The Raging Wildcat {1} (Catma...

By IAmVee1234

31.4K 758 187

~UNDER EDITING~ What would happen if the Scooby Gang had a sixth member? Rory Archer travels with her friend... More

Forward - "The Raging Wildcat"
Prologue- "Where Are You From?"
Cast- "The Faces"
Chapter 1- "We Made It!"
Chapter 2- "Daphne Made Me Do It!"
Chapter 3- "Mission Sneak"
Chapter 4- "Every Band Needs a Hobby"
Chapter 5- "Ah-hah! I Got It!"
Chapter 6- "Where's the Little Miss?"
Chapter 8- "Have Fun, You Two"
Chapter 9- "That's the Best Part"
Chapter 10- "It's Time, Little Heathen"
Chapter 11- "Bring It, Baggy Clothes!"
Chapter 12- "You Will Not Succeed"
Chapter 13- "That Little Doll of Yours"
Chapter 14- "Are They Worthy?"
Chapter 15- "Have It Your Way"
Chapter 16- "Is There Something On My Face?"
Chapter 17- "Oh Great, More Babysitting"
Chapter 18- "Can't. Breathe."
Chapter 19- "We Are In This Together"
Chapter 20- "Good Try, Buddy"
Chapter 21 - "Curse You, KISS!"
Chapter 22- "Like a Marshmallow"
Chapter 23- "Catch!"
Chapter 24- "I Promise"
Epilogue- "Kitten?"

Chapter 7- "Go Get Her, Wildcat"

1.3K 26 7
By IAmVee1234

It didn't take Rory long to locate Shaggy and Scooby. Their voices could be heard loud and clear over the noises of the park. That's one of the many, many reasons why Rory liked hanging around the two so much. They beat to the sound of their own drums, not caring what people thought about them. They were free to be as boisterous and as silly as they wished, not having any one's expectations of how they should act hovering over them and holding them down.

Rounding the corner, Rory saw that Shaggy and Scooby had their backs facing her as they were leaving an ice cream stand. They were goofing around, as usual, and were totally oblivious to the set of eyes watching them.


In stealth mode, Rory quickly sneaks up behind the two. She took great care to stay on her tiptoes and not scrape her feet against the asphalt. Inch by inch, Rory got closer and closer to her two unsuspecting victims. She was vaguely aware that Shaggy held not one ice cream cone, but two. She was not going to lose sight of her mission, though, so she dismissed the mystery of the extra dessert.

After a careful approach, Rory had finally reached Shaggy and Scooby. She may or may not have done a ninja move or two on her way. Her eyes darted between the boys, thinking on the spot on how to execute her plan. Her lips curled into a grin as she thought of the perfect idea. Quick as lightning or a cheetah, Rory popped up between the two boys with a shrill scream.

She could have sworn that the souls of the two boys momentarily left their bodies. In turn, they could have sworn that they have lost their eardrums completely. They quickly realized who the culprit was, though, when they heard the well known cackles coming from the girl. Rory was now doubled over with uncontrollable laughter bubbling out of her.

"Not cool man! I almost dropped these ice cream cones!" Shaggy exclaimed.

"Rea, rot cool Rory," Scooby added, trying his best to give the girl a scolding glare. It didn't last long, though. They couldn't stay mad at the brunette for any extended period of time.

Shaggy bumped his shoulder against her when she could stand upright again and handed Rory an ice cream cone. He had snagged one for Rory earlier, knowing she would turn up sooner or later. Rory was pleased to see he got her a single scoop of strawberry, her absolute favorite. Shaggy and Scooby both had three scoops each. The three friends continued walking though the park, chatting with each other happily.

"We will have this case licked in no time!" Shaggy exclaimed as they were entering back into the section of the park that housed the amusement rides. To add emphasis, he gave his ice cream a great, big lick.

"Rea!" Scooby replied.

Rory's attention had been snagged by a particular ride coming up in front of them. Shaggy noticed and decided to humor her and at least get her on one ride, seeing as she hasn't been on one the whole night. He and Scooby had already been on several. "Maybe we should investigate the Rocking Flume," he suggested to the other two.

Rory's eyes lit up, and with a whoop she grabbed Shaggy's hand to drag him over to the entrance ride. He gave out a string of laughter as he was dragged along behind her, with Scooby following closely behind. The trio slowed down and walked up to a cut-out of the Demon, which was used to measure the heights of any riders.

