Female Beerus X Saiyan Male |...

By ShawnCoolFnia

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None Descript For now More

Chapter 0 | The Nick Of Time
Chapter 1 | Long Lost Warrior
Chapter 3 | Display Of Strength
You guys actually want me to continue this?
Chapter 4 | In Seducing Strength
Chapter 5 | Wait Is She?!
Chapter 6 | High Stakes?
Chapter 7 | Feels Like I'm Alive
Chapter 8 | Make That Kitty Cat Purrr~
Story Suggestion

Chapter 2 | Surprise Visit

6.6K 111 109
By ShawnCoolFnia

Epileptic/flashing Gif warning

---3 Weeks Later---

---Beerus Dream Pov---

"This is really all you've got Goku? I expected more from a Super Saiyan God" I complain, relaxed and confident, knowing the battle was over, and clear to express this. I stare out at him out cold and floating in the drift of space with me. "KAMEHAME!!!!" A roaring authoritarian growls out bellow us; I widen my eyes and dart my gaze to bellow us on time to see a rageful Leon unleashing a Kameha wave towards me. "HAAAAAA!" He thunders out thrusting his arms ahead and I take notice to the wild in his eyes, the form he was in and the intensity of his blast compared to the last time.

As the blast races towards me, I realize how intense the blast was going to be, and I begin to block with panic on my face. As the Blast arrives everything fades to bright white, and I regain feeling in my body. The world slowly fades to my bed, and I stand on my hands and knees atop the bed, I look back and see an undressing Leon, I bit at my lower lip and Blush hard. "My Lady? My lady wakes up" Whis speaks to me, as the dream fades to black, and I begin to wake highly annoyed to be waken from such an incredible dream only when it was getting good!

---Leon Pov---

I grunt and tsk striking at Android 18, who dodges, and blocks me with ease. I was fighting with a quarter of my base power, purposely putting myself at a major disadvantage to grow stronger faster and have a more intense training session. "YRAAAGH!" I roar in a warrior's voice, striking with all I had to give in this state of power, I fail to land the strike, but turn into a after image, reappearing alongside her I spin low and kick her legs out from under her. She spins around and goes into a flat spin and drop kicks me atop the left shoulder forcing me atop the ground into a body shaped crater I bounce off the ground chest first and she attempts to kick me into the air like a ball. I blast a ki blast into her leg and the small explosion forces me away a few yards, I spin and summer salt into a controlled landing sliding to a stop atop my feet. I get into a aggressive stance, holding a fist back and another fist sideways to my chest. 

"You're focusing to much on fighting in a unnatural way, you're trying to make a combo out of situations that don't work. That after image attack only works when someone's on the attack, or someone who wouldn't expect it, you've done it to many times today for me not to see right through it. You need to figure out new combinations and attack patterns that aren't predictable Son" She picks at my style and style of fighting. I agree with her inside my head. She's got it right. I've got to switch things up and stop doing the same old same old. "Right, then I'll change things up, and put a twist on my style, till I can find a style that suits me." I tell her, prepared to experiment with my style out of the gates. She gestures with her hand to come at her. I dash full speed towards her head on. I don't strike at her and after image into her, then do it again from the left, and right side at the same time I'm leaving small unnoticed highly compressed Ki around her. 

As the real me strike at her head on she blocks my punch, grabs my arm and kicks me away with a spin kick to the center mass. tossing me away. I roll into a ball and spin in the air and open my arms wide and feet too as I face her again and fire a blast towards her, and as I do the Ki around her erupts exploding and blinding her, and hopefully throwing her off balance. the blast I fired hits it's mark inside the smoke and makes an even bigger eruption. I slam my boots into the ground tilling dirt to a stop. Dashing out of the smoke she charges at me, on the attack. I stomp a foot forward, and light erupts around my feet as Ki erupts from them to boost my force speed, and grip of the earth bellow. I lunge forwards with small explosions erupts beneath my feet and sending me utterly thundering to meet mom. We slam arms forearms against each other causing a Ki clash in between them that was creating sparks of electricity around our arms. 

