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44.6K 1.2K 5.4K

"๐–๐ก๐ฒ!? ๐–๐ก๐ฒ ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ก๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฌ๐ž!?" "๐๐ž๐œ๐š๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ˆ ๐ฅ๐จ... ะ•ั‰ะต

Major A/N
Early!Y/N x Reader


1.1K 38 134

Angel numbers


"Never again?"

"Never again."


~Ding Dong Bing Bong~

I opened my eyes and stared at the monitor.

"Rise and shine, ursine!"

Monosuke popped onto the screen, hogging the screen. "This is an official announcement from the Ultimate Academy! It's 8AM so wake up!" Monosuke went off the screen.

"Oh, he left! Monosuke is so impatient!" Monotaro exclaimed.

"He's been cranky lately, so it's making him impatient." Monophanie said. "I... don't like impatient men."


Monosuke appeared back on screen again. "It's a little early, but I'll go ahead and do the nighttime announcement too! It'll be 10PM later!" Monosuke got off the screen.

"It's too early! Your impatience is trying to warp time and space!" Monotaro complained.

"So long, bear well." The monitor turned off.

"Can I go back to bed?"

As I tried to go back to sleep, someone kept ringing the hell out of my intercom. I groaned and went to answer it.

"What in the living hell do you wa- Oh, hey Mako." Behind the door was a Kokichi that did not look so well.

"H-Hey..." He managed to force out.

"You don't look so well. You alright?" I asked.

"Those fucking bees." Kokichi said.

Images of what happened last night flew through my mind. "Oh... right..." I muttered. "Anyways, are you going to the magic show?" I asked.

"No way! Magic isn't even real! Himiko needs to get that through her dumb skull!" Kokichi replied.

"Yeah, me neither. I was honestly gonna go if you went, but oh well." I agreed. "What do you wanna do for the time being?"

Kokichi thought for a second. He then walked up to me and tapped my shoulder. "Tag!" Kokichi said as he ran into the courtyard.

"What the--!? Stop catching me off guard!" I yelled as I ran after him.

For some time, it's been the same process. I tag him, he tags me. Kokichi thought it would be a great idea to tackle me onto the ground.

"Ack--!? What the hell, Ma--"

Once I opened my eyes, I realized Kokichi was on top of me, while I was underneath. Both of our faces were slightly red.

"U-Uhm... Mako? C-Can you...?"

"Aww! Look at you~! You're all flustered, it's adorable!" Kokichi teased.

"D-Damn it, Mako...! I swear I'm going to--"

~Ding Dong Dong Ding~

My sentence were cut short as we looked at the monitor closest to us, some reason not getting out of the position we were in.

"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma announced. "Everyone, please gather in the gym!" The monitor turned off.

I looked at Kokichi, who had a look of horror on his face, while mine was as calm as ever.

"We should go look who it was." I suggested.

Kokichi nodded as we both got out of the position we were in and head towards the gym. Before Kaito burst down the door, since he wasn't inside nor was Maki, Kokichi got rid of the look of horror on his face and hid it behind a smile.

"Wh-What's going on!?" Kaito's voice echoed loudly throughout the gym.

"I-I don't know! I don't know what happened!" Tenko yelled.

"We should break the tank, right? We gotta check what's inside." Kokichi suggested.

"Wha--? Break it?" Tsumugi muttered.

"Yeah, break it. It'll take too long to drain it by hand." Kokichi said.

"But what would we even use to break--"

"Gonta! Kii-boy! You're up!" Kokichi announced, cutting Shuichi off.

"Huh? What do you mean, we're up?" Kiibo asked, afraid to know what was going through the evil gremlin's head.

"Gonta, throw Kii-boy as hard as you can! Use that robot like a battering ram!" Kokichi ordered.

"Who are you calling a battering ram!?" Kiibo shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Kokichi.

"Gonta throw Kiibo! Got it!" Gonta yelled.

I suddenly got the best idea in my head. "I wanna throw Kii-boobs too!" I yelled.

"N-Now wait just a second! You don't need to team up now--"

Gonta and I threw Kiibo at the tank, shattering the glass. A blood curdling scream echoed throughout the gym when Kiibo made contact with the glass. Piranhas, water mixed with blood, and glass stained the floor, as well with a skeleton.

"Who's body is that? Depending on how short it is, it has to be Ryoma." I said.