"Your tongue must be this long to ride this ride," Shaggy read off of the sign. Rory and Shaggy proceeded to stick out their tongue, imitating the Demon. They were momentarily discouraged and their shoulders dropped in unison since their tongues were no where near the length of the Demon's. Suddenly, Scooby's tongue came out of nowhere and nabbed both Shaggy and Rory's scoops of ice cream from their cones at the same time.

Rory looked forlornly down at her cone that was now empty with a pout.

"Hey!" Shaggy exclaimed angrily. Shaggy doesn't share food........

Shaggy hurriedly eats his now empty cone before Scooby could get ahold of it as well, and Rory just tosses hers over her shoulders to Scooby to eat. The cone is nothing without ice cream inside of it. Instead it's just a cold, sugar coated, desolate shell.

"Looks like your tongue is long enough to get all three of us on this ride." Shaggy ushered Rory and Scooby into the ride.

After swatting at Shaggy a few times after he had pushed her past the entrance, Rory took a moment to get a better look at what was inside.
It wasn't much to look at, just a few wooden boats that lay in a lazy river. It was dark inside due to the ride being cut off at the moment, and the lazy river led to an even darker tunnel.

Shaggy, trying to be optimistic, told his friends "Ah, it's like the perfect park day. No lines, no operator." His monologue was cut short though, when something in the nearby supply closet caught his attention.

The three friends looked on as red smoke poured through the doorway. They could also hear a cacophony of objects being harshly tossed around, some even flying out of the closet.

With a collective 'huh,' and side glances at one another, the trio moved closer to the supply closet in curiosity.

Rory ran straight into a powerfully strong smell that could only be compared to a wall of rotten eggs. Rory hastily through her hands up over her nose in an attempt to block out the disgusting smell. Shaggy and Scooby had made similar attempts.

"P.U., like what died in here," Shaggy exclaimed while he fanned the air in front of him, which didn't do anything due to how potent the smell was.

What was at first curiosity turned to fear. Rory's eyes almost bugged out of her head when she saw what was making all of the commotion in the supply closet.

"Give. Me. Rock!"

None other than the Crimson Witch walked through the doorway and straight into the faces of the three friends. Watching her on the surveillance screen was one thing, but standing face to face with her was another.

As soon as the Witch approaches them, the trio lets out screams in terror. The Witch towered over them, and she was one of the most terrifying beings that they had ever come face to face with. And they have met a lot of scary monsters.

In unison, Shaggy, Scooby, and Rory start scrambling backwards, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the Witch as possible. They were not paying a bit of attention, though, as to where they were going. In their haste to escape, Shaggy bumped into the control panel for the ride and flipped the main switch.

The ride suddenly came to life. Rory hardly paid attention to the lights that flickered on, the water that started flowing and moving, and the speakers that started blasting KISS's song "Shout it Out Loud."

The frightened trio did not stop moving backwards until they came to a sudden halt when all three fell into one of the wooden boats. Rory and Scooby were the first to land in the boat, with Shaggy instantly following. Unfortunately for Shaggy, he fell straight on top of Rory.

She shoved him up and to the side, him landing with a huge thump, as she frantically searched to where the Witch had gotten off to. The boat they had crash landed in had started moving down the lazy river. Rory watched with fearful eyes as the Witch jumped into the next boat in the queue and started following after them.

Scooby placed his paw on Rory's arm to get her attention, and started pointing ahead of them. She watched as they got closer and closer to a huge replica of the Demon's head.

Rory held on tightly to the boat as the Demon's tongue picked up the boat from underneath, higher and higher until the boat tipped forwards and slid down into the mouth of the ride. The chute gained high speed as it propelled them further into the ride.

As quickly as it started, the downwards drop stopped. The trio forgot all about the Witch as they looked around at where they had ended up. They had arrived in a cavern. Rory was starstruck as she watched replicas of Starchild and the Spaceman play guitar riffs. Hundreds of guitars also lined every inch of the surrounding walls. It was one of the most beautiful places Rory had ever seen.

All three were abruptly brought back to reality when a ball of smoking red matter narrowly missed their heads. The Witch had made it into the cavern herself, and she was not letting the trio get away from her easily.