Forming a blast in my off hand I act like I'm going to slam it into her, she forms a blast to cancel out my own, and before they touch, I close my hand and cause mine to erupt into a decent sized explosion. Sending us both sliding away with a furious force. Leaping away towards the sky mom fires down a barrage of blasts, endlessly firing these yellow ki blasts, having unlimited energy being an Android made for a relentless barrage of Ki at her disposal. I grind to a halt, and instantly leap left, dodging a blast, then roll back to avoid another. more splash around me, and I have to weave out the way of three, and with my forearm slapping away one, I lunge forward speed vanishing in a forwards Zig zag springing with full speed to close distant, avoiding, dodging, and avoiding the blasts as they rain down around me. Seeing that I was making it through with relative ease she fires more rapidly but has less powerful blasts per blast as a result. despite the down sides there was far too many now for me to simply avoid anymore nor our run. I cross my arms into a X raise it in front my face and chest and charge through the blasts blocking them from vitals!

I form a plan as I find smoke and dust piling up in the tracks, I leave behind me, and around me from result of blocking attacks instead of finding a way to deflect or avoid them out right, and my vision becomes useless to me, not idea for fighting against an unsensible android like mom! I jump high out of the splash zone giving myself a moment to act outside the attack! "HAAAAAA!" I roar thrusting a hand back charging a swift energy beam of yellow and thrusting it out towards mom unleashing a relatively strong beam of ki at her. She fires one back in response, and upon colliding with each other they explode. Charging a Kameha wave I race into the smoke hiding my ki entirely, and silently charge the blast to a ready state, as the smoke clears around us, she finds herself point blank to a Kameha wave ready to rock at her. Using my speed, I create afterimages of me and my prepared Kameha position all around her, making it look as if 20 of me were surrounding her with the blast at the ready. "Hmp, that style is a bit sloppy, needs some work, but with some work, I'd say it'll do you some good as a fighter in the long term. Keep practicing and exploring styles of fighting it's good to be fluent in multiple fighting style to mash them up into one unbelievably intense style of combat" Mom tells me, knowing she lost the sparing match, and that it was over now. I lower my hands and the blue Orb of Ki vanishes into the air. I lower my power smile at mom.

Overhead an asteroid, or ship of some kind thrashes through the sky, in the distance crashing atop the Earth. "Leon! We got a situation!" Denda warns me telepathically from the lookout. Mom and I look out at the far-off direction the object had raced towards, blank for a moment, slowly growing a look of this aery serious, and passively concerned look. "Was was that?" Mom asks me, not getting word from Denda as of yet. "Denda, any idea what that was?" I ask him telepathically he had a good view over the Earth. "Looks like an old Saiyan pod like what Vegeta arrived on Namek with way back in the day, I've got the others on high alert, and some are on their way, Mister Popo is going to retrieve Goku and Vegeta from the time chamber as we speak in case they are needed. You should head out to the crash site and see what's up before the others arrive" Denda informs me, I nod and look to my mother with a look she'd recognized as one of those situations unfolding. "It's a old Saiyan Pod, you should head home and protect Marron, Denda informed the others and wants me to head out ahead of them to get the scope of things." I inform her, she gives me a caring worried look. "Saiyan pod. . . Promise me you'll be safe out there" She asks of me being worried like a mother does for her son. "I always am." I respond erupting to full power base form getting a silver aura. Turning away, I fly into the distance at high speeds towards the crash site.

---Arc: Unwelcome Addition---

There's the saiyan pod, looks like whoever or whatever has left, they didn't land long ago, so they couldn't have gotten far! I look around floating high above the crater site scanning over the area both visually, and via energy sense for someone with an unusually high level of power compared to the rest of the planet nearby. My search is cut short by the eruption of some explosive source in a open field just beyond a tree line not far from the crash site. Darting my gaze towards the area I focus on energies in the location and pinpoint them, doing so I float down beyond the tree line landing behind the occupant of the pod seeing a field tractor has been tossed away by the explosion and siting on its side with the driver hiding behind the safety of the overturned tractor from the occupant. "Huh?" They woman in question notices either by ear of my landing, or by other means, me, and glances over her shoulder towards me. with her arms crossed. I stare down at her waist recognizing a saiyan tail wrapped around it. As if that wasn't a dead giveaway, old saiyan armor like what Vegeta wears, but outdated was worn on this woman, she wore a scouter to top it off. "Farmer, I'd suggest fleeing far from here for a while." I thoughtfully inform/warn of him, he wastes no time turning and racing away towards a safe distance and never seems to stop to look back again in his fleeing.

