Platinum Blonde

By formzulauno

40 0 0

Ugly. That is the one word that Darcy thinks describes her. Darcy Lives In Malfoy manor with her family. But... More

Authors note

Chapter One

27 0 0
By formzulauno

"Wake up rat" Darcy's brother sneered in her ear, he ruthlessly drew the curtain, filling the room with a blinding light. Darcy threw her pillow over her head, attempting to block out the light, but Draco ripped it of her head, "I said, get up rat, that rat is you"
Darcy dragged herself out of her four poster bed, and sleepily walked over to her bathroom to wash her face. Once she finished, she exited her bedroom and gloomily stomped down the stairs, still with messy hair and pyjamas on. She reached the bottom of the stairs, to see the house cat awaiting her, she bent down and scooped him up, scratching his ear. After a while she heard her mother call, "Darcy breakfast is ready"
She walked into the dining room, decorated with balloons and confetti, "what's happening?" Darcy asked
"You got your Hogwarts letter!" her mother spoiled it for her
Darcy raced over to the front door and found an envelope, awaiting to be opened.
She walked back into the kitchen, overjoyed.
"Open it then we haven't got all day" Her brother grunted
"Draco, be kind to your sister" her mother protected her
Darcy slowly opened the envelope revealing a long letter,

To Miss Darcy Narcissa Malfoy
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1st, we await your owl no later than 31st July

Yours Sincerely
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Darcy was thrilled, the most exited she had ever been in her life. Her mother hugged her and her father gave her a pat on the back, Draco did nothing, as usual, ugh..
"Hurry along now Darcy, we're going to London now, to see the phantom of the opera!"
Darcy trotted up the stairs and opened the door to her bedroom, she travelled across the room to her walk in closet and picked out a black dress with black tights and a white bow in her hair, she found some black doctor martins and placed them on her feet. She slid back downstairs and picked up her bag, her brother was still in his room and Darcy was told to go and get him.
She hurried upstairs, not wanting to miss the show. She politely knocked on Dracos door and called "we're going to see the show now! Are you coming?"
After no response Darcy barged the door open to find Draco putting his shoes on, "what rat?" He spits
"We're going now, come along!" She playfully tugged his arm of his bed
"Get off me" he shouted
"Okay okay!" Darcy said, putting her hands up. She wandered back down the stairs, trailing after Draco. After a while Darcy spotted the limo
"Mother! The limos here" she called, her mother appeared looking very elegant, she was wearing a black dress that was shorter at the front and longer at the back, heavy ruby earrings and black pointed high heals.
Once the limo had reached the end of the driveway, the family climbed into the car. Darcy scooched up to her mother, purposely avoiding Draco.
She placed her bag down next to her and pulled out her book, ' Trust Me'
After a while of driving, they reached the theatre, they stepped out of the car and Darcy had to put her coat on, It was chilly! The family walked through the grand doors of the theatre and showed the tickets to the man.
They were lead to a private room, it was furnished with red velvet seats, a large stage and a popcorn machine.

The show was brilliant, the singing was terrific and the popcorn was scrumptious!
"What a good show!" Remarked Darcy
"I agree" replied her mother.
"Mother?" Darcy asked
"Yes Darcy?" She awnsered
"Please can we go shopping in diagon alley now? It's just by the Leakey cauldron, just over there!" she points
"Alright then, Draco do you want to come?" Her mother replied
"No, I'd rather walk back home in a storm" he remarked gloomily
"Okay then, I will get the chauffeur to pick you up, however your father will stay with us" narcissa pointed out

Soon enough Draco was climbing into the limo and taking a seat " be good" warns her mother
Darcy and her mother and father, walked towards the Leakey cauldron.
They reached a brick wall and her father pulled out his umbrella and made a pattern on the wall. The bricks shifted slightly and started opening, they formed an archway and Darcy walked through.
Diagon alley was a long street, filled with small, brightly lit up shops, a long cobbled road went on for miles and miles.

Then Darcy saw someone, someone Draco told her not to go near...

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