The Crimson Witch then was able to make red bats materialize out of thin air. These bats were her own little echo-location led army. They swooped down on the boat that the trio was in. Rory ducked down in the boat to avoid her head getting lobbed off by the massive bats as Scooby and Shaggy had managed to grab guitars from off the walls of the cavern. With the guitars, the boys were able to smash each bat, them disappearing into a cloud of red smoke.

By this time the Witch had completely caught up with the boat. In a moment of sheer luck, the trio's boat plummets down another chute, much like the first, leaving the Witch in the dust before she could get her hands on any of the three.

Rory noticed then that they had landed in a completely different cavern. This one contained a massive replica of the Catman and his infamous guitar setup. Rory couldn't help but giggle despite the predicament they were in when confetti was blasted into their faces to the beat of one of the drums. The colors of the confetti fell around them, feeling like a dream. The boys sported equally as joyful expression on their faces at their surroundings.

The joy quickly turned into panic though when they approached the next part of the ride. Holding on to each other and blubbering, the three friends awaited their doom as the boat floated closer and closer to a river of fire pouring from the mouth of another Demon head replica.

Just before they were burned to a crisp, the river of fire disappeared, and the trio passed safely into the last part of the ride. Well, almost safely. The Witch had thrown more red spheres at them and luckily missed.

The boat plummets down the last chute, which was longer and faster than the previous ones. Tears formed in Rory's eyes from the sheer speed. Finally, the boat came to an abrupt stop. The three were elated that they had finally reached the end to the ride of their lives.

Shaggy gives a thumbs up to his two companions, ecstatic and relived that they had made it all the way through. They could not celebrate for long, though, as the Witch also reached the end of the ride. She was hot on their tails as the friends start running across several wooden boats and back out into the open air of the park.

For a moment, Rory thought that they had left the Witch behind. Suddenly, she grabbed Shaggy and Scooby while rooting her feet to the ground to bring them all to a screeching halt. The Witch had appeared in front of them, effectively cutting them off from their dash to freedom. Out of thin air, the Crimson Witch grabs a scythe. Rory did not want to know what that scythe could do, so she turned tail the other way along with her two friends and hauled butt.

The three see a swing ride ahead of them, and as if they were of one mind, jumped as high as they possibly could to reach a swing. They held on as tight as they could, now dangling several feet in the air. Rory looked on in despair as the Witch now revealed that she could fly. With her scythe, she slashed in a downwards motion towards the hanging friends and cuts the swing in half, causing them to fall.

Their streak of luck seemed to continue as they landed safely into a container of KISS bunnies. Using the moment to catch their breaths, the teens didn't notice until it was too late that the Witch had bewitched the KISS bunnies to spring to life. The trio were able to make it out of the container, but they were not fast enough. The bunnies had managed to break the glass around the container and attack the three friends, bringing them to the ground.

In a moment of fearlessness, Shaggy, Scooby, and Rory were able to fight back and kick fluffy bunny butts. They could not ward them off forever, though. With each bunny that they took down, another would take its place. Shaggy noticed a cable above their heads, and came up with a plan to get away. He grabbed a bunny, and made sure Rory did the same, before he grabbed Scooby and started zip lining to freedom. Rory was right behind him as she quickly followed his lead.

In a last ditch effort, the Witch cut the line, causing them to go flying towards a barrel ride. While Scooby and Shaggy landed in a barrel, Rory landed hard on the ground, rolling to a stop beside the panel that operated the ride.

The Crimson Witch seemed to be having fun, turning the chase into a game of cat and mouse. She aimed her powers at the operator's panel, turning on the ride, as she jumped into a barrel that was not occupied by the fearful boys. Trying to get a good hit in, the Witch attempted to chop the boys in half as they spun towards and away from her in the barrels.

By this time Rory had managed to get her feet back under her and noticed her two friends in danger. She quickly reached the panel that controlled the ride and frantically started to pull at the off switch so that she could get her friends off the ride. Unfortunately, the Witch had noticed Rory and slashed her weapon at the small girl, cutting the panel in half and almost getting Rory as well.

Rory was thrown back from the sheer force of the Witch's swing, and didn't notice the four figures that had arrived on a nearby rooftop, moments from jumping in to stop the Witch from harming their newfound friends.

Shaggy, though, who had already been looking up in concern for his brunette friend that had narrowly escaped death, noticed the new arrivals.