She appears to scoff at my attire, slowly scanning her eyes over my head, shoulders, clothes, and then darting her gaze where it remained on my tail around the waist. With this her eyes widen for a moment in shock, then this look of serious nature washes over her face. "A saiyan. . . Could you be him..." She mutters beneath her breath, turning herself towards me slowly. "A female saiyan. . ." I mumble with equal shock as she'd expressed. But no moment of seriousness washes over me in the moment like it had her. "Leon!!!" Krillin/Dad shouts coming in and landing with Piccolo, Gohan, and Tien with him. "So. . . it is a saiyan" Gohan comments with passive surprise in his tone. Him landing beside me and Piccolo beside him. The scouter on her face begins to beep and display numbers all around it as they entered view, displaying different sets of numbers when the beeping had stopped. "Leon?" The Saiyan mumbles with confusion. "That's no Saiyan name. . ." She continues silently keeping to herself. "So, is she a friend or foe?" Krillin/dad asks of me, hoping I'd gotten that far with intel bends I had arrived first. "No idea. . . I didn't get to speak with her yet." I admit to him, intern to the rest as well. "Hey! Who are you?" I begin with a tone of curiosity, then finish off with a tone of concern. "What brought you to Earth?" She stares at the others, seeming fascinated with Gohan and Piccolo. "Another Saiyan without a tail . . . and a Namekian. . . How strange" She mumbles, for a moment I'd believed she'd ignored me all together then she spoke. Looking directly at me. "My name is Fasha! I've came here in search of my baby! His name is Negi! Have any of you seen him!?" I ponder for a moment wondering why it sounded familiar, but couldn't put my finger on why, or how. 

"No. . . I can't say we have" Tien answers her Krillin puts his hand out in front Tien and seems seriously onto something. "Wait! You baby, how long ago was Negi sent to Earth?" He asks sounding to be onto something. . . but what? "19 years ago to the day, do you know where he is!?" She asks with hope in her tone, hoping to be reunited with her lost child. Tien, Piccolo, and Gohan look at me, slowly dad does too with them all seeming to connect the dots that I wasn't connecting myself. They all had the same discovery look of shock. Then it clicks, the only reason they'd be looking at me after that conversation. "Hold on! I've only been on this planet for 19 years. . ." I realize aloud with a booming tone of clarity and realization! "That means. . ." Krillin starts as he looks slowly towards the Saiyan who listens deeply. "She's, his mother!" Krillin booms Fasha seems flustered for a moment having heard the situation at hand. As was I, unsure how to feel about finally meeting my biological mother after all these years, should I be emotional? I. . . don't feel emotional. . . after all she was more like a stranger to me right now than anything else. But still, I show a lot of shock, disbelief, and above all, confliction of what emotions to express visually, and verbally. "M-Mom. . ." I studder with confliction inside.


After the mystery of Fasha's son and Leon's true mother had been solved, the Present Z Fighters witness the catching up, and getting to know of the boy's mother, as the two bond passively and learn about each other's pasts and experiences through the time they've been separated. The two seem like polar opposites to the Z Fighters who see that Fasha is more of a aggressive, straight forward, Saiyan who sugar coats nothing, embracing the Saiyan qualities that they are known for having. Whilst somehow Leon/Negi is considerably gentle in comparison. Hours pass before the mention of Super Saiyan is made, the mention of his ability to had achieved such an accomplishment sparks his mother's attention fully, and leads to the two accepting a sparring match between each other to test the others abilities, Fasha secretly believing her son's claims to be false, truly believing super saiyan to be a made up foek tail by the race as simply legend, expects to overpower her son in the match to come being older and in her mind having fight far more hardships then him, but not knowing all his stories yet would not know that he too had experienced hard ships of his own.

---End Of Chapter 2---

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