Everyone decided to clean up, careful not to mess up the crime scene. I just stood back and watched. Surprisingly, Kokichi waited as well. Soon enough, everyone was done as we could start investigating.

"I've... gathered Ryoma's body and belongings... in one place." Kiibo announced.

"He's been reduced such that he can be carried in one hand... How fleeting and fragile life is..." Kiyo muttered.

"Gonta put piranhas in bucket." Gonta said. "Piranhas all got big tummies. Gonta think they full."

"Who the hell cares about their appetite!?" I yelled.

"Today, Ryoma is fish food... And tomorrow, he'll be fish shit." Miu stammered.

"D-Don't say such things..." Tsumugi quivered.

I glanced over at Himiko, and she looked depressed. "Himiko, are you okay?" Tenko asked.

"This... wasn't an accident, was it? Does this mean... the killing game has started again?" Maki asked.

I glanced at Kokichi, who's smiling face changed into a sorrowful look. "H-How...!? How... could this happen!?" Kokichi stammered. "We... swore to each other, didn't we? We swore we'd never let the killing game start up again." Kokichi's sorrowful look changed into a face of frustration, angry crocodile tears streaming down his face. "So that was all just a lie! You guys are liars!" Kokichi yelled. "All you liars, apologize to Ryoma! He believed the killing game wouldn't happen anymore!"

"Your disingenuous tears mark you as the liar right now..." Kiyo said.

"Oh, you figured it out? You've got a pretty good eye there, Kiyo." Kokichi complimented.

"I mean... he did get what he wanted." I said nonchalantly.

Monokuma then appeared from the ceiling. "Heyyy guys! How's it feel now that you've got a second murder victim on your hands?" He asked.

"It feels great! Thank you for asking!" I replied happily, ignoring everyone's gaze on me.

"Huh? Ryoma's transparent? Has my x-ray vision superpower finally awakened--"

The Monokubs then appeared, cutting Monokuma off.

"Father, you don't have superpowers. He's just been reduced to a skeleton." Monotaro said.

"Finally! I've been waiting for the killin' game to start up again!" Monosuke exclaimed. "That means we can put all this borin' crap on hold and start playin' the blame game!"

"You're rarin' to go, Mono... who are you again?" Monokuma asked.

"Monosuke! You should at least remember your own kid's name!" Monosuke replied.

Monophanie's body posture seemed like she was worried.

"MONOPHANIE, ARE-YOU-OKAY?" Monodam asked.

"Five..." Monophanie muttered. "Four..."

"Hmm? Are you counting, Monophanie? Why are you counting...?" Monotaro asked.

"Because... three... I'm seriously... gonna puke... one... NOW!" Monophanie stammered as she puked onto the floor.

"Ew... gross." I muttered under my breath.

"Ah! She puked again!" Monotaro stated the obvious.

"What the hell are you doing, you failure!?" Monosuke asked angrily. "Listen up! We're here to make sure the killin' game goes smoothly, capice?"

"Also, to keep me company. And new mascots present lots of exciting buisness opportun--"

"Shut up, you failure!" Monosuke yelled, cutting Monokuma off.

"What!? Me too!?" Monokuma said out of surprise.

"Hey, hey! This conversation is fun and all, but we should really get this over with!" Angie suggested.


"Don't we need to start investigating or something?" Angie asked.

"Alriiight! I'll get the culprit this time for sure! Hurry up and give us the thingy!" Kokichi said excitedly, jumping up and down subtly.

"You mean the Monokuma File, right!?" Monokuma asked. "I also investigated the cause of death this time, so read it to your heart's delight."

"Oh! This is sorta unrelated but I got a great buisness idea!" Monosuke exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's totally unrelated." Monokuma said.

"Let's use this Monokuma File to start a funeral services buisness!" Monosuke exclaimed once more. "Y'know how it gets awkward at funerals when ya start askin' about the cause of death? If we pass out Monokuma Files, even the worst deaths will get a giggle outta the attendees! Well, Pops? Whaddaya think?"

"You're so freakin' cute!" Monokuma sheepishly exclaimed, dodging the suggestion.

"Huh? Cute?" Monosuke muttered.

"The way you pass out the files is just so cute. Why don'tcha come with me over here...?" Monokuma asked creepily.

"Heeeeee! Pops is gonna lick me all over!" Monosuke screamed.

