Sands Through The Hourglass

By ohkiyo

319 14 2

There's no better way to live life than enjoy what is in the present, and just as the sands of time continuou... More

Chapter 1: Take A Break
Chapter 2: Confusion
Chapter 3: Hello Baby
Chapter 4: kefi
Chapter 5: Tokyo Drift
Chapter 6: Fevers Are No Fun

Chapter 7: Fiesta

38 3 0
By ohkiyo

character: shiratorizawa team and reader.

warnings: none, just some swearing.

word count: 2.5k

note: sorry if I haven't posted in 2 years, a lot of things happened and yeah.

«──────────── « ⋅ » ────────────»

School festivals are one of the most exciting events that the students are looking forward to every school year. The different attractions that each class and students have prepared, the various events the school had lined up, and the wide array of foods made available for everyone to enjoy.

The festivity usually lasts for about a week, starting off with the opening ceremony in the form of a little parade around the school area, and ending it with an amazing fireworks display partnered with a bonfire.

And with Shiratorizawa being a rich school – as what most outsiders would say – everything is pretty much a little too extravagant. However, it's only fair, with the tuition fee so high, what else would they use it other than for things that would benefit their students?

"I don't think 1 week is enough to go through all of these" you unfolded the pamphlet you were holding. Skimming through the events scheduled for each day, the attractions and their locations. Everything was written to serve as guides to the outsiders visiting and to the students and faculty as well.

Goshiki leans down a little as he too tries to read what's written on the pamphlet, recognizing a few, and making a mental note as to what attractions he should visit next.

"'Tomu-kun, do you know the name of the play our senpai's will be doing? Tendou-san mentioned it before but I forgot"

Goshiki hums as he tries to remember, whilst you continue to flip the pamphlet over and over again to find it in the schedule. "I think it was 'The Demon King: Conquering the Last Kingdom"

"Ah, here it is" you tap on the part where the play's date, time, and venue was specified. "It's tonight"

"Let's watch it with Shirabu-san and Kawanishi-san later" he took his phone from his pocket, as he snapped a picture of the play's information so it wouldn't be hard to look for it later in case one of you forgets.

He pockets his phone as the two of you continue to walk down the hall of the second years' building. The two of you had just finished your shift and had agreed to spend the rest of the day going through the various attractions the class had to offer.

"(Y/n)-chan –" Goshiki started, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. "- isn't that Kawanishi-san?"

You look up at him for a second before following his line of sight. There stood in front of a classroom just a few feet away was Kawanishi Taichi, the middle blocker of Shiratorizawa's volleyball club wearing what seems to be a rip off of Alice's dress.

"What the hell?" you both stay rooted on your spot, watching as your senior rocking that ridiculous outfit.

The light blue dress only reaches the middle of his thighs displaying his long muscled legs. A golden pocket watch dangling on his waist, his hands covered with white gloves. A white frilled headband on his head, taming down his usually pointy ginger hair. On his left thigh was a black lace garter and to finish off the look, a pair of white boots for his feet.

You have no idea who talked him into wearing that costume, but you got to admit. He looks good in it.

Probably way better than you if ever you tried it on.

"Oh Tsutomu, (Y/n) hello" you both haven't realized that he had spotted you standing there, mouths agape, looking like complete fools. "Want to come inside?"

He jab a thumb to the door of his classroom, propping the mini chalkboard on his hip as the two of you approach him.

"Uh... sure" he grins before showing you both a peek at the menu. Once confirming that you're both okay with the food, he opens the door, as two more guys wearing the same outfit as he was greets you.

"Table for two" Kawanishi waved you both goodbye, as one of the two guys led you to your table near the window.

He gave you both a menu, leaving you two to decide on which item you want to order.

Goshiki leans over to you, bringing the menu up to his face as he whispers. "This is probably the weirdest café I've seen"

You silently nodded your head, examining the decorations they had put up. The café was following the Alice in Wonderland theme. It was nice however, the weird thing Goshiki was talking about was the reverse role each student was portraying.

The male students were wearing dresses and frills while the female students were wearing pants and dress shirts.

"But you agree with me that whoever came up with this concept is a genius right?"

