Let My Hands Do the Talking (...

By MoomooCooks

345K 12.4K 1.2K

A kiss, a touch, a feeling can sometimes speak louder than words. For Dylan that's very true since he can't t... More

Let My Hands Do the Talking
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 14

9.8K 380 24
By MoomooCooks

Chapter 14

When Liana woke up, once again she was in a room she didn't recognize.

The bed sheets that she is under is a warm yellow color with flowers on it. There is also flowers on the wall. The curtains are dark brown preventing the sun rays from beaming in.

She sat up slowly, feeling a slow ache zip up her body. Her chest cream is on the beside dresser next to her. Thank heavens!

Her lungs are burning. She rubbed the cool creme across her chest. That immediately caused her to breath less stressfully.

She is still in the clothes she wore yesterday. She hates sleeping in jeans. No wonder she didn't sleep comfortably.

She feels so icky. She didn't get the chance to bathe after her and Dylan messed around in the elevator. There's dirt on her pants and other stains. She definitely needs a shower.

The room is lovely. It feels like the perfect home and scenery of nature mixed into one. This is her dream room. This is the exact way she would have decorated it. Her old room in her apartment resembled this one.

She got up and made the bed up.

She padded softly out of the room. It's so quiet. She finds herself in the living room. The furniture is beautiful and seems unused.

She sees some stairs. It's dark up there but doesn't look scary so she goes up.

There are three bedroom up here. One looks like it has never been used. There's a bed with no sheets on it. Everything is white and the are no curtains in here.

The next room door is closed. On it is a picture of Devin smiling while wearing his swim trunks holding up two gold medals. He's smiling so big.

This must be Dylan's house. She should have known that, where else could she have been. That's why she feels safe and sound like this is where she belongs.

The last room is open and there he is. Dylan is sprawled out on his back with all of the covers kicked off of him.

He must be having the best dream ever. His member standing straight up at attention.

His face is relaxed. His dark hair is all over the place. He's only wearing a pair of boxers and socks.

She still can't believe they did what they did yesterday in the elevator. Her body shivers just from the memory of it.

She made all of the noise and did all of the verbal talking. How he communicated back to her was more erotic. His hands did all of the talking. He didn't have to say anything for his words to be heard.

His long fingers dances across her skin and sparked a fire in places that she didn't know could be sparked like that.

The drought is finally over. She got a lot of rain last night.

If she could lose herself like that and it was only a lot of kissing and touching, she can only imagine how it would be if they go all the way. She doesn't know if her body can take all of that immense pleasure.

She retreats from his room. She doesn't want to interrupt his sleeping. He needs his rest. He might have swim practice later.

Hold on, wait a minute. Swim?

Oh no! She's supposed to be at work today. She runs around as fast as she her chest will allow her searching for her bag. She finds it in the living room.

She pulls her phone out of it. She has a hundred missed calls from Chelsea. Literally. And even more messages.

All of them are mostly from Chels asking her if she is all right.

One of them is not from her though. Liana's hand begins to shake.

-Lee it's me. Mama. Honey please call me and let me know that you are okay. I want you to know that I love you. I didn't mean to do all of those hurtful things to you. I'm not like that anymore. I have changed. Will you please call me. Please.

And that's the end of the long text message. How in the hell did her mom get her number. That evil woman. Liana no longer wishes to even know her.

A knock sounded on the wall.

Liana felt her sole leave her body as she whipped around to fast. She had to clutch her bruised chest. It took a moment for her to calm her racing heart down. Why is she always startled so easily. She almost dropped her phone.

"Is everything all right?" Dylan signed with a look of worry on his face. He's still in his underwear and socks.

She clicked out of the message. She smiled nervously at him through the pain. "Yeah," her normal voice is back. "I was supposed to be at work this morning. I have to call Chelsea and let her know what's going on."

He knows she's lying to him about being okay. Does she not trust him enough to tell the truth. "Well I will be in the kitchen if you need me."

"Wait Dylan!" He stopped and turned back around. Wow he's so sexy in the morning is the first thought that crosses her mind. "Do you know what's going on. People are asking me if I'm okay."

His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "I don't know. Let me message Anthony back and see if I can find out." He left.

She called Chelsea. The call went straight to voicemail twice. She gave up.

She read the message from her mom again. She hasn't heard from her in almost two months and now she wants to call. It is a little to late for that. She can't just try to crawl back into her life like that. The question that is still in the air is: How did her mom get her number in the first place and who gave it to her? She must have been desperate to go through all those measures to find it.

Chelsea calls her back and she immediately answers. "Liana," she sniffles into the phone. "Is this you." She sounds like she's crying.

"Yes it's me Chels. What's wrong."

"Why haven't you returned my phone calls," she cries with anger layered into her tone. "Wait, I'm sorry. That was a dumb question don't answer that." She can pretty much guess why she wasn't able to answer the phone. "Are you okay?"

"Yes,"she said slowly. "Do you know about what happened to me."

"It's all over the news! They all keep playing the same video of you unconscious being carried out of the elevator by Dylan. They say that they don't know of your condition but it is believed to be critical. And then I go to Dylan's twitter and everyone is saying that you're dead. I guess it's true when people say you shouldn't believe everything the internet says."

Liana gasped. "Who would make up such a horrible lie."