"Guys look, it's KISS!" Shaggy exclaimed to Rory and Scooby.

Looking up, Rory locked her eyes onto the KISS band who stood in a row, with faces of pure determination, and looking down onto the scene at the barrel ride. While she felt a sense of relief at knowing someone had finally arrived to help, she noticed the band members started developing ethereal glows about them.

Each KISS band member had their own color glow surrounding their bodies. Starchild was surrounded by one of the most vibrant shades of purple that Rory had ever seen. Likewise, the Spaceman shimmered from a bright, light blue. The Demon seemed to flare as a supernova with his flow of a bright red. Lastly, Rory saw that the Catman shone with a vivid hue of green. That same green color reflected in his eyes when they latched onto Rory's. For a moment, she was trapped within Catman's gaze as they focused specifically on her. She knew then that she was looking into the most stunning pair of eyes that she will ever see in her life.

She was startled out of her locked gaze with Catman when the Demon suddenly landed with great force on the ground, shooting a massive amount of fire from his mouth. Rory could have sworn she felt the earth beneath her feet shake.

Catman landed near the Demon. The force of his landing was so great that is caused pillars of rock to jut from the ground. Much like the Demon, Catman was using a show of his powers to intimidate the witch. He used his sharp claws to cut straight through the pillars of rock.

Starchild arrived next, shooting lasers in the shape of stars from his special eye. Spaceman also arrived next to Starchild, using his powers to control electrical currents that zipped through the air around him.

Shaggy and Rory were frozen, standing in cheerful awe at the band before them.

Scooby was equally as impressed, happily claiming that "KISS has super powers" while his tail wagged behind him.

The barrel ride was still spinning with the Witch, Shaggy, and Scooby being whirled around inside. The Spaceman decided it was quite time for the ride to stop, so he sent some of his electrical currents into the machine, causing it to come to an instantaneous stop.

The Crimson Witch was furious. He turned her sights to Rory, who stood seemingly unprotected on the outside of the ride. In a swift movement, she launches into the air and towards the brunette. Rory could not do anything as the Witch quickly approached her.

Unbeknownst to the Witch and Rory, a certain someone was carefully watching over everything happening around the petite girl. He saw what the Witch was planning to do, and jumped into action to protect the girl at all costs.

Catman vaults through the air to intercept the Witch's path to Rory. In one swift swipe of his claws, the Witch'a scythe is severed into two. Catman lands next to Rory, quickly facing her and  grabbing her hand into his to assure himself that she was alright.

Rory was in so much shock at all that was going on, but she was enraptured to see how much Catman was concerned for her well-being in the midst of it all. She gave his hand a slight squeeze, and nodded her head towards the action that was still taking place.

With a warm smile, she ushered "go get her, wildcat." 

Content with Rory being safe and unharmed, Catman mirrored her smile right before jumping back into the fray.

The Demon shot a wave of fire toward the Witch, completely disintegrating the two halves of the scythe. Without a weapon, the Witch tried to fly away, but Starchild sends his ray of stars her way, cutting her off. The Witch had nowhere else to run.

With an expression full of malice and loathing on her face, the Witch declares "you'll never stop me!" With no other choice, the Witch disappears into a cloud of red smoke, abandoning her pursuit of Shaggy, Scooby, and Rory.

Before Rory could approach the band, KISS suddenly fly away with haste without warning. Just as soon as KISS disappears into the night, Daphne, Fred, and Velma come shooting around a corner and running towards the trio that still remained.

"We heard the commotion. Are you guys ok?" Fred inquires as soon as they reach the other half of their gang. Fred noticed Rory looking around, trying to find something.

Before he could ask her if she had lost anything, Shaggy and Scooby come tumbling off of the drum ride.

"Hey man, did anyone catch the license plate number on that witch?" Shaggy slurs as he and Scooby reach Fred. Without warning, the two boys faint, crashing right into Fred. They had gotten a little too dizzy in the time they had been stuck on the drum ride. Putting KISS to the back of her mind for the time being, Rory turns her concentration to her two unconscious friends.

☾・゚*:✧⋆.☾ ⋆✧・*:☾⋆・゚:✧⋆*.☾・゚:✧⋆*.☾

I have a serious question for you my dudes.

Should I change this to a y/n story?

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