Goshiki quickly says his reply as he puts the menu he's holding on the table before relaying your orders to your assigned server. He wrote it down on his notepad he's holding, taking the menu and going to the cooking area to give your orders to the people incharge of preparing the food.

"Goshiki-kun, (Y/n)-chan. I haven't seen you two in a while" standing in front of your table was Higuchi Megumi, the senpai that Goshiki mentioned before that has a crush on Kawanishi.

"Higuchi-san" she gave you both a smile, before she lifted the polaroid camera dangling around her neck.

"Let me take a picture of you two" you and Goshiki straightened up, scooting your chair when she motioned with her hands for you two to get a little closer together. Then smiling at the camera as she presses the shutter button.

Pulling out the photo, she waved it around for a few times before the picture finally showed.

"You two look so cute together!" she gushes, staring at the picture before putting it on the table to show it to you. In the picture you and Goshiki were giving the camera shy smiles, you didn't realize Goshiki had draped his arm over the back of your chair, leaning even closer to you. "Are you dating?"

Heat rises up to your cheeks as you let out a low laugh, your mind in a jumbled mess to give her a proper answer. Beside you Goshiki was equally embarrassed, the tips of his ears going red.

"N-no... No we're not... We're not..." Goshiki stutters, trying to form the right words to answer her question. "Higuchi-san!"

Higuchi laughs, before leaving you both and going to another table to take pictures of the new customers.

Goshiki clears his throat, to try and remove the awkward atmosphere that had somehow slipped into the air. You both started eating your food, the once comfortable vibe you two had were now coming back.

The foods were delicious, the pastry and the beverage that came along with it were a very good combination. You wonder if these were homemade or store bought, but nonetheless they taste good, the price you paid was worth it in the end.

After the meal, you both left the place and continued walking down the hallway. A lot had caught your eye, but you were looking for a certain classroom.

"Shirabu-san's class didn't use their classroom for their event?" you ask, as you read through the pamphlet once again. The both of you on your way to where the second year setter's attraction were supposed to be located.

"A petting zoo?'' You and Goshiki read the signboard placed outside of the door. The cartoon pictures of different animals decorating the sign in big sizes to capture the attention of any passerby.

Peeking through the glass on the door, you could see students and outside visitors playing with the puppies and kittens running around the tiled floor. You got excited, the prospect of playing with these adorable furry friends makes you feel giddy.

Opening the door, you both paid for the fee and immediately started mingling with them. You found a German shepherd, lying peacefully at the side. Acknowledging his fellow canine and feline companions with a little bow of his head or a tilt to the side. Gratefully accepting the treats and headpats given to him.

You walk over to him, whilst Goshiki plays with a ginger colored dog. You sit down beside the big dog, as it watches you cross your legs and smile down at him.

You lift up your hand and run it from his head to his back. You felt it relax under your touch as you continued to rub your palm over his fur.

"Shima likes you" you look up to see Shirabu holding a tray of sandwiches.

"His name is Shima?" he nodded his head as he offered you a sandwich. "Is this for free?"

You took a bite of the sandwich as your other hand thoughtlessly continued to go up and down Shima's body.

"That's 500 yen" you stop chewing and nearly drop the sandwich in the process.

His lips formed into a smile as he flicked your forehead. "I'm just kidding" you let out a sigh as you took another bite of the food. "It's actually 1,000 yen"

The chunk of chewed up bread and meat got caught in your throat, causing you to go into bouts of coughing. Hitting your chest with your fist repeatedly, Shima's attention is now on you as he nuzzles your thigh with his nose.

Shirabu laughs as he stands up and walks to the makeshift counter they installed. "Your bill will be delivered later once you're ready to leave.

"Shirabu-san, you're not my favorite senpai anymore" he just waves his hand in dismissal, well aware that you were just lying.

You turn to look at Goshiki who was seated across you, holding a glass of smoothie. With the way his eyebrows were furrowed together and how he's aggressively sipping on his drink, it was safe to say that Shirabu had also tricked him.

You chuckled, finishing your sandwich. Standing up you threw the tissue used to wrap the sandwich, and went back to hanging out with Shima.

The dog, as opposed to its size, was very calm, normally they'd be a bit aggressive or a little hyper. However with the amount of elegance he's displaying, you conclude that he had been trained properly.