Monosuke ran out of the room with a creepy Monokuma running after him.

"Huh? Father's showing Monosuke with all his love." Monotaro said. "Hmmm... You think Monosuke's right? Maybe Father doesn't like us anymore cuz we're not hostile and threatening enough?"

Monophanie just kept puking on the floor.

"I think maybe I'll follow Monosuke." Then the little shits left.

"In any event... let us begin the investigation." Kiyo said.

"Investigation... So it's really going to start again." Kiibo muttered.

"I can't believe it... One of us killed Ryoma..." Tsumugi stammered.

"No more... Gonta no wanna investigate friends... No wanna suspect friends..." Gonta complained.

"Then don't do it. I'm not going to investigate, either." Maki said.

"Huh?" Gonta muttered.

"You'll be fine if you're short a person, and I doubt a child caregiver would be much help." Maki walked out of the room.

"Wait, Maki!" Shuichi called out for Maki, but she didn't turn around.

"The fuck is that bitch's problem!? She's seriously not gonna investigate!?" Miu asked.

"That seems... rather irresponsible." Kiibo said.

"She likely assumes someone else will take care of it... and I suppose she isn't wrong." Kiyo spoke his mind.

"Well, I'll have a talk with Maki later. For now, we should start investigating." Kaito suggested. "I'm seriously pissed we gotta do this, but it's our only chance to survive."

"Yup! I'll do my very best, too!" Kokichi exclaimed. "Gonta, Y/N and I have to work especially hard so we can regain everyone's trust!"

"Oh, yes... You right." Gonta agreed.

"Do we neeeed to? It's pretty damn obvious who killed the dwarf." I whined.

I know she isn't the culprit, but who says I shouldn't fuck around? Everyone feels bad, Kokichi doesn't act like it, but he feels bad. Am I the only one who's genuinely enjoying this?

"What?" Shuichi muttered.

Kokichi seemed to get onto what I was thinking. "Ryoma was murdered during a certain little magical girl's show, right?" Kokichi asked.

"Nyeh...?" Himiko muttered.

"So we think we need to be a little more suspicious of that little magical girl..." I suggested ominously.

"Nyeh!?" Himiko cried.

I laughed a little at her reaction. "Awww! Look at the little crybaby! She's so suspicious that it seems not suspicious!" I teased.

"Nyeh...?" Himiko whined.

"But then again, she's made herself look not suspicious, so now she's super suspicious!" I exclaimed, the crazy look in my eyes somehow appearing.

"Geez, shaddup already! How dare you toy with Himiko's pure heart!?" Tenko threatened.

"Awww! How cute! The mother to their child has been angered!" I teased once more. "But did I say Himiko's name?"

Tenko's face filled with pure hatred. "Aaahhh!!! Shaddup, shaddup! Himiko would never do something like that!" Tenko yelled. "I know her best! Right, Himiko!?"

"No..." Himiko muttered.

"This is the part where you agree with me!" Tenko argued.

I laughed a little at this. "Seems like your local teenager is going through her rebel phase~!" I sang, getting on Tenko's nerves even more.

Kokichi's face was full with shock, but then it changed back to his usual smiling face. "Himiko, can you at least tell us the trick behind the Underwater Escape Act?" Kokichi asked. "If we know how the trick works, we can try to figure out how the culprit killed--"

"That's not possible..." Himiko muttered.

"Not possible? Why not?" Shuichi asked.

"There's no trick to the Underwater Escape. Cuz it was my magic..." Himiko replied.

"Hah-hahaha! How long is that donkey-lipped midget gonna keep sayin' that!?" Miu yelled.

"Seriosuly!! Magic isn't real ya fuckin' dunce! Get that through your good for nothing skull already!" I screamed, acting like I was furious.

Himiko's face turned pale, tears threatening to come out of her eyes. Tenko noticed this and glared at me with the most anger I've ever seen come out of her. Tenko opened her mouth to yell at me, but Tsumugi spoke.

"Himiko... in order for us to find the culprit, it's plain to see we need your help..." Tsumugi pleaded.

"Nyeeeh... my answer won't change, no matter what you say." Himiko said more firmly. "There's no trick to my magic. Cuz... it's magic."