"I don't know and what's crazier is that he has gained over 200k new followers since then. He's close to hitting million now. People are dying to figure out what's going on between you two."

That's a lot of people.

"I need to discuss this with Dylan."

"Are you still with him?"

"Yes I'm at his house. He didn't get the chance to take me home last night." She's so happy for that. She would hate for him to find out that she's homeless.

"Well I'll talk to my dad and let him know that you are okay while you do that."

"And can you also let him know that I am sorry for being late and that I will be at work this afternoon."

Liana walked into the living room.

Dylan is on FaceTime with Anthony. The tv is on also.

She is completely horrified at what she sees on the screen. Dylan with his shirt off is staggering out of the elevator with her limp body in her arms. He looks like he's about to drop her. I'm so fat. She didn't know that this is what happened.

He looks as if he's about to pass out himself, but still he's holding her. He didn't have to do that. There are people yelling question at him and taking pictures but know one bothers to help. What kind of animals are those people.

The video replays over and over. The headline "Dylan Reynolds and woman who has been identified as Brianna almost die in elevator." That title seems a bit extreme.

Who is Brianna. Great they got her name wrong. How did that happen.

"I want that video taken down." She's outraged that it's on the national news station.

Dylan understands her anger. He feels the exact same way. "It doesn't work like that. Now that it is out there is no chance at getting rid of it. Jasmine is thinking of ways to handle this."

"And can you tell to make sure the assholes get my name right. Where in the hell did they get Brianna from?"

Dylan gives Anthony a pointed look.

He laughs. "I'm sorry Bri-," he quickly cut off and cleared his throat when she glared at him. "I'm sorry I meant to say Liana. It's my fault and I'll get it straight with them."

She rolled her eyes at him and her attention went back to Dylan. "Do you mind if I take a shower here."

"You can use the one that is in my room. It's the last door to the left that is open."

Oh she knows where his room is at already. "And I think you need to check your twitter and update your status or whatever you do on that website." She has no clue because she doesn't have a page. "People are saying that I'm dead."

His eye visibly twitched when she said the 'd' word. He doesn't want to hear her ever say it again. He doesn't want to think about that.

He's tired of watching that damn video but he can't seem to get away from it. It's like a bad memory that won't go away.

Liana slowly retreated from the room when he turned the tv off and slammed the remote down on the counter breaking it. He's pissed.

He hung up on his cousin. He's just telling him what's going on. Dylan can't say anything back to him because he doesn't know sign language, and right now he doesn't feel like dealing with it. Every thing is frustrating him. Anthony will surely text him if he gets any new information.

He goes on his twitter. All he see is pictures of he and Liana coming off the elevator. The pictures have been edited in many different ways. Somehow they have found out her real name and they think she's dead.

Dylan grows angrier and post a very nice tweet despite wanting to say what he really wants to say: I would like to thank all of my fans and others who were concerned about my well being and sent me get well soon messages. I am okay and will be able to compete in this Saturday's meet.

Then he makes another post: I would personally like everyone to know that my friend Liana Michaels is fine, alive and breathing. You can't always trust a rumor.

Then he logs out. He's tired of all these people being in his business.

He gets a text from Jasmine.

-Dylan you have to make a live appearance on one of the news networks. The demand is high and so many people want answers. The news anchors will come to you so you don't have to worry about traveling. I have also set a conference call with the owner of the hotel at four o'clock. He wants to apologize to you and Liana so be sure that she is with you."

-When is this live appearance, he texts back.


-I'm not doing any appearances today. I have a meet tomorrow. I will be practicing and I won't stop just so some silly reporter can get their viewers ranking up for the day.

He doesn't feel like doing anything that is unnecessary. He has already wasted enough time. He needs to practice because this meet is very important. The Olympic trials are coming up soon and he needs to show that he is more than ready for them.

Jasmine texts him back.

-You have to.

-You're a pretty smart woman. I think that you know that that won't happen no matter what you or anyone else says.

-I'll figure something out.

Then she sends him angry emoji faces.

He knows that she is mad that he isn't cooperating but he doesn't care. Nothing comes in between him and his swimming-

"Dylan!!!," Liana yells, interrupting his thoughts.

He drops what he's doing to see what she wants. He ran up the stairs as fast as he could.

He goes into his room and immediately the smell of his shower gel wafts up his nose.

Her blonde hair is in a top bun. She has obviously just gotten out of the shower. Her face is flushed from all of the steam.

She has only her head poking out of the door. "Do you have a towel that I can use?" she sweetly ask.

He smiles and then his eyes darken. She's naked and wet and the only thing that shields her is the door. He could so easily open it. He's been itching to see her body. He only has an image of what his imagination has made up after feeling every inch of her most private parts.

"Dylan," she snapped him out of his daze. "Can I get a towel please. I'm getting cold in here," she laughs.

He shakes his head to clear his thoughts. "Their in the closet in there."

"Thanks," she says before slamming the door shut. "Why are your towel so big. It fits like a warm blanket on me. I didn't know that you could by these things in a extra large."

He chuckles silently and take a seat on the edge of his bed. There's something special about that girl in his bathroom. He wants her more than he has ever wanted anyone.

He knows that he should be at swim practice right now but he's not going there until he's sure that she is all right. He feels like it's his duty to watch over her.

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