"You're such a good boy" you cooed, beaming down at him as he continued nuzzling his head on your hand. Loving the affection you were giving him.

Shirabu walks over to you again, holding a tray filled with colorful drinks. Crouching down, he watches you bury your face on the dog's fur, baby noises coming out of your mouth.

"You're so weird" he commented, handing you a drink as you hesitantly accepted the glass. Narrowing your eyes at him in suspicion.

"How much is this?" you asks, ready to place the glass back to the tray in case it was another thousand yen out of your wallet

"It's free"

"You said that last time"

"Just drink the juice (Y/n) or I'll shove it down your throat" you pout, crunching up your nose as you sip on your drink.

Shirabu chuckles, before standing up. "It's a gift from one of the girls in the kitchen, a thank you for the picture or something like that"

You furrowed your eyebrows together, racking your brain for any memory of what he was talking about.

A picture? You've never given anyone a picture before, or any sort of image – wait.

Your eyes widened as you remembered that it was probably the picture of your senpais that you sold. The ones you've kept and continued printing as many of their fans still approach you to this day to buy them.

A bit questionable for a high schooler, but a person's gotta make a living right?

Where else will you get the money to buy your favorite games?

"All done (Y/n)-chan?" Goshiki crouches down beside you, placing a little black and white kitten on the floor. Who immediately went over to Shima's side and started headbutting his leg.

"I'm done" you stood up, waving at Shima and the little kitten goodbye. You paid your bill and walked out of the room, the both of you deciding that it was best to return to your dorm room for the time being to get some rest, before attending the third years play in the evening.

«──────────── « ⋅ » ────────────»

"Sooo, what do you think?" Tendou twirls, showing you a 360 view of his costume. The other four stood beside him as they posed for the camera Kawanishi was holding.

"You all look good though but..." you trailed, slowly turning your eyes towards Semi who was fanning himself. One hand on his hip as he waits for you to finish what you were going to say. "...Semi-san why are you in a dress?"

Semi sighs as he snaps the fan close, rubbing his temples. "Trust me (Y/n), even I don't know"

"Hayato was supposed to be the one wearing it but it was too big, and Eita was the only one who could fit in it" Reon chuckled, as Semi smacked Tendou's hand who had started playing with his curled wig.

"Don't be too bummed out Eita, you look beautiful" Yamagata grinned, patting Semi on the back as the setter wacks him with the fan he's holding.

"Ushijima-san looks cool too"

You turn to look at Ushijima as Goshiko and Shirabu examine his costume with great interest. The armor he's wearing perfectly complementing his buff physique, making him look more like a Prince instead of a Knight.

"Prepare yourselves everyone, the show's about to start" one of the girls announced as the four of you walked out of the changing room to go back to your seats. Wishing them good luck for a successful performance.

Settling in your seats, the lights deemed down as the play starts.

«──────────── « ⋅ » ────────────»

"That was embarrassing" Semi grumbles, kneeling on the floor inside the changing room as he stares at the ground in dread. Kawanishi and Tendou's laugh could be heard from the back as they watched the videos the second year recorded.

The play ended up being a major success that somehow the crowd had wanted an encore, however there wasn't much time left so it had to improvise.

Apparently, Semi was very convincing as a girl because everyone started chanting for him and Ushijima to kiss. A sort of reward for how the knight saved the princess.

They really can't do anything about it so they complied, thankfully Ushijima was quite cunning. To save them both from any more embarrassment, he took hold of his waist, dipped him, and moved his face close enough to make it look like they were kissing.

"It's okay Semi-san, at least the show ended well" you tried comforting your devastated senior as he started talking to himself.

You let out a nervous laugh as you don't know what the hell happened to him, he sounds like a broken doll and somehow it was creeping you out.

"Let's go guys, time to get change" they followed after their classmate, as they dragged Semi along with them.

All four of you watched as the door slammed shut before taking out your phones, and started trading pictures and videos from the performance a while ago and some other shenanigans inside the dressing room.

Because as much as you love your senpais, you were not going to pass up an opportunity to get a copy of the Ushijima Wakatoshi slipping on a banana peel.

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