"How long are you gonna keep that bullshit up? Listen, if we don't catch the culprit--"

"Th-That's enough! If Himiko says it's magic, then it's magic!" Tenko yelled, cutting Kaito off. "Fuaaaahhh! I'll use my Neo-Aikido to obliterate any degenerate male, and Y/N, who bullies Himiko!"

"We're not bullying her, dumbass! We're saying that she needs to tell us the damn trick and she needs to get the thought through her useless excuse of a brain that MAGIC DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST!" I yelled, out of pure anger.

Kokichi's went from shock to a blank face. "Wow, N/N. Didn't know you had it in you." Kokichi said, turning to Himiko. "Well, it's fine if you don't wanna tell us. I'll just find out myself." Kokichi's blank face turned into his usual smiling one. "Actually, that sounds pretty fun!"

"To solve this mystery, we must first learn the trick behind Himiko's Underwater Escape Act..." Kirumi said.

"We have no choice in the matter." Kiibo added.

I was still boiling in anger that I stormed out of the gym, grumbling to myself. I didn't care if anyone was calling out to me or chasing after me, I was just pissed at Himiko.

After a while, I was in front of my room. I slammed open the door and slammed it closed, making a loud bang noise. I jumped onto the bed and screamed into my pillow onto frustration.

"Why can't Himiko understand that magic isn't real!? I bet she believes in Santa too! Well, news flash dumbass! Santa isn't real either!"

I kept yelling random things, until I remembered something.

"Pills... Where are those pills!?"

I scurried off the bed and started searching every drawer, desperate to find the pills I suddenly remembered. Eventually, I found them. They didn't have a name, and everything else was blurred out. My head started to hurt, and a random memory dropped into my head.


"Oh, hey Y/N." A girl greeted.

"Hey." I plopped down into my seat, steaming with anger. "Do you have anything that can help me calm down from anger? I think I may have anger issues..." I asked.

"I think I do. Let me check..." The girl then started searching the bag. Her eyes widened slightly when she pulled out a pill bottle. "Here you go." She said as she handed me the bottle.

I took the bottle and inspected it. "What is this?" I asked.

"It's something I take when I get into an argument. I have plenty of these at my house, so don't worry about it. Some things about your appearance will change, but it will go back to normal. It's nothing major." She explained.

I smiled and looked at her. "Thank you, Seiko."


I smiled at the memory. "Thank you, Seiko."

~Ding Dong Bing Bong~

I looked up at the monitor.

"Already tired of investigating? Oh, you've been tired for a while now?" Monokuma asked. "Well, that's how it goes. Investigations aren't all that fun, you see. But it's a necessary step before we can move onto the main event... Kinda like searching the internet for that perfect porno video! In fact, some people think the search is the best part. Weird, huh? Anyway... The class tiral is starting soon! Please gather at the Shrine of Judgement in the courtyard! Puhuhuhuhu, see you later!" The monitor turned off.

"I guess me searching for these pills and that memory took up all the time, huh? I might be a suspect now..."

I shook it off, put the pills in my pocket, and went to the Shrine of Judgement. Once there, I was immediately tackled by a certain someone.

"N/NNNNNN! Where were youuuu?" Kokichi whined.

"I... had to blow off some steam." I replied.

"Is everyone ready?" Kiibo asked.

"Not like we have choice, right?" Gonta replied.

"Kehehe... You are quick to understand. It's as though Monokuma has you trained." Kiyo said.

"We got nothin' to worry about. Right, assholes? We'll figure out the culprit, won't we?" Miu asked shakily.

"Of course we don't need to worry. The top suspect is super obvious this time." Kokichi replied. "Riiiight, Himiko?"

She's not the culprit... But I can't tell them she did it...

Himiko sweatdropped and averted her gaze.

"How dare you bully Himiko, you degenerate! You want me to Aikido-chop your head off. huh!?" Tenko yelled.

"Excuse you? I have plenty of guns and bombs I could use that are stronger than a stupid chop." I threatened.

"This matter will be discussed in due time. You should save your arguments until then." Kirumi instructed.

"Yeah, let's put an end to this at the class trial." Kaito agreed.

"Yeah... you're right." Shuichi agreed as well.

Since when did they get so buddy buddy with each other?

The Monokuma statue went away, signaling it was time to go. We went on, and it was starting to go down.

If only I could change the code now, Kirumi...


Words : 2997




Also sorry if this chapter is short. I put investigations and class trials in different chapters.

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Fem kokichi x Shuichi Kokichi

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