14. What exactly happened.
15. Princess of the underworld.
16. Tension in the air.
17. An hostile visit.
18. Caught in the act.
19. A moment of meekness.
20. Sexual tensions.
21. The parent talk.
22. Confrontations.
23. Unwanted visitors.
24. The big surprise.
25. Romance under the sun.
26. Marcello's punishment.
27. Tortured enough.
28. What is wrong with these people.
29. A dark and dirty secret.
30. Lying Bastard.
31. Someone to confide in.
32. Big decisions.
33. Should've let you die.
34. The truth part 1.
35. The truth part 2.
36. Enzo's new reign.
37. Finally done.
38. Confessions.
39. Making it up to me.
40. Forever mine.
41. Breaking the news.
42. Happily ever after.

4. Amia Snow.

97.5K 3K 149
By jhenny_pink


"La tua ferita dovrebbe andare bene, signore. Chiunque l'abbia pulita e fasciata, spero che tu l'abbia ringraziato per averti salvato la vita, anche se so che dirti questo è piuttosto inutile."

(Your wound should be fine sir. Whoever had it cleaned and bandaged, I hope you've thanked them for saving your life although I know me saying this to you is rather futile.) My personal doctor, doctor Giulia spoke.

"Is that all for now?" I asked uninterested in whatever she had to say that was beyond the point of addressing my wound.

"Yes that is all for now." That's all for now, I suppose. I nodded in agreement as she finished speaking before putting my shirt back on and going to take a seat behind my desk in my office.

I was shot on my own territory. My own fucking territory and that too by Enzo's fucking younger brother. It was a damn embarrassment to know that just a year ago I had ultimately signed a peace treaty to have them stay within Sicily and now that fucking peace treaty almost got me killed.

My father had been adamant about getting me to sign that dreadful peace pact, but I should have trusted my instincts and dismissed what he had demanded.

Just like my men, I was fucking furious and I craved blood. If I couldn't get Silvester's blood, I wanted Enzo's blood, and if I couldn't get Enzo's blood, I wanted all of the D'Angelos' bloods. This would will teach them a lesson and put them back in their proper places. It would have been better for him to have killed me because the punishment for shooting at me was quite expensive.

My focus shifted from the fuckers to the one who had actually saved my life. As the minutes passed, I continued to stare at one of my closest men, but my thoughts were pleasantly diverted by the hazel-eyed girl who had miraculously saved my life.

It might've been a very foolish thing to do at the time by the quite intriguing girl but nevertheless I was grateful for her going against the odds to save my life. Thankfully it hadn't been anyone else but me as it might've grave for her.


I was so enthralled by the idea that she would risk everything to preserve my own life and now I owed her one.

Fuck, my men had done everything to ensure that I was alive including risking everything for me yet I was not smitten by them, but here I was completely captivated and enthralled by this hazel eyed girl.

"Have you acquired the information that I requested you to provide?" I questioned Orlando, who had just entered through the door after knocking.

"I have Marcello; this is the data you require," He put the papers on my desk and stepped back.

"You may now leave." I ordered him turning around once I heard the door close behind him.

I flipped open the file and peered inside at the information on the girl with honey-glazed eyes who had saved my life from the clutches of Silvester that I had managed to get away from.

Wilcott and Mia Snow's lone child, 23-year-old introvert Amia Lory Snow, stands five feet, five inches tall and is an introvert. She was born on November 27, 1998. went to Williams High School, where she earned a 3.8 GPA and a diploma, but she never attended a university or college. Is employed by the Italiano restaurant. No children, no history of dating, attends the Maryland church on Sundays, spotless criminal record, and both sets of parents have no arrest records. Green is her colour of choice.

I didn't know whether to sigh with satisfaction or dismay, it was exactly as I had anticipated. A perfect saint. No one would've ever done what she did. She was a purely innocent woman who didn't belong in my world.

Her pure honey glazed eyes filled with nothing but innocence, her curly light brown hair that frolicked to her rare end, her sweet pink lips that pouted whenever she was deep in thoughts, her somewhat soft chubby cheeks that colored shyly along with her attractingly addicting smile and her vanilla-scented physique made my cock itch.

She was really gorgeously sexy, and I questioned whether she knew it. She embodied all the things I ought not to find captivating. While I was skilled at killing, she was skilled at caring; similarly, she was skilled at being compassionate while I was skilled at being ruthless.

I was aware that if I kept seeing her, she would be drawn into my world and put in grave danger. My greatest chance of preserving her life would be to keep a distance from her. I simply could not have a weakness apart from my parents.

And yet my cock had a sudden urge and need for her to be sedated. This sudden urge to have her pinned against my damn bed was nothing like I had ever experienced before.

I desired to own her. I had to possess her. I had to have her for myself. No one other should be given the chance to look directly at her. I already felt a strong desire for her.

I was conflicted. I felt as though I was under a spell. She commanded my attention with her presence, beauty, and purity which mesmerized me. She was like a ray of sunshine in my dark and perilous world.

She has left me feeling conflicted and dreadfully infatuated. Amia has captured my interest in a manner that no other woman has ever been able to.

If only there was a way I could have her without putting her in harms way. Her unadulterated innocence.

"Not to bother you Marcello but Enzo has requested a peace meeting between him and you." I chuckled hearing one of my men's word.

"Peace meeting?"


"And where is Enzo?" I questioned curiously to know if the unfortunate fool was standing outside my gates.

"He sought the meeting through Giovanni, sir." I chuckled when I learned that the coward had chosen to go to one of my messenger men rather than come forward and speak with me.

Probably because he knew that I was unpredictable.

"Please let Giovanni know that I won't be attending this peace treaty; I'd really appreciate that. Let him also know that Enzo's brother must perish at my hands if there is ever to be peace between us. Following that, perhaps we can talk about a ceasefire agreement." At my request, Orlando was instructed to convey my message.

"As you command Marcello." Just as my phone rang to alert me to a message, he left my office.

In line with my expectations, Amia texted me.

Reading her message made me feel as though I could hear her quiet, delicate voice.

Hello Marcello,

I wish you speedy recovery from your wound! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your gifts. I sincerely hope I wasn't impolite earlier.

Her small message read and for the first time in years a smile graced my lips, I could tell she was waiting for my response from me. The girl that was fearless of me.

Amia snow.

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